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diff --git a/doc/kspaceduel/Makefile.am b/doc/kspaceduel/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..368fc0da --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/kspaceduel/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + +KDE_DOCS = AUTO +KDE_LANG = en + diff --git a/doc/kspaceduel/index.docbook b/doc/kspaceduel/index.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2d3cc2b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/kspaceduel/index.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,659 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [ + <!ENTITY kappname "&kspaceduel;"> + <!ENTITY package "kdegames"> + <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here --> + <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> +]> + +<book lang="&language;"> +<bookinfo> +<title>The &kspaceduel; Handbook</title> + +<authorgroup> +<author> +<firstname>Andreas </firstname> +<surname>Zehender</surname> +<affiliation> +<address><email>az@azweb.de</email></address> +</affiliation> +</author> +</authorgroup> +<!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> + +<copyright> +<year>1999</year><year>2000</year> +<holder>Andreas Zehender</holder> +</copyright> + +<legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice> + +<date>2003-09-17</date> +<releaseinfo>1.1</releaseinfo> + +<abstract> +<para>&kspaceduel; is an space arcade game. </para> +<para>Two ships fly around the sun and try to shoot eachother.</para> +</abstract> + + +<keywordset> +<keyword>Space duel</keyword> +<keyword>KDE</keyword> +<keyword>game</keyword> +<keyword>ships</keyword> +<keyword>shooting</keyword> +</keywordset> + +</bookinfo> + +<chapter id="introduction"> +<title>Introduction</title> + +<para>&kspaceduel; is an space arcade game for two players.</para> + +<para>Each player controls a ship that flies around the sun and tries to shoot +at the other ship. You can play &kspaceduel; with another person, against the +computer, or you can have the computer control both ships and play each +other.</para> + +</chapter> + +<chapter id="the-game"> +<title>The Game</title> +<para>The idea of the game is simple (but addictive). You try to destroy your opponent before he destroys you.</para> +<para>Be careful not to hit the sun.</para> +<sect1 id="rules-of-the-game"> +<title>Rules of the Game</title> +<sect2 id="ship-movement"> +<title>Ship Movement</title> +<para>Each player controls one ship. </para> +<para>The ships can rotate, accelerate, shoot and lay mines.</para> +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="energy"> +<title>Energy</title> + +<para>Each ship has an amount of energy (refer to the game +options for values). </para> + +<para>Ships need energy for rotation, acceleration, shooting and laying mines. A +ship gets energy from its solar panels. The amount of energy a ship gets depends +on the distance from and direction to the sun. A ship gets more energy near the +sun and less energy near the border. It gets the full amount of energy if the +sun shines directly on the panels and less or even no energy if the sun shines +at an angle to the panel or to the side of the panel.</para> + +<para>If a ship has no energy it can't navigate or shoot. </para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="hit-points"> +<title>Hit points</title> + +<para>Collisions with own or other bullets or mines decrease the hit points of a +ship. If two ships collide, the weaker ship is destroyed and the hit points of +the stronger ship are decreased by the hit points of the weaker ship plus an +amount (Crash Damage). A ship is destroyed when it flies into the sun.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="bullets-and-mines"> +<title>Bullets and Mines </title> + +<para>Bullets fly around the sun like a ship. </para> + +<para>Mines have an amount of energy to stay at the same position. When the +energy is spent, the mine falls into the sun. Mines near the sun need more +energy than those which are further away. </para> + +<para>Mines can be destroyed with bullets. </para> + +<para>By default a ship can have 5 bullets and 3 mines on the screen. </para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="powerups"> +<title>Powerups</title> + +<para>From time to time powerups appear on the play field.</para> + +<para>There are four different powerups:</para> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term>Mine</term> +<listitem><para>The maximum number of mines is increased for the +player.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term>Bullet</term> +<listitem><para>The maximum number of bullets is increased for the +player.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term>Energy (yellow sphere)</term> +<listitem><para>The player gets energy.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term>Shield (blue sphere)</term> +<listitem><para>The player gets hit points</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="screen"> +<title>The &kspaceduel; screen</title> + +<screenshot> +<screeninfo>&kspaceduel; Main Screen</screeninfo> +<mediaobject> +<imageobject><imagedata fileref="kspaceduel3.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject> +<textobject><phrase>&kspaceduel; Main Screen</phrase></textobject> +</mediaobject> +</screenshot> + +<para>You can see that the central part of the &kspaceduel; screen is the playing +area. To the left and the right are the Red Player's and the Blue Player's +stats.</para> +<para>The top box on the player stats, represents the <quote>Hit Points</quote> of the +craft.</para> +<para>The middle box on the player stats, represents the battery power.</para> +<para>The bottom box on the player stats, shows the number of wins.</para> +<para>The top of the playing area is occupied by the menubar and toolbar.</para> +<para>The bottom of the playing area is the status bar.</para> + +</sect2> +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="options"> +<title>Game Options</title> + +<para>&kspaceduel; has many, many options you can adjust to increase the enjoyment +of this game.</para> + +<para>Configuration is divided into two sections:</para> + +<itemizedlist> +<listitem><para><link linkend="options-keys">Player Keys</link></para></listitem> +<listitem><para><link linkend="options-configurations">Game Settings</link></para></listitem> +</itemizedlist> + +<sect2 id="options-keys"> +<title>Keys</title> + +<para>&kspaceduel; has a default set of keys to control the game. For a list of +default keys see the section entitled <link linkend="keys">Default key +bindings</link>.</para> + +<para>Keys can be configured by: </para> + +<para>Selecting <menuchoice> <guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure +Shortcuts...</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> from the menubar.</para> + +<para>This will bring up a dialog box which lets you configure all hotkeys, +including the keys used for steering the space ships, for firing bullets, and +for laying mines.</para> + +<para>You can see that each player (Red and Blue), have 5 keystrokes +corresponding to Rotate Left, Rotate Right, Accelerate, Shot, and Mines.</para> + +<para>When you are finished configuring your keys, you should click on +<guibutton>OK</guibutton> to apply your changes.</para> + +<para>If you want to restore the default keys, simply click on the +<guibutton>Default</guibutton> button once. To make these changes permenant, +press <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para> + +<para>If you want to abandon the changes you made, and return to your previously +selected keys, simply click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton>, and your changes +will be lost.</para> +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="options-configurations"> +<title>Game Configuration</title> + +<para>All game settings of &kspaceduel; are configurable.</para> + +<para>If you want to change the game settings, simply select +<menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure &kspaceduel;...</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> from the menubar.</para> + +<para>This will bring up a dialog box with two pages, labelled +<guilabel>General</guilabel> and <guilabel>Game</guilabel>. The first page +is rather simple, the second one has seven tabs across the top.</para> + +<para>Settings are collected in different configurations. You can choose from +several pre-defined configurations.</para> + +<para>If you choose the <guilabel>Custom</guilabel> configuration, you can +define all settings for yourself.</para> + +<note><para>If you have not selected <guilabel>Custom</guilabel>, you will not +be able to make any changes to these options.</para></note> + +<tip><para> If you have found an interesting configuration, mail it to the +author of the game. It can be implemented in a future version (send the part +[Game] in the file +<filename>~/.kde/share/config/kspaceduelrc</filename>).</para></tip> + +<para>When you are finished altering the options, you should click on +<guibutton>OK</guibutton> to apply your changes.</para> + +<para>If you want to restore the default, simply click on the +<guibutton>Default</guibutton> button once. To make these changes permenant, +press <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para> + +<para>If you want to abandon the changes you made, and return to your previous +options, simply click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton>, and your changes will be +lost.</para> + +<para>The settings are:</para> + +<sect3 id="general"> +<title><guilabel>General</guilabel></title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Hit Points</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>These two sliders allow you to define the hitpoints for each +of the two players; you might want to decrease the hitpoints for a player +to give that player a handycap.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Refresh time</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>Time between two screen refreshes in milliseconds. All other +settings are independent of the refresh time.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Red Player</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>Here you can define whether the red player gets controlled by +the AI, and also choose the skill level of the AI for this player. Just +experiment with the different skill level to find one which fits you.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Blue Player</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>This works the same as the options for the <guilabel>Red +Player</guilabel> described above.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect3> + +<sect3 id="game"> +<title><guilabel>Game</guilabel></title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Game speed</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>Controls the speed of the whole game.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect3> + +<sect3 id="bullet"> +<title><guilabel>Bullet</guilabel></title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Shot speed</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The speed of bullets</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Energy need</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The amount of energy needed for one shot.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Max number</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The maximum number of bullets a player can have on the +screen.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Damage</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The number of hit points damage done when a bullet hits a +ship.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Life time</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The maximum life time of a bullet.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Reload time</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The time a ship needs to reload a bullet.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect3> +<sect3 id="mine"> +<title>Mine</title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Mine fuel</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The amount of fuel on a mine.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Energy need</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The amount of energy needed for laying a mine.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Activate time</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The time a mine is inactive.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Damage</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The number of hit points of damage done when a ship hits a +mine.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Max number</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>Maximum number of mines a player can have on the +screen.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Reload time</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The time a ship needs to reload a mine.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect3> + +<sect3 id="ship"> +<title><guilabel>Ship</guilabel></title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Acceleration</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>Acceleration of the ships</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Energy need</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The energy needed to accelerate a ship.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Rotation speed</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The speed at which a ship rotates.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Energy need</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The energy needed to rotate a ship.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Crash damage</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The number of hit points damage done when two ships +collide.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect3> + +<sect3 id="sun"> +<title><guilabel>Sun</guilabel></title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Sun energy</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The strength of the sun. The higher the value, the quicker +ships will be recharged.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Gravity</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The strength of the gravitational pull of the +sun.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect3> + +<sect3 id="start"> +<title><guilabel>Start</guilabel></title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Position X</guilabel> and <guilabel>Position Y</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The ships position at the beginning of a new round. The ships +start at opposite sides of the sun.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Velocity X</guilabel> and <guilabel>Velocity Y</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>Velocity at the beginning of a new round.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect3> + +<sect3 id="powerup-options"> +<title><guilabel>Powerups</guilabel></title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Appearance time</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>Maximal time between the appearance of two +powerups.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Life time</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>Maximal life time of a powerup.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Energy amount</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>Amount of energy a player gets from an energy +powerup.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Shield amount</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>Amount of hit points a player gets from a shield +powerup.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect3> +</sect2> +</sect1> +</chapter> + +<chapter id="command"> +<title>Commands/Keyboard Shortcuts</title> + +<para>The following sections briefly describe each menubar option.</para> + +<sect1 id="game-menu"> +<title>The <guimenu>Game</guimenu> Menu</title> + +<para>The <guimenu>Game</guimenu> menu is used to start and pause the game.</para> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<shortcut><keycombo action="simul"> +&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo></shortcut> +<guimenu>Game</guimenu><guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para>Starts a new game of &kspaceduel;.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<shortcut><keycombo action="simul"> +&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo></shortcut> +<guimenu>Game</guimenu><guimenuitem>New Round</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para>Starts a new round, at the current level.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<shortcut><keycombo action="simul"><keycap>P</keycap></keycombo></shortcut> +<guimenu>Game</guimenu><guimenuitem>Pause</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para>Pauses and unpauses the game.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl; +<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo></shortcut> +<guimenu>Game</guimenu><guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para><action>Quits</action> &kspaceduel;</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="settings-menu"> +<title><guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu</title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Toolbar</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para>When selected, the toolbar will be visible. When not selected, +the toolbar will be hidden.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Statusbar</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para>When selected, the status bar (the bar along the bottom of the +screen which gives textual information) will be visible. When not selected, the +status bar will be hidden.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Configure Shortcuts...</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para>Allows you to change the keyboard shortcuts for &kspaceduel;, +including the keys for steering the space ship, firing bullets &etc;.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Configure Toolbars...</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para>Display the standard KDE Toolbar Configuration Dialog.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Configure &kspaceduel;...</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para>Opens a configuration dialog which lets you define many +settings of the game, refer to the chapter <link linkend="options">Game +Options</link> for further information.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="help-menu"> +<title><guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu</title> + +&help.menu.documentation; + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="keys"> +<title>Default Key Bindings</title> + +<para>The following tables show you the default key bindings.</para> + +<para><emphasis>Menu bindings</emphasis></para> + +<informaltable frame="all"> +<tgroup cols="2"> +<thead><row><entry>Key Combo</entry><entry>Action</entry></row></thead> +<tbody> +<row><entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo></entry><entry>Quit &kspaceduel;</entry></row> +<row><entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo></entry><entry>New Game</entry></row> +<row><entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo></entry><entry>New Round</entry></row> +<row><entry><keycombo action="simul"><keycap>P</keycap></keycombo></entry><entry>Pause Game</entry></row> +<row><entry><keycombo action="simul"><keycap>F1</keycap></keycombo></entry><entry>Help Contents</entry></row> +<row><entry><keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>F1</keycap></keycombo></entry><entry>Whats This Help</entry></row> +<row><entry><keycombo action="simul"><keycap>Space</keycap></keycombo></entry><entry>Start Game</entry></row> +</tbody> +</tgroup> +</informaltable> + +<para>The Menu Key Bindings can be changed by selecting <menuchoice> +<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Configure Key Bindings</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></para> + +<para><emphasis>Game Play</emphasis></para> + +<informaltable frame="all"> +<tgroup cols="3"> +<colspec colname="c1"/> +<colspec colname="c2"/> +<colspec colname="c3"/> +<thead><row><entry>Action</entry><entry>Red Player</entry><entry>Blue Player</entry></row></thead> +<tbody> +<row><entry>Rotate Left</entry><entry>S</entry><entry>Left Arrow</entry></row> +<row><entry>Rotate Right</entry><entry>F</entry><entry>Right Arrow</entry></row> +<row><entry>Accelerate</entry><entry>E</entry><entry>Up Arrow</entry></row> +<row><entry>Shot</entry><entry>D</entry><entry>Down Arrow</entry></row> +<row><entry>Mines</entry><entry>A</entry><entry>Insert</entry></row> +</tbody> +</tgroup> +</informaltable> + +<para>To change these keys, refer to the section entitled <link +linkend="options-keys">Player Keys...</link>.</para> + +</sect1> +</chapter> + +<chapter id="credits"> +<title>Credits and License</title> + +<para> +&kspaceduel; +</para> +<para> +Program copyright 1999-2000 Andreas Zehender <email>az@azweb.de</email></para> +<para>Documentation copyright 2000 Andreas Zehender <email>az@azweb.de</email></para> +<para>Documentation updated for &kde; 2.0 by Mike McBride <email>mpmcbride7@yahoo.com</email></para> +<!-- TRANS:CREDIT_FOR_TRANSLATORS --> + +&underFDL; +&underGPL; + +</chapter> + +<appendix id="installation"> +<title>Installation</title> + +<sect1 id="getting-kspaceduel"> +<title>How to obtain &kspaceduel;</title> + +&install.intro.documentation; + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="compilation"> +<title>Compilation and Installation</title> + +&install.compile.documentation; + +</sect1> +</appendix> + +</book> +<!-- +Local Variables: +mode: sgml +sgml-omittag: nil +sgml-shorttag: t +End: +--> + diff --git a/doc/kspaceduel/kspaceduel3.png b/doc/kspaceduel/kspaceduel3.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..a23bc50e --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/kspaceduel/kspaceduel3.png |