path: root/q15/cmake/modules/TDEL10n.cmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'q15/cmake/modules/TDEL10n.cmake')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1151 deletions
diff --git a/q15/cmake/modules/TDEL10n.cmake b/q15/cmake/modules/TDEL10n.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 62aad3a3..00000000
--- a/q15/cmake/modules/TDEL10n.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1151 +0,0 @@
-# (C) 2018-2019 Slávek Banko
-# slavek (DOT) banko (AT)
-# Improvements and feedback are welcome
-# This file is released under GPL >= 2
-##### include essential TDE macros ##############
-include( TDEMacros )
-##### verify required programs ##################
- set( TDE_PREFIX "/opt/trinity" )
-else( )
- set( TDE_PREFIX "/usr" )
-endif( )
- NAMES kde-xgettext
- )
- tde_message_fatal( "kde-xgettext is required but not found" )
- endif( )
-endif( )
- NAMES xgettext
- )
- tde_message_fatal( "xgettext is required but not found" )
- endif( )
- execute_process(
- OUTPUT_VARIABLE _xgettext_version
- ERROR_VARIABLE _xgettext_version
- )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^xgettext[^\n]* ([^ ]*)\n.*" "\\1" _xgettext_version ${_xgettext_version} )
- if( "${_xgettext_version}" VERSION_LESS "0.19" )
- tde_message_fatal( "xgettext version >= 0.19 is required but found only ${_xgettext_version}" )
- endif( )
-endif( )
- find_program( MSGUNIQ_EXECUTABLE
- NAMES msguniq
- )
- tde_message_fatal( "msguniq is required but not found" )
- endif( )
-endif( )
- find_program( MSGCAT_EXECUTABLE
- NAMES msgcat
- )
- tde_message_fatal( "msgcat is required but not found" )
- endif( )
-endif( )
- NAMES po4a-gettextize
- )
- tde_message_fatal( "po4a-gettextize is required but not found" )
- endif( )
- execute_process(
- OUTPUT_VARIABLE _po4a_version
- ERROR_VARIABLE _po4a_version
- )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^po4a-gettextize[^\n]* ([^ ]*)\n.*" "\\1" _po4a_version ${_po4a_version} )
- if( "${_po4a_version}" VERSION_LESS "0.45" )
- tde_message_fatal( "po4a version >= 0.45 is required but found only ${_po4_version}" )
- endif( )
-endif( )
- while( (NOT EXISTS "${TDE_SOURCE_BASE}/tdelibs"
- get_filename_component( TDE_SOURCE_BASE "${TDE_SOURCE_BASE}" PATH )
- endwhile( )
- NAMES tde.pot
- HINTS "${TDE_SOURCE_BASE}/tdelibs" "${TDE_PREFIX}/include" "${TDE_PREFIX}/include/tde"
- )
- tde_message_fatal( "translation template with common texts not found" )
- endif( )
-endif( )
-##### tde_l10n_add_subdirectory
-##### The function simulates the add_subdirectory() behavior, but
-##### the CMakeL10n.txt file is used instead of CMakeLists.txt.
-function( tde_l10n_add_subdirectory _dir )
- include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeL10n.txt )
-endfunction( )
-##### tde_l10n_auto_add_subdirectories
-##### The function is equivalent to tde_auto_add_subdirectories, but
-##### the CMakeL10n.txt file is used instead of CMakeLists.txt.
-function( tde_l10n_auto_add_subdirectories )
- foreach( _dir ${_dirs} )
- AND NOT ${_dir} STREQUAL ".svn"
- tde_l10n_add_subdirectory( ${_dir} )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
-endfunction( )
-##### tde_l10n_create_template
-##### Macro is used to generate a translation template - POT file.
-##### Syntax:
-##### tde_l10n_create_template(
-##### [CATALOG] file_name
-##### [SOURCES source_spec [source_spec]]
-##### [COMMENT tag]
-##### [EXCLUDES regex [regex]]
-##### [KEYWORDS keyword [keyword]]
-##### [ATTRIBUTES attrib_spec [attrib_spec]]
-##### [X-POT common_texts.pot]
-##### [DESTINATION directory]
-##### )
-##### Where:
-##### CATALOG determines the target file name (without pot suffix).
-##### SOURCES can be specified by several options:
-##### a) Do not specify anything
-##### - all usual source files will be automatically searched.
-##### b) Enter the directory name - for example, '.' or 'src'
-##### - all the usual source files in the specified directory
-##### and subdirectories will be searched.
-##### c) Enter the mask - for example '*.cpp'
-##### - all files with the specified mask will be searched.
-##### d) Specify the name of the individual file.
-##### The methods from b) to d) can be combined.
-##### EXCLUDES determines which files are to be excluded from processing
-##### COMMENT determines additional comment to extract by xgettext.
-##### KEYWORDS determines additional keywords for xgettext.
-##### Use "-" if is needed to disable default keywords.
-##### ATTRIBUTES determines files and specification for extractattr:
-##### source_spec:element,attribute[,context][[:element,attribute[,context]]...]
-##### X-POT entries from common_texts.pot are not extracted
-##### By default, "tde.pot" is searched for and used.
-##### Use "-" to skip this.
-##### DESTINATION determines directory to save translation template.
-##### The destination directory is determined as follows:
-##### a) Directory is specified as an argument.
-##### b) The variable POT_SOURCE_DIR is set.
-##### c) There is a 'translations' directory.
-##### d) There is a 'po' directory.
-##### Note:
-##### Editing the _files list inside foreach( ${_files} ) below in the
-##### code is safe, because in CMake foreach parameters are evaluated
-##### before the loop starts. Therefore, the changes in the list inside
-##### the loop do not have an unwanted impact on the loop processing.
-macro( tde_l10n_create_template )
- unset( _catalog )
- unset( _sources )
- unset( _excludes )
- unset( _files )
- unset( _desktops )
- unset( _pots )
- unset( _dest )
- unset( _keywords_add )
- unset( _comment )
- unset( _attributes )
- unset( _exclude_pot )
- unset( _pot )
- unset( _directive )
- set( _var _catalog )
- set( _keywords_c_default "i18n" "i18n:1,2" "tr2i18n" "tr2i18n:1,2" "I18N_NOOP" "I18N_NOOP2" )
- set( _keywords_desktop_default "Description" "ExtraNames" "X-TDE-Submenu" )
- foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
- # found directive "CATALOG"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+CATALOG" )
- unset( _catalog )
- set( _var _catalog )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "SOURCES"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCES" )
- unset( _sources )
- set( _var _sources )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "EXCLUDES"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+EXCLUDES" )
- unset( _excludes )
- set( _var _excludes )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "DESTINATION"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+DESTINATION" )
- unset( _dest )
- set( _var _dest )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "COMMENT"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+COMMENT" )
- unset( _comment )
- set( _var _comment )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "KEYWORDS"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+KEYWORDS" )
- unset( _keywords_add )
- set( _var _keywords_add )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "ATTRIBUTES"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+ATTRIBUTES" )
- unset( _attributes )
- set( _var _attributes )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "X-POT"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+X-POT" )
- unset( _exclude_pot )
- set( _var _exclude_pot )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # collect data
- if( _directive )
- unset( _directive )
- elseif( _var )
- list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- # verify catalog
- if( NOT _catalog )
- tde_message_fatal( "the name of the translation catalog is not defined" )
- endif( )
- # determine the destination directory
- if( NOT _dest )
- set( _dest ${POT_SOURCE_DIR} )
- elseif( EXISTS "${MASTER_SOURCE_DIR}/translations" )
- set( _dest "${MASTER_SOURCE_DIR}/translations/" )
- elseif( EXISTS "${MASTER_SOURCE_DIR}/po" )
- set( _dest "${MASTER_SOURCE_DIR}/po/" )
- else( )
- tde_message_fatal( "cannot determine destination directory" )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- if( ${_dest} MATCHES "[^/]$" )
- set( _dest "${_dest}/" )
- endif( )
- if( ${_dest} MATCHES "^[^/]" )
- set( _dest "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_dest}" )
- endif( )
- get_filename_component( _potFilename "${_dest}${_catalog}.pot" ABSOLUTE )
- file( RELATIVE_PATH _potFilename ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${_potFilename} )
- message( STATUS "Create translation template ${_potFilename}" )
- # verify sources
- if( NOT _sources AND NOT _attributes )
- # add current directory
- list( APPEND _sources "." )
- endif( )
- foreach( _src ${_sources} )
- # add all source files from directory
- if( ${_src} STREQUAL "." )
- set( _dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" )
- else( )
- set( _dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_src}" )
- endif( )
- file( GLOB_RECURSE _add_files
- ${_dir}/*.c
- ${_dir}/*.cc
- ${_dir}/*.cpp
- ${_dir}/*.h
- ${_dir}/*.kcfg
- ${_dir}/*.rc
- ${_dir}/*.ui
- )
- list( SORT _add_files )
- list( APPEND _files ${_add_files} )
- # add files by the specified mask
- elseif( ${_src} MATCHES "(\\*|\\?)" )
- file( GLOB_RECURSE _add_files
- )
- list( SORT _add_files )
- list( APPEND _files ${_add_files} )
- # add a individual file
- elseif( EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_src} )
- list( APPEND _files ${_src} )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- # filter files by excludes
- if( _excludes )
- foreach( _src ${_files} )
- foreach( _exclude ${_excludes} )
- if( ${_src} MATCHES ${_exclude} )
- list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- endforeach( )
- endif( )
- if( NOT _files AND NOT _attributes )
- tde_message_fatal( "no source files found" )
- endif( )
- # prepare x-pot
- if( NOT _exclude_pot )
- set( _exclude_pot "${TDE_COMMON_TEXTS_POT}" )
- endif( )
- if( "${_exclude_pot}" STREQUAL "-" )
- unset( _exclude_pot )
- else( )
- if( ${_exclude_pot} MATCHES "^[^/]" )
- set( _exclude_pot "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_exclude_pot}" )
- endif( )
- set( _exclude_pot "-x${_exclude_pot}" )
- endif( )
- # prepare comment
- if( NOT "${_comment}" STREQUAL "" )
- if( "${_comment}" STREQUAL "-" OR "${_comment}" STREQUAL "all" )
- set( _comment "-c" )
- else( )
- set( _comment "-c${_comment}" )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- # prepare keywords
- unset( _keywords_c )
- unset( _keywords_desktop )
- foreach( _keyword ${_keywords_c_default} ${_keywords_add} )
- if( "${_keyword}" STREQUAL "-" )
- unset( _keywords_c )
- unset( _keyword )
- endif( )
- list( APPEND _keywords_c "-k${_keyword}" )
- endforeach( )
- foreach( _keyword ${_keywords_desktop_default} ${_keywords_add} )
- if( "${_keyword}" STREQUAL "-" )
- unset( _keywords_desktop )
- unset( _keyword )
- endif( )
- list( APPEND _keywords_desktop "-k${_keyword}" )
- endforeach( )
- # prepare resource files *.kcfg, *.rc and *.ui
- foreach( _src ${_files} )
- if( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.(kcfg|rc|ui)(\\.cmake)?$" )
- set( _src_index 0 )
- set( _src_l10n "${_src}.tde_l10n" )
- list( FIND _files "${_src_l10n}" _src_file_index )
- while( "${_src_file_index}" GREATER -1 )
- set( _src_l10n "${_src}.tde_l10n${_src_index}" )
- list( FIND _files "${_src_l10n}" _src_file_index )
- math( EXPR _src_index "${_src_index}+1" )
- endwhile( )
- tde_l10n_prepare_xml( SOURCE ${_src} TARGET ${_src_l10n} )
- list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
- list( APPEND _files "${_src_l10n}" )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- # prepare attributes
- if( _attributes )
- foreach( _attrib ${_attributes} )
- if( ${_attrib} MATCHES "^([^:]+):(.+)$" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^:]+):(.+)$" "\\1" _attrib_glob ${_attrib} )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^:]+):(.+)$" "\\2" _attrib_spec ${_attrib} )
- file( GLOB_RECURSE _attrib_files
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_attrib_glob}
- )
- if( _excludes )
- foreach( _src ${_attrib_files} )
- foreach( _exclude ${_excludes} )
- if( ${_src} MATCHES ${_exclude} )
- list( REMOVE_ITEM _attrib_files ${_src} )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- endforeach( )
- endif( )
- if( _attrib_files )
- list( SORT _attrib_files )
- string( REGEX MATCHALL "[^:]+" _attrib_spec "${_attrib_spec}" )
- foreach( _src ${_attrib_files} )
- set( _src_index 0 )
- set( _src_l10n "${_src}.tde_l10n" )
- list( FIND _files "${_src_l10n}" _src_file_index )
- while( "${_src_file_index}" GREATER -1 )
- set( _src_l10n "${_src}.tde_l10n${_src_index}" )
- list( FIND _files "${_src_l10n}" _src_file_index )
- math( EXPR _src_index "${_src_index}+1" )
- endwhile( )
- tde_l10n_prepare_xmlattr(
- SOURCE ${_src}
- TARGET ${_src_l10n}
- ATTRIBUTES ${_attrib_spec}
- )
- list( APPEND _files "${_src_l10n}" )
- endforeach( )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- endif( )
- # prepare tips
- foreach( _src ${_files} )
- if( ${_src} MATCHES "(^|/)tips$" )
- tde_l10n_preparetips( ${_src} )
- list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
- list( APPEND _files "${_src}.tde_l10n" )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- # prepare documentation
- foreach( _src ${_files} )
- if( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.(ad|adoc|docbook|[1-8])(\\.cmake)?$" )
- if( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.(ad|adoc)(\\.cmake)?$" )
- set( _doc_format "asciidoc" )
- elseif( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.(docbook)(\\.cmake)?$" )
- set( _doc_format "docbook" )
- elseif( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.([1-8])(\\.cmake)?$" )
- set( _doc_format "man" )
- else( )
- set( _doc_format "text" )
- endif( )
- execute_process(
- -f ${_doc_format} -m ${_src}
- )
- if( _potDoc )
- string( REPLACE "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" _potDoc "${_potDoc}" )
- string( REPLACE "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" _potDoc "${_potDoc}" )
- file( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_src}.tde_l10n "${_potDoc}" )
- list( APPEND _pots ${_src}.tde_l10n )
- endif( )
- list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- # pick desktop files *.desktop and *.protocol
- foreach( _src ${_files} )
- if( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.(desktop|protocol)(\\.cmake)?$" )
- list( APPEND _desktops ${_src} )
- list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- # pick pot files *.pot
- foreach( _src ${_files} )
- if( ${_src} MATCHES "\\.pot(\\.cmake)?(\\.tde_l10n)?$" )
- list( APPEND _pots ${_src} )
- list( REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_src} )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- # add common translator info
- if( _files )
- list( FIND _excludes "_translatorinfo" _translatorinfo_index )
- if( "${_translatorinfo_index}" LESS 0 )
- set( _translatorinfo
- "i18n(\"NAME OF TRANSLATORS\", \"Your names\")\n"
- "i18n(\"EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\", \"Your emails\")\n"
- )
- file( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/_translatorinfo.tde_l10n ${_translatorinfo} )
- list( INSERT _files 0 "_translatorinfo.tde_l10n" )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- # create translation template
- if( _files )
- execute_process(
- ${_comment} ${_keywords_c} ${_exclude_pot} -o - ${_files}
- )
- # set charset and encoding headers
- if( _pot )
- string( REPLACE "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" _pot "${_pot}" )
- string( REPLACE "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" _pot "${_pot}" )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- # process desktop files
- if( _desktops )
- # create translation template for desktop files
- if( _pot )
- set( _withPotHeader "--omit-header" )
- else( )
- set( _withPotHeader "--foreign-user" )
- endif( )
- execute_process(
- COMMAND ${XGETTEXT_EXECUTABLE} ${_withPotHeader} -L Desktop
- ${_keywords_desktop} -o - ${_desktops}
- )
- # merge translation templates
- if( _potDesktop )
- if( _pot )
- file( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-pot.tmp "${_pot}" )
- file( APPEND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-pot.tmp "${_potDesktop}" )
- execute_process(
- )
- file( REMOVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-pot.tmp )
- else( )
- set( _pot "${_potDesktop}" )
- # set charset and encoding headers
- string( REPLACE "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" _pot "${_pot}" )
- string( REPLACE "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" _pot "${_pot}" )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- # merge additional pot files
- if( _pots )
- file( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-pot.tmp "${_pot}" )
- execute_process(
- COMMAND ${MSGCAT_EXECUTABLE} --use-first extracted-pot.tmp ${_pots}
- )
- file( REMOVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-pot.tmp )
- # set charset and encoding headers
- string( REPLACE "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" _pot "${_pot}" )
- string( REPLACE "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" _pot "${_pot}" )
- endif( )
- # finalize translation template
- if( _pot )
- # update references for resources to original files and line numbers
- list( FIND _files "extracted-rc.tde_l10n" _extractedRC_index )
- if( "${_extractedRC_index}" GREATER -1
- AND EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-rc.tde_l10n )
- file( READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extracted-rc.tde_l10n" _extractedRC )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "[^\n]" "" _extractedRC_len "${_extractedRC}" )
- string( LENGTH "+${_extractedRC_len}" _extractedRC_len )
- set( _rcPos 0 )
- while( _rcPos LESS ${_extractedRC_len} )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\1" _rcLine "${_extractedRC}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\2" _extractedRC "${_extractedRC}" )
- math( EXPR _rcPos "${_rcPos}+1" )
- if( "${_rcLine}" MATCHES "^//i18n: file .* line [0-9]*$" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^//i18n: file (.*) line ([0-9]*)$" "\\1:\\2" _rcOrig ${_rcLine} )
- endif( )
- if( "${_rcLine}" MATCHES "^i18n\\(" AND _rcOrig )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "(^|\n)(#:.*) extracted-rc.tde_l10n:${_rcPos}( |\n)" "\\1\\2 ${_rcOrig}\\3" _pot "${_pot}" )
- unset( _rcOrig )
- endif( )
- endwhile( )
- endif( )
- # update references for modified source files (".tde_l10n" extension)
- string( REGEX REPLACE "\\.tde_l10n[0-9]*(:[0-9]+)" "\\1" _pot "${_pot}" )
- # save translation template
- if( EXISTS "${_dest}${_catalog}.pot" )
- file( READ "${_dest}${_catalog}.pot" _potOrig )
- else( )
- unset( _potOrig )
- endif( )
- if( _potOrig )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "\n\"POT-Creation-Date: [^\"]*\"\n" "" _potOrig "${_potOrig}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "\n\"POT-Creation-Date: [^\"]*\"\n" "" _potNew "${_pot}" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT _potOrig OR NOT "${_potNew}" STREQUAL "${_potOrig}" )
- file( WRITE "${_dest}${_catalog}.pot" "${_pot}" )
- endif( )
- endif( _pot )
- # cleanup
- foreach( _file ${_files} ${_desktops} ${_pots} )
- if( "${_file}" MATCHES "\\.tde_l10n[0-9]*$" )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
-endmacro( )
-##### tde_l10n_preparetips
-##### Macro is used to prepare tips file for xgettext
-macro( tde_l10n_preparetips _tips )
- tde_l10n_prepare_xml(
- SOURCE ${_tips}
- TAGS html
- PRESERVE entities line-wrap spaces-leading spaces-trailing spaces-multi
- )
-endmacro( )
-##### tde_l10n_prepare_xml
-##### The function is used to prepare XML file for xgettext.
-##### The default settings are identical to extractrc.
-function( tde_l10n_prepare_xml )
- unset( _source )
- unset( _target )
- unset( _context )
- set( _skip_properties "database|associations|populationText" )
- set( _tags "[tT][eE][xX][tT]|title|string|whatsthis|tooltip|label" )
- set( _preserve "line-wrap" "lines-leading" "lines-multi" "spaces-leading" "spaces-trailing" "spaces-multi" )
- set( _no_c_format 1 )
- unset( _directive )
- set( _var _source )
- foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
- # found directive "SOURCE"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCE" )
- unset( _source )
- set( _var _source )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "TARGET"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TARGET" )
- unset( _target )
- set( _var _target )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "CONTEXT"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+CONTEXT" )
- unset( _context )
- set( _var _context )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "SKIP-PROPERTIES"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SKIP-PROPERTIES" )
- unset( _skip_properties )
- set( _var _skip_properties )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "TAGS"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TAGS" )
- unset( _tags )
- set( _var _tags )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "PRESERVE"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+PRESERVE" )
- unset( _preserve )
- set( _var _preserve )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "C_FORMAT"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+C_FORMAT" )
- unset( _no_c_format )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "NO_C_FORMAT"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+NO_C_FORMAT" )
- set( _no_c_format 1 )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # collect data
- if( _directive )
- unset( _directive )
- elseif( _var )
- list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- # verify source
- if( NOT _source )
- tde_message_fatal( "no source XML file" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${_source}" )
- set( _source "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_source}" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT _target )
- set( _target "${_source}.tde_l10n" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${_target}" )
- set( _target "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_target}" )
- endif( )
- # prepare tags to regexp
- string( REPLACE ";" "|" _tags "${_tags}" )
- if( "${_skip_properties}" STREQUAL "-" )
- unset( _skip_properties )
- endif( )
- if( DEFINED _skip_properties )
- string( REPLACE ";" "|" _skip_properties "${_skip_properties}" )
- set( _tags "property|${_tags}" )
- endif( )
- # read file
- file( READ ${_source} _xml_data )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "[^\n]" "" _xml_len ${_xml_data} )
- string( LENGTH "+${_xml_len}" _xml_len )
- # process lines
- set( _xml_pos 0 )
- unset( _xml_l10n )
- unset( _xml_inside )
- unset( _xml_tag_empty )
- unset( _xml_skipped_prop )
- while( _xml_pos LESS ${_xml_len} )
- # pick line
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\1" _xml_line "${_xml_data}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\2" _xml_data "${_xml_data}" )
- math( EXPR _xml_pos "${_xml_pos}+1" )
- set( _xml_newline 1 )
- # process tags on line
- while( _xml_newline OR NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" )
- unset( _xml_newline )
- unset( _xml_line_prefix )
- unset( _xml_line_suffix )
- unset( _xml_line_rest )
- if( NOT _xml_inside )
- if( _xml_skipped_prop AND "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "</property>" )
- unset( _xml_skipped_prop )
- string( REGEX MATCH "</property>(.*)" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^</property>(.*)" "\\1" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT _xml_skipped_prop AND "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "<(${_tags})([ \t][^>]*)*>" )
- string( REGEX MATCH "<(${_tags})([ \t][^>]*)*>(.*)" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- string( REGEX MATCH "^<(${_tags})([ \t][^>]*)*>" _xml_attr "${_xml_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^<(${_tags})([ \t][^>]*)*>(.*)" "\\3" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- if( "${_xml_attr}" MATCHES "^<property([ \t][^>]*)*>" AND DEFINED _skip_properties )
- if( "${_xml_attr}" MATCHES "[ \t]name=\"(${_skip_properties})\"" )
- set( _xml_skipped_prop 1 )
- endif( )
- set( _xml_line_rest "${_xml_line}" )
- set( _xml_line "" )
- else( )
- set( _xml_inside 1 )
- set( _xml_context "${_context}" )
- if( "${_xml_attr}" MATCHES "[ \t]context=\"([^\"]*)\"" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE ".* context=\"([^\"]*)\".*" "\\1" _xml_context "${_xml_attr}" )
- endif( )
- set( _xml_line_prefix "i18n(" )
- if( _no_c_format )
- set( _xml_line_prefix "${_xml_line_prefix}/* xgettext: no-c-format */" )
- endif( )
- if( _xml_context )
- set( _xml_line_prefix "${_xml_line_prefix}\"${_xml_context}\", " )
- endif( )
- set( _xml_tag_empty 1 )
- endif( )
- else( )
- set( _xml_line "" )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- if( _xml_inside )
- if( "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "</(${_tags})>" )
- unset( _xml_inside )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "</(${_tags})>(.*)" "\\2" _xml_line_rest "${_xml_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "</(${_tags})>(.*)" "" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- set( _xml_line_suffix ");" )
- endif( )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "\\\\\\\\" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\"" "\\\\\"" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "\t" "\\\\t" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";entities;" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "&lt;" "<" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "&gt;" ">" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "&amp;" "&" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-leading;" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^ +" "" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-trailing;" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE " +$" "" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-multi;" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE " +" " " _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- endif( )
- if( _xml_inside )
- if( ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";line-wrap;" )
- if( NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL ""
- OR ( ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";lines-leading;" AND _xml_tag_empty )
- OR ( ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";lines-multi;" AND NOT _xml_tag_empty ) )
- set( _xml_line "${_xml_line}\\n" )
- endif( )
- elseif( NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT _xml_tag_empty )
- set( _xml_line " ${_xml_line}" )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- if( NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" )
- unset( _xml_tag_empty )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- # drop empty tag on single line
- if( _xml_line_prefix AND _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_tag_empty )
- # skip empty string for translation
- # add current tag to output
- else( )
- set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_prefix}" )
- if( NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" OR ( _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_tag_empty ) )
- set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}\"${_xml_line}\"" )
- endif( )
- set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_suffix}" )
- endif( )
- # take the rest of the line for processing
- set( _xml_line "${_xml_line_rest}" )
- endwhile( )
- set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}\n" )
- endwhile( )
- # write file
- file( WRITE ${_target} "${_xml_l10n}" )
-endfunction( )
-##### tde_l10n_prepare_xmlattr
-##### The function is used to prepare attributes in XML file
-##### for xgettext, comparable to extractattr.
-function( tde_l10n_prepare_xmlattr )
- unset( _source )
- unset( _target )
- unset( _context )
- unset( _attribs )
- unset( _directive )
- set( _preserve "line-wrap" "lines-leading" "spaces-leading" "spaces-trailing" "spaces-multi" )
- set( _var _source )
- foreach( _arg ${ARGN} )
- # found directive "SOURCE"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+SOURCE" )
- unset( _source )
- set( _var _source )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "TARGET"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+TARGET" )
- unset( _target )
- set( _var _target )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "CONTEXT"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+CONTEXT" )
- unset( _context )
- set( _var _context )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "ATTRIBUTES"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+ATTRIBUTES" )
- unset( _attribs )
- set( _var _attribs )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # found directive "PRESERVE"
- if( "+${_arg}" STREQUAL "+PRESERVE" )
- unset( _preserve )
- set( _var _preserve )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( )
- # collect data
- if( _directive )
- unset( _directive )
- elseif( _var )
- list( APPEND ${_var} ${_arg} )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- # verify source
- if( NOT _source )
- tde_message_fatal( "no source XML file" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${_source}" )
- set( _source "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_source}" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT _target )
- set( _target "${_source}.tde_l10n" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${_target}" )
- set( _target "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_target}" )
- endif( )
- # prepare tags to regexp
- if( NOT _attribs )
- tde_message_fatal( "no attributes specified" )
- endif( )
- unset( _tags )
- foreach( _attrib ${_attribs} )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^,]+),.*" "\\1" _tag "${_attrib}" )
- list( APPEND _tags "${_tag}" )
- endforeach( )
- list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES _tags )
- string( REPLACE ";" "|" _tags "${_tags}" )
- # read file
- file( READ ${_source} _xml_data )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "[^\n]" "" _xml_len ${_xml_data} )
- string( LENGTH "+${_xml_len}" _xml_len )
- # process lines
- set( _xml_pos 0 )
- unset( _xml_l10n )
- unset( _xml_inside_tag )
- unset( _xml_inside_attrib )
- unset( _xml_attrib_empty )
- while( _xml_pos LESS ${_xml_len} )
- # pick line
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\1" _xml_line "${_xml_data}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^\n]*)\n(.*)" "\\2" _xml_data "${_xml_data}" )
- math( EXPR _xml_pos "${_xml_pos}+1" )
- set( _xml_newline 1 )
- # process tags on line
- while( _xml_newline OR NOT "${_xml_line}" STREQUAL "" )
- unset( _xml_line_rest )
- if( NOT _xml_inside_tag )
- if( "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "<(${_tags})([ \t\n][^>]*|$)" )
- set( _xml_inside_tag 1 )
- string( REGEX MATCH "<(${_tags})([ \t\n][^>]*|$)(.*)" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^<(${_tags})[ \t\n]*.*" "\\1" _xml_tag "${_xml_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^<(${_tags})[ \t\n]*" "" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- unset( _tag_attribs )
- foreach( _attrib ${_attribs} )
- if( "${_attrib}" MATCHES "^${_xml_tag}," )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^,]+),([^,]+),?(.*)" "\\2" _attrib "${_attrib}" )
- list( APPEND _tag_attribs "${_attrib}" )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- string( REPLACE ";" "|" _tag_attribs "${_tag_attribs}" )
- unset( _xml_inside_attrib )
- else( )
- set( _xml_line "" )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- if( _xml_inside_tag )
- if( "${_xml_line}" MATCHES "^(([ \t]*[^>=]+=\"[^\"]*\")*)[ \t]*/?>" )
- unset( _xml_inside_tag )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^(([ \t]*[^>=]+=\"[^\"]*\")*)[ \t]*/?>(.*)" "\\3" _xml_line_rest "${_xml_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^(([ \t]*[^>=]+=\"[^\"]*\")*)[ \t]*/?>(.*)" "\\1" _xml_line "${_xml_line}" )
- endif( )
- # process attribs on line
- set( _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_line}" )
- while( _xml_newline OR NOT "${_xml_attrib_line}" STREQUAL "" )
- unset( _xml_newline )
- unset( _xml_line_prefix )
- unset( _xml_line_suffix )
- unset( _xml_attrib_line_rest )
- if( NOT _xml_inside_attrib )
- if( "${_xml_attrib_line}" MATCHES "(^|[ \t]+)(${_tag_attribs})=\"" )
- set( _xml_inside_attrib 1 )
- string( REGEX MATCH "(^|[ \t]+)(${_tag_attribs})=\"(.*)" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t]*(${_tag_attribs})=\".*" "\\1" _xml_attrib "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t]*(${_tag_attribs})=\"" "" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- set( _xml_context "${_context}" )
- foreach( _attrib ${_attribs} )
- if( "${_attrib}" MATCHES "^${_xml_tag},${_xml_attrib}," )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^([^,]+),([^,]+),?(.*)" "\\3" _xml_context "${_attrib}" )
- endif( )
- endforeach( )
- set( _xml_line_prefix "i18n(" )
- if( _xml_context )
- set( _xml_line_prefix "${_xml_line_prefix}\"${_xml_context}\", " )
- endif( )
- set( _xml_attrib_empty 1 )
- else( )
- set( _xml_attrib_line "" )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- if( _xml_inside_attrib )
- if( "${_xml_attrib_line}" MATCHES "\"" )
- unset( _xml_inside_attrib )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "\"(.*)" "\\1" _xml_attrib_line_rest "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "\"(.*)" "" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- set( _xml_line_suffix ");" )
- endif( )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "\\\\\\\\" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "\\\"" "\\\\\"" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "\t" "\\\\t" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";entities;" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "&lt;" "<" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "&gt;" ">" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "&amp;" "&" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-leading;" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE "^ +" "" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-trailing;" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE " +$" "" _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";spaces-multi;" )
- string( REGEX REPLACE " +" " " _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- endif( )
- if( NOT "${_xml_inside_attrib}" STREQUAL "" )
- if( ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";line-wrap;" )
- if( ";${_preserve};" MATCHES ";lines-leading;"
- OR NOT "${_xml_attrib_line}" STREQUAL "" OR NOT _xml_attrib_empty )
- set( _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line}\\n" )
- endif( )
- elseif( NOT "${_xml_attrib_line}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT _xml_attrib_empty )
- set( _xml_attrib_line " ${_xml_attrib_line}" )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- if( NOT "${_xml_attrib_line}" STREQUAL "" )
- unset( _xml_attrib_empty )
- endif( )
- endif( )
- # drop empty attrib on single line
- if( _xml_line_prefix AND _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_attrib_empty )
- # skip empty translation
- # add current attrib to output
- else( )
- set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_prefix}" )
- if( NOT "${_xml_attrib_line}" STREQUAL "" OR ( _xml_line_suffix AND _xml_attrib_empty ) )
- set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}\"${_xml_attrib_line}\"" )
- endif( )
- set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}${_xml_line_suffix}" )
- endif( )
- # take the rest of the line for processing
- set( _xml_attrib_line "${_xml_attrib_line_rest}" )
- endwhile( )
- endif( )
- # take the rest of the line for processing
- unset( _xml_newline )
- set( _xml_line "${_xml_line_rest}" )
- endwhile( )
- set( _xml_l10n "${_xml_l10n}\n" )
- endwhile( )
- # write file
- file( WRITE ${_target} "${_xml_l10n}" )
-endfunction( )