// Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Rob Kaper <cap@capsi.com> // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to // the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, // Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #include <iostream> #include "atlantic_core.h" #include "auction.h" #include "configoption.h" #include "estate.h" #include "estategroup.h" #include "game.h" #include "player.h" #include "trade.h" AtlanticCore::AtlanticCore(TQObject *parent, const char *name) : TQObject(parent, name) { m_playerSelf = 0; } void AtlanticCore::reset(bool deletePermanents) { m_auctions.setAutoDelete(true); m_auctions.clear(); m_auctions.setAutoDelete(false); m_estates.setAutoDelete(true); m_estates.clear(); m_estates.setAutoDelete(false); m_estateGroups.setAutoDelete(true); m_estateGroups.clear(); m_estateGroups.setAutoDelete(false); m_configOptions.setAutoDelete(true); m_configOptions.clear(); m_configOptions.setAutoDelete(false); Trade *trade = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Trade> it(m_trades); (trade = *it) ; ++it) { emit removeGUI(trade); trade->deleteLater(); } m_trades.clear(); Player *player = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Player> it(m_players); (player = *it) ; ++it) { if (deletePermanents) { emit removeGUI(player); player->deleteLater(); } else { player->setLocation(0); player->setDestination(0); } } if (deletePermanents) { m_players.clear(); m_playerSelf = 0; Game *game = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Game> it(m_games); (game = *it) ; ++it) { emit removeGUI(game); game->deleteLater(); } m_games.clear(); } } bool AtlanticCore::selfIsMaster() const { return (m_playerSelf && m_playerSelf->game() && m_playerSelf->game()->master() == m_playerSelf); } void AtlanticCore::setPlayerSelf(Player *player) { m_playerSelf = player; } Player *AtlanticCore::playerSelf() { return m_playerSelf; } TQPtrList<Player> AtlanticCore::players() { return m_players; } Player *AtlanticCore::newPlayer(int playerId, const bool &playerSelf) { Player *player = new Player(playerId); m_players.append(player); if (playerSelf) { player->setIsSelf(playerSelf); m_playerSelf = player; } emit createGUI(player); return player; } Player *AtlanticCore::findPlayer(int playerId) { Player *player = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Player> it(m_players); (player = *it) ; ++it) if (player->id() == playerId) return player; return 0; } void AtlanticCore::removePlayer(Player *player) { m_players.remove(player); emit removeGUI(player); player->deleteLater(); } TQPtrList<Game> AtlanticCore::games() { return m_games; } Game *AtlanticCore::newGame(int gameId, const TQString &type) { Game *game = new Game(gameId); m_games.append(game); if ( !type.isNull() ) game->setType(type); emit createGUI(game); return game; } Game *AtlanticCore::findGame(const TQString &type) { Game *game = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Game> it(m_games); (game = *it) ; ++it) if (game->id() == -1 && game->type() == type) return game; return 0; } Game *AtlanticCore::findGame(int gameId) { if (gameId == -1) return 0; Game *game = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Game> it(m_games); (game = *it) ; ++it) if (game->id() == gameId) return game; return 0; } Game *AtlanticCore::gameSelf() { return( m_playerSelf ? m_playerSelf->game() : 0 ); } void AtlanticCore::removeGame(Game *game) { m_games.remove(game); emit removeGUI(game); game->deleteLater(); } void AtlanticCore::emitGames() { for (TQPtrListIterator<Game> it(m_games); (*it) ; ++it) emit createGUI( (*it) ); } TQPtrList<Estate> AtlanticCore::estates() { return m_estates; } Estate *AtlanticCore::newEstate(int estateId) { Estate *estate = new Estate(estateId); m_estates.append(estate); return estate; } Estate *AtlanticCore::findEstate(int estateId) { Estate *estate = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Estate> it(m_estates); (estate = *it) ; ++it) if (estate->id() == estateId) return estate; return 0; } Estate *AtlanticCore::estateAfter(Estate *estate) { Estate *eFirst = 0, *eTmp = 0; bool useNext = false; for (TQPtrListIterator<Estate> it(m_estates); (eTmp = *it) ; ++it) { if (!eFirst) eFirst = eTmp; if (eTmp == estate) useNext = true; else if (useNext) return eTmp; } return eFirst; } TQPtrList<EstateGroup> AtlanticCore::estateGroups() { return m_estateGroups; } EstateGroup *AtlanticCore::newEstateGroup(int groupId) { EstateGroup *estateGroup = new EstateGroup(groupId); m_estateGroups.append(estateGroup); return estateGroup; } EstateGroup *AtlanticCore::findEstateGroup(int groupId) { EstateGroup *estateGroup = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<EstateGroup> it(m_estateGroups); (estateGroup = *it) ; ++it) if (estateGroup->id() == groupId) return estateGroup; return 0; } TQPtrList<Trade> AtlanticCore::trades() { return m_trades; } Trade *AtlanticCore::newTrade(int tradeId) { Trade *trade = new Trade(tradeId); m_trades.append(trade); emit createGUI(trade); return trade; } Trade *AtlanticCore::findTrade(int tradeId) { Trade *trade = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Trade> it(m_trades); (trade = *it) ; ++it) if (trade->tradeId() == tradeId) return trade; return 0; } void AtlanticCore::removeTrade(Trade *trade) { m_trades.remove(trade); emit removeGUI(trade); trade->deleteLater(); } TQPtrList<Auction> AtlanticCore::auctions() { return m_auctions; } Auction *AtlanticCore::newAuction(int auctionId, Estate *estate) { Auction *auction = new Auction(auctionId, estate); m_auctions.append(auction); return auction; } void AtlanticCore::delAuction(Auction *auction) { m_auctions.remove(auction); delete auction; } ConfigOption *AtlanticCore::newConfigOption(int configId) { ConfigOption *configOption = new ConfigOption(configId); m_configOptions.append(configOption); emit createGUI(configOption); return configOption; } void AtlanticCore::removeConfigOption(ConfigOption *configOption) { m_configOptions.remove(configOption); emit removeGUI(configOption); configOption->deleteLater(); } ConfigOption *AtlanticCore::findConfigOption(int configId) { ConfigOption *configOption = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<ConfigOption> it(m_configOptions); (configOption = *it) ; ++it) if (configOption->id() == configId) return configOption; return 0; } void AtlanticCore::printDebug() { Player *player = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Player> it(m_players); (player = *it) ; ++it) if (player == m_playerSelf) std::cout << "PS: " << player->name().latin1() << ", game " << TQString::number(player->game() ? player->game()->id() : -1).latin1() << std::endl; else std::cout << " P: " << player->name().latin1() << ", game " << TQString::number(player->game() ? player->game()->id() : -1).latin1() << std::endl; Game *game = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Game> it(m_games); (game = *it) ; ++it) std::cout << " G: " << TQString::number(game->id()).latin1() << ", master: " << TQString::number(game->master() ? game->master()->id() : -1 ).latin1() << std::endl; Estate *estate = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Estate> it(m_estates); (estate = *it) ; ++it) std::cout << " E: " << estate->name().latin1() << std::endl; EstateGroup *estateGroup = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<EstateGroup> it(m_estateGroups); (estateGroup = *it) ; ++it) std::cout << "EG: " << estateGroup->name().latin1() << std::endl; Auction *auction = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Auction> it(m_auctions); (auction = *it) ; ++it) std::cout << " A: " << TQString::number(auction->auctionId()).latin1() << std::endl; Trade *trade = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<Trade> it(m_trades); (trade = *it) ; ++it) std::cout << " T: " << TQString::number(trade->tradeId()).latin1() << std::endl; ConfigOption *configOption = 0; for (TQPtrListIterator<ConfigOption> it(m_configOptions); (configOption = *it) ; ++it) std::cout << "CO:" << TQString::number(configOption->id()).latin1() << " " << configOption->name().latin1() << " " << configOption->value().latin1() << std::endl; } #include "atlantic_core.moc"