/**************************************************************** ** ** Implementation Feld class, derieved from TQt tutorial 8 ** ****************************************************************/ // bemerkungen : wenn paintEvent aufgerufen wird, wird das komplette // widget gel�scht und nur die sachen gezeichnet, die in // paintEvent stehen ! sollen dinge z.b nur bei maustasten- // druck gezeichnet werden, so mu� dies in mousePressEvent // stehen ! // paintEvent wird aufgerufen, falls fenster �berdeckt wird, // oder auch einfach bewegt wird #include <kiconloader.h> #include <tdeglobal.h> #include <tdestandarddirs.h> #include <ksimpleconfig.h> #include "molek.h" #include "feld.h" #include "settings.h" #if FIELD_SIZE < MOLEK_SIZE #error Molecule size (MOLEK_SIZE) must be <= field size (FIELD_SIZE) #endif extern Options settings; Feld::Feld( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWidget( parent, name ), data(locate("appdata", "pics/abilder.png")), undoBegin (0), undoSize (0), redoSize (0) { anim = false; dir = None; sprite = TQPixmap (30, 30); cx = -1; cy = -1; point = new TQPoint [1]; moving = false; chosen = false; setMouseTracking(true); setFocusPolicy(TQWidget::StrongFocus); setBackgroundColor( TQColor( 0, 0, 0) ); setFixedSize(15 * 30, 15 * 30); } Feld::~Feld () { delete [] point; } void Feld::resetValidDirs() { for (int j = 0; j < FIELD_SIZE; j++) for (int i = 0; i < FIELD_SIZE; i++) if (feld[i][j] >= 150 && feld[i][j] <= 153) { feld[i][j] = 0; putNonAtom(i,j, Feld::None); } } void Feld::load (const KSimpleConfig& config) { if(moving) this->killTimers(); mol->load(config); TQString key; for (int j = 0; j < FIELD_SIZE; j++) { key.sprintf("feld_%02d", j); TQString line = config.readEntry(key); for (int i = 0; i < FIELD_SIZE; i++) feld[i][j] = atom2int(line[i].latin1()); } moves = 0; chosen = false; moving = false; undoSize = redoSize = undoBegin = 0; emit enableUndo(false); emit enableRedo(false); xpos = ypos = 0; nextAtom(); } void Feld::mousePressEvent (TQMouseEvent *e) { if (moving) return; int x = e->pos ().x () / 30; int y = e->pos ().y () / 30; if ( feld [x] [y] == 150) startAnimation (Feld::MoveUp); else if ( feld [x] [y] == 151) startAnimation (Feld::MoveLeft); else if ( feld [x] [y] == 152) startAnimation (Feld::MoveDown); else if ( feld [x] [y] == 153) startAnimation (Feld::MoveRight); else if (feld [x] [y] != 254 && feld [x] [y] != 0) { chosen = true; xpos = x; ypos = y; dir = None; resetValidDirs(); } else { resetValidDirs(); chosen = false; } emitStatus(); } const atom& Feld::getAtom(uint index) const { return mol->getAtom(index); } void Feld::nextAtom() { int x = xpos, y; // make sure we don't check the current atom :-) if (ypos++ >= 15) ypos = 0; while(1) { for (y = ypos; y < FIELD_SIZE; y++) { if ( feld [x] [y] != 0 && feld [x] [y] != 254 && feld [x] [y] != 150 && feld [x] [y] != 151 && feld [x] [y] != 152 && feld [x] [y] != 153 ) { xpos = x; ypos = y; chosen = true; resetValidDirs(); emitStatus(); return; } } ypos = 0; x++; if (x >= FIELD_SIZE) x = 0; } } void Feld::previousAtom() { int x = xpos, y; // make sure we don't check the current atom :-) if (ypos-- <= 0) ypos = FIELD_SIZE-1; while(1) { for (y = ypos; y >= 0; y--) { if ( feld [x] [y] != 0 && feld [x] [y] != 254 && feld [x] [y] != 150 && feld [x] [y] != 151 && feld [x] [y] != 152 && feld [x] [y] != 153 ) { xpos = x; ypos = y; chosen = true; resetValidDirs(); emitStatus(); return; } } ypos = FIELD_SIZE-1; x--; if (x <= 0) x = FIELD_SIZE-1; } } void Feld::emitStatus() { if (!chosen || moving) {} else { if (ypos > 0 && feld[xpos][ypos-1] == 0) { feld [xpos][ypos-1] = 150; putNonAtom(xpos, ypos-1, Feld::MoveUp); } if (ypos < FIELD_SIZE-1 && feld[xpos][ypos+1] == 0) { feld [xpos][ypos+1] = 152; putNonAtom(xpos, ypos+1, Feld::MoveDown); } if (xpos > 0 && feld[xpos-1][ypos] == 0) { feld [xpos-1][ypos] = 151; putNonAtom(xpos-1, ypos, Feld::MoveLeft); } if (xpos < FIELD_SIZE-1 && feld[xpos+1][ypos] == 0) { feld [xpos+1][ypos] = 153; putNonAtom(xpos+1, ypos, Feld::MoveRight); } } } void Feld::done () { if (moving) return; emitStatus(); if (checkDone()) emit gameOver(moves); } void Feld::startAnimation (Direction d) { // if animation is already started, return if (moving || !chosen) return; switch (d) { case MoveUp: if (ypos == 0 || feld [xpos] [ypos-1] != 150) return; break; case MoveDown: if (ypos == FIELD_SIZE-1 || feld [xpos] [ypos+1] != 152) return; break; case MoveLeft: if (xpos == 0 || feld [xpos-1] [ypos] != 151) return; break; case MoveRight: if (xpos == FIELD_SIZE-1 || feld [xpos+1] [ypos] != 153) return; break; default: break; } // reset validDirs now so that arrows don't get drawn resetValidDirs(); int x = 0, y = 0; moves++; emit sendMoves(moves); dir = d; switch (dir) { case MoveUp : for (x = xpos, y = ypos-1, anz = 0; y >= 0 && feld [x] [y] == 0; anz++, y--); if (anz != 0) { feld [x] [++y] = feld [xpos] [ypos]; } break; case MoveDown : for (x = xpos, y = ypos+1, anz = 0; y <= FIELD_SIZE-1 && feld [x] [y] == 0; anz++, y++); if (anz != 0) { feld [x] [--y] = feld [xpos] [ypos]; } break; case MoveRight : for (x = xpos+1, y = ypos, anz = 0; x <= FIELD_SIZE-1 && feld [x] [y] == 0; anz++, x++); if (anz != 0) { feld [--x] [y] = feld [xpos] [ypos]; } break; case MoveLeft : for (x = xpos-1, y = ypos, anz = 0; x >= 0 && feld [x] [y] == 0; anz++, x--); if (anz != 0) { feld [++x] [y] = feld [xpos] [ypos]; } break; default: return; } if (anz != 0) { moving = true; // BEGIN: Insert undo informations uint undoChunk = (undoBegin + undoSize) % MAX_UNDO; undo[undoChunk].atom = feld[xpos][ypos]; undo[undoChunk].oldxpos = xpos; undo[undoChunk].oldypos = ypos; undo[undoChunk].xpos = x; undo[undoChunk].ypos = y; undo[undoChunk].dir = dir; if (undoSize == MAX_UNDO) undoBegin = (undoBegin + 1) % MAX_UNDO; else ++undoSize; redoSize = undoSize; emit enableUndo(true); emit enableRedo(false); // END: Insert undo informations feld [xpos] [ypos] = 0; // absolutkoordinaten des zu verschiebenden bildes cx = xpos * 30; cy = ypos * 30; xpos = x; ypos = y; // 30 animationsstufen framesbak = frames = anz * 30; // 10 mal pro sek startTimer (10); bitBlt (&sprite, 0, 0, this, cx, cy, 30, 30, CopyROP); } } void Feld::doUndo () { if (moving || !chosen || undoSize == 0) return; UndoInfo &undo_info = undo[(undoBegin + --undoSize) % MAX_UNDO]; emit enableUndo(undoSize != 0); emit enableRedo(true); --moves; emit sendMoves(moves); moving = true; resetValidDirs (); cx = undo_info.xpos; cy = undo_info.ypos; xpos = undo_info.oldxpos; ypos = undo_info.oldypos; feld[cx][cy] = 0; feld[xpos][ypos] = undo_info.atom; cx *= 30; cy *= 30; framesbak = frames = 30 * (abs (undo_info.xpos - undo_info.oldxpos) + abs (undo_info.ypos - undo_info.oldypos) ); startTimer (10); dir = (Direction) -((int) undo_info.dir); bitBlt (&sprite, 0, 0, this, cx, cy, 30, 30, CopyROP); } void Feld::doRedo () { if (moving || !chosen || undoSize == redoSize) return; UndoInfo &undo_info = undo[(undoBegin + undoSize++) % MAX_UNDO]; emit enableUndo(true); emit enableRedo(undoSize != redoSize); ++moves; emit sendMoves(moves); moving = true; resetValidDirs (); cx = undo_info.oldxpos; cy = undo_info.oldypos; xpos = undo_info.xpos; ypos = undo_info.ypos; feld[cx][cy] = 0; feld[xpos][ypos] = undo_info.atom; cx *= 30; cy *= 30; framesbak = frames = 30 * (abs (undo_info.xpos - undo_info.oldxpos) + abs (undo_info.ypos - undo_info.oldypos) ); startTimer (10); dir = undo_info.dir; bitBlt (&sprite, 0, 0, this, cx, cy, 30, 30, CopyROP); } void Feld::mouseMoveEvent (TQMouseEvent *e) { // warning: mouseMoveEvents can report positions upto 1 pixel outside // of the field widget, so we must be sure handle this case if( e->pos().x() < 0 || e->pos().x() >= 450 || e->pos().y() < 0 || e->pos().y() >= 450 ) { setCursor(arrowCursor); } else { int x = e->pos ().x () / 30; int y = e->pos ().y () / 30; // verschiedene cursor je nach pos if (feld[x][y] != 254 && feld [x] [y] != 0) setCursor (crossCursor); else setCursor (arrowCursor); } } bool Feld::checkDone () { int molecWidth = mol->molecSize().width(); int molecHeight = mol->molecSize().height(); int i = 0; int j = 0; // find first atom in molecule uint firstAtom = 0; for(j = 0; j < molecHeight && !firstAtom; ++j) firstAtom = mol->getAtom(0, j); // wot no atom? if(!firstAtom) return true; // true skips to next level // position of first atom (in molecule coordinates) int mx = 0; int my = j - 1; TQRect extent(0, 0, FIELD_SIZE - molecWidth + 1, FIELD_SIZE - molecHeight + 1); extent.moveBy(0, my); // find first atom in playing field for(i = extent.left(); i <= extent.right(); ++i) { for(j = extent.top(); j <= extent.bottom(); ++j) { if(feld[i][j] == firstAtom) { // attempt to match playing field to molecule int ox = i - mx; // molecule origin (in field coordinates) int oy = j - my; // molecule origin (in field coordinates) ++my; // no need to test first atom again while(mx < molecWidth) { while(my < molecHeight) { uint nextAtom = mol->getAtom(mx, my); if(nextAtom != 0 && feld[ox + mx][oy + my] != nextAtom) return false; ++my; } my = 0; ++mx; } return true; } } } // if we got here, then the first atom is too low or too far right // for the molecule to be assembled correctly return false; } void Feld::timerEvent (TQTimerEvent *) { // animation beenden if (frames <= 0) { moving = false; this->killTimers (); done(); dir = None; } else { frames -= settings.anim_speed; if (frames < 0) frames = 0; paintMovingAtom(); } } void Feld::paintMovingAtom() { int a = settings.anim_speed; TQPainter paint(this); switch(dir) { case MoveUp: bitBlt(this, cx, cy - framesbak + frames, &sprite, CopyROP); if(framesbak - frames > 0) paint.eraseRect(cx, cy - framesbak + frames + 30, 30, a); break; case MoveDown: bitBlt(this, cx, cy + framesbak - frames, &sprite, CopyROP); if(framesbak - frames > 0) paint.eraseRect(cx, cy + framesbak - frames - a, 30, a); break; case MoveRight: bitBlt(this, cx + framesbak - frames, cy, &sprite, CopyROP); if(framesbak - frames > 0) paint.eraseRect(cx + framesbak - frames - a, cy, a, 30); break; case MoveLeft: bitBlt(this, cx - framesbak + frames, cy, &sprite, CopyROP); if(framesbak - frames > 0) paint.eraseRect(cx - framesbak + frames + 30, cy, a, 30); break; case None: break; } } void Feld::putNonAtom (int x, int y, Direction which, bool brick) { int xarr=0, yarr=0; switch (which) { case None : xarr = 279, yarr = 31 * (brick?1:2); break; case MoveUp : xarr = 248; yarr = 62; break; case MoveLeft : xarr = 217; yarr = 93; break; case MoveDown : xarr = 248; yarr = 93; break; case MoveRight : xarr = 279; yarr = 93; break; } bitBlt(this, x * 30, y * 30, &data, xarr, yarr, 30, 30, CopyROP); } void Feld::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * ) { int i, j, x, y; TQPainter paint ( this ); paint.setPen (black); // spielfeld gleich zeichnen for (i = 0; i < FIELD_SIZE; i++) { for (j = 0; j < FIELD_SIZE; j++) { if(moving && i == xpos && j == ypos) continue; x = i * 30; y = j * 30; // zeichnet Randst�cke if (feld [i] [j] == 254) { putNonAtom(i, j, Feld::None, true); continue; } if (feld[i][j] == 150) { putNonAtom(i, j, Feld::MoveUp); continue; } if (feld[i][j] == 151) { putNonAtom(i, j, Feld::MoveLeft); continue; } if (feld[i][j] == 152) { putNonAtom(i, j, Feld::MoveDown); continue; } if (feld[i][j] == 153) { putNonAtom(i, j, Feld::MoveRight); continue; } // zeichnet Atome if (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj <= '9' && getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj > '0') { bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj - '1') * 31, 0, 30, 30, CopyROP); } // zeichnet Kristalle if (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj == 'o') { bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, 31, 93, 30, 30, CopyROP); } // verbindungen zeichnen if (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj <= '9' || getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj == 'o') for (int c = 0; c < MAX_CONNS_PER_ATOM; c++) { char conn = getAtom(feld [i] [j]).conn[c]; if (!conn) break; if (conn >= 'a' && conn <= 'a' + 8) bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (conn - 'a') * 31, 31, 30, 30, XorROP); else bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (conn - 'A') * 31, 62, 30, 30, XorROP); } // zeichnet Verbindungsst�be if (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj >= 'A' && getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj <= 'F') bitBlt (this, x, y, &data, (getAtom(feld [i] [j]).obj - 'A' + 2) * 31 , 93, 30, 30, CopyROP); } } } #include "feld.moc"