/* * Copyright (C) 2000 Stefan Schimanski <1Stein@gmx.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <tdestandarddirs.h> #include <tdeapplication.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tqimage.h> #include <tdeglobalsettings.h> #include "game.h" #define TILE_SIZE 16 #define TILE_FIRST ((FIELD_WIDTH-2)*(FIELD_HEIGHT-2)) #define TILE_FREE (TILE_FIRST + 0) #define TILE_BORDER (TILE_FIRST + 1) #define TILE_WALLEND (TILE_FIRST + 2) #define TILE_WALLUP (TILE_FIRST + 3) #define TILE_WALLDOWN (TILE_FIRST + 4) #define TILE_WALLLEFT (TILE_FIRST + 5) #define TILE_WALLRIGHT (TILE_FIRST + 6) #define GAME_DELAY 15 #define BALL_ANIM_DELAY 60 #define WALL_DELAY 100 #if HAVE_ARTS SimpleSoundServer *JezzGame::m_artsServer = 0; #endif TQString JezzGame::m_soundPath; bool JezzGame::m_sound = true; #define MS2TICKS( ms ) ((ms)/GAME_DELAY) Ball::Ball(TQCanvasPixmapArray* array, TQCanvas* canvas) : TQCanvasSprite( array, canvas ), m_animDelay( 0 ), m_soundDelay( MS2TICKS(BALL_ANIM_DELAY)/2 ) { } void Ball::update() { // set pixmap frame m_animDelay--; if ( m_animDelay<=0 ) { m_animDelay = MS2TICKS(BALL_ANIM_DELAY); int frameNum = frame(); frameNum++; if ( frameNum>=frameCount() ) frameNum = 0; setFrame( frameNum ); } } void Ball::advance(int stage) { bool reflectX = false; bool reflectY = false; m_soundDelay++; // ball already on a wall? (should normally never happen) // commented out to stop bug which causes balls to // sometimes stop when clicked on // if ( collide(0, 0) ) setVelocity( 0, 0 ); // check for collisions if ( collide(xVelocity(), 0) ) reflectX = true; if ( collide(0, yVelocity()) ) reflectY = true; if ( !reflectX && !reflectY && collide(xVelocity(), yVelocity()) ) reflectX = reflectY = true; // emit collision TQRect r = boundingRect(); r.moveBy( xVelocity(), yVelocity() ); JezzField* field = (JezzField *)canvas(); int ul = field->tile( r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE ); int ur = field->tile( r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE ); int bl = field->tile( r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE ); int br = field->tile( r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE ); if ( ul!=TILE_FREE ) field->emitBallCollisiton( this, r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE, ul ); else if ( ur!=TILE_FREE ) field->emitBallCollisiton( this, r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE, ur ); else if ( bl!=TILE_FREE ) field->emitBallCollisiton( this, r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE, bl ); else if ( br!=TILE_FREE ) field->emitBallCollisiton( this, r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE, br ); // apply reflection if ( reflectX ) setXVelocity( -xVelocity() ); if ( reflectY ) setYVelocity( -yVelocity() ); // play collision sound if ( reflectX || reflectY ) { if ( m_soundDelay>50 ) JezzGame::playSound( "reflect.au" ); m_soundDelay = 0; } // update field update(); TQCanvasSprite::advance( stage ); } bool Ball::collide( double dx, double dy ) { TQRect r = boundingRect(); r.moveBy( dx, dy ); JezzField* field = (JezzField *)canvas(); int ul = field->tile( r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE ); int ur = field->tile( r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE ); int bl = field->tile( r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE ); int br = field->tile( r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE ); return ( ul!=TILE_FREE || ur!=TILE_FREE || bl!=TILE_FREE || br!=TILE_FREE ); } /*************************************************************************/ Wall::Wall( JezzField *field, int x, int y, Direction dir, int tile, TQObject *parent, const char *name ) : TQObject( parent, name ), m_dir( dir ), m_field( field ), m_startX( x ), m_startY( y ), m_tile( tile ), m_delay( MS2TICKS(WALL_DELAY)/2 ), m_active( true ) { //kdDebug(12008) << "Wall::Wall" << endl; // setup position and direction m_dx = 0; m_dy = 0; switch ( m_dir ) { case Up: m_dy = -1; break; case Down: m_dy = 1; break; case Left: m_dx = -1; break; case Right: m_dx = 1; break; } m_x = m_startX; m_y = m_startY; m_field->setTile( m_x, m_y, m_tile ); } void Wall::finish() { m_active = false; } bool Wall::isFree( int x, int y ) { if ( m_field->tile(x, y)==TILE_FREE ) { // check whether there is a ball at the moment TQCanvasItemList cols = m_field->collisions( TQRect(x*TILE_SIZE, y*TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE) ); if ( cols.count()==0 ) return true; } return false; } void Wall::update() { } void Wall::advance() { update(); // move wall if ( m_active ) { m_delay--; if ( m_delay<=0 ) { m_delay = MS2TICKS(WALL_DELAY); // set previous tile m_field->setTile( m_x, m_y, m_tile ); // check whether next place is still free if ( isFree(m_x+m_dx, m_y+m_dy) ) { // move ball m_x += m_dx; m_y += m_dy; // set tile m_field->setTile( m_x, m_y, TILE_WALLEND ); } else { finish(); emit finished( this, m_field->tile( m_x+m_dx, m_y+m_dy ) ); } } } } void Wall::fill( bool black ) { if ( m_dx ) { for ( int x=m_startX ; x!=m_x; x+=m_dx ) if ( m_field->tile(x, m_startY)==m_tile ) m_field->setGameTile( x, m_startY, black ); m_field->setGameTile( m_x, m_startY, black ); } else { for ( int y=m_startY ; y!=m_y; y+=m_dy ) if ( m_field->tile(m_startX, y)==m_tile ) m_field->setGameTile( m_startX, y, black ); m_field->setGameTile( m_startX, m_y, black ); } } /*************************************************************************/ JezzField::JezzField( const TQPixmap &tiles, const TQPixmap &background, TQObject* parent, const char* name ) : TQCanvas( parent, name ), m_tiles( tiles ) { setPixmaps( tiles, background ); } void JezzField::setGameTile( int x, int y, bool black ) { if ( m_background ) setTile( x, y, black ? ((x-1)+(y-1)*(FIELD_WIDTH-2)) : TILE_FREE ); else setTile( x, y, black ? TILE_BORDER : TILE_FREE ); } void JezzField::setBackground( const TQPixmap &background ) { // copy current field into buffer int backup[FIELD_WIDTH][FIELD_HEIGHT]; for ( int y=0; y<FIELD_HEIGHT; y++ ) for ( int x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; x++ ) backup[x][y] = tile( x, y ); setPixmaps( m_tiles, background ); // restore tiles for ( int x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; x++ ) setTile( x, 0, TILE_BORDER ); for ( int y=1; y<FIELD_HEIGHT-1; y++ ) { setTile( 0, y, TILE_BORDER ); for ( int x=1; x<FIELD_WIDTH-1; x++ ) { int tile = backup[x][y]; if ( m_background ) { if ( tile==TILE_BORDER || tile<TILE_FIRST ) tile = (x-1)+(y-1)*(FIELD_WIDTH-2); } else { if ( tile<TILE_FIRST ) tile = TILE_BORDER; } setTile( x, y, tile ); } setTile( FIELD_WIDTH-1, y, TILE_BORDER ); } for ( int x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; x++ ) setTile( x, FIELD_HEIGHT-1, TILE_BORDER ); } void JezzField::setPixmaps( const TQPixmap &tiles, const TQPixmap &background ) { // create new tiles TQPixmap allTiles( TILE_SIZE*(FIELD_WIDTH-2), TILE_SIZE*(FIELD_HEIGHT-1) ); if ( background.width()==0 || background.height()==0 ) { m_background = false; } else { // handle background m_background = true; TQImage img = background.convertToImage(); TQPixmap scalledBackground( img.smoothScale( TILE_SIZE*(FIELD_WIDTH-2), TILE_SIZE*(FIELD_HEIGHT-2) ) ); bitBlt( &allTiles, 0, 0, &scalledBackground, 0, 0, scalledBackground.width(), scalledBackground.height() ); } // handle default tiles bitBlt( &allTiles, 0, TILE_SIZE*(FIELD_HEIGHT-2), &tiles, 0, 0, tiles.width(), tiles.height() ); // load tiles into canvas setTiles( allTiles, FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE ); } /*************************************************************************/ JezzView::JezzView(TQCanvas* viewing, TQWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) : TQCanvasView( viewing, parent, name, f ), m_vertical( false ) { setResizePolicy( AutoOne ); setHScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff ); setVScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff ); setCursor( sizeHorCursor ); } void JezzView::viewportMouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent *ev ) { if ( ev->button() & TQt::RightButton ) { m_vertical = !m_vertical; if ( m_vertical ) setCursor( sizeVerCursor ); else setCursor( sizeHorCursor ); } if ( ev->button() & TQt::LeftButton ) { emit buildWall( ev->x()/TILE_SIZE, ev->y()/TILE_SIZE, m_vertical ); } } /*************************************************************************/ JezzGame::JezzGame( const TQPixmap &background, int ballNum, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWidget( parent, name ), m_wall1( 0 ), m_wall2( 0 ), m_text( 0 ), m_running( false ), m_percent( 0 ), m_pictured( false ) { TQString path = tdeApp->dirs()->findResourceDir( "data", "kbounce/pics/ball0000.png" ) + "kbounce/pics/"; // load gfx m_ballPixmaps = new TQCanvasPixmapArray( path + "ball%1.png", 25 ); for ( unsigned n=0; n<m_ballPixmaps->count(); n++ ) m_ballPixmaps->image(n)->setOffset( 0, 0 ); TQPixmap tiles( path + "tiles.png" ); // setup arts #if HAVE_ARTS m_artsServer = new SimpleSoundServer; *m_artsServer = Arts::Reference("global:Arts_SimpleSoundServer"); if ( m_artsServer->isNull() ) kdDebug(12008) << "Can't connect to aRts sound server" << endl; #endif m_soundPath = tdeApp->dirs()->findResourceDir( "data", "kbounce/sounds/death.au" ) + "kbounce/sounds/"; // create field m_field = new JezzField( tiles, background, this, "m_field" ); m_field->resize( TILE_SIZE*FIELD_WIDTH, TILE_SIZE*FIELD_HEIGHT ); for ( int x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; x++ ) m_field->setTile( x, 0, TILE_BORDER ); for ( int y=1; y<FIELD_HEIGHT-1; y++ ) { m_field->setTile( 0, y, TILE_BORDER ); for ( int x=1; x<FIELD_WIDTH-1; x++ ) m_field->setTile( x, y, TILE_FREE ); m_field->setTile( FIELD_WIDTH-1, y, TILE_BORDER ); } for ( int x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; x++ ) m_field->setTile( x, FIELD_HEIGHT-1, TILE_BORDER ); connect( m_field, TQ_SIGNAL(ballCollision(Ball *, int, int, int)), this, TQ_SLOT(ballCollision(Ball *, int, int, int)) ); // create view m_view = new JezzView( m_field, this, "m_view" ); m_view->move( 0, 0 ); m_view->adjustSize(); connect( m_view, TQ_SIGNAL(buildWall(int, int, bool)), this, TQ_SLOT(buildWall(int, int, bool)) ); // create balls for ( int n=0; n<ballNum; n++ ) { Ball *ball = new Ball( m_ballPixmaps, m_field ); m_balls.append( ball ); ball->setVelocity( ((tdeApp->random() & 1)*2-1)*2, ((tdeApp->random() & 1)*2-1)*2 ); ball->setFrame( tdeApp->random() % 25 ); ball->move( 4*TILE_SIZE + tdeApp->random() % ( (FIELD_WIDTH-8)*TILE_SIZE ), 4*TILE_SIZE + tdeApp->random() % ( (FIELD_HEIGHT-8)*TILE_SIZE ) ); ball->show(); } // create text label m_text = new TQCanvasText( m_field ); // create game clock m_clock = new TQTimer( this ); connect( m_clock, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(tick()) ); m_clock->start( GAME_DELAY ); // setup geometry setFixedSize( m_view->size() ); } JezzGame::~JezzGame() { m_balls.clear(); delete m_view; delete m_field; delete m_ballPixmaps; #if HAVE_ARTS delete m_artsServer; #endif } void JezzGame::display( const TQString &text, int size ) { tqDebug("This function \"display\" shouldn't be called!!!"); if ( !text.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(12008) << "text = " << text << endl; TQFont font = TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont(); font.setBold(true); font.setPointSize(size); m_text->setFont( font ); m_text->setText( text ); TQRect size = m_text->boundingRect(); m_text->move( ( FIELD_WIDTH*TILE_SIZE - size.width() ) / 2, ( FIELD_HEIGHT*TILE_SIZE - size.height() ) / 2 ); m_text->show(); } else { m_text->hide(); } } void JezzGame::playSound( const TQString &name ) { #if HAVE_ARTS if( !m_artsServer->isNull() && m_sound) { TQString path = m_soundPath + name; m_artsServer->play( path.latin1() ); } #else return; #endif } void JezzGame::setBackground( const TQPixmap &background ) { m_field->setBackground( background ); } void JezzGame::setSound( bool sound ) { m_sound = sound; } void JezzGame::start() { m_running = true; } void JezzGame::stop() { m_running = false; } void JezzGame::makeBlack() { // copy current field into buffer for ( int y=0; y<FIELD_HEIGHT; y++ ) for ( int x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; x++ ) m_buf[x][y] = m_field->tile( x, y ); // fill areas that contains a ball for ( Ball *ball=m_balls.first(); ball!=0; ball=m_balls.next() ) fill( ball->x()/TILE_SIZE, ball->y()/TILE_SIZE ); // areas still free can be blacked now for ( int y=0; y<FIELD_HEIGHT; y++ ) for ( int x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; x++ ) { if ( m_buf[x][y]==TILE_FREE ) m_field->setGameTile( x, y, true ); } m_field->update(); m_view->repaint(); // count percent value of occupied area int p = percent(); if ( p!=m_percent ) { m_percent = p; emit newPercent( m_percent ); } } int JezzGame::percent() { int notFree = 0; for ( int y=1; y<FIELD_HEIGHT-1; y++ ) for ( int x=1; x<FIELD_WIDTH-1; x++ ) { if ( m_field->tile(x,y)!=TILE_FREE ) notFree++; } return 100 * notFree / ( (FIELD_WIDTH-2) * (FIELD_HEIGHT-2) ); } void JezzGame::fill( int x, int y ) { if ( m_buf[x][y]!=TILE_FREE) return; // go left int _x=x; for ( ; m_buf[_x][y]==TILE_FREE; _x-- ) m_buf[_x][y] = TILE_BORDER; int stopx = _x; // fill above for ( _x=x; _x>stopx; _x-- ) if ( m_buf[_x][y-1]==TILE_FREE ) fill( _x, y-1 ); // fill below for ( _x=x; _x>stopx; _x-- ) if ( m_buf[_x][y+1]==TILE_FREE ) fill( _x, y+1 ); // go right for ( _x=x+1; m_buf[_x][y]==TILE_FREE; _x++ ) m_buf[_x][y] = TILE_BORDER; stopx = _x; // fill above for ( _x=x+1; _x<stopx; _x++ ) if ( m_buf[_x][y-1]==TILE_FREE ) fill( _x, y-1 ); // fill below; for ( _x=x+1; _x<stopx; _x++ ) if ( m_buf[_x][y+1]==TILE_FREE ) fill( _x, y+1 ); } void JezzGame::ballCollision( Ball */*ball*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/, int tile ) { if ( tile!=TILE_BORDER && tile>TILE_FREE && tile!=TILE_WALLEND ) { kdDebug(12008) << "Collision" << endl; // play explosion sound playSound( "death.au" ); // stop walls if ( (tile==TILE_WALLUP || tile==TILE_WALLLEFT) && m_wall1 ) { kdDebug(12008) << "up or left" << endl; m_wall1->finish(); m_wall1->fill( false ); delete m_wall1; m_wall1 = 0; } if ( (tile==TILE_WALLDOWN || tile==TILE_WALLRIGHT) && m_wall2 ) { kdDebug(12008) << "down or right" << endl; m_wall2->finish(); m_wall2->fill( false ); delete m_wall2; m_wall2 = 0; } // update view m_field->update(); m_view->repaint(); // send death msg emit died(); } } void JezzGame::buildWall( int x, int y, bool vertical ) { if ( !m_running ) return; kdDebug(12008) << "JezzGame::buildWall( x=" << x << " y=" << y << " vertical=" << vertical << " )" << endl; if ( m_field->tile(x, y)==TILE_FREE ) { playSound( "wallstart.au" ); // check whether there is a ball at the moment TQCanvasItemList cols = m_field->collisions( TQRect(x*TILE_SIZE, y*TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE) ); if ( cols.count()>0 ) { kdDebug(12008) << "Direct collision" << endl; emit ballCollision( (Ball*)cols.first(), x, y, TILE_WALLUP ); return; } // start walls if ( !m_wall1 ) { m_wall1 = new Wall( m_field, x, y, vertical? Wall::Up : Wall::Left, vertical? TILE_WALLUP : TILE_WALLLEFT, this, "m_wall1" ); connect( m_wall1, TQ_SIGNAL(finished(Wall *, int)), this, TQ_SLOT(wallFinished(Wall *, int)) ); } if ( !m_wall2 ) { m_wall2 = new Wall( m_field, x, y, vertical? Wall::Down: Wall::Right, vertical? TILE_WALLDOWN : TILE_WALLRIGHT, this, "m_wall2" ); connect( m_wall2, TQ_SIGNAL(finished(Wall *, int)), this, TQ_SLOT(wallFinished(Wall *, int)) ); } } } void JezzGame::wallFinished( Wall *wall, int tile ) { //kdDebug(12008) << "wallFinished" << endl; playSound( "wallend.au" ); if ( tile==TILE_WALLEND ) { if ( m_wall1 ) { m_wall1->fill( false ); delete m_wall1; m_wall1 = 0; } if ( m_wall2 ) { m_wall2->fill( false ); delete m_wall2; m_wall2 = 0; } } else { if ( m_wall1==wall && m_wall1 ) { m_wall1->fill( true ); delete m_wall1; m_wall1 = 0; } if ( m_wall2==wall && m_wall2 ) { m_wall2->fill( true ); delete m_wall2; m_wall2 = 0; } } m_field->update(); m_view->repaint(); makeBlack(); } void JezzGame::tick() { if ( m_running ) { if ( m_field ) m_field->advance(); if ( m_wall1 ) m_wall1->advance(); if ( m_wall2 ) m_wall2->advance(); } else { for ( Ball *ball=m_balls.first(); ball!=0; ball=m_balls.next() ) ball->update(); if ( m_field ) m_field->update(); if ( m_wall1 ) m_wall1->update(); if ( m_wall2 ) m_wall2->update(); } //tdeApp->syncX(); } #include "game.moc"