/* Classes Move, MoveList * - represents a move in the game of Abalone * * Josef Weidendorfer, 28.8.97 */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include "Move.h" #include "Board.h" const TQString nameOfDir(int dir) { dir = dir % 6; return (dir == 1) ? i18n("Right") : (dir == 2) ? i18n("RightDown") : (dir == 3) ? i18n("LeftDown") : (dir == 4) ? i18n("Left") : (dir == 5) ? i18n("LeftUp") : (dir == 0) ? i18n("RightUp") : TQString("??"); } TQString nameOfPos(int p) { static char tmp[3]; tmp[0] = 'A' + (p-12)/11; tmp[1] = '1' + (p-12)%11; tmp[2] = 0; return TQString( tmp ); } TQString Move::name() const { TQString s,tmp; /* sideway moves... */ if (type == left3 || type == right3) { int f1, f2, df; f1 = f2 = field; df = 2* Board::fieldDiffOfDir(direction); if (df > 0) f2 += df; else f1 += df; s = nameOfPos( f1 ); s += '-'; s += nameOfPos( f2 ); s+= '/'; s+= (type == left3) ? nameOfDir(direction-1): nameOfDir(direction+1); } else if ( type == left2 || type == right2) { int f1, f2, df; f1 = f2 = field; df = Board::fieldDiffOfDir(direction); if (df > 0) f2 += df; else f1 += df; s = nameOfPos( f1 ); s += '-'; s += nameOfPos( f2 ); s+= '/'; s+= (type == left2) ? nameOfDir(direction-1): nameOfDir(direction+1); } else if (type == none) { s = TQString("??"); } else { s = nameOfPos( field ); s += '/'; s += nameOfDir(direction); tmp = (type <3 ) ? i18n("Out") : (type <6 ) ? i18n("Push") : TQString(""); if (!tmp.isEmpty()) { s += '/'; s += tmp; } } return s; } void Move::print() const { printf("%s", name().ascii() ); } MoveTypeCounter::MoveTypeCounter() { init(); } void MoveTypeCounter::init() { for(int i=0;i < Move::typeCount;i++) count[i] = 0; } int MoveTypeCounter::sum() { int sum = count[0]; for(int i=1;i < Move::typeCount;i++) sum += count[i]; return sum; } InARowCounter::InARowCounter() { init(); } void InARowCounter::init() { for(int i=0;i < inARowCount;i++) count[i] = 0; } MoveList::MoveList() { clear(); } void MoveList::clear() { int i; for(i=0;i<Move::typeCount;i++) first[i] = actual[i] = -1; nextUnused = 0; actualType = -1; } void MoveList::insert(Move m) { int t = m.type; /* valid and possible ? */ if (t <0 || t >= Move::typeCount) return; if (nextUnused == MaxMoves) return; assert( nextUnused < MaxMoves ); /* adjust queue */ if (first[t] == -1) { first[t] = last[t] = nextUnused; } else { assert( last[t] < nextUnused ); next[last[t]] = nextUnused; last[t] = nextUnused; } next[nextUnused] = -1; move[nextUnused] = m; nextUnused++; } bool MoveList::isElement(int f) { int i; for(i=0; i<nextUnused; i++) if (move[i].field == f) return true; return false; } bool MoveList::isElement(Move &m, int startType,bool del) { int i; for(i=0; i<nextUnused; i++) { Move& mm = move[i]; if (mm.field != m.field) continue; /* if direction is supplied it has to match */ if ((m.direction > 0) && (mm.direction != m.direction)) continue; /* if type is supplied it has to match */ if ((m.type != Move::none) && (m.type != mm.type)) continue; if (m.type == mm.type) { /* exact match; eventually supply direction */ m.direction = mm.direction; if (del) mm.type = Move::none; return true; } switch(mm.type) { case Move::left3: case Move::right3: if (startType == start3 || startType == all) { m.type = mm.type; m.direction = mm.direction; if (del) mm.type = Move::none; return true; } break; case Move::left2: case Move::right2: if (startType == start2 || startType == all) { m.type = mm.type; m.direction = mm.direction; if (del) mm.type = Move::none; return true; } break; default: if (startType == start1 || startType == all) { /* unexact match: supply type */ m.type = mm.type; m.direction = mm.direction; if (del) mm.type = Move::none; return true; } } } return false; } bool MoveList::getNext(Move& m, int maxType) { if (actualType == Move::typeCount) return false; while(1) { while(actualType < 0 || actual[actualType] == -1) { actualType++; if (actualType == Move::typeCount) return false; actual[actualType] = first[actualType]; if (actualType > maxType) return false; } m = move[actual[actualType]]; actual[actualType] = next[actual[actualType]]; if (m.type != Move::none) break; } return true; }