KGoldrunner v2.0 - TODO

Some ideas for the future:-

  1.  Port KGoldrunner to other O/S's, such as MS Windows and Mac.
      Although KGoldrunner v2.0, as released with the KDE desktop, is
      a KDE-based application and is not portable, KGoldrunner v2.0-qt,
      as configured for Qt 3.x library and compiled with -DKGR_PORTABLE,
      has very small dependence on the KDE desktop (i.e. locations of
      directories only).  Because Qt 3 is intended to be portable to
      MS Windows and Mac, so should KGoldrunner v2.0-qt be.  However Qt
      development licences are NOT free on non-UNIX type O/S's.

  2.  Add sounds for hero actions such as falling, collecting a nugget,
      getting killed and completing a level.

  3.  Design and program extra game objects, such as movable bricks,
      water, teleportation exits and aquatic enemies.

      Movable bricks would be pushed up or sideways or would fall into
      an empty space, to change the maze layout.  As with fall-through
      bricks, they should look just like ordinary bricks.

      With water, the hero could jump in and swim across the surface, at
      a slower speed than on land, but the land enemies would not follow
      him.  If he has to dive below the surface, he can only hold his
      breath for a limited time before he dies.

      Teleportation exits would be connected in pairs.  If you go through
      one exit, you reappear at the other and vice-versa.

      Aquatic enemies would just make life more difficult for the hero
      in the water.  Maybe there could be amphibian enemies too.