100 T plws Initiation
These 100 levels make an excellent introductory game, as well as a good opportunity for experts to build up high scores.  They were composed by Peter Wadham and use traditional playing rules.\n\nThe last few levels are very hard, but if you are looking for even more of a challenge, have a go at 'Vengeance of Peter W' .... ;-) ....
022 T wad Challenge
These tricky little levels were composed by Peter, Simon, Genevieve and their father Ian Wadham.  They use traditional playing rules.  Enjoy! .... ;-) ....
020 T plwv Vengeance of Peter W
Gooood luck !!\nMwarrhh hwwarrrr haarrrr !!!
018 K level KGoldrunner
These levels were composed by Marco Krüger, the original author of the KGoldrunner program, and some of his friends and contributors.  They use KGoldrunner rules.  The enemies run fast and have an aggressive search strategy.  Enjoy! .... :-) ....
015 K sot State Of Terror
Just when you thought it was safe ... fifteen levels of pure terror, using those quirky-yet-fast KGoldrunner rules.\n\nComposed by Stuart Popejoy - spopejoy@panix.com
007 T tute Tutorial
This tutorial is a collection of easy levels that teaches you the rules of KGoldrunner and helps you develop the skills you need to get started.  Each level has a brief explanation, then you play .....\n\nWhen you move on to play more advanced levels, you will find that KGoldrunner combines action, strategy and puzzle solving --- all in one game.
005 T tutea Advanced Tutorial
This tutorial is preparation for some of the things you might find in the middle levels of the 'Initiation' game.  Enjoy ....