 *   Copyright (C) 2003 by Ian Wadham and Marco Krger                     *
 *   ianw2@optusnet.com.au                                                  *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *

// If compiling for portability, redefine KDE's i18n.
#define i18n tr

#include "kgrconsts.h"
#include "kgrcanvas.h"
#include "kgrgame.h"
#include "kgrdialog.h"

#include <kglobalsettings.h>

/*****************    DIALOG BOX TO SELECT A GAME AND LEVEL   *****************/

KGrSLDialog::KGrSLDialog (int action, int requestedLevel, int collnIndex,
			TQPtrList<KGrCollection> & gamesList, KGrGame * theGame,
			TQWidget * parent, const char * name)
		: TQDialog (parent, name, TRUE,
			WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title)
KGrSLDialog::KGrSLDialog (int action, int requestedLevel, int collnIndex,
			TQPtrList<KGrCollection> & gamesList, KGrGame * theGame,
			TQWidget * parent, const char * name)
		: KDialogBase (KDialogBase::Plain, i18n("Select Game"),
		    KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel | KDialogBase::Help,
		    KDialogBase::Ok, parent, name)
    slAction     = action;
    defaultLevel = requestedLevel;
    defaultGame  = collnIndex;
    collections  = gamesList;
    game         = theGame;
    collection   = collections.at(defaultGame);
    slParent     = parent;

    int margin		= 10;
    int spacing		= 10;
    TQWidget * dad	= this;
    int margin		= marginHint();
    int spacing		= spacingHint();
    TQWidget * dad	= plainPage();

    TQVBoxLayout * mainLayout = new TQVBoxLayout (dad, margin, spacing);

    collnL    = new TQLabel (i18n("List of games:"), dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (collnL);
    colln     = new TQListBox (dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (colln);

    TQHBox * gameInfo = new TQHBox (dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (gameInfo);
    gameInfo->setSpacing (spacing);
    collnN    = new TQLabel ("", gameInfo);	// Name of selected collection.
    TQFont f = collnN->font();
    f.setBold (TRUE);
    collnN->setFont (f);
    collnA    = new TQPushButton (i18n("More Info"), gameInfo);

    collnD    = new TQLabel ("", dad);		// Description of collection.
    mainLayout->addWidget (collnD);

    TQFrame * separator = new TQFrame (dad);
    separator->setFrameStyle (TQFrame::HLine + TQFrame::Sunken);
    mainLayout->addWidget (separator);

    if ((action == SL_START) || (action == SL_UPD_GAME)) {
	dad->	setCaption (i18n("Select Game"));
	TQLabel * startMsg = new TQLabel
	    ("<b>" + i18n("Level 1 of the selected game is:") + "</b>", dad);
	mainLayout->addWidget (startMsg);
    else {
	dad->	setCaption (i18n("Select Game/Level"));
	TQLabel * selectLev = new TQLabel (i18n("Select level:"), dad);
	mainLayout->addWidget (selectLev);

    TQGridLayout * grid = new TQGridLayout (3, 2, -1);
    mainLayout->addLayout (grid);

    // Initial range 1->150, small step 1, big step 10 and default value 1.
    number    = new TQScrollBar (1, 150, 1, 10, 1,
				  Qt::Horizontal, dad);
    grid->addWidget (number, 1, 1);

    TQHBox * numberPair = new TQHBox (dad);
    grid->addWidget (numberPair, 2, 1);
    numberPair->setSpacing (spacing);
    numberL   = new TQLabel (i18n("Level number:"), numberPair);
    display   = new TQLineEdit (numberPair);

    levelNH   = new TQPushButton (i18n("Edit Level Name && Hint"), dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (levelNH);

    slName    = new TQLabel ("", dad);
    grid->addWidget (slName, 3, 1);
    thumbNail = new KGrThumbNail (dad);
    grid->addMultiCellWidget (thumbNail, 1, 3, 2, 2);

    // Set thumbnail cell size to about 1/5 of game cell size.
    int cellSize = parent->width() / (5 * (FIELDWIDTH + 4));
    thumbNail->	setFixedWidth  ((FIELDWIDTH  * cellSize) + 2);
    thumbNail->	setFixedHeight ((FIELDHEIGHT * cellSize) + 2);

    TQHBox * buttons = new TQHBox (this);
    mainLayout->addWidget (buttons);
    buttons->setSpacing (spacing);
    // Buttons are for TQt-only portability.  NOT COMPILED in KDE environment.
    HELP      = new TQPushButton (i18n("Help"), buttons);
    OK        = new TQPushButton (i18n("&OK"), buttons);
    CANCEL    = new TQPushButton (i18n("&Cancel"), buttons);

    TQPoint p  = parent->mapToGlobal (TQPoint (0,0));

    // Base the tqgeometry of the dialog box on the playing area.
    int cell = parent->width() / (FIELDWIDTH + 4);
    dad->	move (p.x()+2*cell, p.y()+2*cell);
    dad->	setMinimumSize ((FIELDWIDTH*cell/2), (FIELDHEIGHT-1)*cell);

    OK->	setAccel (Key_Return);
    HELP->	setAccel (Key_F1);
    CANCEL->	setAccel (Key_Escape);

    // Set the default for the level-number in the scrollbar.
    number->	setTracking (TRUE);
    number->setValue (requestedLevel);

    slSetCollections (defaultGame);

    // Vary the dialog according to the action.
    TQString OKText = "";
    switch (slAction) {
    case SL_START:	// Must start at level 1, but can choose a collection.
			OKText = i18n("Start Game");
			number->setValue (1);
    case SL_ANY:	// Can start playing at any level in any collection.
			OKText = i18n("Play Level");
    case SL_UPDATE:	// Can use any level in any collection as edit input.
			OKText = i18n("Edit Level");
    case SL_CREATE:	// Can save a new level only in a USER collection.
			OKText = i18n("Save New");
    case SL_SAVE:	// Can save an edited level only in a USER collection.
			OKText = i18n("Save Change");
    case SL_DELETE:	// Can delete a level only in a USER collection.
			OKText = i18n("Delete Level");
    case SL_MOVE:	// Can move a level only into a USER collection.
			OKText = i18n("Move To...");
    case SL_UPD_GAME:	// Can only edit USER collection details.
			OKText = i18n("Edit Game Info");
			number->setValue (1);

    default:		break;			// Keep the default settings.
    if (!OKText.isEmpty()) {
	OK->setText (OKText);
	setButtonOK (OKText);

    // Set value in the line-edit box.
    slShowLevel (number->value());

    if (display->isEnabled()) {
	display->setFocus();			// Set the keyboard input on.
	display->setCursorPosition (0);

    // Paint a thumbnail sketch of the level.
    thumbNail->setFrameStyle (TQFrame::Box | TQFrame::Plain);
    thumbNail->setLineWidth (1);

    connect (colln,   TQT_SIGNAL (highlighted (int)), this, TQT_SLOT (slColln (int)));
    connect (collnA,  TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slAboutColln ()));

    connect (display, TQT_SIGNAL (textChanged (const TQString &)),
		this, TQT_SLOT (slUpdate (const TQString &)));

    connect (number,  TQT_SIGNAL (valueChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slShowLevel(int)));

    // Only enable name and hint dialog here if saving a new or edited level.
    // At other times the name and hint have not been loaded or initialised yet.
    if ((slAction == SL_CREATE) || (slAction == SL_SAVE)) {
	connect (levelNH,  TQT_SIGNAL (clicked()), game, TQT_SLOT (editNameAndHint()));
    else {
	levelNH->setEnabled (FALSE);

    connect (colln,   TQT_SIGNAL (highlighted (int)), this, TQT_SLOT (slPaintLevel ()));
    connect (number,  TQT_SIGNAL (sliderReleased()), this, TQT_SLOT (slPaintLevel()));
    connect (number,  TQT_SIGNAL (nextLine()), this, TQT_SLOT (slPaintLevel()));
    connect (number,  TQT_SIGNAL (prevLine()), this, TQT_SLOT (slPaintLevel()));
    connect (number,  TQT_SIGNAL (nextPage()), this, TQT_SLOT (slPaintLevel()));
    connect (number,  TQT_SIGNAL (prevPage()), this, TQT_SLOT (slPaintLevel()));

    // Set the exits from this dialog box.
    connect (OK,      TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this,   TQT_SLOT (accept ()));
    connect (CANCEL,  TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this,   TQT_SLOT (reject ()));
    connect (HELP,    TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this,   TQT_SLOT (slotHelp ()));


/*****************    LOAD THE LIST OF GAMES (COLLECTIONS)    *****************/

void KGrSLDialog::slSetCollections (int cIndex)
    int i;
    int imax = collections.count();

    // Set values in the combo box that holds collection names.
    slCollnIndex = -1;

    for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) {
	colln->insertItem (collections.at(i)->name, -1);
	if (slCollnIndex < 0) {
	    slCollnIndex = i;		// There is at least one collection.

    if (slCollnIndex < 0) {
	return;				// There are no collections (unlikely).
    // Mark the currently selected collection (or default 0).
    colln->setCurrentItem (cIndex);
    colln->setSelected (cIndex, TRUE);

    // Fetch and display information on the selected collection.
    slColln (cIndex);

/*****************    SLOTS USED BY LEVEL SELECTION DIALOG    *****************/

void KGrSLDialog::slColln (int i)
    if (slCollnIndex < 0) {
	// Ignore the "highlighted" signal caused by inserting in an empty box.

    // User "highlighted" a new collection (with one click) ...
    colln->setSelected (i, TRUE);			// One click = selected.
    slCollnIndex = i;
    int n = slCollnIndex;				// Collection selected.
    int N = defaultGame;				// Current collection.
    if (collections.at(n)->nLevels > 0)
	number->setMaxValue (collections.at(n)->nLevels);
	number->setMaxValue (1);			// Avoid range errors.

    // Set a default level number for the selected collection.
    switch (slAction) {
    case SL_ANY:
    case SL_UPDATE:
    case SL_DELETE:
    case SL_UPD_GAME:
	// If selecting the current collection, use the current level number.
	if (n == N)
	    number->setValue (defaultLevel);
	    number->setValue (1);			// Else use level 1.
    case SL_CREATE:
    case SL_SAVE:
    case SL_MOVE:
	if ((n == N) && (slAction != SL_CREATE)) {
	    // Saving/moving level in current collection: use current number.
	    number->setValue (defaultLevel);
	else {
	    // Saving new/edited level or relocating a level: use "nLevels + 1".
	    number->setMaxValue (collections.at(n)->nLevels + 1);
	    number->setValue (number->maxValue());
	number->setValue (1);				// Default is level 1.

    slShowLevel (number->value());

    int levCnt = collections.at(n)->nLevels;
    if (collections.at(n)->settings == 'K')
	collnD->setText (i18n("1 level, uses KGoldrunner rules.",
				"%n levels, uses KGoldrunner rules.", levCnt));
	collnD->setText (i18n("1 level, uses Traditional rules.",
				"%n levels, uses Traditional rules.", levCnt));
    TQString levCnt;
    levCnt = levCnt.setNum (collections.at(n)->nLevels);
    if (collections.at(n)->settings == 'K')
	collnD->setText (levCnt + i18n(" levels, uses KGoldrunner rules."));
	collnD->setText (levCnt + i18n(" levels, uses Traditional rules."));
    collnN->setText (collections.at(n)->name);

void KGrSLDialog::slAboutColln ()
    // User clicked the "About" button ...
    int		n = slCollnIndex;
    TQString	title = i18n("About \"%1\"").tqarg(collections.at(n)->name);

    if (collections.at(n)->about.length() > 0) {
	// Convert game description to ASCII and UTF-8 codes, then translate it.
	KGrMessage::wrapped (slParent, title,
			i18n((const char *) collections.at(n)->about.utf8()));
    else {
	KGrMessage::wrapped (slParent, title,
	    i18n("Sorry, there is no further information about this game."));

void KGrSLDialog::slShowLevel (int i)
    // Display the level number as the slider is moved.
    TQString tmp;
    tmp = tmp.rightJustify(3,'0');

void KGrSLDialog::slUpdate (const TQString & text)
    // Move the slider when a valid level number is entered.
    TQString s = text;
    bool ok = FALSE;
    int n = s.toInt (&ok);
    if (ok) {
	number->setValue (n);
	KGrMessage::information (this, i18n("Select Level"),
		i18n("This level number is not valid. It can not be used."));

void KGrSLDialog::slPaintLevel ()
    // Repaint the thumbnail sketch of the level whenever the level changes.
    int n = slCollnIndex;
    if (n < 0) {
	return;					// Owner has no collections.
    TQString	filePath = game->getFilePath
		(collections.at(n)->owner, collections.at(n), number->value());
    thumbNail->setFilePath (filePath, slName);
    thumbNail->tqrepaint();			// Will call "drawContents (p)".

void KGrSLDialog::slotHelp ()
    // Help for "Select Game and Level" dialog box.
    TQString s =
	i18n("The main button at the bottom echoes the "
	"menu action you selected. Click it after choosing "
	"a game and level - or use \"Cancel\".");

    if (slAction == SL_START) {
	s += i18n("\n\nIf this is your first time in KGoldrunner, select the "
	     "tutorial game or click \"Cancel\" and click that item in "
	     "the Game or Help menu. The tutorial game gives you hints "
	     "as you go.\n\n"
	     "Otherwise, just click on the name of a game (in the list box), "
	     "then, to start at level 001, click on the main button at the "
	     "bottom. Play begins when you move the mouse or press a key.");
    else {
	switch (slAction) {
	case SL_UPDATE:
	    s += i18n("\n\nYou can select System levels for editing (or "
		 "copying), but you must save the result in a game you have "
		 "created. Use the mouse as a paintbrush and the editor "
		 "toolbar buttons as a palette. Use the 'Empty Space' button "
		 "to erase.");
	case SL_CREATE:
	    s += i18n("\n\nYou can add a name and hint to your new level here, "
		 "but you must save the level you have created into one of "
		 "your own games. By default your new level will go at the "
		 "end of your game, but you can also select a level number and "
		 "save into the middle of your game.");
	case SL_SAVE:
	    s += i18n("\n\nYou can create or edit a name and hint here, before "
		 "saving. If you change the game or level, you can do a copy "
		 "or \"Save As\", but you must always save into one of your "
		 "own games. If you save a level into the middle of a series, "
		 "the other levels are automatically re-numbered.");
	case SL_DELETE:
	    s += i18n("\n\nYou can only delete levels from one of your own "
		 "games. If you delete a level from the middle of a series, "
		 "the other levels are automatically re-numbered.");
	case SL_MOVE:
	    s += i18n("\n\nTo move (re-number) a level, you must first select "
		 "it by using \"Edit Any Level...\", then you can use "
		 "\"Move Level...\" to assign it a new number or even a different "
		 "game. Other levels are automatically re-numbered as "
		 "required. You can only move levels within your own games.");
	case SL_UPD_GAME:
	    s += i18n("\n\nWhen editing game info you only need to choose a "
		 "game, then you can go to a dialog where you edit the "
		 "details of the game.");
	s += i18n("\n\nClick on the list box to choose a game.  "
	     "Below the list box you can see \"More Info\" about the "
	     "selected game, how many levels there are and what "
	     "rules the enemies follow (see the Settings menu).\n\n"
	     "You select "
	     "a level number by typing it or using the scroll bar.  As "
	     "you vary the game or level, the thumbnail area shows a "
	     "preview of your choice.");

    KGrMessage::wrapped (slParent, i18n("Help: Select Game & Level"), s);

*************** DIALOG BOX TO CREATE/EDIT A LEVEL NAME AND HINT ****************

KGrNHDialog::KGrNHDialog(const TQString & levelName, const TQString & levelHint,
			TQWidget * parent, const char * name)
		: TQDialog (parent, name, TRUE,
			WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title)
KGrNHDialog::KGrNHDialog(const TQString & levelName, const TQString & levelHint,
			TQWidget * parent, const char * name)
		: KDialogBase (KDialogBase::Plain, i18n("Edit Name & Hint"),
			KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel,
			KDialogBase::Ok, parent, name)
    int margin		= 10;
    int spacing		= 10;
    TQWidget * dad	= this;
    int margin		= marginHint();
    int spacing		= spacingHint();
    TQWidget * dad	= plainPage();

    TQVBoxLayout * mainLayout = new TQVBoxLayout (dad, margin, spacing);

    TQLabel *		nameL  = new TQLabel (i18n("Name of level:"), dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (nameL);
			nhName  = new TQLineEdit (dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (nhName);

    TQLabel *		mleL = new TQLabel (i18n("Hint for level:"), dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (mleL);

   // Set up a widget to hold the wrapped text, using \n for paragraph breaks.
#ifdef QT3
			mle = new TQTextEdit (dad);
    mle->		setTextFormat (PlainText);
			mle = new TQMultiLineEdit (dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (mle);

    TQHBox * buttons = new TQHBox (dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (buttons);
    buttons->setSpacing (spacing);
    // Buttons are for TQt-only portability.  NOT COMPILED in KDE environment.
    TQPushButton *	OK = new TQPushButton (i18n("&OK"), buttons);
    TQPushButton *	CANCEL = new TQPushButton (i18n("&Cancel"), buttons);

    dad->		setCaption (i18n("Edit Name & Hint"));

    // Base the tqgeometry of the text box on the playing area.
    TQPoint		p = parent->mapToGlobal (TQPoint (0,0));
    int			c = parent->width() / (FIELDWIDTH + 4);
    dad->		move (p.x()+4*c, p.y()+4*c);
    mle->		setMinimumSize ((FIELDWIDTH*c/2), (FIELDHEIGHT/2)*c);

    // Configure the text box.
    mle->		tqsetAlignment (AlignLeft);
#ifndef QT3
    mle->		setWordWrap (TQMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth);
    mle->		setFixedVisibleLines (9);

    nhName->		setText (levelName);
    mle->		setText (levelHint);

    // OK->		setAccel (Key_Return);	// No!  We need it in "mle" box.
    CANCEL->		setAccel (Key_Escape);

    connect (OK, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), dad, TQT_SLOT (accept ()));
    connect (CANCEL, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), dad, TQT_SLOT (reject ()));


*************** DIALOG BOX TO CREATE OR EDIT A GAME (COLLECTION) ***************

KGrECDialog::KGrECDialog (int action, int collnIndex,
			TQPtrList<KGrCollection> & gamesList,
			TQWidget * parent, const char * name)
		: TQDialog (parent, name, TRUE,
			WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title)
KGrECDialog::KGrECDialog (int action, int collnIndex,
			TQPtrList<KGrCollection> & gamesList,
			TQWidget * parent, const char * name)
		: KDialogBase (KDialogBase::Plain, i18n("Edit Game Info"),
			KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel,
			KDialogBase::Ok, parent, name)
    collections  = gamesList;
    defaultGame  = collnIndex;

    int margin		= 10;
    int spacing		= 10;
    TQWidget * dad	= this;
    int margin		= marginHint();
    int spacing		= spacingHint();
    TQWidget * dad	= plainPage();

    TQVBoxLayout * mainLayout = new TQVBoxLayout (dad, margin, spacing);

    TQHBox * nameBox = new TQHBox (dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (nameBox);
    nameBox->setSpacing (spacing);
    nameL    = new TQLabel (i18n("Name of game:"), nameBox);
    ecName   = new TQLineEdit (nameBox);

    TQHBox * prefixBox = new TQHBox (dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (prefixBox);
    prefixBox->setSpacing (spacing);
    prefixL  = new TQLabel (i18n("File name prefix:"), prefixBox);
    ecPrefix = new TQLineEdit (prefixBox);

    ecGrp    = new TQButtonGroup (1, Qt::Horizontal, 0, dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (ecGrp);
    ecTradB  = new TQRadioButton (i18n("Traditional rules"), ecGrp);
    ecKGrB   = new TQRadioButton (i18n("KGoldrunner rules"), ecGrp);

    nLevL    = new TQLabel (i18n( "0 levels" ), dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (nLevL);

    mleL     = new TQLabel (i18n("About this game:"), dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (mleL);

   // Set up a widget to hold the wrapped text, using \n for paragraph breaks.
#ifdef QT3
    mle	     = new TQTextEdit (dad);
    mle->    setTextFormat (PlainText);
    mle      = new TQMultiLineEdit (dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (mle);

    TQHBox * buttons = new TQHBox (dad);
    mainLayout->addWidget (buttons);
    buttons->setSpacing (spacing);
    // Buttons are for TQt-only portability.  NOT COMPILED in KDE environment.
    OK       = new TQPushButton (i18n("&OK"), buttons);
    CANCEL   = new TQPushButton (i18n("&Cancel"), buttons);

    TQPoint p = parent->mapToGlobal (TQPoint (0,0));

    // Base the tqgeometry of the dialog box on the playing area.
    int cell = parent->width() / (FIELDWIDTH + 4);
    dad->	move (p.x()+2*cell, p.y()+2*cell);
    dad->	setMinimumSize ((FIELDWIDTH*cell/2), (FIELDHEIGHT-1)*cell);

    if (action == SL_CR_GAME) {
	     setCaption (i18n("Create Game"));
    else {
	     setCaption (i18n("Edit Game Info"));

    TQString OKText = "";
    if (action == SL_UPD_GAME) {		// Edit existing collection.
	ecName->	setText (collections.at(defaultGame)->name);
	ecPrefix->	setText (collections.at(defaultGame)->prefix);
	if (collections.at(defaultGame)->nLevels > 0) {
	    // Collection already has some levels, so cannot change the prefix.
	    ecPrefix->	setEnabled (FALSE);
	TQString		s;
	nLevL->		setText (i18n("1 level", "%n levels",
	nLevL->		setText (i18n("%1 levels")
	OKText = i18n("Save Changes");
    else {					// Create a collection.
	ecName->        setText ("");
	ecPrefix->      setText ("");
	nLevL->         setText (i18n("0 levels"));
	OKText = i18n("Save New");
    OK->setText (OKText);
    setButtonOK (OKText);

    if ((action == SL_CR_GAME) ||
	(collections.at(defaultGame)->settings == 'T')) {
	ecSetRules ('T');			// Traditional settings.
    else {
	ecSetRules ('K');			// KGoldrunner settings.

    // Configure the edit box.
    mle->		tqsetAlignment (AlignLeft);
#ifndef QT3
    mle->		setWordWrap (TQMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth);
    mle->		setFixedVisibleLines (8);

    if ((action == SL_UPD_GAME) &&
	(collections.at(defaultGame)->about.length() > 0)) {
	// Display and edit the game description in its original language.
	mle->		setText (collections.at(defaultGame)->about);
    else {
	mle->		setText ("");

    connect (ecKGrB,  TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, TQT_SLOT (ecSetKGr ()));
    connect (ecTradB, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, TQT_SLOT (ecSetTrad ()));

    OK->		setGeometry (10,  145 + mle->height(), 100,  25);
    // OK->		setAccel (Key_Return);	// No!  We need it in "mle" box.

    CANCEL->		setGeometry (190,  145 + mle->height(), 100,  25);
    CANCEL->		setAccel (Key_Escape);

    dad->		resize (300, 175 + mle->height());

    connect (OK,     TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()),	this, TQT_SLOT (accept()));
    connect (CANCEL, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()),	this, TQT_SLOT (reject()));


void KGrECDialog::ecSetRules (const char settings)
    ecKGrB->	setChecked (FALSE);
    ecTradB->	setChecked (FALSE);
    if (settings == 'K')
	ecKGrB->	setChecked (TRUE);
	ecTradB->	setChecked (TRUE);

void KGrECDialog::ecSetKGr ()  {ecSetRules ('K');}	// Radio button slots.
void KGrECDialog::ecSetTrad () {ecSetRules ('T');}

***************  DIALOG TO SELECT A SAVED GAME TO BE RE-LOADED  ****************

KGrLGDialog::KGrLGDialog (TQFile * savedGames,
			TQPtrList<KGrCollection> & collections,
			TQWidget * parent, const char * name)
		: TQDialog (parent, name, TRUE,
			WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title)
KGrLGDialog::KGrLGDialog (TQFile * savedGames,
			TQPtrList<KGrCollection> & collections,
			TQWidget * parent, const char * name)
		: KDialogBase (KDialogBase::Plain, i18n("Select Saved Game"),
			KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel,
			KDialogBase::Ok, parent, name)
    int margin		= 10;
    int spacing		= 10;
    TQWidget * dad	= this;
    int margin		= marginHint();
    int spacing		= spacingHint();
    TQWidget * dad	= plainPage();

    TQVBoxLayout *	mainLayout = new TQVBoxLayout (dad, margin, spacing);

    TQLabel *		lgHeader = new TQLabel (
			i18n("Game                       Level/Lives/Score   "
			"Day    Date     Time  "), dad);

			lgList   = new TQListBox (dad);
    TQFont		f ("courier", 12);
    TQFont		f = KGlobalSettings::fixedFont();	// KDE version.
			f.setFixedPitch (TRUE);
    lgList->		setFont (f);
			f.setBold (TRUE);
    lgHeader->		setFont (f);

    mainLayout->	addWidget (lgHeader);
    mainLayout->	addWidget (lgList);

    TQHBox *		buttons  = new TQHBox (dad);
    buttons->		setSpacing (spacing);
    // Buttons are for TQt-only portability.  NOT COMPILED in KDE environment.
    TQPushButton *	OK       = new TQPushButton (i18n("&OK"), buttons);
    TQPushButton *	CANCEL   = new TQPushButton (i18n("&Cancel"), buttons);
    mainLayout->	addWidget (buttons);

    dad->		setCaption (i18n("Select Saved Game"));

    // Base the tqgeometry of the list box on the playing area.
    TQPoint		p = parent->mapToGlobal (TQPoint (0,0));
    int			c = parent->width() / (FIELDWIDTH + 4);
    dad->		move (p.x()+2*c, p.y()+2*c);
    lgList->		setMinimumHeight ((FIELDHEIGHT/2)*c);
    OK->		setMaximumWidth (4*c);
    CANCEL->		setMaximumWidth (4*c);

    OK->		setAccel (Key_Return);
    CANCEL->		setAccel (Key_Escape);

			lgHighlight  = -1;

    TQTextStream		gameText (savedGames);
    TQString		s = "";
    TQString		pr = "";
    int			i;
    int			imax = collections.count();

    // Read the saved games into the list box.
    while (! gameText.endData()) {
	s = gameText.readLine();		// Read in one saved game.
	pr = s.left (s.find (" ", 0, FALSE));	// Get the collection prefix.
	for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) {		// Get the collection name.
	    if (collections.at(i)->prefix == pr) {
		s = s.insert (0,
		    collections.at(i)->name.leftJustify (20, ' ', TRUE) + " ");
	lgList-> insertItem (s);

    // Mark row 0 (the most recently saved game) as the default selection.
    lgList->	setCurrentItem (0);
    lgList->	setSelected (0, TRUE);
		lgHighlight = 0;

    connect (lgList, TQT_SIGNAL (highlighted (int)), this, TQT_SLOT (lgSelect (int)));
    connect (OK,     TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()),        this, TQT_SLOT (accept ()));
    connect (CANCEL, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()),        this, TQT_SLOT (reject ()));

void KGrLGDialog::lgSelect (int n)
    lgHighlight = n;

***********************  CENTRALISED MESSAGE FUNCTIONS  ************************

void KGrMessage::information (TQWidget * parent, const TQString &caption, const TQString &text)
    // Force TQt to do word-wrapping (but it ignores "\n" line-breaks).
    TQMessageBox::information (parent, caption,
				"<qt>" + text + "</qt>");
    // KDE does word-wrapping and will observe "\n" line-breaks.
    KMessageBox::information (parent, text, caption);

int KGrMessage::warning (TQWidget * parent, TQString caption, TQString text,
			    TQString label0, TQString label1, TQString label2)
    int ans = 0;
    // Display a box with 2 or 3 buttons, depending on if label2 is empty or not.
    // Force TQt to do word-wrapping (but it ignores "\n" line-breaks).
    ans = TQMessageBox::warning (parent, caption,
				"<qt>" + text + "</qt>",
				label0, label1, label2,
				0, (label2.isEmpty()) ? 1 : 2);
    // KDE does word-wrapping and will observe "\n" line-breaks.
    if (label2.isEmpty()) {
	// Display a box with 2 buttons.
	ans = KMessageBox::questionYesNo (parent, text, caption,
			    label0, label1);
	ans = (ans == KMessageBox::Yes) ? 0 : 1;
    else {
	// Display a box with 3 buttons.
	ans = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel (parent, text, caption,
			    label0, label1);
	if (ans == KMessageBox::Cancel)
	    ans = 2;
	    ans = (ans == KMessageBox::Yes) ? 0 : 1;
    return (ans);

/**********************    WORD-WRAPPED MESSAGE BOX    ************************/

void KGrMessage::wrapped (TQWidget * parent, TQString title, TQString contents)
    KMessageBox::information (parent, contents, title);
    TQDialog *		mm = new TQDialog (parent, "wrappedMessage", TRUE,
			WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title);

    int margin = 10;
    int spacing = 10;
    TQVBoxLayout * mainLayout = new TQVBoxLayout (mm, margin, spacing);

    // Make text background grey not white (i.e. same as widget background).
    TQPalette		pl = mm->palette();
#ifdef QT3
    pl.setColor (TQColorGroup::Base, mm->paletteBackgroundColor());
    pl.setColor (TQColorGroup::Base, mm->backgroundColor());
    mm->		setPalette (pl);

   // Set up a widget to hold the wrapped text, using \n for paragraph breaks.
#ifdef QT3
    TQTextEdit *		mle = new TQTextEdit (mm);
    mle->		setTextFormat (PlainText);
    TQMultiLineEdit *	mle = new TQMultiLineEdit (mm);
    mainLayout->addWidget (mle);

    // Button is for TQt-only portability.  NOT COMPILED in KDE environment.
    TQPushButton *	OK = new TQPushButton (i18n("&OK"), mm);
    mainLayout->addWidget (OK, TQt::AlignHCenter);

    mm->		setCaption (title);

    // Base the tqgeometry of the text box on the playing area.
    TQPoint		p = parent->mapToGlobal (TQPoint (0,0));
    int			c = parent->width() / (FIELDWIDTH + 4);
    mm->		move (p.x()+4*c, p.y()+4*c);
    mle->		setMinimumSize ((FIELDWIDTH*c/2), (FIELDHEIGHT/2)*c);
    OK->		setMaximumWidth (3*c);

    mle->		setFrameStyle (TQFrame::NoFrame);
    mle->		tqsetAlignment (AlignLeft);
    mle->		setReadOnly (TRUE);
    mle->		setText (contents);

#ifndef QT3
    mle->		setWordWrap (TQMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth);
    mle->		setFixedVisibleLines (10);
    if (mle->		numLines() < 10) {
	mle->		setFixedVisibleLines (mle->numLines());

    OK->		setAccel (Key_Return);
    connect (OK, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked ()), mm, TQT_SLOT (accept ()));

    mm->		exec ();

    delete mm;
#endif	// KGR_PORTABLE

#include "kgrdialog.moc"