/*************************************************************************** ball.pov - script for rendering Kolor Lines graphics ------------------- begin : Fri May 19 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Razilov email : Roman.Razilov@gmx.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #version 3.0 // Objectname = Main View // Objecttype = view // This camera is build for ratio 451:277 #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #declare BallColor = Green #include "clr.inc" #declare CELLSIZE = 32 #declare PIXTIME = 10 #declare BALLDOWN = 3 #declare BALLSPACE = 4 #warning concat("XXXX clock:",str(clock,5,2),"\n") #switch (clock) // --------------------burning ball------------------- #range (0,1.001) #declare explosion = 1 #declare jump = 0 #declare n = 0 #declare t0 = 0 #declare t1 = 0.2 #declare t2 = 0.5 #declare t3 = 0.8 #declare t4 = 1 #declare tt = clock #if ( tt = t0 ) //turbulence #declare tur = 0 #declare trb = 0 #declare trf = 0 #declare pf = 0 #end #if ( tt > t0 & tt <= t1 ) #declare tl = (tt - t0)/(t1-t0) #declare tur = 3+(0.2-3)*tl #declare trb = 0+(0-0)*tl #declare trf = 1+(3-1)*tl #declare pf = 0+(0.3-0)*t1 #end #if ( tt > t1 & tt <= t2 ) #declare tl = (tt - t1)/(t2-t1) #declare tur = 0.2+(0.5-0.1)*tl #declare trb = 0+(1-0)*tl #declare trf = 3+(1-3)*tl #declare pf = 0.3+(0.2-0.3)*t1 #end #if ( tt > t2 & tt <= t3 ) #declare tl = (tt - t2)/(t3-t2) #declare tur = 0.5+(2-0.5)*tl #declare trb = 1+(1-1)*tl #declare trf = 1+(1-1)*tl #declare pf = 0.2-(0.0-0.2)*t1 #end #if ( tt > t3 ) #declare tl = (tt - t3)/(t4-t3) #declare tur = 2+(5-2)*tl #declare trb = 1+(1-1)*tl #declare trf = 1+(0-1)*tl #declare pf = 0.0-(0.0-0.0)*t1 #end // ball position / size #declare by = 0 #declare bh = CELLSIZE-2-BALLSPACE #declare bw = CELLSIZE-2-BALLSPACE #break // ----------------borning ball---------------------- #range (5,6.001) #declare explosion = 0 #declare jump = 0 // fire turbulence #declare tur = 0 // trancperancy ball #declare trb = 0 // trancperancy fire #declare trf = 0 // lambda #declare pf = 0 // relative clock #declare tt = clock - 5 // y position #declare by = 0 #declare r=sqrt(tt) #declare bh = (CELLSIZE-2-BALLSPACE)*r #declare bw = (CELLSIZE-2-BALLSPACE)*r // normal #declare n = (1-tt)*r*2 #break // -------------jumping ball---------------------- #range (10,11.001) #declare explosion = 0 #declare jump = 1 #declare tur = 0 #declare trb = 0 #declare trf = 0 #declare pf = 0 #declare n = 0 #declare tt = clock - 10 // ball free fall: y = -(g * t^2)/2 // ball jums on X*sin( sqrt(k)*(t0 - t1 + t ) ) // t whole motion time // g - gravity acceleration // A - frei movement amplitude // BB way with deflation #declare A = BALLDOWN #declare B = BALLSPACE #declare ta = PIXTIME #declare k = (pi + 2*sqrt( B*(A+B))/A - acos( A/(A+2*B)) )/ta #declare k = k*k #warning concat("XXXX k:",str(k,5,2),"\n") #declare g = k*A*A/(2*(A+B)) #warning concat("XXXX g:",str(g,5,2),"\n") #declare t1 = sqrt(2*B/g) #warning concat("XXXX t1:",str(t1,5,2),"\n") #declare X = A*(A+2*B)/(2*(A+B)) #warning concat("XXXX X:",str(X,5,2),"\n") #declare tc = PIXTIME - tt*PIXTIME #warning concat("XXXX tc:",str(tc,5,2),"\n") // ball position #if (tc < t1) #declare by = B/2 - g*tc*tc/2 #else #declare by = -B/2 - g/k - X*cos( sqrt(k)*(ta-tc)) #end #if ( by < -2 ) #declare bh=CELLSIZE-2+2*by #declare bw = CELLSIZE-2-BALLSPACE+(-by-2) #else #declare bh = CELLSIZE-2-BALLSPACE #declare bw = CELLSIZE-2-BALLSPACE #end #break #else #warning " ERROR, clock out of range !!! \n" #end #warning concat("XXXX clock:",str(clock,5,2),"\n") #warning concat("XXXX tt:",str(tt,5,2),"\n") camera { orthographic location <0,0,-100> look_at <0,0,0> up (CELLSIZE-2)*y right (CELLSIZE)*x } // Global settings global_settings { ambient_light rgb<0.5,0.5,0.5> } light_source { <-400, 600, -600> color White cylinder radius 200 falloff 1000 tightness 1 point_at <0,0,0> } // Background background { color rgb<.5,.5,.5> } // fire #if (explosion = 1) sphere { 0, 1 pigment { color rgbt<0,0,0,1> } halo { emitting spherical_mapping poly max_value 40 exponent 0.1 linear turbulence tur // phase pf lambda 2-pf frequency 1 octaves 6 color_map { [ 0 color rgbt <1, 0, 0, 1> ] [ 0.2 color rgbt <1, 0, 0, 1-1*trf> ] [ 0.5 color rgbt <1, 0, 0, 1-3*trf> ] [ 0.9 color rgbt <1, 1, 0, 1-4*trf> ] [ 1 color rgbt <1, 1, 0.5, 1-6*trf> ] } samples 30 } hollow scale<15,15,15> translate <-0.5,-0.5,0> } #end // Ball #if ( trb < 1 & bh > 0 ) sphere { <0,0,0>,1 pigment { wood // agate_turb 0.5 turbulence .1 frequency 2 // lambda rotate <30,10,15> color_map { [0.5 BallColor transmit trb] [0.3 BallColor*0.95 transmit trb] [0.2 BallColor*0.9 transmit trb] } } no_shadow #if ( n > 0 ) normal { //wood 0.5 //frequency 2 //turbulence .1 //rotate <30,10,15> bumps n scale 0.3 } #end finish { ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.8 specular 1 roughness 0.001 reflection .1 phong 0.9 * ( 1-trb) phong_size 60 } #if (trb > 0) hollow #end scale <bw/2,bh/2,bw/2> translate <-0.5,by - 0.5,0> #warning concat("XXXX by:",str(by,5,2),"\n") #warning concat("XXXX bh:",str(bh,5,2),"\n") #warning concat("XXXX bw:",str(bw,5,2),"\n") } #end