#include "Background.h" #include <tqimage.h> Background::Background(): tile(true) { sourceImage = 0; backgroundImage = 0; backgroundPixmap = 0; backgroundShadowPixmap = 0; } Background::~Background() { delete sourceImage; delete backgroundImage; delete backgroundPixmap; delete backgroundShadowPixmap; } bool Background::load(const TQString &file, short width, short height) { w=width; h=height; if (file == filename) { return true; } sourceImage = new TQImage(); backgroundImage = new TQImage(); backgroundPixmap = new TQPixmap(); backgroundShadowPixmap = new TQPixmap(); // try to load the image, return on failure if(!sourceImage->load(file )) return false; // Just in case the image is loaded 8 bit if (sourceImage->depth() != 32) *sourceImage = sourceImage->convertDepth(32); // call out to scale/tile the source image into the background image sourceToBackground(); filename = file; return true; } // slot used when tile/scale option changes void Background::scaleModeChanged() { sourceToBackground(); } void Background::sizeChanged(int newW, int newH) { if (newW == w && newH == h) return; w = newW; h = newH; sourceToBackground(); } void Background::sourceToBackground() { // Deallocate the old image and create the new one if (!backgroundImage->isNull()) backgroundImage->reset(); // the new version of kmahjongg uses true color images // to avoid the old color limitation. backgroundImage->create(w, h, 32); // Now we decide if we should scale the incoming image // or if we tile. First we check for an exact match which // should be true for all images created specifically for us. if ((sourceImage->width() == w) && (sourceImage->height() == h)) { *backgroundImage = *sourceImage; return; } if (tile) { // copy new to background wrapping on w and height for (int y=0; y<backgroundImage->height(); y++) { TQRgb *dest = (TQRgb *) backgroundImage->scanLine(y); TQRgb *src = (TQRgb *) sourceImage->scanLine(y % sourceImage->height()); for (int x=0; x< backgroundImage->width(); x++) { *dest = *(src + (x % sourceImage->width())); dest++; } } } else { *backgroundImage = sourceImage->smoothScale(w, h); // Just incase the image is loaded 8 bit if (backgroundImage->depth() != 32) *backgroundImage = backgroundImage->convertDepth(32); } // Save a copy of the background as a pixmap for easy and quick // blitting. backgroundPixmap->convertFromImage(*backgroundImage); TQImage tmp; tmp.create(backgroundImage->width(), backgroundImage->height(), 32); for (int ys=0; ys < tmp.height(); ys++) { TQRgb *src = (TQRgb *) backgroundImage->scanLine(ys); TQRgb *dst = (TQRgb *) tmp.scanLine(ys); for (int xs=0; xs < tmp.width(); xs++) { *dst=TQColor(*src).dark(133).rgb(); src++; dst++; } } backgroundShadowPixmap->convertFromImage(tmp); return; }