#ifndef __BOARD__LAYOUT_
#define __BOARD__LAYOUT_

#include <tqstring.h>
#include "KmTypes.h"

const TQString layoutMagic1_0 = "kmahjongg-layout-v1.0";

class BoardLayout {


    bool loadBoardLayout(const TQString from);
    bool saveBoardLayout(const TQString where);
    UCHAR getBoardData(short z, short y, short x) {return board[z][y][x];}

    // is there a tile anywhere above here (top left to bot right quarter)
    bool tileAbove(short z, short y, short x); 
    bool tileAbove(POSITION &p) { return(tileAbove(p.e, p.y, p.x));	}	

    // is this tile blocked to the left or right
    bool blockedLeftOrRight(short z, short y, short x);

    void deleteTile(POSITION &p);

    bool anyFilled(POSITION &p);
    bool allFilled(POSITION &p);
    void insertTile(POSITION &p); 
    bool isTileAt(POSITION &p) { return board[p.e][p.y][p.x] == '1'; }

    const char *getBoardLayout();
    void copyBoardLayout(UCHAR *to , unsigned short &numTiles); 
    void clearBoardLayout();
    void shiftLeft();
    void shiftRight();
    void shiftUp();
    void shiftDown();

     enum { width = 32,
            height = 16,
            depth = 5 };
     enum { maxTiles = (depth*width*height)/4 };

     TQString &getFilename() {return filename;}

    void initialiseBoard(); 

    TQString filename;
    TQString loadedBoard;
    UCHAR board[depth][height][width];
    unsigned short maxTileNum;
