/* * Based upon the QT example dclock */ #include <stdio.h> #include "GameTimer.h" #include "GameTimer.moc" // // Constructs a GameTimer widget with a parent and a name. // GameTimer::GameTimer( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQLCDNumber( parent, name ) { showingColon = false; setNumDigits(7); setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken); setFrameStyle(TQFrame::NoFrame); timerMode = stopped; showTime(); // display the current time1 startTimer( 500 ); // 1/2 second timer events } // TQObject timer call back implementation void GameTimer::timerEvent( TQTimerEvent * ) { if (timerMode == running) theTimer=theTimer.addMSecs(500); showTime(); } // // Shows the current time in the internal lcd widget. // void GameTimer::showTime() { TQString s; showingColon = !showingColon; // toggle/blink colon switch(timerMode) { case paused: case running: s = theTimer.toString(); break; case stopped: s = "00:00:00"; break; } if ( !showingColon ) s[2] = s[5] = ' '; display( s ); // set LCD number/text } void GameTimer::start() { theTimer.setHMS(0,0,0); timerMode = running; } void GameTimer::fromString(const char*tim) { int h,m,s; sscanf(tim, "%2d:%2d:%2d\n", &h, &m, &s); theTimer.setHMS(h,m,s); timerMode = running; } void GameTimer::stop() { timerMode = stopped; } void GameTimer::pause() { if (timerMode == stopped) return; if (timerMode == paused) { timerMode = running; } else { timerMode = paused; } } int GameTimer::toInt() { return (theTimer.second()+ theTimer.minute()*60+ theTimer.hour()*360); }