2.1.10 (25 Aug 2005) [KDE 3.5 devel]

2.1.9a (25 Aug 2005) [KDE 3.4.3 stable]
 * fix constness in solver [reported by Garrett Kajmowicz]
 * fix bug: cannot load log [reported by Tobias Meyer]

2.1.9 (27 Jun 2004) [KDE 3.3 stable]
 * fix compilation of solver debugging code.
 * add missing events
 * replace case size option by zoom in/zoom out actions

2.1.8c (31 May 2004) [KDE 3.2.3 stable]
 * fix bug: hint not displayed [reported by Daniel Schepler]
 * fix bug: log file restarted when game paused [reported by Astharoth]

2.1.8b (26 February 2004) [KDE 3.2.1 stable]
 * fix solver crash when "magic reveal" on.
 * fix longstanding crash in solver dialog.

2.1.8 (17 January 2003) [KDE 3.2 stable]
 * configure button in highscores dialog
 * notifications

2.1.7e (11 May 2003) [KDE 3.1.3 stable]
 * fix score trends display

2.1.7d (30 April 2003) [KDE 3.1.2 stable]
 * fix assert in custom dialog [reported by Albert Astals Cid]

2.1.7c (17 January 2003) [KDE 3.1.1 stable]
 * fix score lcd colors for custom games

2.1.7b (3 December 2002) [KDE 3.1 stable]
 * fix bug in highscores dialog in statistics and histogram tabs
 * fix icons in adviser menu and in configuration dialog
 * fix bug in XML configuration that was leading to a crash at program
   end [report by connyosis and "Quel Qun"]
 * fix bug in mean score computation
 * fix bug that prevents logging solver actions

2.1.7 (27 July 2002)
 * XML configuration is working !!
 * separate keyboard and general shortcuts in configuration dialog
 * add "advanced" tab to highscores configuration + possibility to remove
 * export highscores to text file
 * add (optionnal) statistics and histogram to highscores dialog
 * track lost games and black marks for kmines
 * histogram for kmines
 * some cosmetic fixes in configuration dialog
 * view/save/replay/load game log
 * fix a bug in KMultiConfigItem [reported by ...]
 * at game end and in case of victory, do not show mines but add flags [bug
   reported by ...]

2.1.6 (24 April 2002)
 * mark/unmark actions on mouse release [patch by Thomas Capricelli]
 * "magic reveal" : a new option that leave only the non-trivial cases to
   solve [patch by Thomas Capricelli]
 * fix obscure flicker condition : keyboard play and moving pressed mouse
   outside field :)
 * add home/end/pageup/pagedown keyboard actions
 * fix pause menu entry state in some situation
 * fix resize when case size changed
 * first step for game logs

2.1.5 (14 February 2002)
 * now include a solver/adviser ! [contributed by Mikhail Kourinny]
 * revamped game state management
 * slightly changed settings API

2.1.4c (1 May 2002) [KDE 3.0.1 stable]
 * fixed case drawing for all styles [bug reported by kanthoney and fixed by
   Maksim Orlovich]

2.1.4 (23 January 2002)
 * completely revamped API for highscores + dynamic library
 * revamped settings (now includes Custom minefield)
 * fixed repaint of LCDs in inactive mode

2.1.3 (29 November 2001)
 * use KConfigGroupSaver everywhere
 * config entry for wwhs server url (just in case ...)

2.1.2 (19 November 2001)
 * date for each highscores and for best highscore [proposed by Jenne]
 * some more reorganisation
 * better custom dialog
 * slightly modify the init/repaint at game start : more clean & repaint could
   leak some infos about mines position (?)
 * forward port the bug fix from 2.1.0b (in 2.2.x branch)
 * do not bother people who want to stay anonymous with message boxes
   [suggestion from Bernhard Berger]
 * autoreveal does not take "?" flag into account anymore
 * changing nickname will change nickname in highscores list too [suggestion
   from Juliette]

2.1.1 (16 October 2001)
 * port to Qt 3.0 completed (hopefully)
 * some changes in highscores (nicer dialog)
 * i18n error messages for wwhs
 * new smiley pixmap for pause
 * clicking smiley resumes when game paused
 * changes in keyboard accelators since Ctrl and Shift seems to be
   forbidden as keys now ...
 * count nb of clicks (reveal, autoreveal, mark) and display it in highscores.

2.1.0b (19 November 2001) [SF 2.2 stable]
 * fix a nasty bug : uncorrect flag was not shown at game over in certain
   cases [thanx for the bug reports from Viira and from an anonymous admin :)]

2.1.0 (17 July 2001) [KDE 2.2 stable]
 * fixed checked entry in "show highscores" submenu

2.0.13 (10 June 2001) [SF 2.2 devel]
 * enable world-wide highscores !!

2.0.12 (09 June 2001) [SF 2.2 devel]
 * option to put the game in pause mode if the window loses focus [proposed by
   Bernhard Berger]
 * better default keys + fixed autoreveal display for keyboard game
 * use KStdGameAction
 * big revamping of highscores + use of KHighscores
 * removed status bar (ugly and not very useful)

2.0.11 (14 March 2001)
 * changed highscores accelerator to CTRL + H (more standard)
 * better use of session-management

2.0.10 (23 October 2000) [KDE 2.1 stable]
 * fixed mouse action in settings (autoreveal and toggle mark were inversed)

2.0.9 (21 September 2000) [KDE 2.0 stable]
 * fix obscure bug reported by Tobias Oed (was crashing version 1.0.1a !)
   : mouse buttons were messing things when pressed simultaneously.
 * in the same move : simplified some code and correct a small buglet due to
   rounding error (with left mouse button pressed, the first line and first
   column case was pressed when the mouse was moved just outside the top and
   left side of the field).

2.0.8 (7 September 2000)
 * fix bug that was pausing a stopped game when calling highscores

2.0.7 (4 September 2000)
 * fixed bug in mine field drawing with some styles [found by Gerard Delafond
   and Tobias Kretschmar] that induces a complete rewrite of the drawing code.
   now it honors the global style (beautiful in marble style) and it even
   leads to code simplification !
 * the keyboard cursor uses now the focus drawing method.
 * fixed bug when field.width != field.height when exploding
 * fixed font in the pause button (with non standard case size)
 * fixed behaviour of button in highscores dialog when entering the winner name
   [proposed by Lotta Inkovaara for ksirtet]
 * keyboard is disabled by default

2.0.6 (23 August 2000)
 * use of KMainWindow (replace KTMainWindow) but this does not solve the
   resizing problems :(
 * pause game when high scores requested
 * custom game settings are saved [feature suggested by Toan Nguyen,
   Williaw Barnes and Fran�ois-Xavier Duranceau]
 * solve the resizing problems by intercepting the Layout Hint event ...
   (due to limitations in K/QMainWindow IMHO)

2.0.5 (14 June 2000)
 * default for mouse binding changed
 * added color configuration for numbers, flag and explosion (for B&W monitors
   and few-colors themes) [feature suggested by Hume Smith and Fran�ois-Xavier
 * moved around some things about configuration (cleaned up "defines.h")
 * case state is now more clean (but some bugs might have crept in)
 * properly mark all the flagged cases with no mine to error on game end
 * versioning the XMLGUI file

2.0.4 (11 April 2000)
 * hack to resize correctly when menu is hidden (due to bugs
   in KTMainWindow)
 * nicer (and simpler) custom level dialog with KNumIntInput
 * kstatusbar in place of the label
 * remove the title in dialogs (more consistent with other apps)

2.0.3 (6 April 2000)
 * use kkeydialog for actions
 * rationalize settings (much better now)
 * animate autoreveal with keyboard
 * enable/disable and change text for pause in menu
 * configuration of mouse bindings [idea of FX Duranceau]

2.0.2 (28 February 2000)
 * XMLify the GUI

2.0.1 (19 February 2000)
 * KAction/KAccel integrated
 * keyboard play
 * can choose case size (font is scaled)
 * less flicker in repainting (+ fixed a strange divide negative int by
   uint thing)
 * fix the pixmaps drawing so that they are not too bad in custom case sizes

2.0.0 (14 December 1999)
 * use of KDialogBase and KAboutData/KAboutDialog
 * unflagged mines are shown at game's end
 * hack for focus handling in highscores dialog ...
 * slightly better LCDs, message label and smiley button
 * fixed a bug when clicking on the frame outside the mine field
 * small fixes for custom games
 * "What's This" added.

1.0.6 (21 July 1999)
 * slightly better highscores dialog
 * fixed a bug in flagged mines display (cannot be negative)
 * the LCDs gets red when there are more flagged cases than mines
   and when you have used more time than the better player.
 * use of a status bar.
 * the smiley moods are now XPMs [made by Andreas Zehender]

1.0.5 (6 July 1999)
 * fixed layout handling (all this "updateGeometry" and "LayoutHint" stuff)
 * space bar hit cannot restart game anymore
 * clean code (config) + level is saved

1.0.4 (12 March 1999)
 * porting to QT 2.0

1.0.3 (10 March 1999)
Mario Weilguni <mweilguni@kde.org>
 * fixed the bug in the level selection (showed up with Qt 2.0)
 * fixed layout for Qt 2.0
 * fixed signal/slot handling for Qt 2.0
 * fixed layout with floating menubar
 * level menu items are now checked

1.0.2 (23 February 1999)
 * bug fix : argh! a "brown paper bag" one [bug report by Szokovacs Robert]

1.0.1 (2 Junuary 1999) [KDE 1.1 stable]
 * bug fix : when paused a game can be continued by changing desktops or
   iconifying/deiconifying without time consumption ... [bug report by
   Fran�ois-Xavier Duranceau, Frank Pieczynski & Oliver Eiden]
 * add printing facility : well it seems hacky to me and certainly not perfect
   but it works ... [feature suggested by Tomislav Marsic]

1.0.0 (18 June 1998) [KDE 1.0 stable]
 * final cleanup before 1.0 !

0.6.12 (9 June 1998)
 * use QLayout for "custom level dialog" and "highscore dialog"
 * some cleanup
 * and a fix ! (yes there was a bug still lurking : when only two
   uncovered cases remain, it was possible to win on clicking on the mine)

 * Added kapp->getHelpMenu() & setCaption() [Robert Williams]

 * included in the CVS tree

 * bugfix from Anders Widell (doesn't allow anymore to middle click on a flag)

 * some polishing (game over message do not overwrite mines number & marked
   mines stay marked even when the game is lost : so you can completely analyse
   why you have lost :) [thanx to Christoph Rummel for pointing these to me]

 * internationalization

 * no more NULLs (for the sake of 64bits)
 * nicer dialog boxes
 * no mine on first click

 * minor changes
 * "kexample 0.31" compliant

 * adapted to libkdecore 0.7
 * hide/show menubar and popup
 * more compliant to the Style Guide

 * use kdehelp
 * updating of Makefile (use KDEDIR)
 * use kmsgbox

 * use KKeyCode to manage some keyboard shortcuts

 * change the class name "Status" to "KStatus" as an include file present on my
   system defines something called "Status"...

 * use KApp for configuration and highscoring save (via KConfig)
 * better look of option & highscores windows

 * minor bug fix
 * 4 spaces tabs indentation
 * slight change in the "pause code"

 * the random configuration seems to be a bit too repetitive ...
   (fixed : silly me !)
 * a red cross must show where the marked cases have not contained mines
 * uncover case on button release, not on button push and also allow moving
   the mouse with the left button pressed
 * clear function with the mid*button : it should be kool :)
 * a pause entry in the menu
 * QLCD for timer and mines left
 * cleaning of the highscore stuff (the highscore file is now in the home dir)
 * option : "'?' mark" on/off (the default behaviour is on : you can change
   it by editing the defines.h file)

 * some code reorganisation
 * timer starts at first click now
 * it is no more possible to click on a marked or uncertain case now
 * a small help
 * colored pixmaps
 * a better look (?)
 * highscoring
 * custom level