#  (C) 2016 Alexander Golubev
#  fatzer2 (AT) gmail.com
#  Improvements and feedback are welcome
#  This file is released under GPL >= 2



##### solver (static) ###########################

tde_add_library( solver STATIC_PIC AUTOMOC
  SOURCES bfield.cpp solver.cpp advFastRules.cpp adviseFast.cpp adviseFull.cpp

# FIXME: add test targets to cmake
# ##### test (test) ###############################
# tde_add_executable( test AUTOMOC
#   SOURCES test.cpp
#   LINK solver-shared tdecore-shared
# )
# add_test( NAME test-test
#   COMMAND test)
# ##### testFast (test) ###########################
# tde_add_executable( testFast AUTOMOC
#   SOURCES testFast.cpp
#   LINK solver-shared tdecore-shared
# )
# add_test( NAME testFast-test
#   COMMAND testFast)
# ##### testSolve (test) ##########################
# tde_add_executable( testSolve AUTOMOC
#   SOURCES testSolve.cpp
#   LINK solver-shared tdecore-shared tdeui-shared
# )
# add_test( NAME testSolve-test
#   COMMAND testSolve)
# ##### testRate (test) ###########################
# tde_add_executable( testRate AUTOMOC
#   SOURCES testRate.cpp
#   LINK solver-shared tdecore-shared tdeui-shared
# )
# add_test( NAME testRate-test
#   COMMAND testRate)