#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rtti.h" #include "vector.h" #include "canvasitem.h" #include "game.h" #include "ball.h" Ball::Ball(TQCanvas *canvas) : TQCanvasEllipse(canvas) { m_doDetect = true; m_collisionLock = false; setBeginningOfHole(false); setBlowUp(false); setPen(black); resetSize(); collisionId = 0; m_addStroke = false; m_placeOnGround = false; m_forceStillGoing = false; frictionMultiplier = 1.0; TQFont font(tdeApp->font()); //font.setPixelSize(10); label = new TQCanvasText("", font, canvas); label->setColor(white); label->setVisible(false); // this sets z setState(Stopped); label->setZ(z() - .1); } void Ball::aboutToDie() { delete label; } void Ball::setState(BallState newState) { state = newState; if (state == Stopped) setZ(1000); else setBeginningOfHole(false); } void Ball::advance(int phase) { // not used anymore // can be used to make ball wobble if (phase == 1 && m_blowUp) { if (blowUpCount >= 50) { // i should make this a config option //setAddStroke(addStroke() + 1); setBlowUp(false); resetSize(); return; } const double diff = 8; double randnum = tdeApp->random(); const double width = 6 + randnum * (diff / RAND_MAX); randnum = tdeApp->random(); const double height = 6 + randnum * (diff / RAND_MAX); setSize(width, height); blowUpCount++; } } void Ball::friction() { if (state == Stopped || state == Holed || !isVisible()) { setVelocity(0, 0); return; } const double subtractAmount = .027 * frictionMultiplier; if (m_vector.magnitude() <= subtractAmount) { state = Stopped; setVelocity(0, 0); game->timeout(); return; } m_vector.setMagnitude(m_vector.magnitude() - subtractAmount); setVector(m_vector); frictionMultiplier = 1.0; } void Ball::setVelocity(double vx, double vy) { TQCanvasEllipse::setVelocity(vx, vy); if (vx == 0 && vy == 0) { m_vector.setDirection(0); m_vector.setMagnitude(0); return; } double ballAngle = atan2(-vy, vx); m_vector.setDirection(ballAngle); m_vector.setMagnitude(sqrt(pow(vx, 2) + pow(vy, 2))); } void Ball::setVector(const Vector &newVector) { m_vector = newVector; if (newVector.magnitude() == 0) { setVelocity(0, 0); return; } TQCanvasEllipse::setVelocity(cos(newVector.direction()) * newVector.magnitude(), -sin(newVector.direction()) * newVector.magnitude()); } void Ball::moveBy(double dx, double dy) { double oldx; double oldy; oldx = x(); oldy = y(); TQCanvasEllipse::moveBy(dx, dy); if (game && !game->isPaused()) collisionDetect(oldx, oldy); if ((dx || dy) && game && game->curBall() == this) game->ballMoved(); label->move(x() + width(), y() + height()); } void Ball::doAdvance() { TQCanvasEllipse::advance(1); } namespace Lines { // provides a point made of doubles struct Line { Point p1, p2; }; int ccw(const Point &p0, const Point &p1, const Point &p2) { double dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2; dx1 = p1.x - p0.x; dy1 = p1.y - p0.y; dx2 = p2.x - p0.x; dy2 = p2.y - p0.y; if (dx1*dy2 > dy1*dx2) return +1; if (dx1*dy2 < dy1*dx2) return -1; if ((dx1*dx2 < 0) || (dy1*dy2 < 0)) return -1; if ((dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1) < (dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2)) return +1; return 0; } int intersects(const Line &l1, const Line &l2) { // Charles says, TODO: Account for vertical lines // Jason says, in my testing vertical lines work return ((ccw(l1.p1, l1.p2, l2.p1) *ccw(l1.p1, l1.p2, l2.p2)) <= 0) && ((ccw(l2.p1, l2.p2, l1.p1) *ccw(l2.p1, l2.p2, l1.p2)) <= 0); } bool intersects( double xa1, double ya1, double xb1, double yb1, double xa2, double ya2, double xb2, double yb2 ) { Line l1, l2; l1.p1.x = xa1; l1.p1.y = ya1; l1.p2.x = xb1; l1.p2.y = yb1; l2.p1.x = xa2; l2.p1.y = ya2; l2.p2.x = xb2; l2.p2.y = yb2; return intersects(l1, l2); } } void Ball::collisionDetect(double oldx, double oldy) { if (!isVisible() || state == Holed || !m_doDetect) return; if (collisionId >= INT_MAX - 1) collisionId = 0; else collisionId++; //kdDebug(12007) << "------" << endl; //kdDebug(12007) << "Ball::collisionDetect id " << collisionId << endl; // every other time... // do friction if (collisionId % 2 && !(xVelocity() == 0 && yVelocity() == 0)) friction(); const double minSpeed = .06; TQCanvasItemList m_list = collisions(true); // please don't ask why TQCanvas doesn't actually sort its list; // it just doesn't. m_list.sort(); this->m_list = m_list; for (TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it = m_list.begin(); it != m_list.end(); ++it) { TQCanvasItem *item = *it; if (item->rtti() == Rtti_NoCollision || item->rtti() == Rtti_Putter) continue; if (item->rtti() == rtti() && !m_collisionLock) { // it's one of our own kind, a ball Ball *oball = dynamic_cast(item); if (!oball || oball->collisionLock()) continue; oball->setCollisionLock(true); if ((oball->x() - x() != 0 && oball->y() - y() != 0) && state == Rolling && oball->curState() != Holed) { m_collisionLock = true; // move this ball to where it was barely touching double ballAngle = m_vector.direction(); while (collisions(true).contains(item) > 0) move(x() - cos(ballAngle) / 2.0, y() + sin(ballAngle) / 2.0); // make a 2 pixel separation move(x() - 2 * cos(ballAngle), y() + 2 * sin(ballAngle)); Vector bvector = oball->curVector(); m_vector -= bvector; Vector unit1 = Vector(TQPoint(x(), y()), TQPoint(oball->x(), oball->y())); unit1 = unit1.unit(); Vector unit2 = m_vector.unit(); double cos = unit1 * unit2; unit1 *= m_vector.magnitude() * cos; m_vector -= unit1; m_vector += bvector; bvector += unit1; oball->setVector(bvector); setVector(m_vector); oball->setState(Rolling); setState(Rolling); oball->doAdvance(); } continue; } else if (item->rtti() == Rtti_WallPoint) { //kdDebug(12007) << "collided with WallPoint\n"; // iterate through the rst TQPtrList points; for (TQCanvasItemList::Iterator pit = it; pit != m_list.end(); ++pit) { if ((*pit)->rtti() == Rtti_WallPoint) { WallPoint *point = (WallPoint *)(*pit); if (point) points.prepend(point); } } // ok now we have a list of wall points we are on WallPoint *iterpoint = 0; WallPoint *finalPoint = 0; // this wont be least when we're done hopefully double leastAngleDifference = 9999; for (iterpoint = points.first(); iterpoint; iterpoint = points.next()) { //kdDebug(12007) << "-----\n"; const Wall *parentWall = iterpoint->parentWall(); const TQPoint qp(iterpoint->x() + parentWall->x(), iterpoint->y() + parentWall->y()); const Point p(qp.x(), qp.y()); const TQPoint qother = TQPoint(parentWall->startPoint() == qp? parentWall->endPoint() : parentWall->startPoint()) + TQPoint(parentWall->x(), parentWall->y()); const Point other(qother.x(), qother.y()); // vector of wall Vector v = Vector(p, other); // difference between our path and the wall path double ourDir = m_vector.direction(); double wallDir = M_PI - v.direction(); //kdDebug(12007) << "ourDir: " << rad2deg(ourDir) << endl; //kdDebug(12007) << "wallDir: " << rad2deg(wallDir) << endl; const double angleDifference = fabs(M_PI - fabs(ourDir - wallDir)); //kdDebug(12007) << "computed angleDifference: " << rad2deg(angleDifference) << endl; // only if this one is the least of all if (angleDifference < leastAngleDifference) { leastAngleDifference = angleDifference; finalPoint = iterpoint; //kdDebug(12007) << "it's the one\n"; } } // this'll never happen if (!finalPoint) continue; // collide with our chosen point finalPoint->collision(this, collisionId); // don't worry about colliding with walls // wall points are ok alone goto end; } if (!isVisible() || state == Holed) return; CanvasItem *citem = dynamic_cast(item); if (citem) { if (!citem->terrainCollisions()) { // read: if (not do terrain collisions) if (!citem->collision(this, collisionId)) { // if (skip smart wall test) if (citem->vStrut() || item->rtti() == Rtti_Wall) goto end; else goto wallCheck; } } break; } } for (TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it = m_list.begin(); it != m_list.end(); ++it) { CanvasItem *citem = dynamic_cast(*it); if (citem && citem->terrainCollisions()) { // slopes return false // as only one should be processed // however that might not always be true // read: if (not do terrain collisions) if (!citem->collision(this, collisionId)) { break; } } } // Charles's smart wall check: wallCheck: { // check if I went through a wall TQCanvasItemList items; if (game) items = game->canvas()->allItems(); for (TQCanvasItemList::Iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->rtti() != Rtti_Wall) continue; TQCanvasItem *item = (*i); Wall *wall = dynamic_cast(item); if (!wall || !wall->isVisible()) continue; if (Lines::intersects( wall->startPoint().x() + wall->x(), wall->startPoint().y() + wall->y(), wall->endPoint().x() + wall->x(), wall->endPoint().y() + wall->y(), oldx, oldy, x(), y() )) { //kdDebug(12007) << "smart wall collision\n"; wall->collision(this, collisionId); break; } } } end: if (m_vector.magnitude() < minSpeed && m_vector.magnitude()) { setVelocity(0, 0); setState(Stopped); } } BallState Ball::currentState() { return state; } void Ball::showInfo() { label->setVisible(isVisible()); } void Ball::hideInfo() { label->setVisible(false); } void Ball::setName(const TQString &name) { label->setText(name); } void Ball::setCanvas(TQCanvas *c) { TQCanvasEllipse::setCanvas(c); label->setCanvas(c); } void Ball::setVisible(bool yes) { TQCanvasEllipse::setVisible(yes); label->setVisible(yes && game && game->isInfoShowing()); }