#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>

#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqtable.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqheader.h>
#include <tqstring.h>

#include "scoreboard.h"

ScoreBoard::ScoreBoard(TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
	: TQTable(1, 1, parent, name)
	vh = verticalHeader();
	hh = horizontalHeader();
	vh->setLabel(numRows() - 1, i18n("Par"));
	hh->setLabel(numCols() - 1, i18n("Total"));

	setRowReadOnly(0, true);
	setRowReadOnly(1, true);

void ScoreBoard::newHole(int par)
	int _numCols = numCols();
	insertColumns(_numCols - 1);
	hh->setLabel(numCols() - 2, TQString::number(numCols() - 1));
	setText(numRows() - 1, numCols() - 2, TQString::number(par));
	setColumnWidth(numCols() - 2, 40);

	// update total
	int tot = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < numCols() - 1; ++i)
		tot += text(numRows() - 1, i).toInt();
	setText(numRows() - 1, numCols() - 1, TQString::number(tot));
	// shrink cell...
	setColumnWidth(numCols() - 2, 3);
	// and make it big enough for the numbers
	adjustColumn(numCols() - 2);

void ScoreBoard::newPlayer(const TQString &name)
	//kdDebug(12007) << "name of new player is " << name << endl;
	insertRows(numRows() - 1);
	vh->setLabel(numRows() - 2, name);
	setRowReadOnly(numRows() - 2, true);

void ScoreBoard::setScore(int id, int hole, int score)
	//kdDebug(12007) << "set score\n";
	setText(id - 1, hole - 1, score > 0? TQString::number(score) : TQString(""));

	TQString name;
	setText(id - 1, numCols() - 1, TQString::number(total(id, name)));
	if (hole >= numCols() - 2)
		ensureCellVisible(id - 1, numCols() - 1);
		ensureCellVisible(id - 1, hole - 1);
	// shrink cell...
	setColumnWidth(hole - 1, 3);
	// and make it big enough for the numbers
	adjustColumn(hole - 1);
	setCurrentCell(id - 1, hole - 1);

void ScoreBoard::parChanged(int hole, int par)
	setText(numRows() - 1, hole - 1, TQString::number(par));

	// update total
	int tot = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < numCols() - 1; ++i)
		tot += text(numRows() - 1, i).toInt();
	setText(numRows() - 1, numCols() - 1, TQString::number(tot));

int ScoreBoard::total(int id, TQString &name)
	int tot = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < numCols() - 1; i++)
		tot += text(id - 1, i).toInt();
	name = vh->label(id - 1);
	//kdDebug(12007) << "tot is " << tot << endl;
	return tot;

#include "scoreboard.moc"