#ifndef _GAMECORE_H_ #define _GAMECORE_H_ #include <krandomsequence.h> #include <tqobject.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqcolor.h> #include <tqptrlist.h> // Board Size Constants #define BOARD_ROWS 16 #define BOARD_COLS 16 // Maximum Number of Players #define MAX_PLAYERS 10 //********************************************************** // Forward declarations for classes in this file //********************************************************** class Player; class Planet; class Sector; class Map; class Fleet; //********************************************************** // Core Logic routines //********************************************************** class CoreLogic { public: CoreLogic(); void generatePlanetCoordinates( int &x, int &y ); double generateKillPercentage(); int generatePlanetProduction(); double generateMorale(); double distance( Planet *p1, Planet *p2 ); double roll(); private: KRandomSequence random; static bool class_init; }; //********************************************************** // class Fleet // \--- class AttackFleet // \--- class DefenseFleet //********************************************************** class Fleet : public TQObject { public: Fleet( int initialShipCount ); virtual ~Fleet() {} int getShipCount(); void removeShips( int lostShips ); protected: int shipCount; }; class AttackFleet : public Fleet { public: AttackFleet( Planet *source, Planet *dest, int initialCount, double arrivalTurn ); Player *owner; Planet *destination; double arrivalTurn; double killPercentage; }; class DefenseFleet : public Fleet { public: DefenseFleet( Planet *newHome, int initialCount ); void absorb( AttackFleet *fleet ); void become( AttackFleet *fleet ); void addShips( int newShips ); AttackFleet *spawnAttackFleet( Planet *destination, int shipCount, double arrivalTurn ); Planet *home; }; //************************************************************** // class Player //************************************************************** class Player : public TQObject { public: Player( TQString newName, TQColor color, int number, bool isAi ); virtual ~Player(); enum { NEUTRAL_PLAYER_NUMBER = -1 }; public: TQString &getName(); TQString getColoredName(); TQColor &getColor(); bool isNeutral(); TQPtrList<AttackFleet> &getAttackList(); // factory functions static Player *createPlayer( TQString newName, TQColor newColor, int playerNum, bool isAi ); static Player *createNeutralPlayer(); bool NewAttack( Planet *sourcePlanet, Planet *destPlanet, int shipCount, int departureTurn ); bool operator==( const Player &otherPlayer ) const; bool isInPlay(); void setInPlay( bool ); private: TQString name; TQColor color; int playerNum; bool inPlay; bool aiPlayer; TQPtrList<AttackFleet> attackList; // statistics counters int shipsBuilt; int planetsConquered; int fleetsLaunched; int enemyFleetsDestroyed; int enemyShipsDestroyed; public: void statShipsBuilt( int ); void statPlanetsConquered( int ); void statFleetsLaunched( int ); void statEnemyFleetsDestroyed( int ); void statEnemyShipsDestroyed( int ); int getShipsBuilt() { return shipsBuilt; } int getPlanetsConquered() { return planetsConquered; } int getFleetsLaunched() { return fleetsLaunched; } int getEnemyFleetsDestroyed() { return enemyFleetsDestroyed; } int getEnemyShipsDestroyed() { return enemyShipsDestroyed; } bool isAiPlayer(); }; //************************************************************** // class Planet //************************************************************** class Planet : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT private: Planet( TQString planetName, Sector &newParentSector, Player *initialOwner, int newProd, double newKillP, double newMorale ); public: virtual ~Planet(); static Planet *createPlayerPlanet( Sector &parentSector, Player *initialOwner, TQString planetName ); static Planet *createNeutralPlanet( Sector &parentSector, Player *initialOwner, TQString planetName ); Sector &getSector() const; Player *getPlayer() const; const TQString &getName() const; DefenseFleet &getFleet(); double getKillPercentage(); void setKillPercentage( double newValue ); double getMorale(); void setMorale( double ); int getProduction(); void setProduction( int ); void select(); void conquer( AttackFleet *conqueringFleet ); void coup( Player *luckyPlayer ); void turn(); signals: void update(); void selected(); private: TQString name; Player *owner; Sector &parentSector; DefenseFleet homeFleet; double killPercentage; double morale; int productionRate; }; //*************************************************************** // class Sector //*************************************************************** class Sector : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT public: // constructors Sector(); Sector( Map *parentMap, int xpos, int ypos ); Sector( const Sector & ); // assignment operator (makes initialization easy) Sector &operator=( const Sector & ); bool hasPlanet() const; void setPlanet( Planet *newPlanet ); Planet *getPlanet(); void removePlanet(); void select(); int getRow(); int getColumn(); signals: void update(); void selected(); protected slots: void childPlanetUpdate( ); protected: Planet *planet; // a sector has 0 or 1 planets Map *parentMap; int x, y; }; //***************************************************************** // class Map //***************************************************************** class Map : public TQObject { TQ_OBJECT public: Map(); virtual ~Map(); const int getRows() const; const int getColumns() const; void populateMap( TQPtrList<Player> &players, Player *neutral, int numNeutralPlanets, TQPtrList<Planet> &thePlanets ); void clearMap(); bool selectedSector( int &x, int &y ) const; void setSelectedSector( int x, int y ); void setSelectedSector( const Planet & ); void setSelectedSector(); Sector &getSector( int x, int y ); protected slots: void childSectorUpdate(); signals: void update(); protected: void Freeze(); void Thaw(); bool freezeUpdates; private: Sector &findRandomFreeSector(); protected: Sector grid[BOARD_ROWS][BOARD_COLS]; // a map is a 2-D array of sectors; const int rows; // size of grid in sectors const int columns; // This is used to implement a selected sector, // one who's boarder flashes. bool hasSelectedSector; int sel_x, sel_y; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Typedefs //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef TQPoint Coordinate; // Gotta start using this instead of int x,y crap typedef TQPtrList<AttackFleet> AttackFleetList; typedef TQPtrListIterator<AttackFleet> AttackFleetListIterator; typedef TQPtrList<Player> PlayerList; typedef TQPtrList<Planet> PlanetList; typedef TQPtrListIterator<Player> PlayerListIterator; typedef TQPtrListIterator<Planet> PlanetListIterator; #endif // _GAMECORE_H_