#include <tqpixmap.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqcolor.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include "map_widget.moc" ConquestMap::ConquestMap( Map *newMap, TQWidget *parent ) : TQGridView( parent ), SECTOR_HEIGHT( 28 ), SECTOR_WIDTH( 28 ), BOARD_HEIGHT( newMap->getRows() * SECTOR_HEIGHT ), BOARD_WIDTH( newMap->getColumns() * SECTOR_WIDTH ), map( newMap ), gridColor( 50, 80, 50 ), hiLiteRow( -1 ), hiLiteCol( -1 ) { labelFont = TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont(); labelFont.setPointSize( 8 ); setFrameStyle( NoFrame ); setPaletteBackgroundColor( black ); setMinimumSize( BOARD_HEIGHT, BOARD_WIDTH ); setCellWidth( SECTOR_WIDTH ); setCellHeight( SECTOR_HEIGHT ); setNumRows( map->getRows() ); setNumCols( map->getColumns() ); setMinimumSize( BOARD_HEIGHT, BOARD_WIDTH ); setMaximumSize( BOARD_HEIGHT, BOARD_WIDTH ); connect( map, TQT_SIGNAL( update() ), this, TQT_SLOT( mapUpdate() ) ); TQTimer *timer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( timer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(squareBlink()) ); timer->start( 500, false ); viewport()->setMouseTracking( true ); setMouseTracking( true ); show(); } ConquestMap::~ConquestMap() { } void ConquestMap::contentsMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { int row, col; row = rowAt( e->y() ); col = columnAt( e->x() ); if( map->getSector( row, col ).hasPlanet() ) { emit planetSelected( map->getSector( row, col ).getPlanet() ); } } void ConquestMap::contentsMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { // highlight the square under the mouse int row, col; row = rowAt( e->y() ); col = columnAt( e->x() ); // Check to make sure the mouse is in a valid grid location if( (row < 0 || col < 0) || (row >= BOARD_ROWS || col >= BOARD_COLS) ) { return; } if( (hiLiteRow != -1) && (hiLiteCol != -1) ) { TQPainter p( viewport() ); p.translate( hiLiteCol * cellWidth(), hiLiteRow * cellHeight() ); drawSector( &p, map->getSector(hiLiteRow,hiLiteCol) ); hiLiteRow = -1; hiLiteCol = -1; } if( map->getSector( row, col ).hasPlanet() ) { TQPainter p( viewport() ); p.translate( col * cellWidth(),row * cellHeight() ); drawSector( &p, map->getSector(row,col), false, true ); emit planetHighlighted(map->getSector( row, col ).getPlanet() ); hiLiteRow = row; hiLiteCol = col; } } void ConquestMap::unselectPlanet() { map->setSelectedSector(); } void ConquestMap::paintCell( TQPainter *p, int row, int col ) { drawSector( p, map->getSector( row, col ) ); } void ConquestMap::squareBlink() { static bool blinkState = true; int row, col; if( map->selectedSector( row, col ) ) { TQPainter p( this, true ); p.translate( col * cellWidth(), row * cellHeight() ); if( blinkState ) { drawSector( &p, map->getSector(row,col), true ); } else { drawSector( &p, map->getSector(row,col), false ); } } if( blinkState ) blinkState = false; else blinkState = true; } void ConquestMap::mapUpdate() { viewport()->repaint(false); } void ConquestMap::drawSector( TQPainter *p, Sector §or, bool borderStrobe, bool highlight ) { TQColor labelColor( white ); TQPoint labelCorner; if( sector.hasPlanet() ) { TQPixmap pm; // simple (pathetic) way to "randomize" // the planet graphic // and also a really dirty hack to make the planet // name more visible (hard coded pixel offsets) switch( ((sector.getRow()+sector.getColumn()) % 9) + 1 ) { case 1 : pm = TQPixmap( IMAGE_PLANET_1 ); labelCorner = TQPoint( 18, 14 ); break; case 2 : pm = TQPixmap( IMAGE_PLANET_2 ); labelCorner = TQPoint( 2, 14 ); break; case 3 : pm = TQPixmap( IMAGE_PLANET_3 ); labelCorner = TQPoint( 2, 26 ); break; case 4 : pm = TQPixmap( IMAGE_PLANET_4 ); labelCorner = TQPoint( 18, 26 ); break; case 5 : pm = TQPixmap( IMAGE_PLANET_5 ); labelCorner = TQPoint( 18, 26 ); break; case 6 : pm = TQPixmap( IMAGE_PLANET_6 ); labelCorner = TQPoint( 18, 26 ); break; case 7 : pm = TQPixmap( IMAGE_PLANET_7 ); labelCorner = TQPoint( 18, 26 ); break; case 8 : pm = TQPixmap( IMAGE_PLANET_8 ); labelCorner = TQPoint( 18, 26 ); break; case 9 : pm = TQPixmap( IMAGE_PLANET_9 ); labelCorner = TQPoint( 18, 26 ); break; } TQPoint pos; pos.setX( ( SECTOR_HEIGHT / 2 ) - ( pm.height() / 2 ) ); pos.setY( ( SECTOR_WIDTH / 2 ) - ( pm.width() / 2 ) ); p->drawPixmap( pos, pm, TQRect(0, 0, pm.height(), pm.width() ) ); p->setFont( labelFont ); p->setPen( labelColor ); p->drawText( labelCorner, sector.getPlanet()->getName() ); if( borderStrobe ) { TQPen gridPen( sector.getPlanet()->getPlayer()->getColor() ); p->setPen( gridPen ); } else if( highlight ) { TQPen gridPen( white ); p->setPen( gridPen ); } else { TQPen gridPen( gridColor ); p->setPen( gridPen ); } } else { p->eraseRect( 0, 0, SECTOR_WIDTH, SECTOR_HEIGHT ); TQPen gridPen( gridColor ); p->setPen( gridPen ); } p->drawRect( 0, 0, SECTOR_HEIGHT, SECTOR_WIDTH ); }