/* fcs_dm.c - Freecell Solver's data management routines. Written by Shlomi Fish, 2000 This file is distributed under the public domain. (It's not copyrighted) */ #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include "fcs_dm.h" #ifdef DMALLOC #include "dmalloc.h" #endif /* freecell_solver_bsearch - an improved binary search function. Highlights: * The comparison function accepts a common context argument that is passed to SFO_bsearch. * If the item was not found the function returns the place in which it should be placed, while setting *found to 0. If it was found (*found) is set to 1. */ void * freecell_solver_bsearch ( void * key, void * void_array, size_t len, size_t width, int (* compare)(const void *, const void *, void *), void * context, int * found ) { int low = 0; int high = len-1; int mid; int result; char * array = void_array; while (low <= high) { mid = ((low+high)>>1); result = compare(key, (void*)(array+mid*width), context); if (result < 0) { high = mid-1; } else if (result > 0) { low = mid+1; } else { *found = 1; return (void*)(array+mid*width); } } *found = 0; return ((void*)(array+(high+1)*width)); } /* freecell_solver_merge_large_and_small_sorted_array - merges a large sorted array with a small sorted array. The arrays could be of any length whatsoever, but it works faster if the first is significantly bigger than the second. This function assumes that big_array is allocated with enough space to hold the extra elements. The array should be distinct or else there would be unexpected results. */ int freecell_solver_merge_large_and_small_sorted_arrays ( void * void_big_array, size_t size_big_array, void * void_small_array, size_t size_small_array, size_t width, int (*compare) (const void *, const void *, void *), void * context ) { int item_to_move, num_big_items_moved, pos; char * pos_ptr; char * big_array; char * small_array; int found; int start_offset, end_offset; big_array = (char*)void_big_array; small_array = (char*)void_small_array; num_big_items_moved = 0; for(item_to_move = size_small_array-1 ; item_to_move>=0; item_to_move--) { pos_ptr = freecell_solver_bsearch ( small_array+item_to_move*width, big_array, size_big_array-num_big_items_moved, width, compare, context, &found ); pos = (pos_ptr-big_array)/width; end_offset = size_big_array + size_small_array - num_big_items_moved - (size_small_array-item_to_move-1); start_offset = end_offset + pos - (size_big_array - num_big_items_moved); memmove( big_array+start_offset*width, big_array+pos*width, (end_offset-start_offset)*width ); memcpy( big_array+(start_offset-1)*width, small_array+item_to_move*width, width ); num_big_items_moved += (end_offset - start_offset); } return 1; }