/* grandf.cpp implements a patience card game Copyright (C) 1995 Paul Olav Tvete (C) 2000 Stephan Kulow * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation. * * This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author * shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights, * trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no * event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or * other special, indirect and consequential damages. ****************************************/ #include "grandf.h" #include <tdelocale.h> #include "deck.h" #include <tdeaction.h> #include <assert.h> #include "cardmaps.h" Grandf::Grandf( TDEMainWindow* parent, const char *name ) : Dealer( parent, name ) { deck = Deck::new_deck(this); deck->hide(); const int distx = cardMap::CARDX() * 14 / 10; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { target[i] = new Pile(i+1, this); target[i]->move(10+(i+1)*distx, 10); target[i]->setType(Pile::KlondikeTarget); } for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { store[i] = new Pile(5+i, this); store[i]->move(10+distx*i, 10 + cardMap::CARDY() * 15 / 10); store[i]->setAddFlags(Pile::addSpread | Pile::several); store[i]->setRemoveFlags(Pile::several | Pile::autoTurnTop); store[i]->setCheckIndex(1); } setActions(Dealer::Hint | Dealer::Demo | Dealer::Redeal); } void Grandf::restart() { deck->collectAndShuffle(); deal(); numberOfDeals = 1; } void Grandf::redeal() { unmarkAll(); if (numberOfDeals < 3) { collect(); deal(); numberOfDeals++; } if (numberOfDeals == 3) { aredeal->setEnabled(false); } takeState(); } Card *Grandf::demoNewCards() { if (numberOfDeals < 3) { redeal(); return store[3]->top(); } else return 0; } void Grandf::deal() { int start = 0; int stop = 7-1; int dir = 1; for (int round=0; round < 7; round++) { int i = start; do { Card *next = deck->nextCard(); if (next) store[i]->add(next, i != start, true); i += dir; } while ( i != stop + dir); int t = start; start = stop; stop = t+dir; dir = -dir; } int i = 0; Card *next = deck->nextCard(); while (next) { store[i+1]->add(next, false , true); next = deck->nextCard(); i = (i+1)%6; } for (int round=0; round < 7; round++) { Card *c = store[round]->top(); if (c) c->turn(true); } aredeal->setEnabled(true); canvas()->update(); } /***************************** Does the collecting step of the game NOTE: this is not quite correct -- the piles should be turned facedown (ie partially reversed) during collection. ******************************/ void Grandf::collect() { unmarkAll(); for (int pos = 6; pos >= 0; pos--) { CardList p = store[pos]->cards(); for (CardList::ConstIterator it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it) deck->add(*it, true, false); } } bool Grandf::checkAdd( int checkIndex, const Pile *c1, const CardList& c2) const { assert (checkIndex == 1); if (c1->isEmpty()) return c2.first()->rank() == Card::King; else return (c2.first()->rank() == c1->top()->rank() - 1) && c2.first()->suit() == c1->top()->suit(); } TQString Grandf::getGameState() const { return TQString::number(numberOfDeals); } void Grandf::setGameState( const TQString &s) { numberOfDeals = s.toInt(); aredeal->setEnabled(numberOfDeals < 3); } bool Grandf::isGameLost() const { // If we can redeal, then nothing's lost yet. if (numberOfDeals <3) return false; // Work through the stores, look for killer criteria. for(int i=0; i < 7; i++) { /* If this store is empty, then iterate through the other stores and * check if there is a (visible) King card. If so, then we could move * that to the free store (which means a turn is possible, so the * game is not lost yet). */ if(store[i]->isEmpty()){ for(int i2=1; i2 < 7; i2++) { int j=(i+i2) % 7; CardList p = store[j]->cards(); for (CardList::ConstIterator it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it){ Card *c= *it; if( it != p.begin() && c->realFace() && c->rank() == Card::King) return false; } } } else{ /* If this store has an Ace as it's top card, then we can start a * new target pile! */ if(store[i]->top()->rank() == Card::Ace) return false; /* Check whether the top card of this store could be added to * any of the target piles. */ for(int j=0; j <4; j++) if( !target[j]->isEmpty()) if(store[i]->top()->suit() == target[j]->top()->suit()) if( store[i]->top()->rank() == target[j]->top()->rank() +1) return false; /* Check whether any (group of) cards from another store could * be put onto this store's top card. */ for(int i2=1; i2 < 7; i2++) { int j=(i+i2) % 7; CardList p = store[j]->cards(); for (CardList::ConstIterator it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it){ Card *c= *it; if( c->realFace() && c->rank() == (store[i]->top()->rank()-1) && c->suit() == store[i]->top()->suit() ) return false; } } } } return true; // can't move. } static class LocalDealerInfo1 : public DealerInfo { public: LocalDealerInfo1() : DealerInfo(I18N_NOOP("&Grandfather"), 1) {} virtual Dealer *createGame(TDEMainWindow *parent) { return new Grandf(parent); } } gfdi; #include "grandf.moc"