#ifndef _PILE_H
#define _PILE_H

#include "card.h"
#include <kpixmap.h>

class Dealer;

 * Pile -- A pile on the board that can hold cards.

class Pile : public TQObject, public TQCanvasRectangle


    enum PileType { Custom, 

    //  Add- and remove-flags
    static const int Default;
    static const int disallow;
    static const int several; // default: move one card

    // Add-flags
    static const int addSpread;

    // Remove-flags
    static const int autoTurnTop;
    static const int wholeColumn;

    Pile( int _index, Dealer* parent = 0);
    virtual ~Pile();

    Dealer   *dealer() const { return m_dealer; }
    CardList  cards()  const { return m_cards; }

    bool legalAdd(const CardList &c ) const;
    bool legalRemove(const Card *c) const;

    virtual void moveCards(CardList &c, Pile *to = 0);
    void moveCardsBack(CardList &c, bool anim = true);

    void setAddFlags( int flag )    { m_addFlags    = flag; }
    void setRemoveFlags( int flag ) { m_removeFlags = flag; }

    void setCheckIndex( int index ) { _checkIndex = index; }
    virtual int checkIndex() const { return _checkIndex; }

    void setTarget(bool t) { _target = t; }
    bool target() const { return _target; }

    CardList cardPressed(Card *c);

    Card *top() const;

    void add( Card *c, bool facedown, bool spread); // for initial deal
    void add( Card *c, int index = -1);
    void remove(Card *c);
    void clear();

    int  index()   const { return myIndex; }
    bool isEmpty() const { return m_cards.count() == 0; }

    virtual void drawShape ( TQPainter & p );
    static const int RTTI;

    virtual int rtti() const { return RTTI; }

    virtual void setVisible(bool vis);
    virtual void moveBy(double dx, double dy);

    int cardsLeft() const { return m_cards.count(); }

    int indexOf(const Card *c) const;
    Card *at(int index) const;

    void hideCards( const CardList & cards );
    void unhideCards( const CardList & cards );

    virtual TQSize cardOffset( bool _spread, bool _facedown, const Card *before) const;

    void resetCache();
    virtual void initSizes();

    void      setType( PileType t);
    void      setAddType( PileType t);
    void      setRemoveType( PileType t);
    PileType  addType() const     { return m_atype; }
    PileType  removeType() const  { return m_rtype; }

    // pile_algorithms
    bool add_klondikeTarget( const CardList& c2 ) const;
    bool add_klondikeStore( const CardList& c2 ) const;
    bool add_gypsyStore( const CardList& c2 ) const;
    bool add_freeCell( const CardList& c2) const;

    bool remove_freecellStore( const Card *c) const;

    // The spread properties.
    int  spread() const    { return _spread; }
    void setSpread(int s)  { _spread = s; }
    int  dspread() const   { return _dspread; }
    void setDSpread(int s) { _dspread = s; }
    int  hspread() const   { return _hspread; }
    void setHSpread(int s) { _hspread = s; }

public slots:
    virtual bool cardClicked(Card *c);
    virtual bool cardDblClicked(Card *c);

    void clicked(Card *c);
    void dblClicked(Card *c);

    int       m_removeFlags;
    int       m_addFlags;
    CardList  m_cards;

    // Reference to the patience this pile is a part of.
    Dealer   *m_dealer;

    // Properties of the pile.
    PileType  m_atype;		// Addtype
    PileType  m_rtype;		// Removetype
    int       _spread;
    int       _hspread;
    int       _dspread;

    int _checkIndex;
    int myIndex;
    bool _target;

    // Graphics
    KPixmap cache;
    KPixmap cache_selected;

typedef TQValueList<Pile*> PileList;
