* Now

 * Soon

 * Further code cleanups:

   - Separate the kpok class into a game object that holds all the
     players, what state the game is in, the pot, etc, and a view of
     the same.

     This should result in a new class PokerGame and another one
     PokerGameView.  The class kpok (why the name abbreviation?) must

   - Separate card blinking into the card widget.

   - Separate the waving motion into the winner box widget.

   - CardImages shouldn't inherit QWidget.

   - Make CardWidget::heldLabel private.

 * Betting figures are funny.  The program indicates that we have bet
   even before the "Draw" or "Fold" buttons are pressed.  Then the bet
   amount decreases again.  The correct behaviour is to not add the
   amount until the user OKs it, i.e. presses "See".

   Also, the "Adjust Bet" button doesn't look like it does anything as
   it is now, although it actually does.

 * Rewrite the README file.  It is totally out of date.

 * The documentation is totally out of sync with the program.

 * Hiscore table?