/* Yo Emacs, this -*- C++ -*- ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* * * * KREVERSI * * ******************************************************************* * * A Reversi (or sometimes called Othello) game * ******************************************************************* * * Created 1997 by Mario Weilguni <mweilguni@sime.com>. This file * is ported from Mats Luthman's <Mats.Luthman@sylog.se> JAVA applet. * Many thanks to Mr. Luthman who has allowed me to put this port * under the GNU GPL. Without his wonderful game engine kreversi * would be just another of those Reversi programs a five year old * child could beat easily. But with it it's a worthy opponent! * * If you are interested on the JAVA applet of Mr. Luthman take a * look at http://www.sylog.se/~mats/ * ******************************************************************* * * This file is part of the KDE project "KREVERSI" * * KREVERSI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * KREVERSI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with KREVERSI; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************* */ // The class Engine produces moves from a Game object through calls to the // function ComputeMove(). // // First of all: this is meant to be a simple example of a game playing // program. Not everything is done in the most clever way, particularly not // the way the moves are searched, but it is hopefully made in a way that makes // it easy to understand. The function ComputeMove2() that does all the work // is actually not much more than a hundred lines. Much could be done to // make the search faster though, I'm perfectly aware of that. Feel free // to experiment. // // The method used to generate the moves is called minimax tree search with // alpha-beta pruning to a fixed depth. In short this means that all possible // moves a predefined number of moves ahead are either searched or refuted // with a method called alpha-beta pruning. A more thorough explanation of // this method could be found at the world wide web at http: // //yoda.cis.temple.edu:8080/UGAIWWW/lectures96/search/minimax/alpha-beta.html // at the time this was written. Searching for "minimax" would also point // you to information on this subject. It is probably possible to understand // this method by reading the source code though, it is not that complicated. // // At every leaf node at the search tree, the resulting position is evaluated. // Two things are considered when evaluating a position: the number of pieces // of each color and at which squares the pieces are located. Pieces at the // corners are valuable and give a high value, and having pieces at squares // next to a corner is not very good and they give a lower value. In the // beginning of a game it is more important to have pieces on "good" squares, // but towards the end the total number of pieces of each color is given a // higher weight. Other things, like how many legal moves that can be made in a // position, and the number of pieces that can never be turned would probably // make the program stronger if they were considered in evaluating a position, // but that would make things more complicated (this was meant to be very // simple example) and would also slow down computation (considerably?). // // The member m_board[10][10]) holds the current position during the // computation. It is initiated at the start of ComputeMove() and // every move that is made during the search is made on this board. It should // be noted that 1 to 8 is used for the actual board, but 0 and 9 can be // used too (they are always empty). This is practical when turning pieces // when moves are made on the board. Every piece that is put on the board // or turned is saved in the stack m_squarestack (see class SquareStack) so // every move can easily be reversed after the search in a node is completed. // // The member m_bc_board[][] holds board control values for each square // and is initiated by a call to the function private void SetupBcBoard() // from Engines constructor. It is used in evaluation of positions except // when the game tree is searched all the way to the end of the game. // // The two members m_coord_bit[9][9] and m_neighbor_bits[9][9] are used to // speed up the tree search. This goes against the principle of keeping things // simple, but to understand the program you do not need to understand them // at all. They are there to make it possible to throw away moves where // the piece that is played is not adjacent to a piece of opposite color // at an early stage (because they could never be legal). It should be // pointed out that not all moves that pass this test are legal, there will // just be fewer moves that have to be tested in a more time consuming way. // // There are also two other members that should be mentioned: Score m_score // and Score m_bc_score. They hold the number of pieces of each color and // the sum of the board control values for each color during the search // (this is faster than counting at every leaf node). // // The classes SquareStackEntry and SquareStack implement a // stack that is used by Engine to store pieces that are turned during // searching (see ComputeMove()). // // The class MoveAndValue is used by Engine to store all possible moves // at the first level and the values that were calculated for them. // This makes it possible to select a random move among those with equal // or nearly equal value after the search is completed. #ifndef __ENGINE__H__ #define __ENGINE__H__ #include "SuperEngine.h" #include "Position.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Move.h" #include "Score.h" #include <qmemarray.h> #include <sys/times.h> #include <qbitarray.h> // Class ULONG64 is used as a bitmap for the squares. #if defined(__GNUC__) #define ULONG64 unsigned long long int #else class ULONG64 : public QBitArray { public: ULONG64(); ULONG64( unsigned int ); void shl(); }; #endif // SquareStackEntry and SquareStack are used during search to keep // track of turned pieces. class SquareStackEntry { public: SquareStackEntry(); void setXY(int x, int y); public: int m_x; int m_y; }; class SquareStack { public: SquareStack(); SquareStack(int size); void resize(int size); void init(int size); SquareStackEntry Pop(); void Push(int x, int y); private: QMemArray<SquareStackEntry> m_squarestack; int m_top; }; // Connect a move with its value. class MoveAndValue { public: MoveAndValue(); MoveAndValue(int x, int y, int value); void setXYV(int x, int y, int value); public: int m_x; int m_y; int m_value; }; // The real beef of this program: the engine that finds good moves for // the computer player. // class Engine : public SuperEngine { public: Engine(int st, int sd); Engine(int st); Engine(); Move computeMove(Game *game, bool competitive); private: Move ComputeFirstMove(Game *game); int ComputeMove2(int xplay, int yplay, Color color, int level, int cutoffval, ULONG64 colorbits, ULONG64 opponentbits); int TryAllMoves(Color opponent, int level, int cutoffval, ULONG64 opponentbits, ULONG64 colorbits); int EvaluatePosition(Color color); void SetupBcBoard(); void SetupBits(); int CalcBcScore(Color color); ULONG64 ComputeOccupiedBits(Color color); void yield(); private: static const int LARGEINT; static const int ILLEGAL_VALUE; static const int BC_WEIGHT; Color m_board[10][10]; int m_bc_board[9][9]; Score m_score; Score m_bc_score; SquareStack m_squarestack; int m_depth; int m_coeff; int m_nodes_searched; bool m_exhaustive; bool m_competitive; ULONG64 m_coord_bit[9][9]; ULONG64 m_neighbor_bits[9][9]; }; #endif