 * A Reversi (or sometimes called Othello) game
 * created 1997 by Mario Weilguni <mweilguni@sime.com>
 * This file is part of the KDE project "KREVERSI"
 * KREVERSI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * KREVERSI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with KREVERSI; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef KREVERSI_H
#define KREVERSI_H

#include "kzoommainwindow.h"

#include "Score.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "Engine.h"
//#include "board.h"
#include "qreversigame.h"
#include "qreversigameview.h"

class TQLabel;

class TDEAction;

class KReversi : public KZoomMainWindow 


  enum State { Ready, Thinking, Hint};

  bool isPlaying() const;

  // Methods that deal with the game
  Color  toMove() const           { return m_game->toMove();       }
  Color  humanColor() const       { return m_humanColor;           }
  Color  computerColor() const    { return opponent(m_humanColor); }

  // Methods that deal with the engine.
  void   setStrength(uint);
  uint   strength() const         { return m_engine->strength();   }
  void   interrupt()              { m_engine->setInterrupt(TRUE);  }
  bool   interrupted() const      { return (m_game->toMove() == computerColor()
					    && m_state == Ready);  }

  // State of the program (Hint, Ready, Thinking, etc).
  void     setState(State);
  State    state() const          { return m_state;                }

  // Initialisation
  void     createTDEActions();

  // View functions.
  TQString  getPlayerName();

  virtual void  writeZoomSetting(uint zoom);
  virtual uint  readZoomSetting() const;
  virtual void  writeMenubarVisibleSetting(bool visible);
  virtual bool  menubarVisibleSetting() const;

  virtual void  saveProperties(TDEConfig *);
  virtual void  readProperties(TDEConfig *);
  virtual bool  queryExit();

private slots:

  // Slots for TDEActions.
  void  slotNewGame();
  void  slotOpenGame();
  void  slotSave();
  void  slotHint();
  void  slotUndo();
  void  slotSwitchSides();

  // Interrupt and continue the engines thinking (also TDEActions).
  void  slotInterrupt();
  void  slotContinue();
  void  slotShowLastMove();
  void  slotShowLegalMoves();

  // Slots for game IO
  void  slotSquareClicked(int, int);

  // Misc slots.
  void  configureNotifications();

  // Some dialogs and other misc stuff.
  void  showHighScoreDialog();
  void  slotEditSettings();
  void  loadSettings();

 public slots: 
  // Slots for the view.
  void  handleMove(uint moveno, Move &move);
  void  showTurn();
  void  showTurn(Color color);
  void  slotGameOver();


  // Private methods
  void  humanMakeMove(int row, int col);
  void  computerMakeMove();
  void  illegalMove();
  void  showGameOver(Color);

  void  saveGame(TDEConfig *);
  bool  loadGame(TDEConfig *);

  // Some Actions that need to be manipulated.
  TDEAction       *stopAction;
  TDEAction       *continueAction;

  TDEToggleAction  *showLastMoveAction;
  TDEToggleAction  *showLegalMovesAction;

  // The game itself and game properties
  QReversiGame  *m_game;	   // The main document - the game

  Color          m_humanColor;	   // The Color of the human player.
  bool           m_gameOver;	   // True if the game is over
  bool           m_cheating;	   // True if the user has changed sides
  uint           m_lowestStrength; // Lowest strength during the game.
  bool           m_competitiveGame;// True if the game has been
				   // competitive during all moves so far.

  State          m_state;          // Ready, Thinking, Hint
  Engine        *m_engine;         // The AI that creates the computers moves.

  // Widgets
  QReversiGameView  *m_gameView;   // The board widget.
