/* ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* * * * KSHISEN * * ******************************************************************* * * A japanese game similar to mahjongg * ******************************************************************* * * created 1997 by Mario Weilguni * ******************************************************************* * * This file is part of the KDE project "KSHISEN" * * KSHISEN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * KSHISEN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with KSHISEN; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************* */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "board.h" #include "prefs.h" #define EMPTY 0 #define DEFAULTDELAY 500 #define DEFAULTSHUFFLE 4 static int size_x[5] = {14, 18, 24, 26, 30}; static int size_y[5] = { 6, 8, 12, 14, 16}; static int DELAY[5] = {1000, 750, 500, 250, 125}; Board::Board(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQWidget(parent, name, WResizeNoErase), field(0), _x_tiles(0), _y_tiles(0), _delay(125), paused(false), gravity_flag(true), _solvable_flag(true), grav_col_1(-1), grav_col_2(-1), highlighted_tile(-1) { // Randomize setShuffle(DEFAULTSHUFFLE); random.setSeed(0); starttime = time((time_t *)0); setDelay(DEFAULTDELAY); _redo.setAutoDelete(true); _undo.setAutoDelete(true); TQPixmap bg(TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResource("appdata", "kshisen_bgnd.png")); setBackgroundPixmap(bg); loadSettings(); } Board::~Board() { delete [] field; } void Board::loadSettings(){ int index = Prefs::size(); setSize(size_x[index], size_y[index]); setShuffle(Prefs::level() * 4 + 1); setGravityFlag(Prefs::gravity()); setSolvableFlag(Prefs::solvable()); setDelay(DELAY[Prefs::speed()]); } int Board::x_tiles() const { return _x_tiles; } int Board::y_tiles() const { return _y_tiles; } void Board::setField(int x, int y, int value) { if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= x_tiles() || y >= y_tiles()) { kdFatal() << "Attempted write to invalid field position " "(" << x << ", " << y << ")" << endl; } field[y * x_tiles() + x] = value; } int Board::getField(int x, int y) const { #ifdef DEBUGGING if(x < -1 || y < -1 || x > x_tiles() || y > y_tiles()) { kdFatal() << "Attempted read from invalid field position " "(" << x << ", " << y << ")" << endl; } #endif if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= x_tiles() || y >= y_tiles()) return EMPTY; return field[y * x_tiles() + x]; } void Board::gravity(int col, bool update) { if(gravity_flag) { int rptr = y_tiles()-1, wptr = y_tiles()-1; while(rptr >= 0) { if(getField(col, wptr) != EMPTY) { rptr--; wptr--; } else { if(getField(col, rptr) != EMPTY) { setField(col, wptr, getField(col, rptr)); setField(col, rptr, EMPTY); if(update) { updateField(col, rptr); updateField(col, wptr); } wptr--; rptr--; } else rptr--; } } } } void Board::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) { // Calculate field position int pos_x = (e->pos().x() - xOffset()) / tiles.tileWidth(); int pos_y = (e->pos().y() - yOffset()) / tiles.tileHeight(); if(e->pos().x() < xOffset() || e->pos().y() < yOffset() || pos_x >= x_tiles() || pos_y >= y_tiles()) { pos_x = -1; pos_y = -1; } // Mark tile if(e->button() == TQt::LeftButton) { clearHighlight(); if(pos_x != -1) marked(pos_x, pos_y); } // Assist by highlighting all tiles of same type if(e->button() == TQt::RightButton) { int clicked_tile = getField(pos_x, pos_y); // Clear marked tile if(mark_x != -1 && getField(mark_x, mark_y) != clicked_tile) { // We need to set mark_x and mark_y to -1 before calling // updateField() to ensure the tile is redrawn as unmarked. int oldmarkx = mark_x; int oldmarky = mark_y; mark_x = -1; mark_y = -1; updateField(oldmarkx, oldmarky, false); } else { mark_x = -1; mark_y = -1; } // Perform highlighting if(clicked_tile != highlighted_tile) { int old_highlighted = highlighted_tile; highlighted_tile = clicked_tile; for(int i = 0; i < x_tiles(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < y_tiles(); j++) { const int field_tile = getField(i, j); if(field_tile != EMPTY) { if(field_tile == old_highlighted) updateField(i, j, false); else if(field_tile == clicked_tile) updateField(i, j, false); } } } } } } // The board is centred inside the main playing area. xOffset/yOffset provide // the coordinates of the top-left corner of the board. int Board::xOffset() const { return (width() - (tiles.tileWidth() * x_tiles())) / 2; } int Board::yOffset() const { return (height() - (tiles.tileHeight() * y_tiles())) / 2; } void Board::setSize(int x, int y) { if(x == x_tiles() && y == y_tiles()) return; if(field != 0) delete [] field; field = new int[ x * y ]; _x_tiles = x; _y_tiles = y; for(int i = 0; i < x; i++) for(int j = 0; j < y; j++) setField(i, j, EMPTY); // set the minimum size of the scalable window const double MINIMUM_SCALE = 0.2; int w = tqRound(tiles.unscaledTileWidth() * MINIMUM_SCALE) * x_tiles(); int h = tqRound(tiles.unscaledTileHeight() * MINIMUM_SCALE) * y_tiles(); w += tiles.unscaledTileWidth(); h += tiles.unscaledTileWidth(); setMinimumSize(w, h); resizeBoard(); newGame(); emit changed(); } void Board::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent*) { resizeBoard(); emit resized(); } void Board::resizeBoard() { // calculate tile size required to fit all tiles in the window int w = static_cast( static_cast(width() - tiles.unscaledTileWidth()) / x_tiles() ); int h = static_cast( static_cast(height() - tiles.unscaledTileWidth()) / y_tiles() ); const double MAXIMUM_SCALE = 2.0; w = std::min(w, static_cast((tiles.unscaledTileWidth() * MAXIMUM_SCALE) + 0.5)); h = std::min(h, static_cast((tiles.unscaledTileHeight() * MAXIMUM_SCALE) + 0.5)); tiles.resizeTiles(w, h); } TQSize Board::unscaledSize() const { int w = tiles.unscaledTileWidth() * x_tiles() + tiles.unscaledTileWidth(); int h = tiles.unscaledTileHeight() * y_tiles() + tiles.unscaledTileWidth(); return TQSize(w, h); } void Board::newGame() { //kdDebug() << "NewGame" << endl; int i, x, y, k; mark_x = -1; mark_y = -1; highlighted_tile = -1; // will clear previous highlight _undo.clear(); _redo.clear(); connection.clear(); // distribute all tiles on board int cur_tile = 1; for(y = 0; y < y_tiles(); y += 4) { for(x = 0; x < x_tiles(); ++x) { for(k = 0; k < 4 && y + k < y_tiles(); k++) setField(x, y + k, cur_tile); cur_tile++; if(cur_tile > TileSet::nTiles) cur_tile = 1; } } if(getShuffle() == 0) { update(); starttime = time((time_t *)0); emit changed(); return; } // shuffle the field int tx = x_tiles(); int ty = y_tiles(); for(i = 0; i < x_tiles() * y_tiles() * getShuffle(); i++) { int x1 = random.getLong(tx); int y1 = random.getLong(ty); int x2 = random.getLong(tx); int y2 = random.getLong(ty); int t = getField(x1, y1); setField(x1, y1, getField(x2, y2)); setField(x2, y2, t); } // do not make solvable if _solvable_flag is false if(!_solvable_flag) { update(); starttime = time((time_t *)0); emit changed(); return; } int fsize = x_tiles() * y_tiles() * sizeof(int); int *oldfield = new int[x_tiles() * y_tiles()]; memcpy(oldfield, field, fsize); // save field int *tiles = new int[x_tiles() * y_tiles()]; int *pos = new int[x_tiles() * y_tiles()]; while(!solvable(true)) { //kdDebug() << "Not solvable" << endl; //dumpBoard(); // generate a list of free tiles and positions int num_tiles = 0; for(i = 0; i < x_tiles() * y_tiles(); i++) if(field[i] != EMPTY) { pos[num_tiles] = i; tiles[num_tiles] = field[i]; num_tiles++; } // restore field memcpy(field, oldfield, fsize); // redistribute unsolved tiles while(num_tiles > 0) { // get a random tile int r1 = random.getLong(num_tiles); int r2 = random.getLong(num_tiles); int tile = tiles[r1]; int apos = pos[r2]; // truncate list tiles[r1] = tiles[num_tiles-1]; pos[r2] = pos[num_tiles-1]; num_tiles--; // put this tile on the new position field[apos] = tile; } // remember field memcpy(oldfield, field, fsize); } // restore field memcpy(field, oldfield, fsize); delete tiles; delete pos; delete oldfield; update(); starttime = time((time_t *)0); emit changed(); } bool Board::isTileHighlighted(int x, int y) const { if(x == mark_x && y == mark_y) return true; if(getField(x, y) == highlighted_tile) return true; if(!connection.empty()) { if(x == connection.front().x && y == connection.front().y) return true; if(x == connection.back().x && y == connection.back().y) return true; } return false; } void Board::updateField(int x, int y, bool erase) { TQRect r(xOffset() + x * tiles.tileWidth(), yOffset() + y * tiles.tileHeight(), tiles.tileWidth(), tiles.tileHeight()); repaint(r, erase); } void Board::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *e) { TQRect ur = e->rect(); // rectangle to update TQPixmap pm(ur.size()); // Pixmap for double-buffering pm.fill(this, ur.topLeft()); // fill with widget background TQPainter p(&pm); p.translate(-ur.x(), -ur.y()); // use widget coordinate system if(paused) { p.setFont(TDEGlobalSettings::largeFont()); p.drawText(rect(), TQt::AlignCenter, i18n("Game Paused")); } else { int w = tiles.tileWidth(); int h = tiles.tileHeight(); for(int i = 0; i < x_tiles(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < y_tiles(); j++) { int tile = getField(i, j); if(tile == EMPTY) continue; int xpos = xOffset() + i * w; int ypos = yOffset() + j * h; TQRect r(xpos, ypos, w, h); if(e->rect().intersects(r)) { if(isTileHighlighted(i, j)) p.drawPixmap(xpos, ypos, tiles.highlightedTile(tile-1)); else p.drawPixmap(xpos, ypos, tiles.tile(tile-1)); } } } } p.end(); bitBlt( this, ur.topLeft(), &pm ); } void Board::marked(int x, int y) { // make sure that the previous connection is correctly undrawn undrawConnection(); if(getField(x, y) == EMPTY) return; if(x == mark_x && y == mark_y) { // unmark the piece mark_x = -1; mark_y = -1; updateField(x, y, false); return; } if(mark_x == -1) { mark_x = x; mark_y = y; updateField(x, y, false); return; } int fld1 = getField(mark_x, mark_y); int fld2 = getField(x, y); // both field same? if(fld1 != fld2) return; // trace if(findPath(mark_x, mark_y, x, y, connection)) { madeMove(mark_x, mark_y, x, y); drawConnection(getDelay()); setField(mark_x, mark_y, EMPTY); setField(x, y, EMPTY); grav_col_1 = x; grav_col_2 = mark_x; mark_x = -1; mark_y = -1; // game is over? // Must delay until after tiles fall to make this test // See undrawConnection GP. } else { connection.clear(); } } void Board::clearHighlight() { if(highlighted_tile != -1) { int old_highlight = highlighted_tile; highlighted_tile = -1; for(int i = 0; i < x_tiles(); i++) for(int j = 0; j < y_tiles(); j++) if(old_highlight == getField(i, j)) updateField(i, j, false); } } // Can we make a path between two tiles with a single line? bool Board::canMakePath(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) const { if(x1 == x2) { for(int i = std::min(y1, y2) + 1; i < std::max(y1, y2); i++) if(getField(x1, i) != EMPTY) return false; return true; } if(y1 == y2) { for(int i = std::min(x1, x2) + 1; i < std::max(x1, x2); i++) if(getField(i, y1) != EMPTY) return false; return true; } return false; } bool Board::findPath(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Path& p) const { p.clear(); if(findSimplePath(x1, y1, x2, y2, p)) return true; // Find a path of 3 segments const int dx[4] = { 1, 0, -1, 0 }; const int dy[4] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 }; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int newx = x1 + dx[i]; int newy = y1 + dy[i]; while(newx >= -1 && newx <= x_tiles() && newy >= -1 && newy <= y_tiles() && getField(newx, newy) == EMPTY) { if(findSimplePath(newx, newy, x2, y2, p)) { p.push_front(Position(x1, y1)); return true; } newx += dx[i]; newy += dy[i]; } } return false; } // Find a path of 1 or 2 segments between tiles. Returns whether // a path was found, and if so, the path is returned via 'p'. bool Board::findSimplePath(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Path& p) const { // Find direct line (path of 1 segment) if(canMakePath(x1, y1, x2, y2)) { p.push_back(Position(x1, y1)); p.push_back(Position(x2, y2)); return true; } // If the tiles are in the same row or column, then a // a 'simple path' cannot be found between them if(x1 == x2 || y1 == y2) return false; // Find path of 2 segments (route A) if(getField(x2, y1) == EMPTY && canMakePath(x1, y1, x2, y1) && canMakePath(x2, y1, x2, y2)) { p.push_back(Position(x1, y1)); p.push_back(Position(x2, y1)); p.push_back(Position(x2, y2)); return true; } // Find path of 2 segments (route B) if(getField(x1, y2) == EMPTY && canMakePath(x1, y1, x1, y2) && canMakePath(x1, y2, x2, y2)) { p.push_back(Position(x1, y1)); p.push_back(Position(x1, y2)); p.push_back(Position(x2, y2)); return true; } return false; } void Board::drawConnection(int timeout) { if(connection.empty()) return; // lighten the fields updateField(connection.front().x, connection.front().y); updateField(connection.back().x, connection.back().y); TQPainter p; p.begin(this); p.setPen(TQPen(TQColor("red"), tiles.lineWidth())); // Path.size() will always be >= 2 Path::const_iterator pathEnd = connection.end(); Path::const_iterator pt1 = connection.begin(); Path::const_iterator pt2 = pt1; ++pt2; while(pt2 != pathEnd) { p.drawLine( midCoord(pt1->x, pt1->y), midCoord(pt2->x, pt2->y) ); ++pt1; ++pt2; } p.flush(); p.end(); TQTimer::singleShot(timeout, this, TQ_SLOT(undrawConnection())); } void Board::undrawConnection() { if(grav_col_1 != -1 || grav_col_2 != -1) { gravity(grav_col_1, true); gravity(grav_col_2, true); grav_col_1 = -1; grav_col_2 = -1; } // is already undrawn? if(connection.empty()) return; // Redraw all affected fields Path oldConnection = connection; connection.clear(); // Path.size() will always be >= 2 Path::const_iterator pathEnd = oldConnection.end(); Path::const_iterator pt1 = oldConnection.begin(); Path::const_iterator pt2 = pt1; ++pt2; while(pt2 != pathEnd) { if(pt1->y == pt2->y) { for(int i = std::min(pt1->x, pt2->x); i <= std::max(pt1->x, pt2->x); i++) updateField(i, pt1->y); } else { for(int i = std::min(pt1->y, pt2->y); i <= std::max(pt1->y, pt2->y); i++) updateField(pt1->x, i); } ++pt1; ++pt2; } Path dummyPath; // game is over? if(!getHint_I(dummyPath)) { time_for_game = (int)difftime( time(0), starttime); emit endOfGame(); } } TQPoint Board::midCoord(int x, int y) const { TQPoint p; int w = tiles.tileWidth(); int h = tiles.tileHeight(); if(x == -1) p.setX(xOffset() - (w / 4)); else if(x == x_tiles()) p.setX(xOffset() + (w * x_tiles()) + (w / 4)); else p.setX(xOffset() + (w * x) + (w / 2)); if(y == -1) p.setY(yOffset() - (w / 4)); else if(y == y_tiles()) p.setY(yOffset() + (h * y_tiles()) + (w / 4)); else p.setY(yOffset() + (h * y) + (h / 2)); return p; } void Board::setDelay(int newvalue) { _delay = newvalue; } int Board::getDelay() const { return _delay; } void Board::madeMove(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { Move *m = new Move(x1, y1, x2, y2, getField(x1, y1)); _undo.append(m); while(_redo.count()) _redo.removeFirst(); emit changed(); } bool Board::canUndo() const { return !_undo.isEmpty(); } bool Board::canRedo() const { return !_redo.isEmpty(); } void Board::undo() { if(canUndo()) { clearHighlight(); undrawConnection(); Move* m = _undo.last(); _undo.take(); if(gravityFlag()) { int y; // When both tiles reside in the same column, the order of undo is // significant (we must undo the lower tile first). if(m->x1 == m->x2 && m->y1 < m->y2) { std::swap(m->x1, m->x2); std::swap(m->y1, m->y2); } for(y = 0; y < m->y1; y++) { setField(m->x1, y, getField(m->x1, y+1)); updateField(m->x1, y); } for(y = 0; y < m->y2; y++) { setField(m->x2, y, getField(m->x2, y+1)); updateField(m->x2, y); } } setField(m->x1, m->y1, m->tile); setField(m->x2, m->y2, m->tile); updateField(m->x1, m->y1); updateField(m->x2, m->y2); _redo.prepend(m); emit changed(); } } void Board::redo() { if(canRedo()) { clearHighlight(); undrawConnection(); Move* m = _redo.take(0); setField(m->x1, m->y1, EMPTY); setField(m->x2, m->y2, EMPTY); updateField(m->x1, m->y1); updateField(m->x2, m->y2); gravity(m->x1, true); gravity(m->x2, true); _undo.append(m); emit changed(); } } void Board::showHint() { undrawConnection(); if(getHint_I(connection)) drawConnection(1000); } #ifdef DEBUGGING void Board::makeHintMove() { Path p; if(getHint_I(p)) { mark_x = -1; mark_y = -1; marked(p.front().x, p.front().y); marked(p.back().x, p.back().y); } } void Board::finish() { Path p; bool ready=false; while(!ready && getHint_I(p)) { mark_x = -1; mark_y = -1; if(tilesLeft() == 2) ready = true; marked(p.front().x, p.front().y); marked(p.back().x, p.back().y); tdeApp->processEvents(); usleep(250*1000); } } void Board::dumpBoard() const { kdDebug() << "Board contents:" << endl; for(int y = 0; y < y_tiles(); ++y) { TQString row; for(int x = 0; x < x_tiles(); ++x) { int tile = getField(x, y); if(tile == EMPTY) row += " --"; else row += TQString("%1").arg(getField(x, y), 3); } kdDebug() << row << endl; } } #endif bool Board::getHint_I(Path& p) const { //dumpBoard(); short done[TileSet::nTiles]; for( short index = 0; index < TileSet::nTiles; index++ ) done[index] = 0; for(int x = 0; x < x_tiles(); x++) { for(int y = 0; y < y_tiles(); y++) { int tile = getField(x, y); if(tile != EMPTY && done[tile - 1] != 4) { // for all these types of tile search path's for(int xx = 0; xx < x_tiles(); xx++) { for(int yy = 0; yy < y_tiles(); yy++) { if(xx != x || yy != y) { if(getField(xx, yy) == tile) if(findPath(x, y, xx, yy, p)) { //kdDebug() << "path.size() == " << p.size() << endl; //for(Path::const_iterator i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); ++i) // kdDebug() << "pathEntry: (" << i->x << ", " << i->y // << ") => " << getField(i->x, i->y) << endl; return true; } } } } done[tile - 1]++; } } } return false; } void Board::setShuffle(int newvalue) { if(newvalue != _shuffle){ _shuffle = newvalue; newGame(); } } int Board::getShuffle() const { return _shuffle; } int Board::tilesLeft() const { int left = 0; for(int i = 0; i < x_tiles(); i++) for(int j = 0; j < y_tiles(); j++) if(getField(i, j) != EMPTY) left++; return left; } int Board::getCurrentTime() const { return (int)difftime(time((time_t *)0),starttime); } int Board::getTimeForGame() const { if(tilesLeft() == 0) { return time_for_game; } else { if(paused) return (int)difftime(pause_start, starttime); else return (int)difftime(time((time_t *)0), starttime); } } bool Board::solvable(bool norestore) { int *oldfield = 0; if(!norestore) { oldfield = new int [x_tiles() * y_tiles()]; memcpy(oldfield, field, x_tiles() * y_tiles() * sizeof(int)); } Path p; while(getHint_I(p)) { kdFatal(getField(p.front().x, p.front().y) != getField(p.back().x, p.back().y)) << "Removing unmateched tiles: (" << p.front().x << ", " << p.front().y << ") => " << getField(p.front().x, p.front().y) << " (" << p.back().x << ", " << p.back().y << ") => " << getField(p.back().x, p.back().y) << endl; setField(p.front().x, p.front().y, EMPTY); setField(p.back().x, p.back().y, EMPTY); //if(gravityFlag()) //{ // gravity(p.front().x, false); // gravity(p.back().x, false); //} } int left = tilesLeft(); if(!norestore) { memcpy(field, oldfield, x_tiles() * y_tiles() * sizeof(int)); delete [] oldfield; } return (bool)(left == 0); } bool Board::getSolvableFlag() const { return _solvable_flag; } void Board::setSolvableFlag(bool value) { if(value && !_solvable_flag && !solvable()){ _solvable_flag = value; newGame(); } else _solvable_flag = value; } bool Board::gravityFlag() const { return gravity_flag; } void Board::setGravityFlag(bool b) { if( gravity_flag != b ){ if(canUndo() || canRedo()) newGame(); gravity_flag = b; } } bool Board::pause() { paused = !paused; if(paused) pause_start = time((time_t *)0); else starttime += (time_t) difftime( time((time_t *)0), pause_start); update(); return paused; } TQSize Board::sizeHint() const { int dpi = TQPaintDeviceMetrics(this).logicalDpiX(); if (dpi < 75) dpi = 75; return TQSize(9*dpi,7*dpi); } #include "board.moc"