Version 0.4.0:
  * [Benjamin Meyer] Changed to use KDE highscore widget.
  * [Benjamin Meyer] Changed to use KConfigXT and a configure dialog.
  * [Benjamin Meyer] Removed unnecessary classes.
  * [Benjamin Meyer] Lots of general code cleanup (headers/indentation/variable naming).
  * [Benjamin Meyer] Added copyright headers to all of the source files. 

Version 0.3.1:
  * [Andrew Chant] Cleaned up a lot of code 
		   Fixed Start new game dialogue behavior
		   Fixed fonts on High Scores list.
		   Made 'Beginner' mode actually somewhat Easy!!
Version 0.3.0:
  * [Andrew Chant]  Added Window Resizing capability, so now works on
                    almost all resoloutions!
Version 0.2.1:
  * [Robert Williams]  Added -caption "%c" to ksnake.kdelnk
  * [Robert Williams]  Added getCaption()
  * [Robert Williams]  Added version.h
  * [Robert Williams]  Added getHelpMenu()