    This file is part of the KDE games library
    Copyright (C) 2001 Martin Heni (martin@heni-online.de)
    Copyright (C) 2001 Andreas Beckermann (b_mann@gmx.de)

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "kgame.h"
#include "kgame.moc"
#include "kgamepropertyhandler.h"
#include "kgameproperty.h"
#include "kplayer.h"
#include "kgameio.h"
#include "kgameerror.h"
#include "kgamesequence.h"

#include "kgamemessage.h"

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <tqbuffer.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqptrqueue.h>
#include <tqfile.h>

#include <klocale.h>
#include <krandomsequence.h>
#include <kdebug.h>

#define KGAME_LOAD_COOKIE 4210

// try to place as much as possible here
// many things are *not* possible here as KGame has to use some inline function
class KGamePrivate
        mUniquePlayerNumber = 0;
        mGameSequence = 0;

    int mUniquePlayerNumber;
    TQPtrQueue<KPlayer> mAddPlayerList;// this is a list of to-be-added players. See addPlayer() docu
    KRandomSequence* mRandom;
    KGame::GamePolicy mPolicy;
    KGameSequence* mGameSequence;

    KGamePropertyHandler* mProperties;

    // player lists
    KGame::KGamePlayerList mPlayerList;
    KGame::KGamePlayerList mInactivePlayerList;

    KGamePropertyInt mMaxPlayer;
    KGamePropertyUInt mMinPlayer;
    KGamePropertyInt mGameStatus; // Game running?
    TQValueList<int> mInactiveIdList;


// ------------------- GAME CLASS --------------------------
KGame::KGame(int cookie,TQObject* parent) : KGameNetwork(cookie,parent)
 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << " - " << this << ", sizeof(KGame)=" << sizeof(KGame) << endl;
 d = new KGamePrivate;

 d->mProperties = new KGamePropertyHandler(this);

                                this,TQT_SLOT(sendProperty(int, TQDataStream&, bool* )),
                                     TQT_SLOT(emitSignal(KGamePropertyBase *)));
 d->mMaxPlayer.registerData(KGamePropertyBase::IdMaxPlayer, this, i18n("MaxPlayers"));
 d->mMaxPlayer.setLocal(-1);  // Infinite
 d->mMinPlayer.registerData(KGamePropertyBase::IdMinPlayer, this, i18n("MinPlayers"));
 d->mMinPlayer.setLocal(0);   // Always ok
 d->mGameStatus.registerData(KGamePropertyBase::IdGameStatus, this, i18n("GameStatus"));
 // d->mUniquePlayerNumber = 0;
 d->mRandom = new KRandomSequence;

 connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(signalClientConnected(Q_UINT32)),
                this, TQT_SLOT(slotClientConnected(Q_UINT32)));
 connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(signalClientDisconnected(Q_UINT32,bool)),
                this, TQT_SLOT(slotClientDisconnected(Q_UINT32,bool)));
 connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(signalConnectionBroken()),
                this, TQT_SLOT(slotServerDisconnected()));

 setGameSequence(new KGameSequence());

 // BL: FIXME This signal does no longer exist. When we are merging
 // MH: super....and how do I find out about the lost conenction now?
 // KGame and KGameNetwork, this could be improved!
//  connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(signalConnectionLost(KGameClient *)),
//          this,TQT_SLOT(slotConnectionLost(KGameClient *)));

 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << endl;
// Debug();
 delete d->mGameSequence;
 delete d->mRandom;
 delete d;
 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << " done" << endl;

bool KGame::reset()
 return true;

void KGame::deletePlayers()
// kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << endl;
 KGamePlayerList tmp = d->mPlayerList; // in case of PolicyClean player=d->mPlayerList.first() is infinite
 KPlayer *player;
   delete player; // delete and removes the player
// kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << " done" << endl;

void KGame::deleteInactivePlayers()
 KPlayer *player;
   //player->setGame(0); // prevent call backs
   delete player;

bool KGame::load(TQString filename,bool reset)
  if (filename.isNull())
    return false;
  TQFile f(filename);
  if (!f.open(IO_ReadOnly))
    return false;
  TQDataStream s( &f );
  return true;

bool KGame::load(TQDataStream &stream,bool reset)
{ return loadgame(stream, false,reset); }

bool KGame::loadgame(TQDataStream &stream, bool network,bool resetgame)
 // Load Game Data

 // internal data
 Q_INT32 c;
 stream >> c; // cookie

 if (c!=cookie())
   kdWarning(11001) << "Trying to load different game version we="<<cookie() << " saved=" << c << endl;
   bool result=false;
   emit signalLoadError(stream,network,(int)c,result);
   return result;
 if (resetgame) reset();

 uint i;
 stream >> i;
// setPolicy((GamePolicy)i);

 stream >> d->mUniquePlayerNumber;

 if (gameSequence())
   gameSequence()->setCurrentPlayer(0);  // TODO !!!
 int newseed;
 stream >> newseed;

 // Switch off the direct emitting of signals while
 // loading properties. This can cause inconsistencies
 // otherwise if a property emits and this emit accesses
 // a property not yet loaded
 // Note we habe to have this external locking to prevent the games unlocking
 // to access the players
 KPlayer *player;
 for ( player=playerList()->first(); player != 0; player=playerList()->next() )
   // kdDebug(11001) << "Player "<<player->id() << " to indirect emit" <<endl;

 // Properties

 // If there is additional data to be loaded before players are loaded then do
 // this here.
 emit signalLoadPrePlayers(stream);

 // Load Playerobjects
 uint playercount;
 stream >> playercount;
 kdDebug(11001) << "Loading KGame " << playercount << " KPlayer objects " << endl;
 for (i=0;i<playercount;i++)
   KPlayer *newplayer=loadPlayer(stream,network);

 Q_INT16 cookie;
 stream >> cookie;
 if (cookie==KGAME_LOAD_COOKIE) {
   kdDebug(11001) << "   Game loaded propertly"<<endl;
 } else {
   kdError(11001) << "   Game loading error. probably format error"<<endl;

 // Switch back on the direct emitting of signals and emit the
 // queued signals.
 // Note we habe to have this external locking to prevent the games unlocking
 // to access the players
 for ( player=playerList()->first(); player != 0; player=playerList()->next() )
   // kdDebug(11001) << "Player "<<player->id() << " to direct emit" <<endl;

 emit signalLoad(stream);
 return true;

bool KGame::save(TQString filename,bool saveplayers)
 if (filename.isNull())
   return false;
 TQFile f(filename);
 if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
   return false;
 TQDataStream s( &f );
 return true;

bool KGame::save(TQDataStream &stream,bool saveplayers)
{ return savegame(stream, false,saveplayers); }

bool KGame::savegame(TQDataStream &stream,bool /*network*/,bool saveplayers)
  // Save Game Data

  // internal variables
  Q_INT32 c=cookie();
  stream << c;

  uint p=(uint)policy();
  stream << p;
  stream << d->mUniquePlayerNumber;
  int newseed=(int)d->mRandom->getLong(65535);
  stream << newseed;

 // Properties

 // Save all data that need to be saved *before* the players are saved
 emit signalSavePrePlayers(stream);

 if (saveplayers)
   stream << (uint)0; // no players saved

 stream << (Q_INT16)KGAME_LOAD_COOKIE;

 emit signalSave(stream);
 return true;

void KGame::savePlayer(TQDataStream &stream,KPlayer* p)
// this could be in KGameMessage as well
 stream << (Q_INT32)p->rtti();
 stream << (Q_INT32)p->id();
 stream << (Q_INT32)p->calcIOValue();

void KGame::savePlayers(TQDataStream &stream, KGamePlayerList *list)
 if (!list)

 Q_INT32 cnt=list->count();
 kdDebug(11001) << "Saving KGame " << cnt << " KPlayer objects " << endl;
 stream << cnt;
 KPlayer *player;
 for ( player=list->first(); player != 0; player=list->next() )

KPlayer *KGame::createPlayer(int /*rtti*/,int /*io*/,bool /*isvirtual*/)
  kdWarning(11001) << "   No user defined player created. Creating default KPlayer. This crashes if you have overwritten KPlayer!!!! " << endl;
  return new KPlayer;
KPlayer *KGame::loadPlayer(TQDataStream& stream,bool isvirtual)
  Q_INT32 rtti,id,iovalue;
  stream >> rtti >> id >> iovalue;
  KPlayer *newplayer=findPlayer(id);
  if (!newplayer)
    kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << "Player "<< id << " not found...asking user to create one " << endl;
    //emit signalCreatePlayer(newplayer,rtti,iovalue,isvirtual,this);
  if (!newplayer)
    kdWarning(11001) << "   No user defined player created. Creating default KPlayer. This crashes if you have overwritten KPlayer!!!! " << endl;
    newplayer=new KPlayer;
    kdDebug(11001) << "   USER Player " << newplayer << " done player->rtti=" << newplayer->rtti() << " rtti=" << rtti << endl;
  if (isvirtual)
  return newplayer;

// ----------------- Player handling -----------------------

KPlayer * KGame::findPlayer(Q_UINT32 id) const
 for (TQPtrListIterator<KPlayer> it(d->mPlayerList); it.current(); ++it)
   if (it.current()->id() == id)
     return it.current();
 for (TQPtrListIterator<KPlayer> it(d->mInactivePlayerList); it.current(); ++it)
   if (it.current()->id() == id)
     return it.current();
 return 0;

// it is necessary that addPlayer and systemAddPlayer are called in the same
// order. Ie if addPlayer(foo) followed by addPlayer(bar) is called, you must
// not call systemAddPlayer(bar) followed by systemAddPlayer(foo), as the
// mAddPlayerList would get confused. Should be no problem as long as comServer
// and the clients are working correctly.
// BUT: if addPlayer(foo) does not arrive by any reason while addPlayer(bar)
// does, we would be in trouble...
void KGame::addPlayer(KPlayer* newplayer)
 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ":  " << "; maxPlayers=" << maxPlayers() << " playerCount=" << playerCount() << endl;
 if (!newplayer)
  kdFatal(11001) << "trying to add NULL player in KGame::addPlayer()" << endl;
  return ;

 if (maxPlayers() >= 0 && (int)playerCount() >= maxPlayers())
   kdWarning(11001) << "cannot add more than " << maxPlayers() << " players - deleting..." << endl;
   delete newplayer;

 if (newplayer->id() == 0)
   newplayer->setId(KGameMessage::createPlayerId(d->mUniquePlayerNumber, gameId()));
   kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << "NEW!!! player " << newplayer << " now has id " << newplayer->id() << endl;
   // this could happen in games which use their own ID management by certain
   // reasons. that is NOT recommended
   kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << "player " << newplayer << " already has an id: " << newplayer->id() << endl;

 TQByteArray buffer;
 TQDataStream stream(buffer,IO_WriteOnly);
 // We distinguis here what policy we have
 if (policy()==PolicyLocal || policy()==PolicyDirty)
 if (policy()==PolicyClean || policy()==PolicyDirty)
   // Store the player for delayed clean adding
   if (policy()==PolicyClean)
   sendSystemMessage(stream,(int)KGameMessage::IdAddPlayer, 0);

void KGame::systemAddPlayer(KPlayer* newplayer)
 if (!newplayer)
   kdFatal(11001) << "trying to add NULL player in KGame::systemAddPlayer()" << endl;
   return ;
 if (newplayer->id() == 0)
   kdWarning(11001) << k_funcinfo << "player " << newplayer << " has no ID" << endl;

 if (findPlayer(newplayer->id()))
   kdError(11001) << "ERROR: Double adding player !!!!! NOT GOOD !!!!!! " << newplayer->id() << "...I delete it again" << endl;
   delete newplayer;
   kdDebug(11001) << "Trying to add player " << newplayer <<" maxPlayers="<<maxPlayers()<<" playerCount="<<playerCount() << endl;
   // Add the player to the game
   kdDebug(11001) << "Player: isVirtual=" << newplayer->isVirtual() << endl;
   kdDebug(11001) << "        id=" << newplayer->id() << "  #Players="
                  << d->mPlayerList.count() << " added " << newplayer
                  << "  (virtual=" << newplayer->isVirtual() << ")" << endl;
   emit signalPlayerJoinedGame(newplayer);

// Called by the KPlayer destructor
void KGame::playerDeleted(KPlayer *player)
 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": id (" << player->id() << ") to be removed " << player << endl;

 if (policy()==PolicyLocal || policy()==PolicyDirty)
 if (policy()==PolicyClean || policy()==PolicyDirty)
   if (!player->isVirtual())
     kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": sending IdRemovePlayer "<<player->id() << endl;
     sendSystemMessage(player->id(), KGameMessage::IdRemovePlayer, 0);

bool KGame::removePlayer(KPlayer * player, Q_UINT32 receiver)
{//transmit to all clients, or to receiver only
 if (!player)
   kdFatal(11001) << "trying to remove NULL player in KGame::removePlayer()" << endl;
   return false;
 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": id (" << player->id() << ") to be removed " << player << endl;

 if (policy()==PolicyLocal || policy()==PolicyDirty)
 if (policy()==PolicyClean || policy()==PolicyDirty)
   kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": sending IdRemovePlayer "<<player->id() << endl;
   sendSystemMessage(player->id(),KGameMessage::IdRemovePlayer, receiver);
 return true;
 // we will receive the message in networkTransmission()

void KGame::systemRemovePlayer(KPlayer* player,bool deleteit)
 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << endl;
 if (!player)
   kdWarning(11001) << "cannot remove NULL player" << endl;
 if (!systemRemove(player,deleteit))
   kdWarning(11001) << "player " << player << "(" << player->id() << ") Could not be found!" << endl;

 if (gameStatus()==(int)Run && playerCount()<minPlayers())
   kdWarning(11001) << k_funcinfo ": not enough players, PAUSING game\n" << endl;

bool KGame::systemRemove(KPlayer* p,bool deleteit)
 if (!p)
   kdWarning(11001) << "cannot remove NULL player" << endl;
   return false;
 bool result;
 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": Player (" << p->id() << ") to be removed " << p << endl;

 if (d->mPlayerList.count() == 0)
   result = false;
   result = d->mPlayerList.remove(p);

 emit signalPlayerLeftGame(p);

 if (deleteit)
   delete p;

 return result;

bool KGame::inactivatePlayer(KPlayer* player)
 if (!player)
   return false;
 kdDebug(11001) << "Inactivate player " << player->id() << endl;

 if (policy()==PolicyLocal || policy()==PolicyDirty)
 if (policy()==PolicyClean || policy()==PolicyDirty)
   sendSystemMessage(player->id(), KGameMessage::IdInactivatePlayer);

 return true;

bool KGame::systemInactivatePlayer(KPlayer* player)
 if (!player || !player->isActive())
   return false;
 kdDebug(11001) << " Inactivate player " << player->id() << endl;

 int pid=player->id();
 // Virtual players cannot be deactivated. They will be removed
 if (player->isVirtual())
 emit signalPlayerLeftGame(player);
 if (isAdmin())
 return true;

bool KGame::activatePlayer(KPlayer * player)
  if (!player)
    return false;
  kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": activate " << player->id() << endl;
  if (policy()==PolicyLocal || policy()==PolicyDirty)
  if (policy()==PolicyClean || policy()==PolicyDirty)
    sendSystemMessage(player->id(), KGameMessage::IdActivatePlayer);
 return true;

bool KGame::systemActivatePlayer(KPlayer* player)
 if (!player || player->isActive())
   return false;
 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": activate " << player->id() << endl;

 if (isAdmin())
 return true;

// -------------------- Properties ---------------------------

void KGame::setMaxPlayers(uint maxnumber)
{ if (isAdmin()) { d->mMaxPlayer.changeValue(maxnumber); } }

void KGame::setMinPlayers(uint minnumber)
{ if (isAdmin()) { d->mMinPlayer.changeValue(minnumber); } }

uint KGame::minPlayers() const
{ return d->mMinPlayer.value(); }

int KGame::maxPlayers() const
{ return d->mMaxPlayer.value(); }

uint KGame::playerCount() const
{ return d->mPlayerList.count(); }

int KGame::gameStatus() const
{ return d->mGameStatus.value(); }

bool KGame::isRunning() const
{ return d->mGameStatus.value() == Run; }

KGamePropertyHandler* KGame::dataHandler() const
{ return d->mProperties; }

KGame::KGamePlayerList* KGame::inactivePlayerList()
{ return &d->mInactivePlayerList; }

const KGame::KGamePlayerList* KGame::inactivePlayerList() const
{ return &d->mInactivePlayerList; }

KGame::KGamePlayerList* KGame::playerList()
{ return &d->mPlayerList; }

const KGame::KGamePlayerList* KGame::playerList() const
{ return &d->mPlayerList; }

KRandomSequence* KGame::random() const
{ return d->mRandom; }

bool KGame::sendPlayerInput(TQDataStream &msg, KPlayer *player, Q_UINT32 sender)
 if (!player)
   kdError(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": NULL player" << endl;
   return false;
 if (!isRunning())
   kdError(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": game not running" << endl;
   return false;

 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": transmitting playerInput over network" << endl;
 sendSystemMessage(msg, (int)KGameMessage::IdPlayerInput, player->id(), sender);
 return true;

bool KGame::systemPlayerInput(TQDataStream &msg, KPlayer *player, Q_UINT32 sender)
 if (!player)
   kdError(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": NULL player" << endl;
   return false;
 if (!isRunning())
   kdError(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": game not running" << endl;
   return false;
 kdDebug(11001) << "KGame: Got playerInput from messageServer... sender: " << sender << endl;
 if (playerInput(msg,player))
   kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo<<": switching off player input"<<endl;
   // TODO: (MH 03-2003): We need an return option from playerInput so that
   // the player's is not automatically disabled here 
   if (!player->asyncInput())
     player->setTurn(false); // in turn based games we have to switch off input now
 return true;

KPlayer * KGame::playerInputFinished(KPlayer *player)
 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo<<"player input finished for "<<player->id()<<endl;
 // Check for game over and if not allow the next player to move
 int gameOver = 0;
 if (gameSequence())
 // do not call gameSequence()->checkGameOver() to keep backward compatibility!
 gameOver = checkGameOver(player);
 if (gameOver!=0)
   if (player)
   emit signalGameOver(gameOver,player,this);
 else if (!player->asyncInput())
   player->setTurn(false); // in turn based games we have to switch off input now
   if (gameSequence())
 return player;

// Per default we do not do anything
int KGame::checkGameOver(KPlayer *player)
 if (gameSequence())
   return gameSequence()->checkGameOver(player);
 return 0;

void KGame::setGameSequence(KGameSequence* sequence)
 delete d->mGameSequence;
 d->mGameSequence = sequence;
 if (d->mGameSequence)

KGameSequence* KGame::gameSequence() const
  return d->mGameSequence;

void KGame::prepareNext()
 if (gameSequence())
   // we don't call gameSequence->nextPlayer() to keep old code working

KPlayer *KGame::nextPlayer(KPlayer *last,bool exclusive)
 if (gameSequence())
   return gameSequence()->nextPlayer(last, exclusive);
 return 0;

void KGame::setGameStatus(int status)
 kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": GAMESTATUS CHANGED  to" << status << endl;
 if (status==(int)Run && playerCount()<minPlayers()) 
   kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": not enough players, pausing game\n" << endl;
 d->mGameStatus = status;

void KGame::networkTransmission(TQDataStream &stream, int msgid, Q_UINT32 receiver, Q_UINT32 sender, Q_UINT32 /*clientID*/)
{//clientID is unused
 // message targets a playerobject. If we find it we forward the message to the
 // player. Otherwise we proceed here and hope the best that the user processes
 // the message

//  kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": we="<<(int)gameId()<<" id="<<msgid<<" recv=" << receiver << " sender=" << sender << endl;

 // *first* notice the game that something has changed - so no return prevents
 // this
 emit signalMessageUpdate(msgid, receiver, sender);
 if (KGameMessage::isPlayer(receiver))
   //kdDebug(11001) << "message id " << msgid << " seems to be for a player ("<<active=p->isActive()<<" recv="<< receiver << endl;
   KPlayer *p=findPlayer(receiver);
   if (p && p->isActive())
   if (p)
      kdDebug(11001) << "player is here but not active" << endl;
      kdDebug(11001) << "no player found" << endl;
 // If it is not for a player it is meant for us!!!! Otherwise the
 // gamenetwork would not have passed the message to us!

 // GameProperties processed
 if (d->mProperties->processMessage(stream, msgid, sender == gameId())) 
//   kdDebug(11001 ) << "KGame: message taken by property - returning" << endl;
   return ;

   case KGameMessage::IdSetupGame:  // Client: First step in setup game
     Q_INT16 v;
     Q_INT32 c;
     stream >> v >> c;
     kdDebug(11001) << " ===================> (Client) " << k_funcinfo << ": Got IdSetupGame ================== " << endl;
     kdDebug(11001) << "our game id is " << gameId() << " Lib version=" << v << " App Cookie=" << c << endl; 
     // Verify identity of the network partners
     if (c!=cookie())
       kdError(11001) << "IdGameSetup: Negotiate Game: cookie mismatch I'am="<<cookie()<<" master="<<c<<endl;
       sendError(KGameError::Cookie, KGameError::errCookie(cookie(), c));
       disconnect(); // disconnect from master
     else if (v!=KGameMessage::version())
       sendError(KGameError::Version, KGameError::errVersion(v));
       disconnect(); // disconnect from master
     kdDebug(11001) << "========== (Client) Setup game done\n";
   case KGameMessage::IdSetupGameContinue:  // Master: second step in game setup
     kdDebug(11001) << "=====>(Master) " << k_funcinfo << " - IdSetupGameContinue" << endl;
     setupGameContinue(stream, sender);
   case KGameMessage::IdActivatePlayer:  // Activate Player
     int id;
     stream >> id;
     kdDebug(11001) << "Got IdActivatePlayer id=" << id << endl;
     if (sender!=gameId()  || policy()!=PolicyDirty)
   case KGameMessage::IdInactivatePlayer:  // Inactivate Player
     int id;
     stream >> id;
     kdDebug(11001) << "Got IdInactivatePlayer id=" << id << endl;
     if (sender!=gameId()  || policy()!=PolicyDirty)
   case KGameMessage::IdAddPlayer:
     kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": Got IdAddPlayer" << endl;
     if (sender!=gameId()  || policy()!=PolicyDirty)
       KPlayer *newplayer=0;
       // We sent the message so the player is already available
       if (sender==gameId())
          kdDebug(11001) << "dequeue previously added player" << endl;
          newplayer = d->mAddPlayerList.dequeue();
       systemAddPlayer(newplayer);// the final, local, adding
   case KGameMessage::IdRemovePlayer: // Client should delete player id
     int id;
     stream >> id;
     kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": Got IdRemovePlayer " << id << endl;
     KPlayer *p=findPlayer(id);
     if (p)
       // Otherwise the player is already removed
       if (sender!=gameId()  || policy()!=PolicyDirty)
       kdWarning(11001) << k_funcinfo << "Cannot find player " << id << endl;
   case KGameMessage::IdGameLoad:
     kdDebug(11001) << "====> (Client) " << k_funcinfo << ": Got IdGameLoad" << endl;
   case KGameMessage::IdGameSetupDone:
     int cid;
     stream >> cid;
     kdDebug(11001) << "====> (CLIENT) " << k_funcinfo << ": Got IdGameSetupDone for client "
             << cid << " we are =" << gameId() << endl;
     sendSystemMessage(gameId(), KGameMessage::IdGameConnected, 0);
   case KGameMessage::IdGameConnected:
     int cid;
     stream >> cid;
     kdDebug(11001) << "====> (ALL) " << k_funcinfo << ": Got IdGameConnected for client "<< cid << " we are =" << gameId() << endl;
     emit signalClientJoinedGame(cid,this);

   case KGameMessage::IdSyncRandom:  // Master forces a new random seed on us
     int newseed;
     stream >> newseed;
     kdDebug(11001) << "CLIENT: setting random seed to " << newseed << endl;
   case KGameMessage::IdDisconnect:
   // if we disconnect we *always* start a local game. 
   // this could lead into problems if we just change the message server
     if (sender != gameId())
         kdDebug(11001) << "client " << sender << " leaves game" << endl;
     kdDebug(11001) << "leaving the game" << endl;
     // start a new local game
     // no other client is by default connected to this so this call should be
     // enough
     if (msgid < KGameMessage::IdUser)
       kdError(11001) << "incorrect message id " << msgid << " - emit anyway"
                      << endl;
     kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": User data msgid " << msgid << endl;
     emit signalNetworkData(msgid - KGameMessage::IdUser,((TQBuffer*)stream.device())->readAll(),receiver,sender);


// called by the IdSetupGameContinue Message - MASTER SIDE
// Here the master needs to decide which players can take part at the game
// and which will be deactivated
void KGame::setupGameContinue(TQDataStream& stream, Q_UINT32 sender)
  KPlayer *player;
  Q_INT32 cnt;
  int i;
  stream >> cnt;

  TQValueList<int> inactivateIds;

  KGamePlayerList newPlayerList;
  for (i=0;i<cnt;i++)
    kdDebug(11001) << " Master got player " << player->id() <<" rawgame=" << KGameMessage::rawGameId(player->id())  << " from sender " << sender << endl;
    if (KGameMessage::rawGameId(player->id()) != sender)
      kdError(11001) << "Client tries to add player with wrong game id - cheat possible" << endl;
      kdDebug(11001) << " newplayerlist appended " << player->id() << endl;


  kdDebug(11001) << " Master calculates how many players to activate client has cnt=" << cnt << endl;
  kdDebug(11001) << " The game has " << playerCount() << " active players" << endl;
  kdDebug(11001) << " The user deactivated "<< inactivateIds.count() << " player already " << endl;
  kdDebug(11001) << " MaxPlayers for this game is " << maxPlayers() << endl;

  // Do we have too many players? (After the programmer disabled some?)
  // MH: We cannot use have player here as it CHANGES in the loop
  // int havePlayers = cnt+playerCount()-inactivateIds.count();
  kdDebug(11001) << " havePlayers " << cnt+playerCount()-inactivateIds.count() << endl;
  while (maxPlayers() > 0 && maxPlayers() < (int)(cnt+playerCount() - inactivateIds.count()))
    kdDebug(11001) << "  Still to deacticvate "
            << (int)(cnt+playerCount()-inactivateIds.count())-(int)maxPlayers() 
            << endl;
    KPlayer *currentPlayer=0;
    int currentPriority=0x7fff; // MAX_UINT (16bit?) to get the maximum of the list
    // find lowest network priority which is not yet in the newPlayerList
    // do this for the new players
    for ( player=newPlayerList.first(); player != 0; player=newPlayerList.next() ) 
      // Already in the list
      if (inactivateIds.find(player->id())!=inactivateIds.end()) 
      if (player->networkPriority()<currentPriority)

    // find lowest network priority which is not yet in the newPlayerList
    // Do this for the network players
    for ( player=d->mPlayerList.first(); player != 0; player=d->mPlayerList.next() ) 
      // Already in the list
      if (inactivateIds.find(player->id())!=inactivateIds.end()) 
      if (player->networkPriority()<currentPriority)

    // add it to inactivateIds
    if (currentPlayer)
      kdDebug(11001) << "Marking player " << currentPlayer->id() << " for inactivation" << endl;
      kdError(11001) << "Couldn't find a player to dectivate..That is not so good..." << endl;

  kdDebug(11001) << "Alltogether deactivated " << inactivateIds.count() << " players" << endl;

  TQValueList<int>::Iterator it;
  for ( it = inactivateIds.begin(); it != inactivateIds.end(); ++it )
    int pid=*it;
    kdDebug(11001) << " pid=" << pid << endl;

  // Now deactivate the network players from the inactivateId list
  //TQValueList<int>::Iterator it;
  for ( it = inactivateIds.begin(); it != inactivateIds.end(); ++it )
    int pid=*it;
    if (KGameMessage::rawGameId(pid) == sender)
      continue; // client's player
    kdDebug(11001) << " -> the network needs to deactivate " << pid <<endl;
    if (player)
      // We have to make REALLY sure that the player is gone. With any policy
      if (policy()!=PolicyLocal)
        sendSystemMessage(player->id(), KGameMessage::IdInactivatePlayer);
      kdError(11001) << " We should deactivate a player, but cannot find it...not good." << endl;

  // Now send out the player list which the client can activate
  for ( player=newPlayerList.first(); player != 0; player=newPlayerList.next() )
    kdDebug(11001) << " newplayerlist contains " << player->id() << endl;
    // Only activate what is not in the list
    if (inactivateIds.find(player->id())!=inactivateIds.end())
    kdDebug(11001) << " -> the client can ******** reactivate ********  " << player->id() << endl;
    sendSystemMessage(player->id(), KGameMessage::IdActivatePlayer, sender);

  // Save the game over the network
  TQByteArray bufferS;
  TQDataStream streamS(bufferS,IO_WriteOnly);
  // Save game over netowrk and save players

  // Only to the client first , as the client will add players
  sendSystemMessage(sender, KGameMessage::IdGameSetupDone, sender);

// called by the IdSetupGame Message - CLIENT SIDE
// Client needs to prepare for network transfer
void KGame::setupGame(Q_UINT32 sender)
  TQByteArray bufferS;
  TQDataStream streamS(bufferS,IO_WriteOnly);

  // Deactivate all players
  KGamePlayerList mTmpList(d->mPlayerList); // we need copy otherwise the removal crashes
  Q_INT32 cnt=mTmpList.count();
  kdDebug(11001) << "Client: playerlistcount=" << d->mPlayerList.count() << " tmplistcout=" << cnt << endl;

  streamS << cnt;

  TQPtrListIterator<KPlayer> it(mTmpList);
  KPlayer *player;
  while (it.current())
    // Give the new game id to all players (which are inactivated now)

    // Save it for the master to decide what to do

  if (d->mPlayerList.count() > 0 || cnt!=0)
    kdFatal(11001) << "KGame::setupGame(): Player list is not empty! or cnt!=0=" <<cnt << endl;


// unused by KGame
void KGame::syncRandom()
 int newseed=(int)d->mRandom->getLong(65535);
 sendSystemMessage(newseed,KGameMessage::IdSyncRandom); // Broadcast

void KGame::Debug()
 kdDebug(11001) << "------------------- KGAME -------------------------" << endl;
 kdDebug(11001) << "this:          " << this << endl;
 kdDebug(11001) << "uniquePlayer   " << d->mUniquePlayerNumber << endl;
 kdDebug(11001) << "gameStatus     " << gameStatus() << endl;
 kdDebug(11001) << "MaxPlayers :   " << maxPlayers() << endl;
 kdDebug(11001) << "NoOfPlayers :  " << playerCount() << endl;
 kdDebug(11001) << "NoOfInactive:  " << d->mInactivePlayerList.count() << endl;
 kdDebug(11001) << "---------------------------------------------------" << endl;

void KGame::slotClientConnected(Q_UINT32 clientID)
 if (isAdmin())

void KGame::slotServerDisconnected() // Client side
  kdDebug(11001) << "======= SERVER DISCONNECT ======="<<endl;
  kdDebug(11001) << "+++ (CLIENT)++++++++" << k_funcinfo << ": our GameID="<<gameId() << endl;

  int oldgamestatus=gameStatus();

  KPlayer *player;
  KGamePlayerList removeList;
  kdDebug(11001) << "Playerlist of client=" << d->mPlayerList.count() << " count" << endl;
  kdDebug(11001) << "Inactive Playerlist of client=" << d->mInactivePlayerList.count() << " count" << endl;
  for ( player=d->mPlayerList.first(); player != 0; player=d->mPlayerList.next() ) 
    // TODO: CHECK: id=0, could not connect to server in the first place??
    if (KGameMessage::rawGameId(player->id()) != gameId() && gameId()!=0)
      kdDebug(11001) << "Player " << player->id() << " belongs to a removed game" << endl;

  for ( player=removeList.first(); player != 0; player=removeList.next() )
    bool remove = true;
    emit signalReplacePlayerIO(player, &remove);
    if (remove)
      kdDebug(11001) << " ---> Removing player " << player->id() <<  endl;
      systemRemovePlayer(player,true); // no network necessary

  kdDebug(11001) << " our game id is after setMaster " << gameId() << endl;

  KGamePlayerList mReList(d->mInactivePlayerList);
  for ( player=mReList.first(); player != 0; player=mReList.next() )
    // TODO ?check for priority? Sequence should be ok
    if ((int)playerCount()<maxPlayers() || maxPlayers()<0)
  kdDebug(11001) << " Players activated player-cnt=" << playerCount() << endl;

  for ( player=d->mPlayerList.first(); player != 0; player=d->mPlayerList.next() ) 
    int oldid=player->id();
    kdDebug(11001) << "Player id " << oldid <<" changed to " << player->id() << " as we are now local" << endl;
  // TODO clear inactive lists ?
  for ( player=d->mPlayerList.first(); player != 0; player=d->mPlayerList.next() ) 
  kdDebug(11001) << "+++++++++++" << k_funcinfo << " DONE=" << endl;
  emit signalClientLeftGame(0,oldgamestatus,this);

void KGame::slotClientDisconnected(Q_UINT32 clientID,bool /*broken*/) // server side
 kdDebug(11001) << "++++(SERVER)+++++++" << k_funcinfo << " clientId=" << clientID << endl;

 int oldgamestatus=gameStatus();

 KPlayer *player;
 KGamePlayerList removeList;
 kdDebug(11001) << "Playerlist of client=" << d->mPlayerList.count() << " count" << endl;
 for ( player=d->mPlayerList.first(); player != 0; player=d->mPlayerList.next() )
   if (KGameMessage::rawGameId(player->id())==clientID)
     kdDebug(11001) << "Player " << player->id() << " belongs to the removed game" << endl;

 for ( player=removeList.first(); player != 0; player=removeList.next() )
   // try to replace the KGameIO first
   bool remove = true;
   emit signalReplacePlayerIO(player, &remove);
   if (remove) {
     // otherwise (no new KGameIO) remove the player
     kdDebug(11001) << " ---> Removing player " << player->id() <<  endl;

 // Now add inactive players - sequence should be ok
 // TODO remove players from removed game
 for (unsigned int idx=0;idx<d->mInactiveIdList.count();idx++)
   TQValueList<int>::Iterator it1 = d->mInactiveIdList.at(idx);
   player = findPlayer(*it1);
   if (((int)playerCount() < maxPlayers() || maxPlayers() < 0) && player && KGameMessage::rawGameId(*it1) != clientID)
  emit signalClientLeftGame(clientID,oldgamestatus,this);

// -------------------- Synchronisation -----------------------

// this initializes a newly connected client.
// we send the number of players (including type) as well as game status and
// properties to the client. After the initialization has been completed both
// clients should have the same status (ie players, properties, etc)
void KGame::negotiateNetworkGame(Q_UINT32 clientID)
 kdDebug(11001) << "===========================" << k_funcinfo << ": clientID=" << clientID << " =========================== "<< endl;
 if (!isAdmin())
   kdError(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": Serious WARNING..only gameAdmin should call this" << endl;
   return ;

 TQByteArray buffer;
 TQDataStream streamGS(buffer,IO_WriteOnly);

 // write Game setup specific data
 //streamGS << (Q_INT32)maxPlayers();
 //streamGS << (Q_INT32)minPlayers();

 // send to the newly connected client *only*
 Q_INT16 v=KGameMessage::version();
 Q_INT32 c=cookie();
 streamGS << v << c;
 sendSystemMessage(streamGS, KGameMessage::IdSetupGame, clientID);

bool KGame::sendGroupMessage(const TQByteArray &msg, int msgid, Q_UINT32 sender, const TQString& group)
// AB: group must not be i18n'ed!! we should better use an id for group and use
// a groupName() for the name // FIXME
 KPlayer *player;
 for ( player=d->mPlayerList.first(); player != 0; player=d->mPlayerList.next() )
   if (player && player->group()==group)
     sendMessage(msg,msgid,player->id(), sender);
 return true;

bool KGame::sendGroupMessage(const TQDataStream &msg, int msgid, Q_UINT32 sender, const TQString& group)
{ return sendGroupMessage(((TQBuffer*)msg.device())->buffer(), msgid, sender, group); }

bool KGame::sendGroupMessage(const TQString& msg, int msgid, Q_UINT32 sender, const TQString& group)
 TQByteArray buffer;
 TQDataStream stream(buffer, IO_WriteOnly);
 stream << msg;
 return sendGroupMessage(stream, msgid, sender, group);

bool KGame::addProperty(KGamePropertyBase* data)
{ return dataHandler()->addProperty(data); }

bool KGame::sendPlayerProperty(int msgid, TQDataStream& s, Q_UINT32 playerId)
{ return sendSystemMessage(s, msgid, playerId); }

void KGame::sendProperty(int msgid, TQDataStream& stream, bool* sent)
  bool s = sendSystemMessage(stream, msgid);
  if (s)
    *sent = true;

void KGame::emitSignal(KGamePropertyBase *me)
 emit signalPropertyChanged(me,this);

KGamePropertyBase* KGame::findProperty(int id) const
{ return d->mProperties->find(id); }

KGame::GamePolicy KGame::policy() const
 return d->mPolicy;
void KGame::setPolicy(GamePolicy p,bool recursive)
 // Set KGame policy
 if (recursive)
   // Set all KGame property policy

   // Set all KPLayer (active or inactive) property policy
   for (TQPtrListIterator<KPlayer> it(d->mPlayerList); it.current(); ++it)
   for (TQPtrListIterator<KPlayer> it(d->mInactivePlayerList); it.current(); ++it)

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