/* This file is part of the KDE games library Copyright (C) 2001 Martin Heni (martin@heni-online.de) Copyright (C) 2001 Andreas Beckermann (b_mann@gmx.de) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __KGAMEPROPERTYLIST_H_ #define __KGAMEPROPERTYLIST_H_ #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "kgamemessage.h" #include "kgameproperty.h" #include "kgamepropertyhandler.h" // AB: also see README.LIB! template<class type> class KGamePropertyList : public TQValueList<type>, public KGamePropertyBase { public: /** * Typedefs */ typedef TQValueListIterator<type> Iterator; typedef TQValueListConstIterator<type> ConstIterator; KGamePropertyList() :TQValueList<type>(), KGamePropertyBase() { } KGamePropertyList( const KGamePropertyList<type> &a ) : TQValueList<type>(a) { } uint findIterator(Iterator me) { Iterator it; uint cnt=0; for( it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); ++it ) { if (me==it) { return cnt; } cnt++; } return this->count(); } Iterator insert( Iterator it, const type& d ) { it=TQValueList<type>::insert(it,d); TQByteArray b; TQDataStream s(b, IO_WriteOnly); KGameMessage::createPropertyCommand(s,KGamePropertyBase::IdCommand,id(),CmdInsert); int i=findIterator(it); s << i; s << d; if (policy() == PolicyClean || policy() == PolicyDirty) { if (mOwner) { mOwner->sendProperty(s); } } if (policy() == PolicyDirty || policy() == PolicyLocal) { extractProperty(b); } return it; } void prepend( const type& d) { insert(this->begin(),d); } void append( const type& d ) { TQByteArray b; TQDataStream s(b, IO_WriteOnly); KGameMessage::createPropertyCommand(s,KGamePropertyBase::IdCommand,id(),CmdAppend); s << d; if (policy() == PolicyClean || policy() == PolicyDirty) { if (mOwner) { mOwner->sendProperty(s); } } if (policy() == PolicyDirty || policy() == PolicyLocal) { extractProperty(b); } } Iterator erase( Iterator it ) { TQByteArray b; TQDataStream s(b, IO_WriteOnly); KGameMessage::createPropertyCommand(s,KGamePropertyBase::IdCommand,id(),CmdRemove); int i=findIterator(it); s << i; if (policy() == PolicyClean || policy() == PolicyDirty) { if (mOwner) { mOwner->sendProperty(s); } } if (policy() == PolicyDirty || policy() == PolicyLocal) { extractProperty(b); } //TODO: return value - is it correct for PolicyLocal|PolicyDirty? // return TQValueList<type>::remove(it); return it; } Iterator remove( Iterator it ) { return erase(it); } void remove( const type& d ) { Iterator it=tqfind(d); remove(it); } void clear() { TQByteArray b; TQDataStream s(b, IO_WriteOnly); KGameMessage::createPropertyCommand(s,KGamePropertyBase::IdCommand,id(),CmdClear); if (policy() == PolicyClean || policy() == PolicyDirty) { if (mOwner) { mOwner->sendProperty(s); } } if (policy() == PolicyDirty || policy() == PolicyLocal) { extractProperty(b); } } void load(TQDataStream& s) { kdDebug(11001) << "KGamePropertyList load " << id() << endl; TQValueList<type>::clear(); uint size; type data; s >> size; for (unsigned int i=0;i<size;i++) { s >> data; TQValueList<type>::append(data); } if (isEmittingSignal()) emitSignal(); } void save(TQDataStream &s) { kdDebug(11001) << "KGamePropertyList save "<<id() << endl; type data; uint size=this->count(); s << size; Iterator it; for( it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); ++it ) { data=*it; s << data; } } void command(TQDataStream &s,int cmd,bool) { KGamePropertyBase::command(s, cmd); kdDebug(11001) << "---> LIST id="<<id()<<" got command ("<<cmd<<") !!!" <<endl; Iterator it; switch(cmd) { case CmdInsert: { uint i; type data; s >> i >> data; it=this->at(i); TQValueList<type>::insert(it,data); // kdDebug(11001) << "CmdInsert:id="<<id()<<" i="<<i<<" data="<<data <<endl; if (isEmittingSignal()) emitSignal(); break; } case CmdAppend: { type data; s >> data; TQValueList<type>::append(data); // kdDebug(11001) << "CmdAppend:id=" << id() << " data=" << data << endl; if (isEmittingSignal()) emitSignal(); break; } case CmdRemove: { uint i; s >> i; it=this->at(i); TQValueList<type>::remove(it); kdDebug(11001) << "CmdRemove:id="<<id()<<" i="<<i <<endl; if (isEmittingSignal()) emitSignal(); break; } case CmdClear: { TQValueList<type>::clear(); kdDebug(11001) << "CmdClear:id="<<id()<<endl; if (isEmittingSignal()) emitSignal(); break; } default: kdDebug(11001) << "Error in KPropertyList::command: Unknown command " << cmd << endl; } } protected: void extractProperty(const TQByteArray& b) // this is called for Policy[Dirty|Local] after putting the stuff into the // stream { TQDataStream s(b, IO_ReadOnly); int cmd; int propId; KGameMessage::extractPropertyHeader(s, propId); KGameMessage::extractPropertyCommand(s, propId, cmd); command(s, cmd, true); } }; #endif