/* This file is part of the KDE games library Copyright (C) 2001 Martin Heni (martin@heni-online.de) Copyright (C) 2001 Andreas Beckermann (b_mann@gmx.de) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* $Id$ */ #include "kgame.h" #include "kgameio.h" #include "kplayer.h" #include "kgamemessage.h" #include "kgamepropertyhandler.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <tqbuffer.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #define KPLAYER_LOAD_COOKIE 7285 class KPlayerPrivate { public: KPlayerPrivate() { mNetworkPlayer = 0; } TQ_UINT32 mId; bool mVirtual; // virtual player int mPriority; // tag for replacement KPlayer* mNetworkPlayer; // replacement player KGamePropertyHandler mProperties; // Playerdata KGamePropertyTQString mName; KGamePropertyTQString mGroup; }; KPlayer::KPlayer() : TQObject(0,0) { init(); } KPlayer::KPlayer(KGame* game) : TQObject(0, 0) { init(); game->addPlayer(this); } void KPlayer::init() { // note that NO KGame object exists here! so we cannot use KGameProperty::send! kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": this=" << this << ", sizeof(this)="<<sizeof(KPlayer) << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "sizeof(m_Group)="<<sizeof(d->mGroup)<<endl; d = new KPlayerPrivate; d->mProperties.registerHandler(KGameMessage::IdPlayerProperty, this,TQT_SLOT(sendProperty(int, TQDataStream&, bool*)), TQT_SLOT(emitSignal(KGamePropertyBase *))); d->mVirtual=false; mActive=true; mGame=0; d->mId=0; // "0" is always an invalid ID! d->mPriority=0; // I guess we cannot translate the group otherwise no // international conenctions are possible mUserId.registerData(KGamePropertyBase::IdUserId, this, i18n("UserId")); mUserId.setLocal(0); d->mGroup.registerData(KGamePropertyBase::IdGroup, this, i18n("Group")); d->mGroup.setLocal(i18n("default")); d->mName.registerData(KGamePropertyBase::IdName, this, i18n("Name")); d->mName.setLocal(i18n("default")); mAsyncInput.registerData(KGamePropertyBase::IdAsyncInput, this, i18n("AsyncInput")); mAsyncInput.setLocal(false); mMyTurn.registerData(KGamePropertyBase::IdTurn, this, i18n("myTurn")); mMyTurn.setLocal(false); mMyTurn.setEmittingSignal(true); mMyTurn.setOptimized(false); } KPlayer::~KPlayer() { kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": this=" << this <<", id=" << this->id() << endl; // Delete IODevices KGameIO *input; while((input=mInputList.first())) { delete input; } if (game()) { game()->playerDeleted(this); } // note: mProperties does not use autoDelete or so - user must delete objects // himself d->mProperties.clear(); delete d; // kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << " done" << endl; } bool KPlayer::forwardMessage(TQDataStream &msg,int msgid,TQ_UINT32 receiver,TQ_UINT32 sender) { if (!isActive()) { return false; } if (!game()) { return false; } kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": to game sender="<<sender<<"" << "recv="<<receiver <<"msgid="<<msgid << endl; return game()->sendSystemMessage(msg,msgid,receiver,sender); } bool KPlayer::forwardInput(TQDataStream &msg,bool transmit,TQ_UINT32 sender) { if (!isActive()) { return false; } if (!game()) { return false; } kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": to game playerInput(sender="<<sender<<")" << endl; if (!asyncInput() && !myTurn()) { kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": rejected cause it is not our turn" << endl; return false; } // AB: I hope I remember the usage correctly: // this function is called twice (on sender side) - once with transmit = true // where it sends the input to the comserver and once with transmit = false // where it really looks at the input if (transmit) { kdDebug(11001) << "indirect playerInput" << endl; return game()->sendPlayerInput(msg,this,sender); } else { kdDebug(11001) << "direct playerInput" << endl; return game()->systemPlayerInput(msg,this,sender); } } void KPlayer::setId(TQ_UINT32 newid) { // Needs to be after the sendProcess d->mId=newid; } void KPlayer::setGroup(const TQString& group) { d->mGroup = group; } const TQString& KPlayer::group() const { return d->mGroup.value(); } void KPlayer::setName(const TQString& name) { d->mName = name; } const TQString& KPlayer::name() const { return d->mName.value(); } TQ_UINT32 KPlayer::id() const { return d->mId; } KGamePropertyHandler * KPlayer::dataHandler() { return &d->mProperties; } void KPlayer::setVirtual(bool v) { d->mVirtual = v; } bool KPlayer::isVirtual() const { return d->mVirtual;} void KPlayer::setNetworkPlayer(KPlayer* p) { d->mNetworkPlayer = p; } KPlayer* KPlayer::networkPlayer() const { return d->mNetworkPlayer; } int KPlayer::networkPriority() const { return d->mPriority; } void KPlayer::setNetworkPriority(int p) { d->mPriority = p; } bool KPlayer::addGameIO(KGameIO *input) { if (!input) { return false; } mInputList.append(input); input->initIO(this); // set player and init device return true; } // input=0, remove all bool KPlayer::removeGameIO(KGameIO *targetinput,bool deleteit) { kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": " << targetinput << " delete=" << deleteit<< endl; bool result=true; if (!targetinput) // delete all { KGameIO *input; while((input=mInputList.first())) { if (input) removeGameIO(input,deleteit); } } else { // kdDebug(11001) << "remove IO " << targetinput << endl; if (deleteit) { delete targetinput; } else { targetinput->setPlayer(0); result=mInputList.remove(targetinput); } } return result; } KGameIO * KPlayer::findRttiIO(int rtti) const { TQPtrListIterator<KGameIO> it(mInputList); while (it.current()) { if (it.current()->rtti() == rtti) { return it.current(); } ++it; } return 0; } int KPlayer::calcIOValue() { int value=0; TQPtrListIterator<KGameIO> it(mInputList); while (it.current()) { value|=it.current()->rtti(); ++it; } return value; } bool KPlayer::setTurn(bool b, bool exclusive) { kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": " << id() << " (" << this << ") to " << b << endl; if (!isActive()) { return false; } // if we get to do an exclusive turn all other players are disallowed if (exclusive && b && game()) { KPlayer *player; KGame::KGamePlayerList *list=game()->playerList(); for ( player=list->first(); player != 0; player=list->next() ) { if (player==this) { continue; } player->setTurn(false,false); } } // Return if nothing changed mMyTurn = b; return true; } bool KPlayer::load(TQDataStream &stream) { TQ_INT32 id,priority; stream >> id >> priority; setId(id); setNetworkPriority(priority); // Load Player Data //FIXME: maybe set all properties setEmitSignal(false) before? d->mProperties.load(stream); TQ_INT16 cookie; stream >> cookie; if (cookie==KPLAYER_LOAD_COOKIE) { kdDebug(11001) << " Player loaded propertly"<<endl; } else { kdError(11001) << " Player loading error. probably format error"<<endl; } // emit signalLoad(stream); return true; } bool KPlayer::save(TQDataStream &stream) { stream << (TQ_INT32)id() << (TQ_INT32)networkPriority(); d->mProperties.save(stream); stream << (TQ_INT16)KPLAYER_LOAD_COOKIE; //emit signalSave(stream); return true; } void KPlayer::networkTransmission(TQDataStream &stream,int msgid,TQ_UINT32 sender) { //kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo ": msgid=" << msgid << " sender=" << sender << " we are=" << id() << endl; // PlayerProperties processed bool issender; if (game()) { issender=sender==game()->gameId(); } else { issender=true; } if (d->mProperties.processMessage(stream,msgid,issender)) { return ; } switch(msgid) { case KGameMessage::IdPlayerInput: { kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": Got player move " << "KPlayer (virtual) forwards it to the game object" << endl; forwardInput(stream,false); } break; default: emit signalNetworkData(msgid - KGameMessage::IdUser, ((TQBuffer*)stream.device())->readAll(),sender,this); kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": " << "User data msgid " << msgid << endl; break; } } KGamePropertyBase* KPlayer::findProperty(int id) const { return d->mProperties.tqfind(id); } bool KPlayer::addProperty(KGamePropertyBase* data) { return d->mProperties.addProperty(data); } void KPlayer::sendProperty(int msgid, TQDataStream& stream, bool* sent) { if (game()) { bool s = game()->sendPlayerProperty(msgid, stream, id()); if (s) { *sent = true; } } } void KPlayer::emitSignal(KGamePropertyBase *me) { // Notify KGameIO (Process) for a new turn if (me->id()==KGamePropertyBase::IdTurn) { //kdDebug(11001) << k_funcinfo << ": for KGamePropertyBase::IdTurn " << endl; TQPtrListIterator<KGameIO> it(mInputList); while (it.current()) { it.current()->notifyTurn(mMyTurn.value()); ++it; } } emit signalPropertyChanged(me,this); } // --------------------- DEBUG -------------------- void KPlayer::Debug() { kdDebug(11001) << "------------------- KPLAYER -----------------------" << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "this: " << this << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "rtti: " << rtti() << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "id : " << id() << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "Name : " << name() << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "Group: " << group() << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "Async: " << asyncInput() << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "myTurn: " << myTurn() << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "Virtual: " << isVirtual() << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "Active: " << isActive() << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "Priority:" << networkPriority() << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "Game : " << game() << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "#IOs: " << mInputList.count() << endl; kdDebug(11001) << "---------------------------------------------------" << endl; } #include "kplayer.moc"