    This file is part of the TDE games library
    Copyright (C) 2001 Andreas Beckermann (b_mann@gmx.de)

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __KCHATBASE_H__
#define __KCHATBASE_H__

#include <tqframe.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqlistbox.h>

#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kdemacros.h>
class TQListBoxItem;

class TDEConfig;

class KChatBaseTextPrivate;

 * A TQListBoxText implementation for KChatBase.
 * It supports different colors, text fonts, ...
 * A KChatBaseText consists of two text items: first the player part then the
 * text part. This honors KChatBase::addMessage which also uses both. 
 * You can leave the player part out if you don't need it - there won't be any
 * difference. 
 * You can set different colors and fonts for both parts. In the future there
 * will probably some kind of KChatBaseDialog which offers the user the ability
 * to configure things like color and font on the fly.
class KChatBaseText : public TQListBoxText

	 * Constructs a KChatBaseText object with the player and text part
	KChatBaseText(const TQString& player, const TQString& text);
	 * Constructs a KChatBaseText object without player part
	KChatBaseText(const TQString& text);
	 * Destruct a KChatBaseText object.
	virtual ~KChatBaseText();

	 * Set the name part of a message. A message is usually shown like
	 * "name: text" and you can change both parts independently.
	 * @see setMessage
	 * @param name The name of the sender (e.g. the player)
	void setName(const TQString& name);

	 * Set the text part of a message. A message is usually shown like
	 * "name: message" and you can change both parts independently.
	 * See also setName
	 * @param message The message that has been sent
	void setMessage(const TQString& message);

	 * @return The name part of a message. 
	 * @see setName
	const TQString& name() const;

	 * @return The message text. 
	 * @see setMessage
	const TQString& message() const;

	 * You can set the font of the sender name independently of the message
	 * itself. This font is used as the "name: " part of the message.
	 * @return The font that is used for the name
	TQFont nameFont() const;

	 * You can set the font of the message independently of the sender name.
	 * This font is used as the text part of the message.
	 * @return The font thaz is used for message text
	TQFont messageFont() const;

	 * Set the font for the name. 
	 * @see nameFont
	 * @param font A pointer to the name font. Only the pointer is stored so
	 * don't delete the object. This way there is only one object for a lot
	 * of messages in memory.
	void setNameFont(const TQFont* font);

	 * Set the font for the message text.
	 * @see messageFont
	 * @param font A pointer to the message font. Only the pointer is stored so
	 * don't delete the object! This way there is only one object for a lot
	 * of messages in memory.
	void setMessageFont(const TQFont* font);

	virtual int width(TQListBox* ) const;

	virtual int height(TQListBox* ) const;

	virtual void paint(TQPainter*);

	void init();

	KChatBaseTextPrivate* d;

class KChatBasePrivate;

 * @short The base class for chat widgets
 * This is the base class for both KChat and KGameChat. KGameChat is the class
 * you want to use if you write a KGame based game as it will do most things for
 * you. KChat is more or less the same but not KGame dependant
 * KChatBase provides a complete chat widget, featuring different sending means
 * (e.g. "send to all", "send to player1", "send to group2" and so on - see 
 * addSendingEntry). It also provides full auto-completion capabilities (see
 * KCompletion and KLineEdit) which defaults to disabled. The user can
 * change this by right-clicking on the KLineEdit widget and selecting the
 * desired behaviour. You can also change this manually by calling 
 * setCompletionMode.
 * To make KChatBase useful you have to overwrite at least returnPressed.
 * Here you should send the message to all of your clients (or just some of
 * them, depending on sendingEntry).
 * To add a message just call addMessage with the nickname of the player
 * who sent the message and the message itself. If you don't want to use
 * layoutMessage by any reason you can also call addItem directly. But you
 * should better replace layoutMessage instead.
 * You probably don't want to use the abstract class KChatBase directly but use
 * one of the derived classess KChat or KGameChat. The latter is the
 * widget of choice if you develop a KGame application as you don't have to
 * do anything but providing a KGame object.
 * @author Andreas Beckermann <b_mann@gmx.de>
class KDE_EXPORT KChatBase : public TQFrame
	 * @param parent The parent widget for this widget.
	 * @param noComboBox If true then the combo box where the player can
	 * choose where to send messages to (either globally or just to some
	 * players) will not be added.
	KChatBase(TQWidget* parent, bool noComboBox = false);

	 * Destruct the KChatBase object
	 * Also calls saveConfig
	virtual ~KChatBase();

	enum SendingIds {
		SendToAll = 0

	 * @return The name that will be shown for messages from this widget. Either the
	 * string that was set by setFromName or the name of the player
	 * that was set by setFromPlayer
	virtual const TQString& fromName() const = 0;

	 * Adds a new entry in the combo box. The default is "send to all
	 * players" only. This function is provided for convenience. You can
	 * also call inserSendingEntry with index = -1.
	 * See also nextId!
	 * @param text The text of the new entry
	 * @param id An ID for this entry. This must be unique for this
	 * entry. It has nothing to do with the position of the entry in the
	 * combo box. See nextId
	 * @return True if successful, otherwise false (e.g. if the id is already used)
	bool addSendingEntry(const TQString& text, int id);

	 * Inserts a new entry in the combo box.
	 * @param text The entry
	 * @param id An ID for this entry. This must be unique for this
	 * entry. It has nothing to do with the position of the entry in the
	 * combo box! 
	 * @see nextId
	 * @param index The position of the entry. If -1 the entry will be added
	 * at the bottom
	 * @return True if successful, otherwise false (e.g. if the id is already used)
	bool insertSendingEntry(const TQString& text, int id, int index = -1);

	 * This changes a combo box entry.
	 * @param text The new text of the entry
	 * @param id The ID of the item to be changed
	void changeSendingEntry(const TQString& text, int id);

	 * This selects a combo box entry.
	 * @param id The ID of the item to be selected
	void setSendingEntry(int id);

	 * Removes the entry with the ID id from the combo box. Note that id is
	 * _not_ the index of the entry! 
	 * @see addSendingEntry
	 * @param id The unique id of the entry
	void removeSendingEntry(int id);

	 * @return The _unique ID_ of the sending entry that has been selected.
	 * @see addSendingEntry
	 * Note that the entry "send to all" _always_ uses
	 * KChatBase::SendToAll, i.e. 0 as id!
	int sendingEntry() const;
	 * @return The index of the combo box entry with the given id
	int findIndex(int id) const;

	 * @return An ID that has not yet been used in the combo box.
	 * @see addSendingEntry
	int nextId() const;

	 * @return True if this widget is able to send messages (see 
	 * returnPressed) and false if not. The default implementation returns
	 * the value which has been set by setAcceptMessage (true by
	 * default)
	virtual bool acceptMessage() const;

	 * See KLineEdit::setCompletionMode
	void setCompletionMode(TDEGlobalSettings::Completion mode);

	 * Set the font that used used for the name part of a message. See also
	 * nameFont and setBothFont
	void setNameFont(const TQFont& font);
	 * Set the font that used used for the message part of a message.
	 * @see messageFont, setBothFont
	void setMessageFont(const TQFont& font);

	 * This sets both - nameFont and messageFont to font. You
	 * probably want to use this if you don't wish to distinguish between
	 * these parts of a message.
	 * @param font A font used for both nameFont and messageFont
	void setBothFont(const TQFont& font);

	 * Same as setNameFont but applies only to system messages.
	 * @see layoutSystemMessage
	void setSystemNameFont(const TQFont& font);

	 * Same as setMessageFont but applies only to system messages.
	 * @see layoutSystemMessage
	void setSystemMessageFont(const TQFont& font);

	 * Same as setBothFont but applies only to system messages.
	 * @see layoutSystemMessage
	void setSystemBothFont(const TQFont& font);

	 * This font should be used for the name (the "from: " part) of a
	 * message. layoutMessage uses this to set the font using
	 * KChatBaseText::setNameFont but if you want to overwrite 
	 * layoutMessage you should do this yourself.
	 * @return The font that is used for the name part of the message.
	const TQFont& nameFont() const;

	 * This font should be used for a message. layoutMessage sets the
	 * font of a message using KChatBaseText::setMessageFont but if ypu
	 * replace layoutMessage with your own function you should use
	 * messageFont() yourself.
	 * @return The font that is used for a message
	const TQFont& messageFont() const;

	 * Same as systemNameFont but applies only to system messages.
	 * @see layoutSystemMessage
	const TQFont& systemNameFont() const;

	 * Same as systemMessageFont but applies only to system messages.
	 * @see layoutSystemMessage
	const TQFont& systemMessageFont() const;

	 * Save the configuration of the dialog to a TDEConfig object. If
	 * the supplied TDEConfig pointer is NULL then kapp->config() is used
	 * instead (and the group is changed to "KChatBase") butr the current
	 * group is restored at the end.
	 * @param conf A pointer to the TDEConfig object to save the config
	 * to. If you use 0 then kapp->config() is used and the group is changed
	 * to "KChatBase" (the current group is restored at the end).
	virtual void saveConfig(TDEConfig* conf = 0);

	 * Read the configuration from a TDEConfig object. If the pointer is
	 * NULL kapp->config() is used and the group is changed to "KChatBase".
	 * The current TDEConfig::group is restored after this call.
	virtual void readConfig(TDEConfig* conf = 0);

	 * Set the maximum number of items in the list. If the number of item
	 * exceeds the maximum as many items are deleted (oldest first) as
	 * necessary. The number of items will never exceed this value.
	 * @param maxItems the maximum number of items. -1 (default) for
	 * unlimited.
	void setMaxItems(int maxItems);

	 * Clear all messages in the list.
	void clear();

	 * @return The maximum number of messages in the list. -1 is unlimited. See also
	 * setMaxItems
	int maxItems() const;

public slots:
	 * Add a text in the listbox. See also signalSendMessage()
	 * Maybe you want to replace this with a function that creates a nicer text
	 * than "fromName: text"
	 * Update: the function layoutMessage is called by this now. This
	 * means that you will get user defined outlook on the messages :-)
	 * @param fromName The player who sent this message
	 * @param text The text to be added 
	virtual void addMessage(const TQString& fromName, const TQString& text);

	 * This works just like addMessage but adds a system message. 
	 * layoutSystemMessage is used to generate the displayed item. System
	 * messages will have a different look than player messages.
	 * You may wish to  use this to display status information from your game.
	virtual void addSystemMessage(const TQString& fromName, const TQString& text);

	 * This member function is mainly internally used to add a message. It
	 * is called by addMessage which creates a single text from a
	 * player name and a text. You will hardly ever use this - but if you
	 * need it it will be here ;-)
	 * But you may want to replace this in a derived class to create a
	 * non-default (maybe nicer ;-) ) behaviour
	 * @param item The TQListBoxItem that is being added
	virtual void addItem(const TQListBoxItem* item);

	 * This clears all messages in the view. Note that only the messages are
	 * cleared, not the sender names in the combo box!
	void slotClear();

	 * @param a If false this widget cannot send a message until
	 * setAcceptMessage(true) is called
	void setAcceptMessage(bool a);
	 * Emitted when the user right-clicks on a list item. 
	 * @see TQListBox::rightButtonClicked
	void rightButtonClicked(TQListBoxItem*, const TQPoint&);

	 * This is called whenever the user pushed return ie wants to send a
	 * message.
	 * Note that you MUST add the message to the widget when this function
	 * is called as it has already been added to the KCompletion object
	 * of the KLineEdit widget!
	 * Must be implemented in derived classes
	 * @param text The message to be sent
	virtual void returnPressed(const TQString& text) = 0;

	 * Replace to customise the combo box.
	 * Default: i18n("Send to %1).arg(name)
	 * @param name The name of the player
	 * @return The string as it will be shown in the combo box
	virtual TQString comboBoxItem(const TQString& name) const;

	 * Create a TQListBoxItem for this message. This function is not yet
	 * written usefully - currently just a TQListBoxTex object is
	 * created which shows the message in this format: "fromName: text".
	 * This should fit most peoples needs but needs further improvements.
	virtual TQListBoxItem* layoutMessage(const TQString& fromName, const TQString& text);

	 * Create a TQListBoxItem for this message. This does the same as
	 * layoutMessage but generates a system message. You might want to
	 * use such a message to display e.g. status information from your game.
	 * The default implementation just prepends "--- ".
	virtual TQListBoxItem* layoutSystemMessage(const TQString& fromName, const TQString& text);

private slots:
	 * Check if a text was entered and if acceptMessage returns true. 
	 * Then add the message to the KCompletion object of the KLineEdit
	 * widget and call returnPressed
	void slotReturnPressed(const TQString&);

	void init(bool noComboBox);

	KChatBasePrivate* d;
