# This file is put in the public domain.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-10 17:13+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: sr@Latn\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Name
#: intro:2
msgid "Intro"
msgstr ""

#. Name
#: tutorial.kolf:2
msgid "Tutorial Course"
msgstr "Teren za upoznavanje"

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:18
msgid "<h3>Welcome</h3> to the tutorial course for Kolf!"
msgstr "<h3>Dobrodošli</h3> u teren za upoznavanje Kolf-a!"

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:27
msgid ""
"To hit the ball, press and hold the Down Arrow or left mouse button. How "
"long you hold down the mouse button or key determines strength of the shot."
msgstr ""
"Da biste udarili lopticu pritisnite i držite strelicu dole ili levo dugme "
"miša. Jačinu udarca određuje koliko dugo držite dugme miša ili taster "

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:36
msgid ""
"To aim the putter, press the Left (rotate counterclockwise) and Right "
"(rotate clockwise) Arrow keys or use the mouse."
msgstr ""
"Da biste naciljali puter pritisnite levu strelicu (okreće suprotno smeru "
"kazaljke na časovniku) ili desnu (u smeru kazaljke na časovniku), ili "
"koristite miša."

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:99
msgid ""
"<h3>Bridges</h3>Bridges can have walls on the top, bottom, left, or right."
msgstr ""
"<h3>Mostovi</h3>Mostovi mogu da imaju zidove na vrhu, dnu, levo ili desno."

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:175
msgid ""
"<h3>Everything</h3>Here's a hole that has it all. Have fun with Kolf!"
"<br><center>-- Jason Katz-Brown</center>"
msgstr ""
"<h3>Sve</h3>Evo rupe koja ima svega. Zabavljajte se Kolf-om!<br><center>— "
"Džejson Kec-Braun (Jason Katz-Brown)</center>"

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:242
msgid ""
"<h3>Slopes</h3>Slopes are slanted areas of ground that push the ball in the "
"direction that they slope. This direction is shown when you choose <u>Hole-"
">Show Info</u>."
msgstr ""
"<h3>Nagibi</h3>Nagibi su zakošene oblasti tla koje guraju lopticu u smeru u "
"kome su nagnute. Taj smer se prikazuje kada izaberete <u>Rupa->Prikaži "

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:251
msgid "Hit the ball onto the slope and let it roll into cup."
msgstr "Pošaljite lopticu na nagib i pustite je da se otkotrlja blizu rupe."

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:280
msgid "Try out these different types of slopes."
msgstr "Isprobajte ove različite tipove nagiba."

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:373
msgid ""
"The steepness of a slope is shown when you choose <u>Hole->Show Info</u>. "
"Steepness goes from 8 (steepest) to 1 (shallowest)."
msgstr ""
"Strmina nagiba se prikazuje kada izaberete <u>Rupa->Prikaži informacije</u>. "
"Strmina ide od 8 (najstrmije) do 1 (najpliće)."

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:410
msgid "<h3>Walls</h3>Bounce the ball off of the red walls."
msgstr "<h3>Zidovi</h3>Odbijte lopticu od crvenih zidova."

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:473
msgid "<h3>Sand</h3>Sand is yellow, and slows your ball down."
msgstr "<h3>Pesak</h3>Pesak je žut i usporava vašu lopticu."

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:482
msgid ""
"<h3>Puddles (Water)</h3>Hitting into a puddle (blue) adds a penalty stroke "
"to your score, and your ball is placed outside the puddle."
msgstr ""
"<h3>Bare (voda)</h3>Ubacivanjem loptice u baru dobijate kazneni poen u "
"rezultatu, a vaša loptica se postavlja izvan bare."

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:507
msgid ""
"<h3>Windmills</h3>Windmills (brown base with moving arm) have brown walls "
"(or half walls). The windmill arm's speed may vary by hole."
msgstr ""
"<h3>Vetrenjače</h3>Vetrenjače (smeđa baza sa pokretnim krakom) imaju smeđe "
"zidove (ili poluzidove). Brzina kraka vetrenjače može varirati od rupe do "

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:544
msgid ""
"<h3>Black Holes</h3>Black Holes transport the ball to their exit, and eject "
"it at a speed directly relational to the speed your ball was going. Choose "
"<u>Hole->Show Info</u> to see which Black Hole goes to which exit and the "
"direction the ball will come out at."
msgstr ""
"<h3>Crne rupe</h3>Crne rupe transportuju lopticu do svog izlaza i izbacuju "
"je brzinom direktno proporcionalnom brzini kojom je loptica prethodno išla. "
"Izaberite <u>Rupa->Prikaži informacije</u> da biste videli koja crna rupa "
"ima koji izlaz i smer koji će loptica imati kada izađe."

#. Comment
#: tutorial.kolf:584
msgid ""
"<h3>Floaters</h3>Floaters are moving platforms that carry a ball that lands "
"on it. Floaters' speeds vary."
msgstr ""
"<h3>Plutači</h3>Plutači su pokretne platforme koje nose lopticu koja padne "
"na njih. Brzina plutača može varirati."

#. Name
#: courses/Classic.kolf:2
msgid "Classic"
msgstr "Klasičan"

#. Name
#: courses/Easy.kolf:2
msgid "Easy Course"
msgstr "Lak teren"

#. Comment
#: courses/Easy.kolf:570
msgid "Hit slowly..."
msgstr "Udarite polako..."

#. Name
#: courses/Hard.kolf:2
msgid "Hard Course"
msgstr "Težak teren"

#. Comment
#: courses/Hard.kolf:1066
msgid "Let the floaters <strong>push</strong> you!"
msgstr "Neka vas plutači <strong>guraju</strong>!"

#. Name
#: courses/Impossible:2
msgid "Impossible Course"
msgstr "Nemoguć teren"

#. Comment
#: courses/Impossible:784
msgid "Reprieve"
msgstr "Predah"

#. Comment
#: courses/Impossible:1496
msgid "Luck"
msgstr "Sreća"

#. Comment
#: courses/Impossible:3262
msgid "Chaos"
msgstr "Haos"

#. Name
#: courses/Medium.kolf:2
msgid "Medium Course"
msgstr "Srednji teren"

#. Name
#: courses/Practice:2
msgid "Slope Practice"
msgstr "Vežba nagiba"

#. Name
#: courses/ReallyEasy:2
msgid "Really Easy"
msgstr "Baš lako"

#. Name
#: courses/USApro:2
msgid "USA Pro"
msgstr "SAD pro"

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:44
msgid "Daytona Beach, FL"
msgstr "Dejtona bič, Florida"

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:228
msgid "Washington DC (Pentagon)"
msgstr "Vašington DC (Pentagon)"

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:375
msgid "Palm Springs, CO"
msgstr "Palm springs, Konektikat"

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:527
msgid "Las Vegas, NV"
msgstr "Las Vegas, Nevada"

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:676 courses/USApro:1155
msgid "San Francisco, CA"
msgstr "San Francisko, Kalifornija"

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:757
msgid "Grand Canyon"
msgstr "Veliki kanjon"

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:864
msgid "Lake Tahoe, CA/NV"
msgstr "Jezero Taho, Kal./Nev."

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:1003
msgid "Florida Keys, FL"
msgstr "Florida kiz, Florida"

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:1146
msgid "Golden Gate"
msgstr "Golden gejt"

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:1164
msgid "Bay Bridge"
msgstr "Bej bridž"

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:1303
msgid "Washington DC"
msgstr "Vašington DC"

#. Comment
#: courses/USApro:1516
msgid "Niagara Falls, NY"
msgstr "Nijagarini vodopadi, Njujork"