path: root/kfile-plugins/dds/kfile_dds.cpp
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authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2013-01-27 01:03:37 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2013-01-27 01:03:37 -0600
commit2e25fa39cd67cca2472d3eabdb478feb517d72a5 (patch)
tree63725962f632d152cbf20709191d39f6fc865966 /kfile-plugins/dds/kfile_dds.cpp
parent190d88dfc662f3fc466c9d1f53acbbea65f33c49 (diff)
Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4
Diffstat (limited to 'kfile-plugins/dds/kfile_dds.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/kfile-plugins/dds/kfile_dds.cpp b/kfile-plugins/dds/kfile_dds.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c392685f..00000000
--- a/kfile-plugins/dds/kfile_dds.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is part of the KDE project
- * Copyright (C) 2002 Ignacio Casta�o <[email protected]>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include "kfile_dds.h"
-#include <kprocess.h>
-#include <klocale.h>
-#include <kgenericfactory.h>
-#include <kstringvalidator.h>
-#include <kdebug.h>
-#include <tqdict.h>
-#include <tqvalidator.h>
-#include <tqcstring.h>
-#include <tqfile.h>
-#include <tqdatetime.h>
-typedef KGenericFactory<KDdsPlugin> DdsFactory;
-typedef TQ_UINT32 uint;
-typedef TQ_UINT16 ushort;
-typedef TQ_UINT8 uchar;
-namespace { // Private.
-#if !defined(MAKEFOURCC)
-# define MAKEFOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3) \
- (uint(uchar(ch0)) | (uint(uchar(ch1)) << 8) | \
- (uint(uchar(ch2)) << 16) | (uint(uchar(ch3)) << 24 ))
- static const uint FOURCC_DDS = MAKEFOURCC('D', 'D', 'S', ' ');
- static const uint FOURCC_DXT1 = MAKEFOURCC('D', 'X', 'T', '1');
- static const uint FOURCC_DXT2 = MAKEFOURCC('D', 'X', 'T', '2');
- static const uint FOURCC_DXT3 = MAKEFOURCC('D', 'X', 'T', '3');
- static const uint FOURCC_DXT4 = MAKEFOURCC('D', 'X', 'T', '4');
- static const uint FOURCC_DXT5 = MAKEFOURCC('D', 'X', 'T', '5');
- static const uint FOURCC_RXGB = MAKEFOURCC('R', 'X', 'G', 'B');
- static const uint DDSD_CAPS = 0x00000001l;
- static const uint DDSD_PIXELFORMAT = 0x00001000l;
- static const uint DDSD_WIDTH = 0x00000004l;
- static const uint DDSD_HEIGHT = 0x00000002l;
- static const uint DDSD_PITCH = 0x00000008l;
- static const uint DDSCAPS_TEXTURE = 0x00001000l;
- static const uint DDSCAPS2_VOLUME = 0x00200000l;
- static const uint DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP = 0x00000200l;
- static const uint DDPF_RGB = 0x00000040l;
- static const uint DDPF_FOURCC = 0x00000004l;
- static const uint DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS = 0x00000001l;
- enum DDSType {
- DDS_A8R8G8B8 = 0,
- DDS_A1R5G5B5 = 1,
- DDS_A4R4G4B4 = 2,
- DDS_R8G8B8 = 3,
- DDS_R5G6B5 = 4,
- DDS_DXT1 = 5,
- DDS_DXT2 = 6,
- DDS_DXT3 = 7,
- DDS_DXT4 = 8,
- DDS_DXT5 = 9,
- DDS_RXGB = 10,
- };
- struct DDSPixelFormat {
- uint size;
- uint flags;
- uint fourcc;
- uint bitcount;
- uint rmask;
- uint gmask;
- uint bmask;
- uint amask;
- };
- TQDataStream & operator>> ( TQDataStream & s, DDSPixelFormat & pf )
- {
- s >> pf.size;
- s >> pf.flags;
- s >> pf.fourcc;
- s >> pf.bitcount;
- s >> pf.rmask;
- s >> pf.gmask;
- s >> pf.bmask;
- s >> pf.amask;
- return s;
- }
- struct DDSCaps {
- uint caps1;
- uint caps2;
- uint caps3;
- uint caps4;
- };
- TQDataStream & operator>> ( TQDataStream & s, DDSCaps & caps )
- {
- s >> caps.caps1;
- s >> caps.caps2;
- s >> caps.caps3;
- s >> caps.caps4;
- return s;
- }
- struct DDSHeader {
- uint size;
- uint flags;
- uint height;
- uint width;
- uint pitch;
- uint depth;
- uint mipmapcount;
- uint reserved[11];
- DDSPixelFormat pf;
- DDSCaps caps;
- uint notused;
- };
- TQDataStream & operator>> ( TQDataStream & s, DDSHeader & header )
- {
- s >> header.size;
- s >> header.flags;
- s >> header.height;
- s >> header.width;
- s >> header.pitch;
- s >> header.depth;
- s >> header.mipmapcount;
- for( int i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) {
- s >> header.reserved[i];
- }
- s >>;
- s >> header.caps;
- s >> header.notused;
- return s;
- }
- static bool IsValid( const DDSHeader & header )
- {
- if( header.size != 124 ) {
- return false;
- }
- if( (header.flags & required) != required ) {
- return false;
- }
- if( != 32 ) {
- return false;
- }
- if( !(header.caps.caps1 & DDSCAPS_TEXTURE) ) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
-} // namespace
-K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(kfile_dds, DdsFactory( "kfile_dds" ))
-// Constructor, init mime type info.
-KDdsPlugin::KDdsPlugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &args) :
- KFilePlugin(parent, name, args)
- KFileMimeTypeInfo * info = addMimeTypeInfo( "image/x-dds" );
- KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo * group = 0L;
- group = addGroupInfo(info, "Technical", i18n("Technical Details"));
- KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo * item;
- item = addItemInfo(group, "Dimensions", i18n("Dimensions"), TQVariant::Size);
- setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Size);
- setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Pixels);
- item = addItemInfo(group, "Depth", i18n("Depth"), TQVariant::Int);
- setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Pixels);
- item = addItemInfo(group, "BitDepth", i18n("Bit Depth"), TQVariant::Int);
- setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::BitsPerPixel);
- addItemInfo(group, "MipmapCount", i18n("Mipmap Count"), TQVariant::Int);
- addItemInfo(group, "Type", i18n("Type"), TQVariant::String);
- addItemInfo(group, "ColorMode", i18n("Color Mode"), TQVariant::String);
- addItemInfo(group, "Compression", i18n("Compression"), TQVariant::String);
-// Read mime type info.
-bool KDdsPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint /*what*/)
- TQFile file(info.path());
- if (! {
- kdDebug(7034) << "Couldn't open " << TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data() << endl;
- return false;
- }
- TQDataStream s(&file);
- s.setByteOrder(TQDataStream::LittleEndian);
- // Validate header.
- uint fourcc;
- s >> fourcc;
- if( fourcc != FOURCC_DDS ) {
- kdDebug(7034) << TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data() << " is not a DDS file." << endl;
- return false;
- }
- // Read image header.
- DDSHeader header;
- s >> header;
- // Check image file format.
- if( s.atEnd() || !IsValid( header ) ) {
- kdDebug(7034) << TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data() << " is not a valid DDS file." << endl;
- return false;
- }
- // Set file info.
- KFileMetaInfoGroup group = appendGroup(info, "Technical");
- appendItem(group, "Dimensions", TQSize(header.width, header.height));
- appendItem(group, "MipmapCount", header.mipmapcount);
- // Set file type.
- if( header.caps.caps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP ) {
- appendItem(group, "Type", i18n("Cube Map Texture"));
- }
- else if( header.caps.caps2 & DDSCAPS2_VOLUME ) {
- appendItem(group, "Type", i18n("Volume Texture"));
- appendItem(group, "Depth", header.depth);
- }
- else {
- appendItem(group, "Type", i18n("2D Texture"));
- }
- // Set file color depth and compression.
- if( & DDPF_RGB ) {
- appendItem(group, "BitDepth",;
- appendItem(group, "Compression", i18n("Uncompressed"));
- appendItem(group, "ColorMode", "RGB/Alpha");
- }
- else {
- appendItem(group, "ColorMode", "RGB");
- }
- }
- else if( & DDPF_FOURCC ) {
- switch( ) {
- case FOURCC_DXT1:
- appendItem(group, "BitDepth", 4);
- appendItem(group, "Compression", "DXT1");
- appendItem(group, "ColorMode", "RGB");
- break;
- case FOURCC_DXT2:
- appendItem(group, "BitDepth", 16);
- appendItem(group, "Compression", "DXT2");
- appendItem(group, "ColorMode", "RGB/Alpha");
- break;
- case FOURCC_DXT3:
- appendItem(group, "BitDepth", 16);
- appendItem(group, "Compression", "DXT3");
- appendItem(group, "ColorMode", "RGB/Alpha");
- break;
- case FOURCC_DXT4:
- appendItem(group, "BitDepth", 16);
- appendItem(group, "Compression", "DXT4");
- appendItem(group, "ColorMode", "RGB/Alpha");
- break;
- case FOURCC_DXT5:
- appendItem(group, "BitDepth", 16);
- appendItem(group, "Compression", "DXT5");
- appendItem(group, "ColorMode", "RGB/Alpha");
- break;
- appendItem(group, "BitDepth", 16);
- appendItem(group, "Compression", "RXGB");
- appendItem(group, "ColorMode", "RGB");
- break;
- default:
- appendItem(group, "Compression", "Unknown");
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- appendItem(group, "Compression", "Unknown");
- }
- return true;
-#include "kfile_dds.moc"