path: root/kooka/thumbview.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kooka/thumbview.cpp')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kooka/thumbview.cpp b/kooka/thumbview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5dfa93b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kooka/thumbview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+ thumbview.cpp - Class to display thumbnailed images
+ -------------------
+ begin : Tue Apr 18 2002
+ copyright : (C) 2002 by Klaas Freitag
+ $Id$
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the *
+ * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software *
+ * Foundation and appearing in the file COPYING included in the *
+ * packaging of this file. *
+ *
+ * As a special exception, permission is given to link this program *
+ * with any version of the KADMOS ocr/icr engine of reRecognition GmbH, *
+ * Kreuzlingen and distribute the resulting executable without *
+ * including the source code for KADMOS in the source distribution. *
+ *
+ * As a special exception, permission is given to link this program *
+ * with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, *
+ * without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <kio/previewjob.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kfileitem.h>
+#include <kfileiconview.h>
+#include <kfiletreeviewitem.h>
+#include <kimageeffect.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kprogress.h>
+#include "thumbview.h"
+#include "thumbview.moc"
+#include "thumbviewitem.h"
+ThumbView::ThumbView( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ : QVBox( parent ),
+ m_iconView(0),
+ m_job(0)
+ setMargin(3);
+ m_pixWidth = 0;
+ m_pixHeight = 0;
+ m_thumbMargin = 5;
+ m_iconView = new KIconView( this, name );
+ m_progress = new KProgress( this );
+ m_progress->hide();
+ m_pixWidth = 100;
+ m_pixHeight = 100;
+ readSettings();
+ m_basePix.resize( QSize( m_pixWidth, m_pixHeight ) );
+ m_basePix.fill(); // fills white per default TODO
+ m_iconView->setItemsMovable( false );
+ slSetBackGround();
+ connect( m_iconView, SIGNAL( executed( QIconViewItem* )),
+ this, SLOT( slDoubleClicked( QIconViewItem* )));
+ m_pendingJobs.setAutoDelete(false);
+ saveConfig();
+bool ThumbView::readSettings()
+ KConfig *cfg = KGlobal::config();
+ cfg->setGroup( THUMB_GROUP );
+ bool dirty = false;
+ QColor color;
+ color = cfg->readColorEntry( MARGIN_COLOR1, &(colorGroup().base()));
+ if( color != m_marginColor1 )
+ {
+ dirty = true;
+ m_marginColor1 = color;
+ }
+ color = cfg->readColorEntry( MARGIN_COLOR2, &(colorGroup().foreground()));
+ if( color != m_marginColor2 )
+ {
+ dirty = true;
+ m_marginColor2 = color;
+ }
+ int value;
+ bool sizeDirty = false;
+ value = cfg->readNumEntry( THUMB_MARGIN, 5 );
+ if( value != m_thumbMargin )
+ {
+ sizeDirty = true;
+ m_thumbMargin = value;
+ }
+ value = cfg->readNumEntry( PIXMAP_WIDTH, 100 );
+ if( value != m_pixWidth || m_pixWidth == 0 )
+ {
+ sizeDirty = true;
+ m_pixWidth = value;
+ }
+ value = cfg->readNumEntry( PIXMAP_HEIGHT, 120 );
+ if( value != m_pixHeight || m_pixHeight == 0 )
+ {
+ sizeDirty = true;
+ m_pixHeight = value;
+ }
+ if( sizeDirty )
+ {
+ int gX = 2*m_thumbMargin+m_pixWidth+10;
+ int gY = 2*m_thumbMargin+m_pixHeight+10;
+ m_iconView->setGridX(gX);
+ m_iconView->setGridY(gY);
+ kdDebug(28000) << "Setting Grid " << gX << " - " << gY << endl;
+ }
+ KStandardDirs stdDir;
+ QString newBgImg = cfg->readEntry( BG_WALLPAPER, stdDir.findResource( "data", STD_TILE_IMG ) );
+ if( m_bgImg != newBgImg )
+ {
+ m_bgImg = newBgImg;
+ slSetBackGround();
+ }
+ return (sizeDirty || dirty);
+void ThumbView::slDoubleClicked( QIconViewItem *qIt )
+ ThumbViewItem *it = static_cast<ThumbViewItem*>( qIt );
+ if( it )
+ {
+ const KURL url = it->itemUrl();
+ emit( selectFromThumbnail( url ));
+ }
+void ThumbView::slSetBackGround( )
+ QPixmap bgPix;
+ if( m_bgImg.isEmpty())
+ {
+ bgPix.resize( QSize(16, 16));
+ bgPix.fill( QPixmap::blue );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bgPix.load( m_bgImg );
+ }
+ m_iconView->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap ( bgPix );
+ setPaletteBackgroundPixmap ( bgPix );
+void ThumbView::slImageChanged( KFileItem *kfit )
+ if( ! kfit ) return;
+ // kdDebug(28000) << "changes to one thumbnail!" << endl;
+ KURL thumbDir = currentDir();
+ KURL itemUrl = kfit->url();
+ /* delete filename */
+ itemUrl.setFileName( QString());
+ if( !itemUrl.equals( thumbDir, true ))
+ {
+ // kdDebug(28000) << "returning, because directory does not match: " << itemUrl.prettyURL() << endl;
+ // kdDebug(28000) << "and my URL: " << thumbDir.prettyURL() << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( deleteImage( kfit ))
+ {
+ kdDebug(28000) << "was changed, deleted first!" << endl;
+ }
+ /* Trigger a new reading */
+ KFileItemList li;
+ li.append( kfit );
+ slNewFileItems( li );
+void ThumbView::slImageRenamed( KFileItem *kfit, const KURL& newUrl )
+ const KURL url = kfit->url();
+ if( kfit->isDir() ) {
+ clear();
+ }
+ for ( QIconViewItem *item = m_iconView->firstItem(); item; item = item->nextItem() )
+ {
+ ThumbViewItem *it=static_cast<ThumbViewItem*>( item );
+ if( url == it->itemUrl() )
+ {
+ it->setItemUrl( newUrl );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void ThumbView::slCheckForUpdate( KFileItem *kfit )
+ if( ! kfit ) return;
+ kdDebug(28000) << "Checking for update of thumbview!" << endl;
+ KURL searchUrl = kfit->url();
+ bool haveItem = false;
+ /* iterate over all icon items and compare urls.
+ * TODO: Check the parent url to avoid iteration over all */
+ for ( QIconViewItem *item = m_iconView->firstItem(); item && !haveItem;
+ item = item->nextItem() )
+ {
+ if( searchUrl == static_cast<ThumbViewItem*>(item)->itemUrl() )
+ {
+ haveItem = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if we still do not have the item, it is not in the thumbview. */
+ if( ! haveItem )
+ {
+ KFileItemList kfiList;
+ kfiList.append( kfit );
+ slNewFileItems( kfiList );
+ }
+bool ThumbView::deleteImage( KFileItem *kfit )
+ if( ! kfit ) return false;
+ KURL searchUrl = kfit->url();
+ bool haveItem = false;
+ /* iterate over all icon items and compare urls.
+ * TODO: Check the parent url to avoid iteration over all */
+ for ( QIconViewItem *item = m_iconView->firstItem(); item && !haveItem; item = item->nextItem() )
+ {
+ if( searchUrl == static_cast<ThumbViewItem*>(item)->itemUrl() )
+ {
+ m_iconView->takeItem( item );
+ haveItem = true;
+ }
+ }
+ kdDebug(28000) << "Deleting image from thumbview, result is " << haveItem << endl;
+ return( haveItem );
+void ThumbView::slImageDeleted( KFileItem *kfit )
+ deleteImage( kfit );
+ /*
+ From a mail from Waldo pointing out two probs in Thumbview:
+ 1) KDirLister is the owner of the KFileItems it emits, this means
+ that you must watch it's deleteItem() signal vigourously,
+ otherwise you may end up with KFileItems that are already
+ deleted. This burden is propagated to classes that use
+ KDirLister, such as KFileIconView.
+ This has a tendency to go wrong in combination with PreviewJob,
+ because it stores a list of KFileItems while running. This has
+ the potential to crash if the fileitems are being deleted
+ during this time. The remedy is to make sure to remove
+ fileitems that get deleted from the PreviewJob with
+ PreviewJob::removeItem.
+ */
+ if( m_job ) /* is a job running? Remove the item from it if existing. */
+ {
+ m_job->removeItem( kfit );
+ }
+ /* check if it is in the pending list */
+ m_pendingJobs.removeRef(kfit);
+void ThumbView::slNewFileItems( const KFileItemList& items )
+ kdDebug(28000) << "Creating thumbnails for fileItemList" << endl;
+ /* Fill the pending jobs list. */
+ KFileItemListIterator it( items );
+ KFileItem *item = 0;
+ for ( ; (item = it.current()); ++it )
+ {
+ QString filename = item->url().prettyURL();
+ if( item->isDir() )
+ {
+ /* create a dir pixmap */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QPixmap p(m_basePix) ;
+ QPixmap mime( item->pixmap(0) );
+ if( p.width() > mime.width() && p.height() > mime.height() )
+ {
+ QPainter paint( &p );
+ paint.drawPixmap( (p.width()-mime.width())/2,
+ (p.height()-mime.height())/2,
+ mime );
+ paint.flush();
+ }
+ /* Create a new empty preview pixmap and store the pointer to it */
+ ThumbViewItem *newIconViewIt = new ThumbViewItem( m_iconView,
+ item->url().filename(),
+ createPixmap( p ),
+ item );
+ newIconViewIt->setItemUrl( item->url() );
+ /* tell the file item about the iconView-representation */
+ item->setExtraData( this, newIconViewIt );
+ m_pendingJobs.append( item );
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ From a mail from Waldo Bastian pointing out problems with thumbview:
+ 2) I think you may end up creating two PreviewJob's in parallel
+ when the slNewFileItems() function is called two times in
+ quick succession. The current code doesn't seem to expect
+ that, given the comment in slPreviewResult(). In the light of
+ 1) it might become fatal since you will not be able to call
+ PreviewJob::removeItem on the proper job. I suggest to queue
+ new items when a job is already running and start a new job
+ once the first one is finished when there are any items left
+ in the queue. Don't forget to delete items from the queue if
+ they get deleted in the mean time.
+ The strategy is as follows: In the global list m_pendingJobs
+ the jobs to start are appended. Only if m_job is zero (no job
+ is running) a job is started on the current m_pendingJobs list.
+ The m_pendingJobs list is clear afterwords.
+ */
+ if( ! m_job && m_pendingJobs.count() > 0 )
+ {
+ /* Progress-Bar */
+ m_progress->show();
+ m_progress->setTotalSteps(m_pendingJobs.count());
+ m_cntJobsStarted = 0;
+ /* start a preview-job */
+ m_job = KIO::filePreview(m_pendingJobs, m_pixWidth, m_pixHeight );
+ if( m_job )
+ {
+ connect( m_job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * )),
+ this, SLOT( slPreviewResult( KIO::Job * )));
+ connect( m_job, SIGNAL( gotPreview( const KFileItem*, const QPixmap& )),
+ SLOT( slGotPreview( const KFileItem*, const QPixmap& ) ));
+ m_pendingJobs.clear();
+ /* KIO::Jo result is called in any way: Success, Failed, Error,
+ * thus connecting the failed is not really necessary.
+ */
+ // connect( job, SIGNAL( failed( const KFileItem* )),
+ // this, SLOT( slotFailed( const KFileItem* ) ));
+ }
+ }
+void ThumbView::slGotPreview( const KFileItem* newFileItem, const QPixmap& newPix )
+ if( ! newFileItem ) return;
+ KFileIconViewItem *item = static_cast<KFileIconViewItem*>(const_cast<void*>(newFileItem->extraData( this )));
+ if( ! item ) return;
+ item->setPixmap( createPixmap(newPix) );
+ m_cntJobsStarted+=1;
+ m_progress->setProgress(m_cntJobsStarted);
+ // kdDebug(28000)<< "jobs-Counter: " << m_cntJobsStarted << endl;
+void ThumbView::slPreviewResult( KIO::Job *job )
+ if( job && job->error() > 0 )
+ {
+ kdDebug(28000) << "Thumbnail Creation ERROR: " << job->errorString() << endl;
+ job->showErrorDialog( 0 );
+ }
+ if( job != m_job )
+ {
+ kdDebug(28000) << "Very obscure: Job finished is not mine!" << endl;
+ }
+ /* finished */
+ kdDebug(28000) << "Thumbnail job finished." << endl;
+ m_cntJobsStarted = 0;
+ m_progress->reset();
+ m_progress->hide();
+ m_job = 0L;
+ /* maybe there is a new job to start because of pending items? */
+ if( m_pendingJobs.count() > 0 )
+ {
+ slNewFileItems( KFileItemList() ); /* Call with an empty list */
+ }
+QPixmap ThumbView::createPixmap( const QPixmap& preview ) const
+ QImage ires = KImageEffect::unbalancedGradient( QSize( 2*m_thumbMargin+ preview.width(),
+ 2*m_thumbMargin+ preview.height()),
+ m_marginColor1, m_marginColor2,
+ KImageEffect::DiagonalGradient );
+ QPixmap pixRet;
+ pixRet.convertFromImage( ires );
+ QPainter p( &pixRet );
+ p.drawPixmap( m_thumbMargin, m_thumbMargin, preview );
+ p.flush();
+ // draw on pixmap
+ return( pixRet );
+void ThumbView::clear()
+ if( m_job )
+ m_job->kill( false /* not silently to get result-signal */ );
+ m_iconView->clear();
+void ThumbView::saveConfig()
+ KConfig *cfg = KGlobal::config();
+ cfg->setGroup( THUMB_GROUP );
+ cfg->writeEntry( MARGIN_COLOR1, m_marginColor1 );
+ cfg->writeEntry( MARGIN_COLOR2, m_marginColor2 );
+ cfg->writeEntry( PIXMAP_WIDTH, m_pixWidth );
+ cfg->writeEntry( PIXMAP_HEIGHT, m_pixHeight );
+ cfg->writeEntry( THUMB_MARGIN, m_thumbMargin );