path: root/ksvg/plugin/ksvg_plugin.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ksvg/plugin/ksvg_plugin.cpp')
1 files changed, 417 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ksvg/plugin/ksvg_plugin.cpp b/ksvg/plugin/ksvg_plugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37e0a0dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ksvg/plugin/ksvg_plugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2001-2003 KSVG Team
+ This file is part of the KDE project
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <krun.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <ktempfile.h>
+#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
+#include <kaboutapplication.h>
+#include "ksvg_widget.h"
+#include "ksvg_factory.h"
+#include "ksvg_plugin.moc"
+#include "KSVGCanvas.h"
+#include "KSVGLoader.h"
+#include "CanvasFactory.h"
+#include "DocumentFactory.h"
+#include "SVGDocument.h"
+#include "SVGWindowImpl.h"
+#include "SVGZoomAndPan.h"
+#include "SVGDocumentImpl.h"
+#include "SVGSVGElementImpl.h"
+#include <qimage.h>
+using namespace KSVG;
+#define DEFAULT_WIDTH 400
+#define DEFAULT_HEIGHT 400
+#define ZOOM_FACTOR 1.2
+struct KSVGPlugin::Private
+ KSVGWidget *window;
+ KSVGPluginBrowserExtension *extension;
+ KAction *zoomInAction;
+ KAction *zoomOutAction;
+ KAction *zoomResetAction;
+ KAction *stopAnimationsAction;
+ KAction *viewSourceAction;
+ KAction *viewMemoryAction;
+ KAction *aboutApp;
+ KAction *saveToPNG;
+ KToggleAction *fontKerningAction;
+ KToggleAction *progressiveAction;
+ KSelectAction *renderingBackendAction;
+ QString description;
+ QPoint panPoint;
+ float zoomFactor;
+ SVGDocumentImpl *doc;
+ KSVGCanvas *canvas;
+ QPixmap *backgroundPixmap;
+ KAboutApplication *aboutKSVG;
+ unsigned int width;
+ unsigned int height;
+KSVGPlugin::KSVGPlugin(QWidget *wparent, const char *, QObject *parent, const char *name, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) : KParts::ReadOnlyPart(parent, name)
+ kdDebug(26003) << "KSVGPlugin::KSVGPlugin" << endl;
+ setInstance(KSVGPluginFactory::instance());
+ ksvgd = new KSVGPlugin::Private();
+ ksvgd->width = width;
+ ksvgd->height = height;
+ ksvgd->zoomFactor = 1.0;
+ ksvgd->doc = 0;
+ ksvgd->window = new KSVGWidget(this, wparent, "Rendering Widget");
+ connect(ksvgd->window, SIGNAL(browseURL(const QString &)), this, SLOT(browseURL(const QString &)));
+ ksvgd->window->show();
+ KParts::Part::setWidget(ksvgd->window);
+ ksvgd->extension = new KSVGPluginBrowserExtension(this);
+ ksvgd->backgroundPixmap = new QPixmap(width > 0 ? width : DEFAULT_WIDTH, height > 0 ? height : DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
+ ksvgd->backgroundPixmap->fill();
+ ksvgd->canvas = KSVG::CanvasFactory::self()->loadCanvas(width > 0 ? width : DEFAULT_WIDTH, height > 0 ? height : DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
+ if(!ksvgd->canvas)
+ return;
+ ksvgd->canvas->setup(ksvgd->backgroundPixmap, ksvgd->window);
+ ksvgd->zoomInAction = KStdAction::zoomIn(this, SLOT(slotZoomIn()), actionCollection());
+ ksvgd->zoomOutAction = KStdAction::zoomOut(this, SLOT(slotZoomOut()), actionCollection());
+ ksvgd->zoomResetAction = new KAction(i18n("Zoom &Reset"), "viewmag", this, SLOT(slotZoomReset()), actionCollection(), "zoom_reset");
+ ksvgd->stopAnimationsAction = new KAction(i18n("&Stop Animations"), "stop", Key_Escape, this, SLOT(slotStop()), actionCollection(), "stop_anims");
+ ksvgd->viewSourceAction = new KAction(i18n("View &Source"), "document2", Key_F6, this, SLOT(slotViewSource()), actionCollection(), "view_source");
+ ksvgd->viewMemoryAction = new KAction(i18n("View &Memory"), "document2", Key_F7, this, SLOT(slotViewMemory()), actionCollection(), "view_memory");
+ ksvgd->saveToPNG = new KAction(i18n("Save to PNG..."), "save", 0, this, SLOT(slotSaveToPNG()), actionCollection(), "save_to_png");
+// ksvgd->aboutApp = KStdAction::aboutApp(this, SLOT(slotAboutKSVG()), actionCollection());//, "KSVG");
+ ksvgd->aboutApp = new KAction(i18n("About KSVG"), "vectorgfx", 0, this, SLOT(slotAboutKSVG()), actionCollection(), "help_about_app");
+ ksvgd->fontKerningAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Use Font &Kerning"), "viewmagfit", Key_F8, this, SLOT(slotFontKerning()), actionCollection(), "font_kerning");
+ ksvgd->progressiveAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Use &Progressive Rendering"), "", Key_F9, this, SLOT(slotProgressiveRendering()), actionCollection(), "progressive");
+ KSimpleConfig config("ksvgpluginrc", true);
+ config.setGroup("Rendering");
+ ksvgd->fontKerningAction->setChecked(config.readBoolEntry("FontKerning", true));
+ ksvgd->progressiveAction->setChecked(config.readBoolEntry("ProgressiveRendering", true));
+ ksvgd->renderingBackendAction = new KSelectAction(i18n("Rendering &Backend"), 0, this, SLOT(slotRenderingBackend()), actionCollection(), "rendering_backend");
+ QStringList items;
+ QPtrList<KSVG::CanvasInfo> canvasList = KSVG::CanvasFactory::self()->canvasList();
+ QPtrListIterator<KSVG::CanvasInfo> it(canvasList);
+ KSVG::CanvasInfo *canvasInfo = 0;
+ while((canvasInfo = it.current()) != 0)
+ {
+ items << canvasInfo->name;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ ksvgd->renderingBackendAction->setItems(items);
+ ksvgd->renderingBackendAction->setCurrentItem(KSVG::CanvasFactory::self()->itemInList(ksvgd->canvas));
+ ksvgd->aboutKSVG = new KAboutApplication(KSVGPluginFactory::instance()->aboutData(), wparent);
+ setXMLFile("ksvgplugin.rc");
+ kdDebug(26003) << "KSVGPlugin::~KSVGPlugin" << endl;
+ if(ksvgd->doc && ksvgd->doc->rootElement())
+ ksvgd->doc->rootElement()->pauseAnimations();
+ KSVG::CanvasFactory::self()->cleanup();
+ delete ksvgd->extension;
+ if(ksvgd->doc)
+ ksvgd->doc->detach();
+ delete ksvgd->canvas;
+ delete ksvgd->backgroundPixmap;
+ delete ksvgd;
+SVGDocumentImpl *KSVGPlugin::docImpl()
+ return ksvgd->doc;
+SVGDocument KSVGPlugin::document()
+ return SVGDocument(ksvgd->doc);
+void KSVGPlugin::reset()
+ if(ksvgd->canvas)
+ ksvgd->canvas->reset();
+ ksvgd->zoomFactor = 1;
+ ksvgd->window->reset();
+ ksvgd->panPoint = QPoint(0, 0);
+bool KSVGPlugin::openURL(const KURL &url)
+ m_url = url;
+ if(!url.prettyURL().isEmpty())
+ {
+ reset();
+ DocumentFactory *docFactory = DocumentFactory::self();
+ // when embedded, stick to passed width and height
+ ksvgd->doc = docFactory->requestDocumentImpl((ksvgd->width > 0 && ksvgd->height > 0));
+ ksvgd->doc->attach(ksvgd->canvas);
+ ksvgd->doc->addToDocumentDict(ksvgd->doc->handle(), ksvgd->doc);
+ ksvgd->doc->setReferrer(ksvgd->extension->urlArgs().metaData()["referrer"]);
+ connect(ksvgd->doc, SIGNAL(finishedParsing(bool, const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotParsingFinished(bool, const QString &)));
+ connect(ksvgd->doc, SIGNAL(finishedRendering()), this, SLOT(slotRenderingFinished()));
+ connect(ksvgd->doc, SIGNAL(gotDescription(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotSetDescription(const QString &)));
+ connect(ksvgd->doc, SIGNAL(gotTitle(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotSetTitle(const QString &)));
+ connect(ksvgd->doc, SIGNAL(gotURL(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotGotURL(const QString &)));
+ connect(ksvgd->window, SIGNAL(redraw(const QRect &)), this, SLOT(slotRedraw(const QRect &)));
+ ksvgd->backgroundPixmap->fill();
+ bitBlt(ksvgd->window, 0, 0, ksvgd->backgroundPixmap, 0, 0, ksvgd->backgroundPixmap->width(), ksvgd->backgroundPixmap->height());
+ ksvgd->zoomFactor = 1;
+ emit started(0);
+ ksvgd->doc->open(url);
+ emit completed();
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ return true;
+void KSVGPlugin::browseURL(const QString &url)
+ ksvgd->doc->rootElement()->pauseAnimations();
+ KParts::URLArgs args;
+ args.frameName = "_self";
+ emit ksvgd->extension->openURLRequest(KURL(m_url, url), args);
+void KSVGPlugin::slotRedraw(const QRect &r)
+ if(ksvgd->window->width() != ksvgd->backgroundPixmap->width() ||
+ ksvgd->window->height() != ksvgd->backgroundPixmap->height())
+ {
+ ksvgd->backgroundPixmap->resize(ksvgd->window->width(), ksvgd->window->height());
+ if(ksvgd->doc && ksvgd->doc->canvas())
+ {
+ ksvgd->doc->canvas()->resize(ksvgd->window->width(), ksvgd->window->height());
+ ksvgd->doc->canvas()->blit();
+ }
+ }
+ bitBlt(ksvgd->window, r.x(), r.y(), ksvgd->backgroundPixmap, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
+void KSVGPlugin::slotViewSource()
+ KTempFile temp;
+ *temp.textStream() << KSVGLoader::getUrl(m_url, true) << endl;
+ KRun::runURL(KURL(, "text/plain", true);
+void KSVGPlugin::slotViewMemory()
+ KTempFile temp;
+ *temp.textStream() << ksvgd->doc->window()->printNode(*ksvgd->doc).string() << endl;
+ KRun::runURL(KURL(, "text/plain", true);
+void KSVGPlugin::slotFontKerning()
+ KSimpleConfig config("ksvgpluginrc", false);
+ config.setGroup("Rendering");
+ config.writeEntry("FontKerning", ksvgd->fontKerningAction->isChecked());
+ if(ksvgd->doc)
+ {
+ SVGSVGElementImpl *root = ksvgd->doc->rootElement();
+ if(!root)
+ return;
+ ksvgd->doc->canvas()->fontContext()->setKerning(ksvgd->fontKerningAction->isChecked());
+ update();
+ }
+void KSVGPlugin::slotProgressiveRendering()
+ KSimpleConfig config("ksvgpluginrc", false);
+ config.setGroup("Rendering");
+ config.writeEntry("ProgressiveRendering", ksvgd->progressiveAction->isChecked());
+void KSVGPlugin::slotRenderingBackend()
+ KSimpleConfig config("ksvgpluginrc", false);
+ config.setGroup("Canvas");
+ config.writeEntry("ActiveCanvas", KSVG::CanvasFactory::self()->internalNameFor(ksvgd->renderingBackendAction->currentText()));
+ config.sync();
+ KSVG::CanvasFactory::self()->deleteCanvas(ksvgd->canvas);
+ ksvgd->canvas = KSVG::CanvasFactory::self()->loadCanvas(ksvgd->width > 0 ? ksvgd->width : DEFAULT_WIDTH, ksvgd->height > 0 ? ksvgd->height : DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
+ if(!ksvgd->canvas)
+ return;
+ ksvgd->canvas->setup(ksvgd->backgroundPixmap, ksvgd->window);
+ openURL(m_url);
+void KSVGPlugin::slotAboutKSVG()
+ ksvgd->aboutKSVG->show();
+void KSVGPlugin::slotStop()
+ if(ksvgd->doc->rootElement()->animationsPaused())
+ ksvgd->doc->rootElement()->unpauseAnimations();
+ else
+ ksvgd->doc->rootElement()->pauseAnimations();
+void KSVGPlugin::slotParsingFinished(bool error, const QString &errorDesc)
+ emit completed();
+ if(error)
+ {
+ kdDebug(26003) << "Finished with error : " << errorDesc << endl;
+ emit setStatusBarText(errorDesc);
+ }
+ else
+ kdDebug(26003) << "Finished without errors!" << endl;
+void KSVGPlugin::slotRenderingFinished()
+ bitBlt(ksvgd->window, 0, 0, ksvgd->backgroundPixmap, 0, 0, ksvgd->canvas->width(), ksvgd->canvas->height());
+void KSVGPlugin::slotZoomIn()
+ ksvgd->zoomFactor *= ZOOM_FACTOR;
+ update();
+void KSVGPlugin::slotZoomOut()
+ ksvgd->zoomFactor *= (1.0 / ZOOM_FACTOR);
+ update();
+void KSVGPlugin::slotZoomReset()
+ ksvgd->zoomFactor = 1.0;
+ update();
+void KSVGPlugin::slotSaveToPNG()
+ if(ksvgd && ksvgd->backgroundPixmap)
+ {
+ QImage img = ksvgd->backgroundPixmap->convertToImage();
+ QString filename = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName();
+ if(!filename.isEmpty())
+, "PNG");
+ }
+void KSVGPlugin::setPanPoint(const QPoint &translate)
+ ksvgd->panPoint = translate;
+ update();
+void KSVGPlugin::update()
+ if(ksvgd->doc)
+ {
+ SVGSVGElementImpl *root = ksvgd->doc->rootElement();
+ if(!root || root->zoomAndPan() != SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_MAGNIFY)
+ return;
+ ksvgd->backgroundPixmap->fill();
+ bool zoomChanged = ksvgd->zoomFactor != root->currentScale();
+ root->setCurrentScale(ksvgd->zoomFactor);
+ root->setCurrentTranslate(ksvgd->panPoint);
+ ksvgd->doc->syncCachedMatrices();
+ if(zoomChanged)
+ ksvgd->doc->canvas()->update(ksvgd->zoomFactor);
+ else
+ ksvgd->doc->canvas()->update(ksvgd->panPoint);
+ // Fixes drawing glitches
+ slotRedraw(QRect(0, 0, ksvgd->backgroundPixmap->width(), ksvgd->backgroundPixmap->height()));
+ }
+void KSVGPlugin::slotSetDescription(const QString &desc)
+ ksvgd->description = desc;
+ emit setStatusBarText(i18n("Description: %1").arg(desc));
+void KSVGPlugin::slotSetTitle(const QString &title)
+ emit setWindowCaption(title);
+void KSVGPlugin::slotGotURL(const QString &text)
+ if(text.isNull() && !ksvgd->description.isEmpty())
+ emit setStatusBarText(i18n("Description: %1").arg(ksvgd->description));
+ else
+ emit setStatusBarText(text);
+// vim:ts=4:noet