path: root/kviewshell/kprintDialogPage_pageoptions.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kviewshell/kprintDialogPage_pageoptions.cpp')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kviewshell/kprintDialogPage_pageoptions.cpp b/kviewshell/kprintDialogPage_pageoptions.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbadd759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kviewshell/kprintDialogPage_pageoptions.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions.cpp
+// Part of KVIEWSHELL - A framework for multipage text/gfx viewers
+// (C) 2005 Stefan Kebekus
+// Distributed under the GPL
+// Add header files alphabetically
+#include <config.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <qbuttongroup.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include "kprintDialogPage_pageoptions.h"
+KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions::KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ : KPrintDialogPage( parent, name )
+ setTitle( i18n("Page Size & Placement") );
+ kprintDialogPage_pageoptions_baseLayout = 0;
+ checkBox_center = 0;
+ checkBox_rotate = 0;
+ checkBox_shrink = 0;
+ checkBox_expand = 0;
+ kprintDialogPage_pageoptions_baseLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 11, 6, "kprintDialogPage_pageoptions_baseLayout");
+ if (kprintDialogPage_pageoptions_baseLayout == 0) {
+ kdError(1223) << "KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions::KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions() cannot create layout" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ checkBox_center = new QCheckBox( this, "checkBox_center" );
+ if (checkBox_center != 0) {
+ checkBox_center->setText( i18n( "Center the page on paper" ) );
+ QToolTip::add( checkBox_center, i18n( "If this option is enabled, the pages are centered on the paper." ) );
+ QWhatsThis::add( checkBox_center, i18n( "<qt><p>If this option is enabled, the pages will be printed centered on the paper; this makes "
+ "more visually-appealing printouts.</p>"
+ "<p>If the option is not enabled, all pages will be placed in the top-left corner of the paper.</p></qt>" ) );
+ kprintDialogPage_pageoptions_baseLayout->addWidget( checkBox_center );
+ }
+ checkBox_rotate = new QCheckBox( this, "checkBox_rotate" );
+ if (checkBox_rotate != 0) {
+ checkBox_rotate->setText( i18n( "Automatically choose landscape or portrait orientation" ) );
+ QToolTip::add( checkBox_rotate, i18n( "If this option is enabled, some pages might be rotated to better fit the paper size." ) );
+ QWhatsThis::add( checkBox_rotate, i18n( "<qt><p>If this option is enabled, landscape or portrait orientation are automatically chosen on a "
+ "page-by-page basis. This makes better use of the paper and gives more visually-"
+ "appealing printouts.</p>"
+ "<p><b>Note:</b> This option overrides the Portrait/Landscape option chosen in the printer "
+ "properties. If this option is enabled, and if the pages in your document have different sizes, "
+ "then some pages might be rotated while others are not.</p></qt>" ) );
+ kprintDialogPage_pageoptions_baseLayout->addWidget( checkBox_rotate );
+ }
+ QFrame *line = new QFrame( this, "line1" );
+ if (line != 0) {
+ line->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
+ line->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
+ line->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
+ kprintDialogPage_pageoptions_baseLayout->addWidget( line );
+ }
+ checkBox_shrink = new QCheckBox( this, "checkBox_shrink" );
+ if (checkBox_shrink != 0) {
+ checkBox_shrink->setText( i18n( "Shrink oversized pages to fit paper size" ) );
+ QToolTip::add( checkBox_shrink, i18n( "If this option is enabled, large pages that would not fit the printer's paper size will be shrunk." ) );
+ QWhatsThis::add( checkBox_shrink, i18n( "<qt><p>If this option is enabled, large pages that would not fit the printer's paper size will be "
+ "shrunk so that edges won't be cut off during printing.</p>"
+ "<p><b>Note:</b> If this option is enabled, and if the pages in your document have different sizes, "
+ "then different pages might be shrunk by different scaling factors.</p></qt>" ) );
+ kprintDialogPage_pageoptions_baseLayout->addWidget( checkBox_shrink );
+ }
+ checkBox_expand = new QCheckBox( this, "checkBox_expand" );
+ if (checkBox_expand != 0) {
+ checkBox_expand->setText( i18n( "Expand small pages to fit paper size" ) );
+ QToolTip::add( checkBox_expand, i18n( "If this option is enabled, small pages will be enlarged so that they fit the printer's paper size." ) );
+ QWhatsThis::add( checkBox_expand, i18n( "<qt><p>If this option is enabled, small pages will be enlarged so that they fit the printer's "
+ "paper size.</p>"
+ "<p><b>Note:</b> If this option is enabled, and if the pages in your document have different sizes, "
+ "then different pages might be expanded by different scaling factors.</p></qt>" ) );
+ kprintDialogPage_pageoptions_baseLayout->addWidget( checkBox_expand );
+ }
+ resize( QSize(319, 166).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) );
+ clearWState( WState_Polished );
+void KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions::getOptions( QMap<QString,QString>& opts, bool incldef )
+ // Save options, taking default values into consideration: by
+ // default "center" is checked, "expand" and "shrink" are
+ // not. Warning: The default values are also coded into setOptions()
+ // and kmultipage::print(..).
+ if (checkBox_center != 0)
+ if ( incldef || !checkBox_center->isChecked() )
+ if (checkBox_center->isChecked())
+ opts[ "kde-kviewshell-centerpage" ] = "true";
+ else
+ opts[ "kde-kviewshell-centerpage" ] = "false";
+ if (checkBox_rotate != 0)
+ if ( incldef || !checkBox_rotate->isChecked() )
+ if (checkBox_rotate->isChecked())
+ opts[ "kde-kviewshell-rotatepage" ] = "true";
+ else
+ opts[ "kde-kviewshell-rotatepage" ] = "false";
+ if (checkBox_shrink != 0)
+ if ( incldef || checkBox_shrink->isChecked() )
+ if (checkBox_shrink->isChecked())
+ opts[ "kde-kviewshell-shrinkpage" ] = "true";
+ else
+ opts[ "kde-kviewshell-shrinkpage" ] = "false";
+ if (checkBox_expand != 0)
+ if ( incldef || checkBox_expand->isChecked() )
+ if (checkBox_expand->isChecked())
+ opts[ "kde-kviewshell-expandpage" ] = "true";
+ else
+ opts[ "kde-kviewshell-expandpage" ] = "false";
+void KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions::setOptions( const QMap<QString,QString>& opts )
+ // Sets the centering option. By default, this option is
+ // checked. Warning: All default values are also coded into
+ // getOptions() and kmultipage::print(..).
+ QString op = opts[ "kde-kviewshell-centerpage" ];
+ if (checkBox_center != 0)
+ checkBox_center->setChecked( op != "false" );
+ // same for rotation
+ op = opts[ "kde-kviewshell-rotatepage" ];
+ if (checkBox_rotate != 0)
+ checkBox_rotate->setChecked( op != "false" );
+ // Sets the shrink option. By default, this option is not checked
+ op = opts[ "kde-kviewshell-shrinkpage" ];
+ if (checkBox_shrink != 0)
+ checkBox_shrink->setChecked( op == "true" );
+ // Sets the expand option. By default, this option is not checked
+ op = opts[ "kde-kviewshell-expandpage" ];
+ if (checkBox_expand != 0)
+ checkBox_expand->setChecked( op == "true" );
+bool KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions::isValid( QString& )
+ return true;