From 00b4f54142276b0e2272ca56e48558551ab7b2b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Timothy Pearson <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 13:17:19 -0600
Subject: Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with

 kviewshell/kmultipage.cpp | 1976 ---------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1976 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 kviewshell/kmultipage.cpp

(limited to 'kviewshell/kmultipage.cpp')

diff --git a/kviewshell/kmultipage.cpp b/kviewshell/kmultipage.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d544df9..00000000
--- a/kviewshell/kmultipage.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1976 +0,0 @@
-#include <config.h>
-#include <kaction.h>
-#include <kapplication.h>
-#include <kdebug.h>
-#include <kfiledialog.h>
-#include <kiconloader.h>
-#include <kio/job.h>
-#include <klocale.h>
-#include <kmessagebox.h>
-#include <kprinter.h>
-#include <kstdaction.h>
-#include <tqobject.h>
-#include <tqlayout.h>
-#include <tqpaintdevicemetrics.h>
-#include <tqprogressdialog.h>
-#include <tqsplitter.h>
-#include <tqurl.h>
-#include <tqtoolbox.h>
-#include <tqvbox.h>
-#include "documentWidget.h"
-#include "marklist.h"
-#include "tableOfContents.h"
-#include "kprintDialogPage_pageoptions.h"
-#include "kvsprefs.h"
-#include "kmultipage.h"
-#include "pageNumber.h"
-#include "renderedDocumentPagePrinter.h"
-#include "searchWidget.h"
-#include "textBox.h"
-#include "zoomlimits.h"
-KMultiPage::KMultiPage(TQWidget *parentWidget, const char *widgetName, TQObject *parent, const char *name)
-  : DCOPObject("kmultipage"), KParts::ReadOnlyPart(parent, name)
-  // For reasons which I don't understand, the initialization of the
-  // DCOPObject above does not work properly, the name is ignored. It
-  // works fine if we repeat the name here. -- Stefan Kebekus
-  // This is because of the virtual inheritance. Get rid of it (but it's BC, and this is a lib...) -- DF
-  setObjId("kmultipage");
-  parentWdg = parentWidget;
-  lastCurrentPage = 0;
-  timer_id = -1;
-  searchInProgress = false;
-  TQVBox* verticalBox = new TQVBox(parentWidget);
-  verticalBox->setFocusPolicy(TQ_StrongFocus);
-  setWidget(verticalBox);
-  splitterWidget = new TQSplitter(verticalBox, widgetName);
-  splitterWidget->setOpaqueResize(false);
-  splitterWidget->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding);
-  // Create SideBar
-  sideBar = new TQToolBox(splitterWidget, "sidebar");
-  // Create ContentsList
-  tableOfContents = new TableOfContents(sideBar);
-  sideBar->addItem(tableOfContents, TQIconSet(SmallIcon("contents")), i18n("Contents"));
-  connect(tableOfContents, TQT_SIGNAL(gotoPage(const Anchor&)), this, TQT_SLOT(gotoPage(const Anchor&)));
-  // Create MarkList
-  _markList = new MarkList(sideBar, "marklist");
-  sideBar->addItem(_markList, TQIconSet(SmallIcon("thumbnail")), i18n("Thumbnails"));
-  // Restore state of the sidebar
-  sideBar->setCurrentItem(sideBar->item(KVSPrefs::sideBarItem()));
-  splitterWidget->setResizeMode(sideBar, TQSplitter::KeepSize);
-  connect(_markList, TQT_SIGNAL(selected(const PageNumber&)), this, TQT_SLOT(gotoPage(const PageNumber&)));
-  _scrollView = new PageView(splitterWidget, widgetName);
-  // Create Search Panel
-  searchWidget = new SearchWidget(verticalBox);
-  searchWidget->hide();
-  connect(searchWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(findNextText()), this, TQT_SLOT(findNextText()));
-  connect(searchWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(findPrevText()), this, TQT_SLOT(findPrevText()));
-  sideBar->setMinimumWidth(80);
-  sideBar->setMaximumWidth(300);
-  connect(_scrollView, TQT_SIGNAL(currentPageChanged(const PageNumber&)), this, TQT_SLOT(setCurrentPageNumber(const PageNumber&)));
-  connect(_scrollView, TQT_SIGNAL(viewSizeChanged(const TQSize&)), scrollView(), TQT_SLOT(calculateCurrentPageNumber()));
-  connect(_scrollView, TQT_SIGNAL(wheelEventReceived(TQWheelEvent *)), this, TQT_SLOT(wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent*)));
-  connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(enableMoveTool(bool)), _scrollView, TQT_SLOT(slotEnableMoveTool(bool)));
-  splitterWidget->setCollapsible(sideBar, false);
-  splitterWidget->setSizes(KVSPrefs::guiLayout());
-  connect(searchWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(searchEnabled(bool)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(searchEnabled(bool)));
-  connect(searchWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(stopSearch()), this, TQT_SLOT(stopSearch()));
-  writeSettings();
-  if (timer_id != -1)
-    killTimer(timer_id);
-  delete pageCache;
-void KMultiPage::readSettings()
-void KMultiPage::writeSettings()
-  // Save TOC layout
-  tableOfContents->writeSettings();
-  KVSPrefs::setGuiLayout(splitterWidget->sizes());
-  // Save state of the sidebar
-  KVSPrefs::setSideBarItem(sideBar->indexOf(sideBar->currentItem()));
-  KVSPrefs::writeConfig();
-TQString KMultiPage::name_of_current_file()
-  return m_file;
-bool KMultiPage::is_file_loaded(const TQString& filename)
-  return (filename == m_file);
-void KMultiPage::slotSave_defaultFilename()
-  slotSave();
-void KMultiPage::slotSave()
-  // Try to guess the proper ending...
-  TQString formats;
-  TQString ending;
-  int rindex = m_file.findRev(".");
-  if (rindex == -1) {
-    ending = TQString();
-    formats = TQString();
-  } else {
-    ending = m_file.mid(rindex); // e.g. ".dvi"
-    formats = fileFormats().grep(ending).join("\n");
-  }
-  TQString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(TQString(), formats, 0, i18n("Save File As"));
-  if (fileName.isEmpty())
-    return;
-  // Add the ending to the filename. I hope the user likes it that
-  // way.
-  if (!ending.isEmpty() && fileName.find(ending) == -1)
-    fileName = fileName+ending;
-  if (TQFile(fileName).exists()) {
-    int r = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel (0, i18n("The file %1\nexists. Shall I overwrite that file?").arg(fileName),
-				       i18n("Overwrite File"), i18n("Overwrite"));
-    if (r == KMessageBox::Cancel)
-      return;
-  }
-  TDEIO::Job *job = TDEIO::file_copy( KURL( m_file ), KURL( fileName ), 0600, true, false, true );
-  connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotIOJobFinished ( TDEIO::Job * ) ) );
-  return;
-void KMultiPage::setFile(bool)
-  return;
-bool KMultiPage::closeURL()
-  kdDebug(1233) << "KMultiPage::closeURL()" << endl;
-  if (renderer.isNull())
-    return false;
-  // Clear navigation history.
-  document_history.clear();
-  // Close the file.
-  renderer->setFile(TQString(), KURL());
-  renderer->clear();
-  // Delete Page Widgets.
-  widgetList.setAutoDelete(true);
-  widgetList.resize(0);
-  widgetList.setAutoDelete(false);
-  // Update ScrollView.
-  scrollView()->layoutPages();
-  enableActions(false);
-  // Clear Thumbnail List.
-  markList()->clear();
-  // Clear Table of Contents
-  tableOfContents->clear();
-  // Clear Status Bar
-  emit setStatusBarText(TQString());
-  return true;
-void KMultiPage::slotIOJobFinished ( TDEIO::Job *job )
-  if ( job->error() )
-    job->showErrorDialog( 0L );
-void KMultiPage::slotShowScrollbars(bool status)
-  _scrollView->slotShowScrollbars(status);
-void KMultiPage::slotShowSidebar(bool show)
-  if (show)
-    sideBar->show();
-  else
-    sideBar->hide();
-void KMultiPage::slotShowThumbnails(bool show)
-  markList()->slotShowThumbnails(show);
-void KMultiPage::slotSetFullPage(bool fullpage)
-  _scrollView->setFullScreenMode(fullpage);
-  if (fullpage)
-    slotShowSidebar(false);
-void KMultiPage::preferencesChanged()
-  // We need to read the config options otherwise the KVSPrefs-object would
-  // not be syncronized between the kviewpart and the kmultipage.
-  KVSPrefs::self()->readConfig();
-  slotShowThumbnails(KVSPrefs::showThumbnails());
-  // if we are in overviewmode and the number of columns or rows has changed
-  if (scrollView()->overviewMode() &&
-      (scrollView()->getNrColumns() != KVSPrefs::overviewModeColumns() ||
-       scrollView()->getNrRows() != KVSPrefs::overviewModeRows()))
-  {
-    setViewMode(KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::Overview);
-  }
-  if (KVSPrefs::changeColors() && KVSPrefs::renderMode() == KVSPrefs::EnumRenderMode::Paper)
-    renderer->setAccessibleBackground(true, KVSPrefs::paperColor());
-  else
-    renderer->setAccessibleBackground(false);
-  renderModeChanged();
-void KMultiPage::setViewMode(int mode)
-  kdDebug(1233) << "KMultiPage::setViewMode(" << mode << ")" << endl;
-  // Save the current page number because when we are changing the columns
-  // and rows in the scrollview the currently shown Page probably out of view.
-  PageNumber currentPage = currentPageNumber();
-  // Save viewMode for future uses of KViewShell
-  switch (mode) 
-  {
-    case KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::SinglePage:
-      KVSPrefs::setViewMode(KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::SinglePage);
-      // Don't do anything if the view mode is already set
-      if ((scrollView()->getNrColumns() == 1) && (scrollView()->getNrRows() == 1) && (scrollView()->isContinuous() == false))
-        return;
-      scrollView()->setNrColumns(1);
-      scrollView()->setNrRows(1);
-      scrollView()->setContinuousViewMode(false);
-      // We scroll the view to the top, so that top and not the bottom
-      // of the visible page is shown.
-      scrollView()->scrollTop();
-      break;
-    case KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::ContinuousFacing:
-      KVSPrefs::setViewMode(KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::ContinuousFacing);
-      // Don't do anything if the view mode is already set
-      if ((scrollView()->getNrColumns() == 2) && (scrollView()->getNrRows() == 1) && (scrollView()->isContinuous() == true))
-        return;
-      scrollView()->setNrColumns(2);
-      scrollView()->setNrRows(1);
-      scrollView()->setContinuousViewMode(true);
-      break;
-    case KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::Overview:
-      KVSPrefs::setViewMode(KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::Overview);
-      // Don't do anything if the view mode is already set
-      if ((scrollView()->getNrColumns() == KVSPrefs::overviewModeColumns()) && (scrollView()->getNrRows() == KVSPrefs::overviewModeRows()) && (scrollView()->isContinuous() == false))
-        return;
-      scrollView()->setNrColumns(KVSPrefs::overviewModeColumns());
-      scrollView()->setNrRows(KVSPrefs::overviewModeRows());
-      scrollView()->setContinuousViewMode(false);
-      // We scroll the view to the top, so that top and not the bottom
-      // of the visible tableau is shown.
-      scrollView()->scrollTop();
-      break;
-    default:  //KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::Continuous
-      KVSPrefs::setViewMode(KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::Continuous);
-      // Don't do anything if the view mode is already set
-      if ((scrollView()->getNrColumns() == 1) && (scrollView()->getNrRows() == 1) && (scrollView()->isContinuous() == true))
-        return;
-      scrollView()->setNrColumns(1);
-      scrollView()->setNrRows(1);
-      scrollView()->setContinuousViewMode(true);
-  }
-  generateDocumentWidgets(currentPage);
-  KVSPrefs::writeConfig();
-  emit viewModeChanged();
-void KMultiPage::initializePageCache()
-  pageCache = new DocumentPageCache();
-DocumentWidget* KMultiPage::createDocumentWidget()
-  DocumentWidget* documentWidget = new DocumentWidget(scrollView()->viewport(), scrollView(), pageCache, "singlePageWidget");
-  connect(documentWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(clearSelection()), this, TQT_SLOT(clearSelection()));
-  connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(enableMoveTool(bool)), documentWidget, TQT_SLOT(slotEnableMoveTool(bool)));
-  return documentWidget;
-void KMultiPage::generateDocumentWidgets(const PageNumber& _startPage)
-  PageNumber startPage = _startPage;
-  kdDebug(1233) << "KMultiPage::generateDocumentWidgets(" << startPage << ")" << endl;
-  // Do nothing if no document is loaded.
-  if (getRenderer().isNull() || getRenderer()->isEmpty())
-    return;
-  // This function is only called with an invalid pagenumber, when
-  // the file has been loaded or reloaded.
-  bool reload = !startPage.isValid();
-  if (reload)
-  {
-    // Find the number of the current page, for later use.
-    startPage = currentPageNumber();
-  }
-  // Make sure that startPage is in the permissible range.
-  if (startPage < 1)
-    startPage = 1;
-  if (startPage > numberOfPages())
-    startPage = numberOfPages();
-  unsigned int tableauStartPage = startPage;
-  // Find out how many widgets are needed, and resize the widgetList accordingly.
-  widgetList.setAutoDelete(true);
-  TQ_UINT16 oldwidgetListSize = widgetList.size();
-  if (numberOfPages() == 0)
-    widgetList.resize(0);
-  else
-  {
-    switch (KVSPrefs::viewMode())
-    {
-      case KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::SinglePage:
-        widgetList.resize(1);
-        break;
-      case KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::Overview:
-      {
-        // Calculate the number of pages shown in overview mode.
-        unsigned int visiblePages = KVSPrefs::overviewModeColumns() * KVSPrefs::overviewModeRows();
-        // Calculate the number of the first page in the tableau.
-        tableauStartPage = startPage - ((startPage - 1) % visiblePages);
-        // We cannot have more widgets then pages in the document.
-        visiblePages = TQMIN(visiblePages, numberOfPages() - tableauStartPage + 1);
-        if (widgetList.size() != visiblePages)
-          widgetList.resize(visiblePages);
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        // In KVS_Continuous and KVS_ContinuousFacing all pages in the document are shown.
-        widgetList.resize(numberOfPages());
-    }
-  }
-  bool isWidgetListResized = (widgetList.size() != oldwidgetListSize);
-  widgetList.setAutoDelete(false);
-  // If the widgetList is empty, there is nothing left to do.
-  if (widgetList.size() == 0) {
-    scrollView()->addChild(&widgetList);
-    return;
-  }
-  // Allocate DocumentWidget structures so that all entries of
-  // widgetList point to a valid DocumentWidget.
-  DocumentWidget *documentWidget;
-  for(TQ_UINT16 i=0; i<widgetList.size(); i++) {
-    documentWidget = widgetList[i];
-    if (documentWidget == 0) {
-      documentWidget = createDocumentWidget();
-      widgetList.insert(i, documentWidget);
-      documentWidget->show();
-      connect(documentWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(localLink(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(handleLocalLink(const TQString &)));
-      connect(documentWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(setStatusBarText(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(setStatusBarText(const TQString&)) );
-    }
-  }
-  // Set the page numbers for the newly allocated widgets. How this is
-  // done depends on the viewMode.
-  if (KVSPrefs::viewMode() == KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::SinglePage) {
-    // In KVS_SinglePage mode, any number between 1 and the maximum
-    // number of pages is acceptable. If an acceptable value is found,
-    // nothing is done, and otherwise '1' is set as a default.
-    documentWidget = widgetList[0];
-    if (documentWidget != 0) { // Paranoia safety check
-      documentWidget->setPageNumber(startPage);
-      documentWidget->update();
-    } else
-      kdError(4300) << "Zero-Pointer in widgetList in KMultiPage::generateDocumentWidgets()" << endl;
-  } else {
-    // In all other modes, the widgets will be numbered continuously,
-    // starting from firstShownPage.
-    for(TQ_UINT16 i=0; i<widgetList.size(); i++) {
-      documentWidget = widgetList[i];
-      if (documentWidget != 0) // Paranoia safety check
-      {
-        if (KVSPrefs::viewMode() == KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::Overview)
-          documentWidget->setPageNumber(i+tableauStartPage);
-        else
-          documentWidget->setPageNumber(i+1);
-      }
-      else
-        kdError(4300) << "Zero-Pointer in widgetList in KMultiPage::generateDocumentWidgets()" << endl;
-    }
-  }
-  // Make the changes in the widgetList known to the scrollview. so
-  // that the scrollview may update its contents.
-  scrollView()->addChild(&widgetList);
-  // If the number of widgets has changed, or the viewmode has been changed the widget 
-  // that displays the current page may not be visible anymore. Bring it back into focus.
-  if (isWidgetListResized || !reload)
-    gotoPage(startPage);
-bool KMultiPage::gotoPage(const PageNumber& page)
-  return gotoPage(page, 0, true);
-bool KMultiPage::gotoPage(const PageNumber& page, int y, bool isLink)
-  kdDebug(1233) << "KMultiPage::gotoPage()" << endl;
-  if (widgetList.size() == 0) {
-    kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::gotoPage(" << page << ", y) called, but widgetList is empty" << endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (!page.isValid())
-  {
-    kdDebug(1223) << "KMultiPage::gotoPage(" << page << ") invalid pageNumber." << endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (isLink)
-    document_history.add(page, y);
-  DocumentWidget* pageWidget;
-  // If we are in overview viewmode
-  if (KVSPrefs::viewMode() == KVSPrefs::EnumViewMode::Overview)
-  {
-    unsigned int visiblePages = KVSPrefs::overviewModeColumns() * KVSPrefs::overviewModeRows();
-    // Pagenumber of the first visibile Page in the current tableau
-    unsigned int firstPage = ((DocumentWidget*)widgetList[0])->getPageNumber();
-    // Pagenumber of the first page in the new tableau.
-    unsigned int tableauStartPage = page + 1 - (page % visiblePages);
-    // If these numbers arn't equal "page" is not in the current tableu.
-    if (firstPage != tableauStartPage) // widgets need to be updated
-    {
-      if ((numberOfPages() - tableauStartPage + 1 < visiblePages) || (widgetList.size() < visiblePages))
-      {
-        // resize widgetList
-        // the pages are also set correctly by "generateDocumentWidgets"
-        generateDocumentWidgets(tableauStartPage);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // "page" is not shown in the scrollview, so we have to switch widgets.
-        // Here we don't need to resize the widgetList.
-        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widgetList.size(); i++)
-        {
-          pageWidget = (DocumentWidget*)(widgetList[i]);
-          if (pageWidget != 0)
-            pageWidget->setPageNumber(tableauStartPage + i);
-        }
-        scrollView()->layoutPages();
-      }
-    }
-    // move scrollview to "page".
-    // Make the widget pageWidget visible in the scrollview. Somehow this
-    // doesn't seem to trigger the signal contentsMoved in the
-    // TQScrollview, so that we better call setCurrentPage() ourselves.
-    pageWidget = (DocumentWidget*)(widgetList[page % visiblePages]);
-    scrollView()->moveViewportToWidget(pageWidget, y);
-    // Set current page number.
-    setCurrentPageNumber(page);
-    return true;
-  }
-  else if (widgetList.size() == 1)
-  {
-    // If the widget list contains only a single element, then either
-    // the document contains only one page, or we are in "single page"
-    // view mode. In either case, we set the page number of the single
-    // widget to 'page'
-    pageWidget = (DocumentWidget*)(widgetList[0]);
-    // Paranoia security check
-    if (pageWidget == 0) {
-      kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::goto_Page() called with widgetList.size() == 1, but widgetList[0] == 0" << endl;
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (pageCache->sizeOfPageInPixel(currentPageNumber()) == pageCache->sizeOfPageInPixel(page))
-    {
-      // We are rendering the page before we switch the widget to the new page.
-      // To make a smooth transition. We only do this if the size of the current and new page are equal,
-      // otherwise we would have to render the page twice, if autozoom is enabled.
-      pageCache->getPage(page);
-    }
-    pageWidget->setPageNumber(page);
-    scrollView()->layoutPages();
-    scrollView()->moveViewportToWidget(pageWidget, y);
-  } else {
-    // There are multiple widgets, then we are either in the
-    // "Continuous" or in the "Continouous-Facing" view mode. In that
-    // case, we find the widget which is supposed to display page
-    // 'page' and move the scrollview to make it visible
-    // Paranoia security checks
-    if (widgetList.size() < page) {
-      kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::goto_Page(page,y ) called with widgetList.size()=" << widgetList.size() << ", and page=" << page << endl;
-      return false;
-    }
-    pageWidget = (DocumentWidget*)(widgetList[page-1]);
-    if (pageWidget == 0) {
-      kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::goto_Page() called with widgetList.size() > 1, but widgetList[page] == 0" << endl;
-      return false;
-    }
-    scrollView()->moveViewportToWidget(pageWidget, y);
-  }
-  if (isLink && y != 0)
-    pageWidget->flash(y);
-  // Set current page number.
-  setCurrentPageNumber(page);
-  return true;
-void KMultiPage::handleLocalLink(const TQString &linkText)
-  kdDebug(4300) << "hit: local link to " << linkText << endl;
-  if (renderer.isNull()) {
-    kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::handleLocalLink( " << linkText << " ) called, but renderer==0" << endl;
-    return;
-  }
-  TQString locallink;
-  if (linkText[0] == '#' )
-    locallink = linkText.mid(1); // Drop the '#' at the beginning
-  else
-    locallink = linkText;
-  Anchor anch = renderer->findAnchor(locallink);
-  if (anch.isValid())
-    gotoPage(anch);
-  else {
-    if (linkText[0] != '#' ) {
-      // We could in principle use TDEIO::Netaccess::run() here, but
-      // it is perhaps not a very good idea to allow a DVI-file to
-      // specify arbitrary commands, such as "rm -rvf /". Using
-      // the kfmclient seems to be MUCH safer.
-      TQUrl DVI_Url(m_file);
-      TQUrl Link_Url(DVI_Url, linkText, true);
-      TQStringList args;
-      args << "openURL";
-      args << Link_Url.toString();
-      kapp->tdeinitExec("kfmclient", args);
-    }
-  }
-void KMultiPage::setCurrentPageNumber(const PageNumber& page)
-  kdDebug(1233) << "KMultiPage::setCurrentPageNumber()" << endl;
-  if (page != currentPageNumber())
-  {
-    markList()->setCurrentPageNumber(page);
-    emit pageInfo(numberOfPages(), currentPageNumber());
-  }
-PageNumber KMultiPage::currentPageNumber()
-  return markList()->currentPageNumber();
-void KMultiPage::doGoBack()
-  HistoryItem *it = document_history.back();
-  if (it != 0)
-    gotoPage(it->page, it->ypos, false); // Do not add a history item.
-  else
-    kdDebug(4300) << "Faulty return -- bad history buffer" << endl;
-  return;
-void KMultiPage::doGoForward()
-  HistoryItem *it = document_history.forward();
-  if (it != 0)
-    gotoPage(it->page, it->ypos, false); // Do not add a history item.
-  else
-    kdDebug(4300) << "Faulty return -- bad history buffer" << endl;
-  return;
-void KMultiPage::renderModeChanged()
-  pageCache->clear();
-  generateDocumentWidgets();
-  scrollView()->layoutPages();
-  for (TQ_UINT16 i=0; i < widgetList.size(); i++)
-  {
-    DocumentWidget* documentWidget = widgetList[i];
-    if (documentWidget == 0)
-      continue;
-    documentWidget->update();
-  }
-  markList()->repaintThumbnails();
-void KMultiPage::repaintAllVisibleWidgets()
-  kdDebug(1233) << "KMultiPage::repaintAllVisibleWidgets()" << endl;
-  bool everResized = false;
-  // Go through the list of widgets and resize them, if necessary
-  for(TQ_UINT16 i=0; i<widgetList.size(); i++)
-  {
-    DocumentWidget* documentWidget = widgetList[i];
-    if (documentWidget == 0)
-      continue;
-    // Resize, if necessary
-    TQSize pageSize = pageCache->sizeOfPageInPixel(documentWidget->getPageNumber());
-    if (pageSize != documentWidget->pageSize())
-    {
-      documentWidget->setPageSize(pageSize);
-      everResized = true;
-    }
-  }
-  // If at least one widget was resized, all widgets should be
-  // re-aligned. This will automatically update all necessary
-  // widgets.
-  if (everResized == true)
-    scrollView()->layoutPages(true);
-double KMultiPage::setZoom(double zoom)
-  kdDebug(1233) << "KMultiPage::setZoom(" << zoom << ")" << endl;
-  if (zoom < ZoomLimits::MinZoom/1000.0)
-    zoom = ZoomLimits::MinZoom/1000.0;
-  if (zoom > ZoomLimits::MaxZoom/1000.0)
-    zoom = ZoomLimits::MaxZoom/1000.0;
-  pageCache->setResolution(TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiX()*zoom);
-  emit zoomChanged();
-  return zoom;
-void KMultiPage::print()
-  // Paranoid safety checks
-  if (renderer.isNull())
-    return;
-  if (renderer->isEmpty())
-    return;
-  // Allocate the printer structure
-  KPrinter *printer = getPrinter();
-  if (printer == 0)
-    return;
-  // initialize the printer using the print dialog
-  if ( printer->setup(parentWdg, i18n("Print %1").arg(m_file.section('/', -1))) ) {    
-    // Now do the printing. 
-    TQValueList<int> pageList = printer->pageList();
-    if (pageList.isEmpty()) 
-      printer->abort();
-    else {
-      printer->setCreator("kviewshell");
-      printer->setDocName(m_file);
-      RenderedDocumentPagePrinter rdpp(printer);
-      // Obtain papersize information that is required to perform
-      // the resizing and centering, if this is wanted by the user.
-      Length paperWidth, paperHeight;
-      TQPaintDeviceMetrics pdm(printer);
-      paperWidth.setLength_in_mm(pdm.widthMM());
-      paperHeight.setLength_in_mm(pdm.heightMM());
-      TQValueList<int>::ConstIterator it = pageList.begin();
-      while (true) {
-	SimplePageSize paper_s(paperWidth, paperHeight);
-	// Printing usually takes a while. This is to keep the GUI
-	// updated.
-	tqApp->processEvents();
-	TQPainter *paint = rdpp.getPainter();
-	if (paint != 0) {
-	  // Before drawing the page, we figure out the zoom-value,
-	  // taking the "page sizes and placement" options from the
-	  // printer dialog into account
-	  double factual_zoom = 1.0;
-	  // Obtain pagesize information that is required to perform the
-	  // resizing and centering, if this is wanted by the user.
-	  SimplePageSize page_s = sizeOfPage(*it);
-	  paint->save();
-	  // Rotate the page, if appropriate. By default, page
-	  // rotation is enabled. This is also hardcoded into
-	  // KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions.cpp
-	  if ((page_s.isPortrait() != paper_s.isPortrait()) && (printer->option( "kde-kviewshell-rotatepage" ) != "false")) {
-	    paint->rotate(-90);
-	    paint->translate(-printer->resolution()*paperHeight.getLength_in_inch(), 0.0);
-	    paper_s = paper_s.rotate90();
-	  }
-	  double suggested_zoom = page_s.zoomToFitInto(paper_s);
-	  // By default, "shrink page" and "expand page" are off. This
-	  // is also hardcoded into KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions.cpp
-	  if ((suggested_zoom < 1.0) && (printer->option( "kde-kviewshell-shrinkpage" ) == "true")) 
-	    factual_zoom = suggested_zoom;
-	  if ((suggested_zoom > 1.0) && (printer->option( "kde-kviewshell-expandpage" ) == "true")) 
-	    factual_zoom = suggested_zoom;
-	  Length delX, delY;
-	  // By default, "center page" is on. This is also hardcoded
-	  // into KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions.cpp
-	  if (printer->option( "kde-kviewshell-centerpage" ) != "false") {
-	    delX = (paper_s.width() - page_s.width()*factual_zoom)/2.0;
-	    delY = (paper_s.height() - page_s.height()*factual_zoom)/2.0;
-	  }
-	  // Now draw the page.
-	  rdpp.setPageNumber(*it);
-	  double resolution = factual_zoom*printer->resolution();
-	  paint->translate(resolution*delX.getLength_in_inch(), resolution*delY.getLength_in_inch());
-	  renderer->drawPage(resolution, &rdpp);
-	  paint->restore();
-	}
-	++it;
-	if ((it == pageList.end()) || (printer->aborted() == true))
-	  break;
-	printer->newPage();
-      }
-      // At this point the rdpp is destructed. The last page is then
-      // printed.
-    }
-  }
-  delete printer;
-void KMultiPage::setRenderer(DocumentRenderer* _renderer)
-  renderer = _renderer;
-  // Initialize documentPageCache.
-  initializePageCache();
-  pageCache->setRenderer(renderer);
-  _markList->setPageCache(pageCache);
-  // Clear widget list.
-  widgetList.resize(0);
-  // Relay signals.
-  connect(renderer, TQT_SIGNAL(setStatusBarText(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(setStatusBarText(const TQString&)));
-  connect(pageCache, TQT_SIGNAL(paperSizeChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(renderModeChanged()));
-  connect(pageCache, TQT_SIGNAL(textSelected(bool)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(textSelected(bool)));
-  connect(renderer, TQT_SIGNAL(documentIsChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(renderModeChanged()));
-  connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(zoomChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(repaintAllVisibleWidgets()));
-void KMultiPage::updateWidgetSize(const PageNumber& pageNumber)
-  for(TQ_UINT16 i=0; i<widgetList.size(); i++)
-  {
-    DocumentWidget* documentWidget = widgetList[i];
-    if (documentWidget == 0)
-      continue;
-    if (documentWidget->getPageNumber() == pageNumber)
-    {
-      // Resize, if necessary
-      TQSize pageSize = pageCache->sizeOfPageInPixel(documentWidget->getPageNumber());
-      if (pageSize != documentWidget->pageSize())
-      {
-        documentWidget->setPageSize(pageSize);
-        scrollView()->layoutPages();
-      }
-      // We have just one widget per page.
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  // Update marklist
-  markList()->updateWidgetSize(pageNumber);
-PageNumber KMultiPage::widestPage() const
-  Length maxWidth;
-  PageNumber pageNumber = 1;
-  for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfPages(); i++)
-  {
-    Length width = pageCache->sizeOfPage(i).width();
-    if (width > maxWidth)
-    {
-      maxWidth = width;
-      pageNumber = i;
-    }
-  }
-  return pageNumber;
-double KMultiPage::zoomForWidthColumns(unsigned int viewportWidth) const
-  Length maxLeftColumnWidth;
-  Length maxRightColumnWidth;
-  Length maxWidth;
-  PageNumber widestPageLeft;
-  PageNumber widestPageRight;
-  for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfPages(); i++)
-  {
-    Length width = pageCache->sizeOfPage(i).width();
-    if ( i % 2 == 0) // page is in left column
-    {
-      if (width > maxLeftColumnWidth)
-      {
-        maxLeftColumnWidth = width;
-        widestPageLeft = i;
-      }
-    }
-    if ( i % 2 == 1) // page is in right column
-    {
-      if (width > maxRightColumnWidth)
-        maxRightColumnWidth = width;
-        widestPageRight = i;
-    }
-  }
-  double ratio =  maxLeftColumnWidth / (maxLeftColumnWidth + maxRightColumnWidth);
-  // This number is the amount of space the left column should occupy in the viewport.
-  unsigned int leftTargetWidth = (unsigned int)(ratio * viewportWidth);
-  return pageCache->sizeOfPage(widestPageLeft).zoomForWidth(leftTargetWidth);
-double KMultiPage::calculateFitToHeightZoomValue()
-  PageNumber pageNumber = 1;
-  // See below, in the documentation of the method "calculatefitToWidthZoomLevel"
-  // for an explanation of the complicated calculation we are doing here.
-  int columns = scrollView()->getNrColumns();
-  int rows = scrollView()->getNrRows();
-  int continuousViewmode = scrollView()->isContinuous();
-  bool fullScreenMode = scrollView()->fullScreenMode();
-  if (columns == 1 && rows == 1 && !continuousViewmode) // single page mode
-  {
-    pageNumber = currentPageNumber();
-    if (!pageNumber.isValid())
-      pageNumber = 1;
-  }
-  int pageDistance = scrollView()->distanceBetweenPages();
-  if (columns == 1 && rows == 1 && !continuousViewmode && fullScreenMode)
-  {
-    // In Single Page Fullscreen Mode we want to fit the page to the
-    // window without a margin around it.
-    pageDistance = 0;
-  }
-  int targetViewportHeight = scrollView()->viewportSize(0,0).height();
-  int targetPageHeight = (targetViewportHeight - rows*pageDistance)/rows;
-  int targetPageWidth  = (int)(targetPageHeight * pageCache->sizeOfPage(pageNumber).aspectRatio() );
-  int targetViewportWidth = targetPageWidth * columns + (columns+1)*pageDistance;
-  targetViewportHeight = scrollView()->viewportSize(targetViewportWidth, targetViewportHeight).height();
-  targetPageHeight = (targetViewportHeight - rows*pageDistance)/rows;
-  return pageCache->sizeOfPage(pageNumber).zoomForHeight(targetPageHeight);
-double KMultiPage::calculateFitToWidthZoomValue()
-  PageNumber pageNumber = 1;
-  int columns = scrollView()->getNrColumns();
-  int rows = scrollView()->getNrRows();
-  int continuousViewmode = scrollView()->isContinuous();
-  bool fullScreenMode = scrollView()->fullScreenMode();
-  if (columns == 1 && rows == 1 && !continuousViewmode) // single page mode
-  {
-    // To calculate the zoom level in single page mode we need the size
-    // of the current page. When a new document is opened this function
-    // is called while the currentPageNumber is invalid. We use the size
-    // of the first page of the document in this case.
-    pageNumber = currentPageNumber();
-    if (!pageNumber.isValid())
-      pageNumber = 1;
-  }
-  if (columns == 1 && rows == 1 && continuousViewmode) // continuous viewmode
-  {
-    pageNumber = widestPage();
-    if (!pageNumber.isValid())
-      pageNumber = 1;
-  }
-  // rows should be 1 for Single Page Viewmode,
-  // the number of Pages in Continuous Viewmode
-  // and number of Pages/2 in Continuous-Facing Viewmode
-  if (continuousViewmode)
-    rows = (int)(ceil(numberOfPages() / (double)columns));
-  int pageDistance = scrollView()->distanceBetweenPages();
-  if (columns == 1 && rows == 1 && !continuousViewmode && fullScreenMode)
-  {
-    // In Single Page Fullscreen Mode we want to fit the page to the
-    // window without a margin around it.
-    pageDistance = 0;
-  }
-  // There is a slight complication here... if we just take the width
-  // of the viewport and scale the contents by a factor x so that it
-  // fits the viewport exactly, then, depending on chosen papersize
-  // (landscape, etc.), the contents may be higher than the viewport
-  // and the TQScrollview may or may not insert a scrollbar at the
-  // right. If the scrollbar appears, then the usable width of the
-  // viewport becomes smaller, and scaling by x does not really fit
-  // the (now smaller page) anymore.
-  // Calculate the width and height of the view, disregarding the
-  // possible complications with scrollbars, e.g. assuming the maximal
-  // space is available.
-  // width of the widget excluding possible scrollbars
-  int targetViewportWidth  = scrollView()->viewportSize(0,0).width();
-  // maximal width of a single page
-  int targetPageWidth = (targetViewportWidth - (columns+1) * pageDistance) / columns;
-  // maximal height of a single page
-  int targetPageHeight = (int)(targetPageWidth/pageCache->sizeOfPage(pageNumber).aspectRatio());
-  // FIXME: this is only correct if all pages in the document have the same height
-  int targetViewportHeight = rows * targetPageHeight + (rows+1) * pageDistance;
-  // Think again, this time use only the area which is really
-  // acessible (which, in case that targetWidth targetHeight don't fit
-  // the viewport, is really smaller because of the scrollbars).
-  targetViewportWidth = scrollView()->viewportSize(targetViewportWidth, targetViewportHeight).width();
-  if (columns == 2 && continuousViewmode) // continuous facing
-  {
-    // TODO Generalize this for more than 2 columns
-    return zoomForWidthColumns(targetViewportWidth - (columns+1) * pageDistance);
-  }
-  // maximal width of a single page (now the scrollbars are taken into account)
-  targetPageWidth = (targetViewportWidth - (columns+1) * pageDistance) / columns;
-  return pageCache->sizeOfPage(pageNumber).zoomForWidth(targetPageWidth);
-void KMultiPage::prevPage()
-  TQ_UINT8 cols = scrollView()->getNrColumns();
-  TQ_UINT8 rows = scrollView()->getNrRows();
-  PageNumber np = 1;
-  if (cols*rows < currentPageNumber())
-  {
-    np = currentPageNumber() - cols*rows;
-  }
-  gotoPage(np);
-void KMultiPage::nextPage()
-  TQ_UINT8 cols = scrollView()->getNrColumns();
-  TQ_UINT8 rows = scrollView()->getNrRows();
-  PageNumber np = TQMIN(currentPageNumber() + cols*rows, (TQ_UINT16)numberOfPages());
-  gotoPage(np);
-void KMultiPage::firstPage()
-  gotoPage(1);
-void KMultiPage::lastPage()
-  gotoPage(numberOfPages());
-void KMultiPage::scroll(TQ_INT32 deltaInPixel)
-  TQScrollBar* scrollBar = scrollView()->verticalScrollBar();
-  if (scrollBar == 0) {
-    kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::scroll called without scrollBar" << endl;
-    return;
-  }
-  if (deltaInPixel < 0) {
-    if (scrollBar->value() == scrollBar->minValue()) {
-      if ( (currentPageNumber() == 1) || (changePageDelayTimer.isActive()) )
-        return;
-      if (scrollView()->isContinuous())
-        return;
-      changePageDelayTimer.stop();
-      prevPage();
-      scrollView()->setContentsPos(scrollView()->contentsX(), scrollBar->maxValue());
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  if (deltaInPixel > 0) {
-    if (scrollBar->value() == scrollBar->maxValue()) {
-      if ( (currentPageNumber() == numberOfPages()) || (changePageDelayTimer.isActive()) )
-        return;
-      if (scrollView()->isContinuous())
-        return;
-      changePageDelayTimer.stop();
-      nextPage();
-      scrollView()->setContentsPos(scrollView()->contentsX(), 0);
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  scrollBar->setValue(scrollBar->value() + deltaInPixel);
-  if ( (scrollBar->value() == scrollBar->maxValue()) || (scrollBar->value() == scrollBar->minValue()) )
-    changePageDelayTimer.start(200,true);
-  else
-    changePageDelayTimer.stop();
-void KMultiPage::scrollUp()
-  TQScrollBar* scrollBar = scrollView()->verticalScrollBar();
-  if (scrollBar == 0)
-    return;
-  scroll(-scrollBar->lineStep());
-void KMultiPage::scrollDown()
-  TQScrollBar* scrollBar = scrollView()->verticalScrollBar();
-  if (scrollBar == 0)
-    return;
-  scroll(scrollBar->lineStep());
-void KMultiPage::scrollLeft()
-  TQScrollBar* scrollBar = scrollView()->horizontalScrollBar();
-  if (scrollBar)
-    scrollBar->subtractLine();
-void KMultiPage::scrollRight()
-  TQScrollBar* scrollBar = scrollView()->horizontalScrollBar();
-  if (scrollBar)
-    scrollBar->addLine();
-void KMultiPage::scrollUpPage()
-  TQScrollBar* scrollBar = scrollView()->verticalScrollBar();
-  if (scrollBar)
-    scrollBar->subtractPage();
-void KMultiPage::scrollDownPage()
-  TQScrollBar* scrollBar = scrollView()->verticalScrollBar();
-  if (scrollBar)
-    scrollBar->addPage();
-void KMultiPage::scrollLeftPage()
-  TQScrollBar* scrollBar = scrollView()->horizontalScrollBar();
-  if (scrollBar)
-    scrollBar->subtractPage();
-void KMultiPage::scrollRightPage()
-  TQScrollBar* scrollBar = scrollView()->horizontalScrollBar();
-  if (scrollBar)
-    scrollBar->addPage();
-void KMultiPage::readDown()
-  PageView* sv = scrollView();
-  if (sv->atBottom())
-  {
-    if (sv->isContinuous())
-      return;
-    if (currentPageNumber() == numberOfPages())
-      return;
-    nextPage();
-    sv->setContentsPos(sv->contentsX(), 0);
-  }
-  else
-    sv->readDown();
-void KMultiPage::readUp()
-  PageView* sv = scrollView();
-  if (sv->atTop())
-  {
-    if (sv->isContinuous())
-      return;
-    if (currentPageNumber() == 1)
-      return;
-    prevPage();
-    sv->setContentsPos(sv->contentsX(),  sv->contentsHeight());
-  }
-  else
-    sv->readUp();
-void KMultiPage::jumpToReference(const TQString& reference)
-  if (renderer.isNull())
-    return;
-  gotoPage(renderer->parseReference(reference));
-void KMultiPage::gotoPage(const Anchor &a)
-  if (! || (renderer.isNull()))
-    return;
-  gotoPage(, (int)(a.distance_from_top.getLength_in_inch()*pageCache->getResolution() + 0.5), true);
-void KMultiPage::gotoPage(const TextSelection& selection)
-  if (selection.isEmpty())
-  {
-    kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::gotoPage(...) called with empty TextSelection." << endl;
-    return;
-  }
-  RenderedDocumentPage* pageData = pageCache->getPage(selection.getPageNumber());
-  if (pageData == 0) {
-    kdDebug(4300) << "DocumentWidget::paintEvent: no documentPage generated" << endl;
-    return;
-  }
-  switch (widgetList.size())
-  {
-    case 0:
-      kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::select() while widgetList is empty" << endl;
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      ((DocumentWidget*)widgetList[0])->select(selection);
-      break;
-    default:
-      if (widgetList.size() < currentPageNumber())
-        kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::select() while widgetList.size()=" << widgetList.size() << "and currentPageNumber()=" << currentPageNumber() << endl;
-      else
-        ((DocumentWidget*)widgetList[selection.getPageNumber() - 1])->select(selection);
-  }
-  unsigned int y = pageData->textBoxList[selection.getSelectedTextStart()];
-  gotoPage(selection.getPageNumber(), y, false);
-void KMultiPage::doSelectAll()
-  switch( widgetList.size() ) {
-  case 0:
-    kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::doSelectAll() while widgetList is empty" << endl;
-    break;
-  case 1:
-    ((DocumentWidget *)widgetList[0])->selectAll();
-    break;
-  default:
-    if (widgetList.size() < currentPageNumber())
-      kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::doSelectAll() while widgetList.size()=" << widgetList.size() << "and currentPageNumber()=" << currentPageNumber() << endl;
-    else
-      ((DocumentWidget *)widgetList[currentPageNumber()-1])->selectAll();
-  }
-void  KMultiPage::showFindTextDialog()
-  if ((renderer.isNull()) || (renderer->supportsTextSearch() == false))
-    return;
-  searchWidget->show();
-  searchWidget->setFocus();
-void KMultiPage::stopSearch()
-  if (searchInProgress)
-  {
-    // stop the search
-    searchInProgress = false;
-  }
-  else
-    searchWidget->hide();
-void KMultiPage::findNextText()
-  kdDebug(4300) << "KMultiPage::findNextText() called" << endl;
-  searchInProgress = true;
-  // Used to remember if the documentPage we use is from the cache.
-  // If not we need to delete it manually to avoid a memory leak.
-  bool cachedPage = false;
-  TQString searchText = searchWidget->getText();
-  if (searchText.isEmpty())
-  {
-    kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::findNextText() called when search text was empty" << endl;
-    return;
-  }
-  bool case_sensitive = searchWidget->caseSensitive();
-  // Find the page and text position on the page where the search will
-  // start. If nothing is selected, we start at the beginning of the
-  // current page. Otherwise, start after the selected text.  TODO:
-  // Optimize this to get a better 'user feeling'
-  TQ_UINT16 startingPage;
-  TQ_UINT16 startingTextItem;
-  TextSelection userSelection = pageCache->selectedText();
-  if (userSelection.isEmpty())
-  {
-    startingPage     = currentPageNumber();
-    startingTextItem = 0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    startingPage     = userSelection.getPageNumber();
-    startingTextItem = userSelection.getSelectedTextEnd()+1;
-  }
-  TextSelection foundSelection;
-  RenderedDocumentPagePixmap* searchPage = 0;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfPages(); i++)
-  {
-    unsigned int pageNumber = (i + startingPage - 1) % numberOfPages() + 1;
-    if (!searchInProgress)
-    {
-      // Interrupt the search
-      setStatusBarText(i18n("Search interrupted"));
-      if (!cachedPage)
-        delete searchPage;
-      return;
-    }
-    if (i != 0)
-    {
-      setStatusBarText(i18n("Search page %1 of %2").arg(pageNumber).arg(numberOfPages()));
-      kapp->processEvents();
-    }
-    // Check if we already have a rendered version of the page in the cache. As we are only interested in the
-    // text we don't care about the page size.
-    if (pageCache->isPageCached(pageNumber))
-    {
-      // If the last search page used was created locally, we need to destroy it
-      if (!cachedPage)
-        delete searchPage;
-      searchPage = pageCache->getPage(pageNumber);
-      cachedPage = true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      // If the page is not in the cache we draw a small version of it, since this is faster.
-      // We only create a new searchPage if we need to, otherwise reuse the existing one.
-      if (!searchPage || cachedPage)
-        searchPage = new RenderedDocumentPagePixmap();
-      cachedPage = false;
-      searchPage->resize(1,1);
-      searchPage->setPageNumber(pageNumber);
-      renderer->getText(searchPage);
-    }
-    // If there is no text in the current page, try the next one.
-    if (searchPage->textBoxList.size() == 0)
-      continue;
-    foundSelection = searchPage->find(searchText, startingTextItem, case_sensitive);
-    if (foundSelection.isEmpty())
-    {
-      // In the next page, start search again at the beginning.
-      startingTextItem = 0;
-      clearSelection();
-      if (pageNumber == numberOfPages())
-      {
-        int answ = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(scrollView(),
-                   i18n("<qt>The search string <strong>%1</strong> could not be found by the "
-                        "end of the document. Should the search be restarted from the beginning "
-                        "of the document?</qt>").arg(searchText),
-                   i18n("Text Not Found"), KStdGuiItem::cont(), KStdGuiItem::cancel());
-        if (answ != KMessageBox::Yes)
-        {
-          setStatusBarText(TQString());
-          searchInProgress = false;
-          if (!cachedPage)
-            delete searchPage;
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      pageCache->selectText(foundSelection);
-      gotoPage(pageCache->selectedText());
-      setStatusBarText(TQString());
-      searchInProgress = false;
-      if (!cachedPage)
-        delete searchPage;
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  KMessageBox::sorry(scrollView(), i18n("<qt>The search string <strong>%1</strong> could not be found.</qt>").arg(searchText));
-  setStatusBarText(TQString());
-  searchInProgress = false;
-  if (!cachedPage)
-    delete searchPage;
-void KMultiPage::findPrevText()
-  kdDebug(4300) << "KMultiPage::findPrevText() called" << endl;
-  searchInProgress = true;
-  // Used to remember if the documentPage we use is from the cache.
-  // If not we need to delete it manually to avoid a memory leak.
-  bool cachedPage = false;
-  TQString searchText = searchWidget->getText();
-  if (searchText.isEmpty())
-  {
-    kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::findPrevText() called when search text was empty" << endl;
-    return;
-  }
-  bool case_sensitive = searchWidget->caseSensitive();
-  // Find the page and text position on the page where the search will
-  // start. If nothing is selected, we start at the beginning of the
-  // current page. Otherwise, start after the selected text.  TODO:
-  // Optimize this to get a better 'user feeling'
-  unsigned int startingPage;
-  int startingTextItem;
-  TextSelection userSelection = pageCache->selectedText();
-  if (userSelection.isEmpty())
-  {
-    startingPage     = currentPageNumber();
-    startingTextItem = -1;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    startingPage     = userSelection.getPageNumber();
-    startingTextItem = userSelection.getSelectedTextStart()-1;
-  }
-  TextSelection foundSelection;
-  RenderedDocumentPagePixmap* searchPage = 0;
-  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfPages(); i++)
-  {
-    int pageNumber = startingPage - i;
-    if (pageNumber <= 0)
-      pageNumber += numberOfPages();
-    if (!searchInProgress)
-    {
-      // Interrupt the search
-      setStatusBarText(i18n("Search interrupted"));
-      if (!cachedPage)
-        delete searchPage;
-      return;
-    }
-    if (i != 0)
-    {
-      setStatusBarText(i18n("Search page %1 of %2").arg(pageNumber).arg(numberOfPages()));
-      kapp->processEvents();
-    }
-    // Check if we already have a rendered version of the page in the cache. As we are only interested in the
-    // text we don't care about the page size.
-    if (pageCache->isPageCached(pageNumber))
-    {
-      // If the last search page used was created locally, we need to destroy it
-      if (!cachedPage)
-        delete searchPage;
-      searchPage = pageCache->getPage(pageNumber);
-      cachedPage = true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      // If the page is not in the cache we draw a small version of it, since this is faster.
-      // We only create a new searchPage if we need to, otherwise reuse the existing one.
-      if (!searchPage || cachedPage)
-        searchPage = new RenderedDocumentPagePixmap();
-      cachedPage = false;
-      searchPage->resize(1,1);
-      searchPage->setPageNumber(pageNumber);
-      renderer->getText(searchPage);
-    }
-    // If there is no text in the current page, try the next one.
-    if (searchPage->textBoxList.size() == 0)
-      continue;
-    foundSelection = searchPage->findRev(searchText, startingTextItem, case_sensitive);
-    if (foundSelection.isEmpty())
-    {
-      // In the next page, start search again at the beginning.
-      startingTextItem = -1;
-      clearSelection();
-      if (pageNumber == 1)
-      {
-        int answ = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(scrollView(),
-                  i18n("<qt>The search string <strong>%1</strong> could not be found by the "
-                        "beginning of the document. Should the search be restarted from the end "
-                        "of the document?</qt>").arg(searchText),
-                  i18n("Text Not Found"), KStdGuiItem::cont(), KStdGuiItem::cancel());
-        if (answ != KMessageBox::Yes)
-        {
-          setStatusBarText(TQString());
-          searchInProgress = false;
-          if (!cachedPage)
-            delete searchPage;
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      pageCache->selectText(foundSelection);
-      gotoPage(pageCache->selectedText());
-      setStatusBarText(TQString());
-      searchInProgress = false;
-      if (!cachedPage)
-        delete searchPage;
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  KMessageBox::sorry(scrollView(), i18n("<qt>The search string <strong>%1</strong> could not be found.</qt>").arg(searchText));
-  setStatusBarText(TQString());
-  searchInProgress = false;
-  if (!cachedPage)
-    delete searchPage;
-void KMultiPage::clearSelection()
-  PageNumber page = pageCache->selectedText().getPageNumber();
-  if (!page.isValid())
-    return;
-  // Clear selection
-  pageCache->deselectText();
-  // Now we need to update the widget which contained the selection
-  switch(widgetList.size())
-  {
-    case 0:
-      kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::clearSelection() while widgetList is empty" << endl;
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      widgetList[0]->update();
-      break;
-    default:
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widgetList.size(); i++)
-      {
-        DocumentWidget* pageWidget = (DocumentWidget*)widgetList[i];
-        if (pageWidget->getPageNumber() == page)
-        {
-          pageWidget->update();
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-  }
-void KMultiPage::copyText()
-  pageCache->selectedText().copyText();
-void KMultiPage::timerEvent( TQTimerEvent * )
-  kdDebug(4300) << "Timer Event " << endl;
-  reload();
-void KMultiPage::reload()
-  kdDebug(4300) << "Reload file " << m_file << endl;
-  if (renderer.isNull()) {
-    kdError() << "KMultiPage::reload() called, but no renderer was set" << endl;
-    return;
-  }
-  if (renderer->isValidFile(m_file)) {
-    pageCache->clear();
-    pageCache->deselectText();
-    document_history.clear();
-    emit setStatusBarText(i18n("Reloading file %1").arg(m_file));
-    TQ_INT32 pg = currentPageNumber();
-    killTimer(timer_id);
-    timer_id = -1;
-    bool r = renderer->setFile(m_file, m_url);
-    generateDocumentWidgets();
-    // Set Table of Contents
-    tableOfContents->setContents(renderer->getBookmarks());
-    // Adjust number of widgets in the thumbnail sidebar
-    markList()->clear();
-    markList()->setNumberOfPages(numberOfPages(), KVSPrefs::showThumbnails());
-    setCurrentPageNumber(pg);
-    setFile(r);
-    emit setStatusBarText(TQString());
-  } else {
-    if (timer_id == -1)
-      timer_id = startTimer(1000);
-  }
-bool KMultiPage::openFile()
-  if (renderer.isNull()) {
-    kdError(4300) << "KMultiPage::openFile() called when no renderer was set" << endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-  pageCache->deselectText();
-  document_history.clear();
-  pageCache->clear();
-  emit setStatusBarText(i18n("Loading file %1").arg(m_file));
-  bool r = renderer->setFile(m_file, m_url);
-  if (r) {
-    setCurrentPageNumber(1);
-    generateDocumentWidgets();
-    // Set number of widgets in the thumbnail sidebar
-    markList()->clear();
-    markList()->setNumberOfPages(numberOfPages(), KVSPrefs::showThumbnails());
-    TQString reference = url().ref();
-    if (!reference.isEmpty())
-      gotoPage(renderer->parseReference(reference));
-    // Set Table of Contents
-    tableOfContents->setContents(renderer->getBookmarks());
-  } else
-    m_file = TQString();
-  setFile(r);
-  // Clear Statusbar
-  emit setStatusBarText(TQString());
-  return r;
-bool KMultiPage::openURL(const TQString &filename, const KURL &base_url)
-  m_file = filename;
-  m_url = base_url;
-  bool success = openFile();
-  if (success)
-    setCurrentPageNumber(1);
-  return success;
-void KMultiPage::enableActions(bool fileLoaded)
-  Q_UNUSED(fileLoaded);
-void KMultiPage::wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent *e)
-  TQScrollBar *sb = scrollView()->verticalScrollBar();
-  if (sb == 0)
-    return;
-  // Zoom in/out
-  if (e->state() & ControlButton)
-  {
-    if (e->delta() < 0)
-      emit zoomOut();
-    else
-      emit zoomIn();
-    return;
-  }
-  TQ_INT32 pxl = -(e->delta()*sb->lineStep())/60;
-  if (pxl == 0)
-  {
-    if (e->delta() > 0)
-      pxl = -1;
-    else
-      pxl = 1;
-  }
-  // Faster scrolling
-  if (e->state() & ShiftButton)
-    pxl *= 10;
-  scroll(pxl);
-KPrinter *KMultiPage::getPrinter(bool enablePageSizeFeatures)
-    // Allocate a new KPrinter structure, if necessary
-  KPrinter *printer = new KPrinter(true);
-  if (printer == 0) {
-    kdError(1223) << "KMultiPage::getPrinter(..): Cannot allocate new KPrinter structure" << endl;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // Allocate a new KPrintDialogPage structure and add it to the
-  // printer, if the kmultipage implementation requests that
-  if (enablePageSizeFeatures == true) {
-    KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions *pageOptions = new KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions();
-    if (pageOptions == 0) {
-      kdError(1223) << "KMultiPage::getPrinter(..): Cannot allocate new KPrintDialogPage_PageOptions structure" << endl;
-      delete printer;
-      return 0;
-    }
-    printer->addDialogPage( pageOptions );
-  }
-  // Feed the printer with useful defaults and information.
-  printer->setPageSelection( KPrinter::ApplicationSide );
-  printer->setCurrentPage( currentPageNumber() );
-  printer->setMinMax( 1, numberOfPages() );
-  printer->setFullPage( true );
-  // If pages are marked, give a list of marked pages to the
-  // printer. We try to be smart and optimize the list by using ranges
-  // ("5-11") wherever possible. The user will be tankful for
-  // that. Complicated? Yeah, but that's life.
-  TQValueList<int> selectedPageNo = selectedPages();
-  if (selectedPageNo.isEmpty() == true)
-    printer->setOption( "kde-range", "" );
-  else {
-    int commaflag = 0;
-    TQString range;
-    TQValueList<int>::ConstIterator it = selectedPageNo.begin();
-    do{
-      int val = *it;
-      if (commaflag == 1)
-	range +=  TQString(", ");
-      else
-	commaflag = 1;
-      int endval = val;
-      if (it != selectedPageNo.end()) {
-	TQValueList<int>::ConstIterator jt = it;
-	jt++;
-	do{
-	  int val2 = *jt;
-	  if (val2 == endval+1)
-	    endval++;
-	  else
-	    break;
-	  jt++;
-	} while( jt != selectedPageNo.end() );
-	it = jt;
-      } else
-	it++;
-      if (endval == val)
-	range +=  TQString("%1").arg(val);
-      else
-	range +=  TQString("%1-%2").arg(val).arg(endval);
-    } while (it != selectedPageNo.end() );
-    printer->setOption( "kde-range", range );
-  }
-  return printer;  
-void KMultiPage::doExportText()
-  // Generate a suggestion for a reasonable file name
-  TQString suggestedName = url().filename();
-  suggestedName = suggestedName.left(suggestedName.find(".")) + ".txt";
-  TQString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(suggestedName, i18n("*.txt|Plain Text (Latin 1) (*.txt)"), scrollView(), i18n("Export File As"));
-  if (fileName.isEmpty())
-    return;
-  TQFileInfo finfo(fileName);
-  if (finfo.exists())
-  {
-    int r = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel (scrollView(),
-                i18n("The file %1\nexists. Do you want to overwrite that file?").arg(fileName),
-                i18n("Overwrite File"), i18n("Overwrite"));
-    if (r == KMessageBox::Cancel)
-      return;
-  }
-  TQFile textFile(fileName);
-  TQTextStream stream(&textFile);
-  TQProgressDialog progress(i18n("Exporting to text..."), i18n("Abort"), renderer->totalPages(),
-                           scrollView(), "export_text_progress", true);
-  progress.setMinimumDuration(300);
-  RenderedDocumentPagePixmap dummyPage;
-  dummyPage.resize(1, 1);
-  for(unsigned int page = 1; page <= renderer->totalPages(); page++)
-  {
-    progress.setProgress(page);
-    tqApp->processEvents();
-    if (progress.wasCancelled())
-      break;
-    dummyPage.setPageNumber(page);
-    // We gracefully ignore any errors (bad file, etc.)
-    renderer->getText(&dummyPage);
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < dummyPage.textBoxList.size(); i++)
-    {
-      // We try to detect newlines
-      if (i > 0)
-      {
-        // Like all our textalgorithmns this currently assumes left to right text.
-        // TODO: make this more generic. But we first would need to guess the corrent
-        // orientation.
-        if (dummyPage.textBoxList[i] > dummyPage.textBoxList[i-1].box.bottom() &&
-            dummyPage.textBoxList[i].box.x() < dummyPage.textBoxList[i-1].box.x())
-        {
-          stream << "\n";
-        }
-      }
-      stream << dummyPage.textBoxList[i].text;
-    }
-    // Send newline after each page.
-    stream << "\n";
-  }
-  // Switch off the progress dialog, etc.
-  progress.setProgress(renderer->totalPages());
-  return;
-void KMultiPage::slotEnableMoveTool(bool enable)
-  emit enableMoveTool(enable);
-#include "kmultipage.moc"
cgit v1.2.1