<?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [ <!ENTITY kappname "&kdvi;"> <!ENTITY package "tdegraphics"> <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here --> ]> <book lang="&language;"> <bookinfo> <title>The &kdvi; Handbook</title> <authorgroup> <author> <firstname>Stefan</firstname> <surname>Kebekus</surname> <affiliation> <address> <email>kebekus@kde.org</email> </address> </affiliation> </author> <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> </authorgroup> <copyright> <year>2001-2004</year> <holder>Stefan Kebekus</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice> <date>2004-02-27</date> <releaseinfo>1.11.00</releaseinfo> <abstract> <para>This document describes &kdvi; version 1.1</para> </abstract> <keywordset> <keyword>KDE</keyword> <keyword>linux</keyword> <keyword>TeX</keyword> <keyword>DVI</keyword> </keywordset> </bookinfo> <chapter id="introduction"> <title>Introduction</title> <para>&kdvi; is a plugin for the &kviewshell; program which allows &kviewshell; to display &DVI;-files (<literal role="extension">.dvi</literal>) which are produced by the TeX typesetting system. &kdvi; supports many extensions of the &DVI; standard, for instance the inclusion of &PostScript; graphics or hyperlinks. More details, examples and all the technical specifications can be found in the file <filename>KDVI-features.dvi</filename> (or see <filename>KDVI-features.tex</filename> for the TeX source of that file).</para> <para>For up-to-date information, consult <ulink url="http://devel-home.kde.org/~kdvi">&kdvi;'s home page</ulink>. </para> <para>TeX is a high-end typesetting system geared towards scientific, and in particular mathematical typesetting. More information about TeX and &DVI; can be found on the <ulink url="http://www.tug.org">homepage of the TeX user group</ulink> or the German <ulink url="http://www.dante.de">German DANTE e.V.</ulink>. </para> </chapter> <chapter id="starting"> <title>Starting &kdvi;</title> <para>Most of the time, &kdvi; will be started by just clicking onto a <literal role="extension">.dvi</literal> file in the file manager. For convenience there exists a command <command>kdvi</command> which calls &kviewshell; with the &kdvi; plugin preloaded. The viewer may thus be started using the command <userinput><command>kdvi</command> <parameter>somepath/paper.dvi</parameter></userinput>. The command lines <userinput><command>kdvi</command> <parameter>somepath/paper</parameter></userinput> or <userinput><command>kdvi</command> <parameter>somepath/paper.</parameter></userinput> will also work. If you are connected to the internet, you can access files which reside on other computers by giving a &URL; as a parameter, like this: <userinput><command>kdvi</command> <parameter>http://somepath/paper.dvi</parameter></userinput> </para> <para>If you give a &URL; as a parameter, you can tell &kdvi; to jump directly to certain place of the &DVI; file. For example, <userinput><command>kdvi</command> <parameter>file:paper.dvi#43</parameter></userinput> will make &kdvi; to open page 43. If you have included source file information, a command like <userinput><command>kdvi</command> <parameter>file:paper.dvi#src:43paper.tex</parameter></userinput> will make &kdvi; search for the place in the &DVI; file which corresponds to line 43 in the TeX file <parameter>paper.tex</parameter>. You will hardly use this option yourself — read the section on <link linkend="forward-search">forward search</link> to learn how to set up your editor to start &kdvi; automatically. </para> <warning><para>Don't forget the <userinput>file:</userinput> prefix or it will give unexpected results. For example, the command <userinput><command>kdvi</command> <parameter>file:paper.dvi#43</parameter></userinput> will open page 43 of the file <filename>paper.dvi</filename>. The command <userinput><command>kdvi</command> <parameter>paper.dvi#43</parameter></userinput> will try to open the file <filename>paper.dvi#43</filename>.</para> </warning> <para>There is another option which you will most likely not need to specify yourself. If you type <userinput><command>kdvi</command> <parameter>--unique</parameter> <parameter>somepath/paper.dvi</parameter></userinput>, &kdvi; will load the file if there is no other instance running which has the file already loaded. If there is, this instance of &kdvi; will pop to the front. A command like <userinput><command>kdvi</command> <parameter>--unique</parameter> <parameter>file:paper.dvi#43</parameter></userinput> can be used in shell scripts to make a running instance of &kdvi; to jump to page 43.</para> <para>The usual parameters handled by &Qt; and &kde; applications also work: <userinput><command>kdvi</command> <option>-style</option> <parameter>windows</parameter> <option>-display</option> <parameter>:0</parameter> <option>-geometry</option> <parameter>400x400+0+0</parameter> <option>-caption</option> <parameter>"DVI"</parameter></userinput> </para> </chapter> <chapter id="print"> <title>Printing &DVI; Files</title> <para>&kdvi; can print your &DVI; files using the standard &kde; printing interface. Internally, &kdvi; uses the program <command>dvips</command> to generate &PostScript;, which is then passed on to the printer. In particular, <command>dvips</command> must be installed if you want to print with &kdvi;. The program <command>dvips</command> uses its own configuration files and its own settings, which are fine for most purposes. However, if you care for optimal printing results, you should configure <command>dvips</command> manually and make sure to set a default MetaFont mode which fits your printer best — on many systems you'll find a <ulink url="info:/dvips">GNU-texinfo documentation of <command>dvips</command></ulink>, and you might also want to look for a file called <filename>dvips.dvi</filename> or similar.</para> </chapter> <chapter id="export"> <title>Exporting the &DVI; file to other formats</title> <para>If you want to save your file as in &PostScript; or PDF format, it is not recommended that you use the printing function and redirect the printer output to a file. Instead, you can use the export functions which produce better-quality output that retains many of the special features of the dvi format and looks better in many of the viewing applications, such as Adobe's <application>Acrobat Reader</application>. You will find the export functions in the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu.</para> <section id="export-ps"> <title>Exporting to &PostScript;</title> <para>As in printing, the external program <command>dvips</command> is used to generate the &PostScript; file. If the &DVI; file contains hyperlinks, these will also be included in the &PostScript; file. If you are an expert, and if you would like to generate output which is optimized for a specific printer, you should probably start <command>dvips</command> manually and choose the proper MetaFont mode yourself.</para> </section> <section id="export-pdf"> <title>Exporting to <acronym>PDF</acronym></title> <para>In order to produce <acronym>PDF</acronym> files of high quality, &kdvi; converts &DVI; to <acronym>PDF</acronym> using the external program <command>dvipdfm</command>. If you are working on a machine where an older distribution of the TeX typesetting system is installed, it may be that the program <command>dvipdfm</command> is not installed. In that case, you need to use the printing function to generate <acronym>PDF</acronym> output.</para> <warning> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para> If you use an older TeX installation, and if are viewing the generated file in Adobe's <application>Acrobat reader</application>, you may well find that some of the fonts look extremely poor although a printout is fine, and although the document looks ok in <command>kghostview</command>. This is a known issue with the <application>Acrobat Reader</application> and bitmap fonts. At the time of writing, the only practicable workaround seems to be to avoid bitmap fonts, or to upgrade to a more recent TeX installation. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> While <command>dvipdfm</command> produces high-quality <acronym>PDF</acronym> files, <command>dvipdfm</command> currently currently ignores the &PostScript; that is embedded into the &DVI; file. Embedded PostScript is generated e.g. by the <application>xy</application> macro package, or by the "Embed PostScript files" function &kdvi; described <link linkend="embed">below</link>. </para> <para> If you find that the generated <acronym>PDF</acronym> file misses graphical data, use the print function of &kdvi; instead. </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </warning> </section> <section id="export-text"> <title>Exporting to text files</title> <para>&kdvi; can also save your &DVI; files in text format.</para> <warning> <para> The &DVI; file standard was not designed with this kind of functionality in mind. This function therefore only works well with standard ASCII characters. It will not work with non-European languages. Depending on the fonts used in the files, there may also be problems with accented characters or umlauts, and sometimes with ligatures. </para> </warning> </section> </chapter> <chapter id="embed"> <title>Embedding PostScript files into the &DVI;</title> <para>The traditional way of using graphics with <application>TeX</application> does not include the graphics data directly in the &DVI; file. Instead, the &DVI; file contains only a link to a graphics file which resides on the hard disk. The advantage of this procedure is that the &DVI; file stays small, and that the graphics file can be modified indepent of the document's <application>TeX</application> source. The method, however, becomes fairly inconvenient if you intend to archive the &DVI; file, or if you wish to send it to someone else: rather than handling a single file, you have to deal with a multitude of files, which need to be kept in exactly the place specified in the &DVI; file for everything to work.</para> <para>For that reason, &kdvi; allows you to embed external &PostScript; files into your &DVI; file. To embed all &PostScript; files into a &DVI; file, use the menu entry <guimenu>Edit/Embed external PostScript files</guimenu> </para> <warning> <para>&DVI; files with embedded &PostScript; work fine with most other &DVI; handling software, e.g. <application>xdvi</application>, <application>dvips</application> or <application>dvipdf</application>. One notable exception is the <application>dvipdfm</application> program, which currently ignores the embedded &PostScript;. Since <application>dvipdfm</application> is used internally by the "Export to <acronym>PDF</acronym>" function of &kdvi;, expect problems when you use that function. The same issue shows with other software that uses embedded PostScript, e.g. the <application>TeX</application> <application>xy</application> macro package.</para> </warning> </chapter> <chapter id="inverse-search"> <title>Using inverse search</title> <anchor id="inv-search"></anchor> <para>Inverse search is a very useful feature when you are writing a TeX document yourself. If everything is properly set up, you can click into &kdvi;'s window with the <mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> mouse button (on some systems, when you don't have a three-button mouse, you can simultaneously use the <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> and the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> button). After that, your favorite editor will open, load the TeX source file and jump to the proper paragraph. To use inverse search, do the following:</para> <procedure> <step> <para>Produce a &DVI; file that contains inverse search information. This is explained in the section <link linkend="inverse-search-tex">Producing TeX files for inverse search</link> below. If you just want to test the inverse search feature, you can also use the example file <filename>KDVI-features.dvi</filename></para> </step> <step> <para>Let &kdvi; know which editor you would like to use. Choose an editor in the <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel> dialog (this dialog can be reached by choosing <guimenuitem>DVI Options</guimenuitem> in the <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu). The next section of this documentation, <link linkend="opt-rendering">Rendering Options</link>, explains this dialog in more detail.</para> </step> <step> <para>Some editors need to be started manually, or need additional configuration. You will find a description of all supported editors in the section <link linkend="inverse-search-editor">Setting up your editor for inverse search</link> below.</para> </step> <step> <para>Test your setup. Open your &DVI; file in &kdvi; and use the <mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> mouse button to click into &kdvi;. The editor should pop up and display the TeX file.</para> </step> </procedure> <section id="inverse-search-tex"> <title>Producing TeX files for inverse search</title> <para>There are essentially two ways to produce &DVI; files which contain inverse search information: you can either use a TeX/LaTeX binary which generates and includes the necessary information automatically, or you can include an extra package which is written in TeX/LaTeX.</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>A TeX binary which generates and includes the necessary information automatically is certainly the preferred method of including inverse search information. If you use version 2 or greater of the <ulink url="http://www.tug.org/teTeX/">TeTeX TeX distribution</ulink>, you can use the 'src-specials' command line option of the tex or latex command, as follows. <programlisting> tex --src-specials myfile.tex </programlisting> or <programlisting> latex --src-specials myfile.tex </programlisting> </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If you do not have a TeX binary which includes inverse search information natively, copy the files <ulink url="srcltx.sty"> <filename>srcltx.sty</filename> </ulink> and <ulink url="srctex.sty"> <filename>srctex.sty</filename> </ulink> to the folder where your TeX file resides (you can do that by pressing the &Shift; key and &LMB; while the mouse pointer is on a hyperlink.) If you use LaTeX, add the line <programlisting> \usepackage[active]{srcltx} </programlisting> to the preamble of your LaTeX file. If you use plain TeX, the line <programlisting> \include{srctex} </programlisting> will do the trick.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <tip> <para>While inverse search is extremely useful when you are typing a document yourself, it might be a good idea to remove the inverse search information before sending the &DVI; file to someone else.</para> </tip> </section> <section id="inverse-search-editor"> <title>Setting up your editor for inverse search</title> <para>While inverse search works generally very well with most editors, some of them require a bit of extra care. This section explains how to configure your editor.</para> <section id="editor-setup-emacs"> <title><application>Emacs</application></title> <para><application>Emacs</application> works well with &kdvi;. The actual behavior of <application>Emacs</application> depends largely on the configuration. As usual, you can customize <application>Emacs</application> completely, if you are willing to fight your way through Lisp code.</para> <para>&kdvi; uses the program <command>emacsclient</command> to remote control <application>Emacs</application>.</para> <important> <para>The program <command>emacsclient</command> requires that <application>Emacs</application> is running, and that the program <application>Emacs Server</application> is started inside <application>Emacs</application>. Inverse search will not work optimally unless you have started both <application>Emacs</application> and the <application>Emacs Server</application>.</para> </important> <para>To start the <application>Emacs Server</application>, you can do one of the following:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>In <application>Emacs</application>, start the <application>Emacs Server</application> by typing <userinput><keycombo action="seq"><keycap>M</keycap><keycap>X</keycap></keycombo> <command>server-start</command></userinput></para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Add the line <programlisting> (server-start) </programlisting> to your <filename>.emacs</filename> file. Restart <application>Emacs</application></para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <tip> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Make sure that <application>Emacs</application> is installed. Try to start <command>emacs</command> from the command line.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>&kdvi; uses the command <command>emacsclient</command> to remote control <application>Emacs</application>. Make sure that <command>emacsclient</command> is available on the command line by trying the command <userinput><command>emacsclient</command> <parameter>Name of a text file</parameter></userinput>. This should open a new text in the <application>Emacs</application> editor.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If <command>emacsclient</command> fails with an error message like <computeroutput>unable to connect to local</computeroutput>, make sure that <application>Emacs</application> is running. Furthermore, make sure that the <application>Emacs Server</application> is started by typing <userinput><keycombo action="seq"><keycap>M</keycap><keycap>x</keycap></keycombo> <command>server-start</command></userinput>.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If you want the frame to be auto-raised, add the <function>raise-frame</function> function to <quote>server-switch-hook</quote> (do <userinput><keycombo action="seq"><keycap>M</keycap><keycap>x</keycap></keycombo> <command>customize-variable</command> <keycap>RET</keycap> <command>server-switch-hook</command></userinput> and enter the function name into the text field.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If you have changed the buffer since your last save, <application>Emacs</application> will ask you: <computeroutput>Revert buffer from file ...? (yes or no)</computeroutput>. You will probably always want to say <emphasis>no</emphasis> here, since reverting means that the file is reread from disk, <emphasis>causing all your changes since the last save to be lost!</emphasis></para> <para><command>gnuclient</command>'s behavior of silently reloading the changed buffer is probably preferable — add the following lines to your <filename>.emacs</filename> file to emulate <command>gnuclient</command>'s behavior with <command>emacsclient</command>:</para> <programlisting> (defadvice server-visit-files (around save-buffers last activate) "Try to emulate gnuclient behavior with emacsclient. Works only for visiting one buffer at a time." (let* ((filen (car (car (ad-get-arg 0)))) (buf (get-file-buffer filen)) (this-buf-modified-p nil)) ;;; the following is copied from server-visit-files, with ;;; a modification for the `verify-visited-file-modtime' test (if (and buf (set-buffer buf)) (if (file-exists-p filen) ;;; if the file has changed on disk, reload it ;;; using `find-file-noselect' (if (not (verify-visited-file-modtime buf)) (progn (find-file-noselect filen) ;;; if user answered `no', reset modtime anyway ;;; so that server-visit-files doesn't realize the ;;; difference: (set -visited-file-modtime))) ;;; if file exists no longer, we let server-visit-files ;;; deal with that t) (set buf (find-file-noselect filen))) (set this-buf-modified-p (buffer-modified-p buf)) (set-buffer buf) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) ad-do-it (set-buffer-modified-p this-buf-modified-p))) </programlisting> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </tip> </section> <section id="editor-setup-kate"> <title>&kate;</title> <para>&kde;'s editor &kate; supports inverse search very well. No extra setup is required.</para> </section> <section id="editor-setup-kile"> <title><application>Kile</application></title> <para>The LaTeX-editor system <application>Kile</application>, supports KDVI very well. No extra setup is necessary. Further information about Kile can be found at <ulink url="http://kile.sourceforge.net">Kile's homepage</ulink>. </para> </section> <section id="editor-setup-nedit"> <title><application>NEdit</application></title> <para><application>NEdit</application> generally works very well indeed. Clicking into the &DVI; file should open a new window. If the TeX file is already used in another window of <application>NEdit</application>, the newly opened window displays another view of the buffer. Otherwise, the TeX file is loaded. After opening the window, <application>NEdit</application> highlights the first line of the appropriate paragraph.</para> <tip> <para>&kdvi; uses the command <command>ncl</command> to remote control <application>NEdit</application>. Make sure that <command>ncl</command> is available on the command line by trying the command <userinput><command>ncl</command> <parameter>-noask</parameter></userinput>. This should open an instance of the <application>NEdit</application> editor. If <command>ncl</command> is not available, you might be using an older version of <application>NEdit</application>. In that case, you should either upgrade to a more recent version, or you have to use the option <guilabel>User defined editor</guilabel> from the <guilabel>Options</guilabel> dialog.</para> </tip> </section> <section id="editor-setup-xemacs"> <title><application>XEmacs</application></title> <para><application>XEmacs</application> works well with &kdvi;. The actual behavior of <application>XEmacs</application> depends largely on the configuration. As usual, you can customize <application>XEmacs</application> completely, if you are willing to fight your way through Lisp code.</para> <para>&kdvi; uses the program <command>gnuclient</command> to remote control <application>XEmacs</application>.</para> <important> <para>The program <command>gnuclient</command> requires that <application>XEmacs</application> is running, and that the program <application>gnuserv</application> is started inside <application>XEmacs</application>. Inverse search will not work unless you have started both <application>XEmacs</application> and <application>gnuserv</application>.</para> </important> <para>To start the <application>gnuserv</application> program, you can do one of the following:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>In <application>XEmacs</application>, start <application>gnuserv</application> by typing <userinput><keycombo action="seq"><keycap>M</keycap><keycap>X</keycap></keycombo> <command>gnuserv-start</command></userinput></para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Add the line <programlisting> (gnuserv-start) </programlisting> to your <filename>.xemacs</filename> file. If you use a more recent version of <application>XEmacs</application>, <filename class="directory">.xemacs</filename> will be a folder. In that case, you should append the line to the file <filename>.xemacs/init.el</filename>. Restart <application>XEmacs</application></para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <para>If you don't want to open a new frame for each editor call, and want the frame to be auto-raised, set <quote>Gnuserv Frame</quote> to <quote>Use selected frame</quote>, and add the <function>raise-frame</function> function to <quote>Visit Hook</quote>. Do <userinput><keycombo action="seq"><keycap>M</keycap><keycap>x</keycap></keycombo> <command>customize-group</command> <keycap>RET</keycap> <command>gnuserv</command></userinput> to make these settings.</para> <tip> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Make sure that <application>XEmacs</application> is installed. Try to start <command>xemacs</command> from the command line.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>&kdvi; uses the command <application>gnuserv</application> to remote control <application>XEmacs</application>. Make sure that <command>gnuclient</command> is available on the command line by trying the command <userinput><command>gnuclient</command> <parameter>Name of a text file</parameter></userinput>. This should open a new frame in the <application>XEmacs</application> editor.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If <application>gnuserv</application> fails with an error message like <computeroutput>unable to connect to local</computeroutput>, make sure that <application>XEmacs</application> is running. Furthermore, make sure that <application>gnuserv</application> is started by typing <userinput><keycombo action="seq"><keycap>M</keycap><keycap>X</keycap></keycombo> <command>gnuserv-start</command></userinput>.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If you don't want to open a new frame for each editor call, and want the frame to be auto-raised, set <quote>Gnuserv Frame</quote> to <quote>Use selected frame</quote>, and add the <quote>raise-frame</quote> function to <quote>Visit Hook</quote>. Do <userinput><keycombo action="simul"><keycap>M</keycap><keycap>X</keycap></keycombo> <command>customize-group</command> <keycap>RET</keycap> <command>gnuserv</command></userinput> to make these settings.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </tip> </section> <section id="editor-setup-gvim"> <title><application>VI iMproved</application> / &GUI;</title> <para>The <application>gvim</application> variant of the <application>vi</application> editor supports inverse search very well. No extra setup is required.</para> </section> </section> </chapter> <chapter id="forward-search"> <title>Forward search</title> <para>The forward search functions allow you to jump from your editor directly into the associated position of the &DVI; file. Since forward search must be supported by your editor, only <application>Emacs</application> and <application>XEmacs</application> are currently supported. Other editors will hopefully join in soon.</para> <para>To use forward search, you have to do the following:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Set up your editor — this is described below.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Add source file information to your &DVI; file, ⪚ by using the package <command>srcltx</command>. This has been described in the section <link linkend="inverse-search-tex">Producing TeX files for inverse search</link>.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If you use <application>Emacs</application> and everything is properly set up, you just press <userinput><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>X</keycap></keycombo> <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>J</keycap> </keycombo></userinput>, and &kdvi; pops up and jumps to the place which corresponds to the place of the TeX file which you are currently editing.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <section id="forward-search-editor"> <title>Setting up your editor for forward search</title> <section id="forw-editor-setup-emacs"> <title><application>Emacs</application></title> <para>In order to use forward search in <application>Emacs</application>, follow these steps:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Download the following <application>Emacs</application> script, <ulink url="kdvi-search.el"> <filename>kdvi-search.el</filename> </ulink> (press &Shift; and &LMB; the filename to download) and store it in a place where <application>Emacs</application> can access it — we recommend a folder <filename class="directory">emacs-scripts</filename>.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Add the lines <programlisting> (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/emacs-scripts/")) (require 'kdvi-search) (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key "\C-x\C-j" 'kdvi-jump-to-line))) (add-hook 'tex-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key "\C-x\C-j" 'kdvi-jump-to-line))) </programlisting> to your <filename>.emacs</filename> file. Restart <application>Emacs</application>.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Open <application>Emacs</application>, load a TeX file, produce the corresponding &DVI; file, and either enter the command <userinput><keycombo action="simul"><keycap>M</keycap><keycap>x</keycap> </keycombo><command>kdvi-jump-to-line</command></userinput> or press <userinput><keycombo action="seq"><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>X</keycap></keycombo> <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>J</keycap></keycombo> </keycombo></userinput>. It may happen that <application>Emacs</application> asks you for the name of a <quote>master file</quote>. This is useful if you use a TeX file which includes other files: the master file is the top-level file which includes the others. <application>Emacs</application> will perhaps also ask to save the name of the master file <quote>as a local variable</quote>, &ie; as a comment at the very end of the file. Type either <userinput>yes</userinput> or <userinput>no</userinput> to continue.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <tip> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Make sure that <application>Emacs</application> is installed. Try to start <command>emacs</command> from the command line.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If <application>Emacs</application> fails to start &kdvi;, you can find its output in the Buffer <guilabel>kdvi-output</guilabel>.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </tip> </section> <section id="forw-editor-setup-kile"> <title><application>Kile</application></title> <para>If you use Kile, no further setup is necessary. </para> </section> <section id="forw-editor-setup-xemacs"> <title><application>XEmacs</application></title> <para>To set up <application>XEmacs</application>, follow the steps for <application>Emacs</application> <link linkend="forw-editor-setup-emacs">above</link>, but modify your <filename>.xemacs</filename> rather than your <filename>.emacs</filename> file. If you use a very recent version of <application>XEmacs</application>, <filename class="directory">.xemacs</filename> may be a folder. In that case, append the lines to <filename>.xemacs/init.el</filename>. </para> </section> </section> </chapter> <chapter id="preferences"> <title>The <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel> dialog</title> <anchor id="opts"></anchor> <para>The <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel> dialog can be reached by choosing <guimenuitem>DVI Options</guimenuitem> in the <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu.</para> <para>The dialog consists of two tabs, <guilabel>Fonts</guilabel> and <guilabel>Rendering</guilabel>.</para> <sect1 id="opt-fonts"> <title><guilabel>Fonts</guilabel> Options</title> <para> Traditionally, the TeX typsetter uses fonts that are generated by the <command>MetaFont</command> program. These fonts are stored in the PK format. While a carefully configured <command>MetaFont</command> system produces printouts of highest quality, its configuration requires serious expertise, <command>MetaFont</command> is not very good at producing fonts suitable for computer displays, and there are only few <command>MetaFont</command> fonts available for Asian languages. </para> <para> To overcome these problems, newer TeX installations therefore include fonts that are stored in the "PostScript Type 1" format, which is a widely used font format in electronic publishing. &kdvi; is able to use both font formats. </para> <para> The following picture shows the font options dialog of &kdvi; that can be used to control &kdvi;'s use of the various font formats. </para> <screenshot> <screeninfo>The <guilabel>Fonts</guilabel> tab</screeninfo> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="optionrequester1.png" format="PNG"></imagedata> </imageobject> <textobject> <phrase>The <guilabel>Fonts</guilabel> tab</phrase> </textobject> </mediaobject> </screenshot> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Use font hinting for Type 1 fonts, if available</guilabel> </term> <listitem> <para> PostScript "Type 1" often contain "font hints", i.e. additional information that is supposed to help software produce better quality output on computer screens. The quality of the font hints varies from font to font, and you should experiment to see if enabling this option gives better results. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </sect1> <sect1 id="opt-rendering"> <title><guilabel>&DVI; specials</guilabel> Options</title> <para> &kdvi; supports a large number of extensions to the original &DVI; format, e.g. hyperlinks, graphic file inclusion or embedded source file information. These extensions are known as "&DVI; specials". A full account of specials supported by &kdvi; can be found in <ulink url="KDVI-features.dvi">this document</ulink>. </para> <para> The &DVI; specials dialog help you to configure support for some specials. </para> <screenshot> <screeninfo>The <guilabel>Rendering</guilabel> tab</screeninfo> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="optionrequester2.png" format="PNG"></imagedata> </imageobject> <textobject> <phrase>The <guilabel>Rendering</guilabel> tab</phrase> </textobject> </mediaobject> </screenshot> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Show PostScript specials</guilabel></term> <listitem> <para>If this option is checked, &kdvi; will display &PostScript; graphics which are embedded into the &DVI; file. You probably want to set this option.</para> <para>If an external &PostScript; file could not be found, &kdvi; will draw a red warning box in its place. Unfortunately, rendering &PostScript; graphics is very slow in the current version of &kdvi;. We will improve on the speed in later versions. If this option is off, &kdvi; will either draw a gray box as a placeholder for the graphics, or it will leave the space blank.</para> <note> <para>There is no standard way to embed &PostScript; graphics into a &DVI; file. It may therefore happen that &kdvi; cannot properly display a graphic which works fine with other programs. Older versions of <command>xdvi</command> and <command>dvips</command> support the execution of external commands. This is a bad security risk and therefore deliberately not implemented in &kdvi;. Technical information about supported ways to include &PostScript; can be found in the document <filename>KDVI-features.dvi</filename>.</para> </note> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Editor for inverse search</guilabel></term> <listitem> <para>If you intend to use <link linkend="inverse-search">inverse search</link>, a very useful feature if you write TeX documents yourself, you have to specify which editor you are going to use, and how this editor can be started by &kdvi;. In the example shown, the user has opted for the <application>NEdit</application> editor. If you use one of the pre-configured editors from the <guilabel>Editor</guilabel> combobox, then you don't have to do anything else. If you whish to use a different editor, chose <guilabel>User-defined editor</guilabel> from the <guilabel>Editor</guilabel> combobox and enter the command line which will be used to start your editor. Use the placeholders <token>%f</token> and <token>%l</token> which will be replaced with the name of the TeX file, and the line of the TeX file, respectively.</para> <para>If you use an editor which is not supported, please send us an email at <email>kebekus@kde.org</email> and tell us about the command line you use and how you have configured your editor.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </sect1> </chapter> <chapter id="faq"> <title>Frequently asked questions</title> <qandaset> <qandaentry> <question id="fontgen"> <para>What happens when &kdvi; displays the message <computeroutput>KDVI is currently generating bitmap fonts</computeroutput>, and why does the procedure take so long?</para> </question> <answer> <para>Many of the fonts which are typically used in a TeX document must be generated by the MetaFont system. Metafont is a language similar to TeX (included in most TeX distributions) which takes a description of the font outline, and produces a rasterized version (<literal role="extension">.pk</literal> file) of the font which can then be send to a printer or be used in a previewing program like &kdvi;. Metafont goes out of its way to produce the best possible output for your printer. For instance, it knows that a pixel of an inkjet printer is a roundish blot, and that nearby pixels tend to smear into each other. In contrast, a pixel on a laser printer is rectangular, but an isolated pixel is very often not rendered at all.</para> <para>Generating such highly optimized bitmap fonts is naturally rather time-consuming, in particular since typical TeX documents use a large number of different fonts. We can only ask for your patience. To ease the matter somewhat, most distributions of TeX store the <literal role="extension">.pk</literal> files for a limited time, ⪚ 100 days. Therefore, if you access the same document more than once, the <literal role="extension">.pk</literal> files will be reused.</para> </answer> </qandaentry> <qandaentry> <question id="mfmodes"> <para>What is a MetaFont Mode?</para> </question> <answer> <para>In order to produce bitmap fonts which are optimized for your printer (see the answer to the first question), Metafont comes with a database of printing engines — look for a file called <filename>modes.mf</filename>. A Metafont Mode is just the name of a database entry. For example, the name <quote>ljfour</quote> refers to the entry in the database that describes a &Hewlett-Packard; LaserJet 4 printer. A MetaFont Mode is usually followed by a number, the resolution. The LaserJet, for instance, can print in both 300 and 600 dots per inch. Thus, <quote>ljfour/600</quote> would be a full description.</para> </answer> </qandaentry> </qandaset> </chapter> <chapter id="credits-and-license"> <title>Credits and Licenses</title> <para>&kdvi;</para> <para>&kdvi; is based on based on the stand-alone-program &kdvi; 0.4.3 by Markku Hihnala. That program is in turn based on <application>xdvi</application> version 18f which has many authors.</para> <para>Documentation is copyright 2001-2004, Stefan Kebekus <email>kebekus@kde.org</email></para> <!-- TRANS:CREDIT_FOR_TRANSLATORS --> &underGPL; &underFDL; </chapter> &documentation.index; </book> <!-- Local Variables: mode: sgml sgml-omittag: nil sgml-shorttag: t End: -->