]> The &kruler; Handbook Lauri Watts
&FDLNotice; 2001 &Lauri.Watts; 2005-12-10 3.5 &kruler; can be used to measure objects on the screen. KDE KRuler kdegraphics
Introduction &kruler; is a very simple application, with only one aim in life. To measure distances on your screen. To start &kruler;, choose Graphics More Applications KDE Screen Ruler from your K menu. Clicking with the &LMB; on the &kruler; will turn the cursor to a cross with four arrows and enables you to drag &kruler; around the screen. When you move the mouse over &kruler;, your cursor will turn into an elongated arrow, with a circle at one end. As you move the cursor, &kruler; will display how far from the point marked 0 the circle on the end of the cursor currently is. &kruler; will also display the &HTML; color code of the color currently under the circle. This is very useful for picking out colors from an image. If you move the mouse far enough that the arrow cursor is no longer touching &kruler;, the cursor will revert to normal, allowing you to carry on working with your other applications. You can change the orientation using the context menu, described in the next chapter. Menu Reference Clicking with the &RMB; on the ruler will pop up a context menu, with the following entries: Orientation This submenu contains entries that allow you to change the orientation of &kruler; N Orientation North Turns &kruler; so the ruler is horizontal, and the measurements are on the top (North) of the ruler E Orientation East Turns &kruler; so the ruler is vertical, and the measurements are on the right (East) of the ruler S Orientation South Turns &kruler; so the ruler is horizontal, and the measurements are on the bottom (South) of the ruler W Orientation West Turns &kruler; so the ruler is vertical, and the measurements are on the left (West) of the ruler R Orientation Turn Right Turns the ruler 90 Degrees to the right. For example, if it is oriented South, it will rotate to be oriented West. L Orientation Turn Left Turns the ruler 90 Degrees to the left. For example, if it is oriented West, it will rotate to be oriented South. Length This submenu contains entries that allow you to change the length of &kruler; &Ctrl; S Length Short Makes &kruler; short - about 385 pixels long. &Ctrl;M Length Medium Makes &kruler; a medium length - about 640 pixels long. &Ctrl;T Length Tall Makes &kruler; long - about 960 pixels in length. &Ctrl;F Length Full Screen Width Makes &kruler; the same size as your screen width. &Ctrl;C Choose Color... Displays the standard &kde; color picker dialog, where you can choose the background color for &kruler;. F Choose Font... Displays the standard &kde; font dialog where you can choose the font for &kruler;. Help &help.menu.documentation; &Ctrl;Q Quit Quits &kruler; Credits and Licenses &kruler; Copyright 2000, 2001 Till Krech till@snafu.de Thanks to Gunnstein Lye gl@ez.no for the initial port to &kde; 2 Documentation Copyright &Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail; &underFDL; &underGPL; Installation &install.intro.documentation; &install.compile.documentation; &documentation.index;