/*************************************************************************** palette.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sat Jul 8 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Artur Rataj email : art@zeus.polsl.gliwice.pl ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqstringlist.h> #include <textstream.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <klocale.h> #include "main.h" #include "color.h" #include "palette.h" Palette::Palette() { init(); } Palette::Palette(const Palette& palette) { init(); for(int colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < palette.length(); ++colorIndex) { Color* color = new Color(*( (Palette&)palette ).color( colorIndex )); append(color); } setName(palette.name()); } Palette::~Palette() { } void Palette::init() { colors.setAutoDelete(true); } TQStringList Palette::kdePalettes() { TQStringList paletteList; KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("config", palettesDir + "/*", false, true, paletteList); return paletteList; } void Palette::setName(const TQString& name) { m_name = name; } const TQString& Palette::name() const { return m_name; } void Palette::insert(const int index, Color* const color) { colors.insert(index, color); } void Palette::append(Color* const color) { colors.append(color); } void Palette::remove(const int index) { colors.remove(index); } int Palette::length() const { return (int)colors.count(); } Color* Palette::color(const int index) { return colors.at(index); } Palette Palette::copy(const int index, const int length) { Palette newPalette; for(int colorIndex = index; colorIndex < index + length; ++colorIndex) newPalette.append(new Color( *color(colorIndex) )); newPalette.setName(name()); return newPalette; } Palette Palette::cut(const int index, const int length) { Palette newPalette; for(int colorNum = 0; colorNum < length; ++colorNum) { newPalette.append(new Color( *color(index) )); remove(index); } newPalette.setName(name()); return newPalette; } void Palette::paste(const int index, Palette& palette) { for(int colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < palette.length(); ++colorIndex) insert(index + colorIndex, new Color( *palette.color(colorIndex) )); } bool Palette::load(TQTextStream& stream, bool loadName /* = true */) { bool result = true; setName("KDE palette"); int lineNum = 0; while (!stream.atEnd()) { TQString string = stream.readLine().append(' '); if(string.find( TQRegExp("[^\\s]") ) == -1 || string.stripWhiteSpace().at( 0 ) == '#' || ( loadName && lineNum == 0 )) { if(loadName && lineNum == 0) setName(string.stripWhiteSpace()); } else { Color* newColor = new Color(); int position = string.find(TQRegExp( "[^\\s]" )); for(int componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < Color::COMPONENTS_NUM; ++componentIndex) { if(position == -1) { m_errorString = i18n("Invalid format"); result = false; break; } int endPosition = string.find(TQRegExp( "\\s" ), position); if(endPosition == -1) { m_errorString = i18n("Invalid format"); result = false; break; } TQString componentString = string.mid(position, endPosition - position); int componentValue = componentString.toInt(&result); if(!result || componentValue < 0 || componentValue > RGB_MAX_COMPONENT_VALUE) { m_errorString = i18n("Invalid format"); result = false; break; } newColor->setComponent(componentIndex, componentValue); position = string.find(TQRegExp( "[^\\s]" ), endPosition); } if(!result) { delete newColor; break; } if(position != -1) newColor->setName(string.mid( position ).stripWhiteSpace()); colors.append(newColor); } ++lineNum; } if(!result) deleteContents(); return result; } bool Palette::load(const TQString& fileName) { bool result = true; TQFile file(fileName); if(!file.open( IO_ReadOnly )) { m_errorString = i18n("Could not open file"); result = false; } else { TQTextStream stream(&file); result = load(stream); file.close(); } return result; } bool Palette::save(TQTextStream& stream, const TQFile* file /* = 0 */, bool saveName /* = true */) { bool result = true; if(saveName) stream << name() + TQString("\n"); if(file && file->status() != IO_Ok) { m_errorString = i18n("Write error"); result = false; } else for(int colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < length(); ++colorIndex) { Color* col = color(colorIndex); TQString redComponentString; TQString greenComponentString; TQString blueComponentString; redComponentString.setNum(col->component( Color::RED_INDEX )); greenComponentString.setNum(col->component( Color::GREEN_INDEX )); blueComponentString.setNum(col->component( Color::BLUE_INDEX )); TQString nameString = col->name(); if(!nameString.isEmpty()) nameString.prepend(" "); stream << redComponentString + TQString(" ") + greenComponentString + TQString(" ") + blueComponentString + nameString + TQString("\n"); if(file && file->status() != IO_Ok) { m_errorString = i18n("Write error"); result = false; break; } } return result; } bool Palette::save(const TQString& fileName) { bool result = true; TQFile file(fileName); if(!file.open( IO_WriteOnly|IO_Truncate )) { m_errorString = i18n("Could not open file for writing"); result = false; } else { TQTextStream stream(&file); result = save(stream); file.close(); } return result; } void Palette::deleteContents() { colors.clear(); } const TQString& Palette::errorString() const { return m_errorString; }