// -*- C++ -*-
// TeXFont_PFB.cpp
// Part of KDVI - A DVI previewer for the KDE desktop environemt 
// (C) 2003 Stefan Kebekus
// Distributed under the GPL

// This file is compiled only if the FreeType library is present on
// the system

#ifndef _TEXFONT_PFB_H
#define _TEXFONT_PFB_H

#include "TeXFont.h"

#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H

class fontEncoding;
class glyph;

class TeXFont_PFB : public TeXFont {
  TeXFont_PFB(TeXFontDefinition *parent, fontEncoding *enc=0, double slant=0.0 );
  glyph* getGlyph(Q_UINT16 character, bool generateCharacterPixmap=false, const QColor& color=Qt::black);

  FT_Face       face;
  bool          fatalErrorInFontLoading;
  Q_UINT16      charMap[256];

  // This matrix is used internally to describes the slant, if
  // nonzero. Otherwise, this is undefined.
  FT_Matrix     transformationMatrix;
