// TeXFont_TFM.cpp
// Part of KDVI - A DVI previewer for the KDE desktop environemt 
// (C) 2003 Stefan Kebekus
// Distributed under the GPL

// Add header files alphabetically

#include <config.h>

#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <tqdatastream.h>
#include <tqfile.h>

#include "glyph.h"
#include "TeXFont_TFM.h"
#include "TeXFontDefinition.h"

//#define DEBUG_TFM

TeXFont_TFM::TeXFont_TFM(TeXFontDefinition *tqparent) 
  : TeXFont(tqparent)
#ifdef DEBUG_TFM
  kdDebug(4300) << "TeXFont_TFM::TeXFont_TFM( tqparent=" << tqparent << " )" << endl;

  TQFile file( tqparent->filename );
  if ( !file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
    kdError(4300) << "TeXFont_TFM::TeXFont_TFM(): Could not read TFM file" << endl;
  TQDataStream stream( &file );

  // Data from the very beginning of the TFM file, as specified in
  // "The DVI Driver Standard, Level 0", section D.2.1
  TQ_UINT16 lf, lh, bc, ec, nw, nh, nd;
  stream >> lf >> lh >> bc >> ec >> nw >> nh >> nd;
#ifdef DEBUG_TFM
  kdDebug(4300) << "lf= " << lf << endl
		<< "lh= " << lh << endl
		<< "bc= " << bc << endl
		<< "ec= " << ec << endl
		<< "nw= " << nw << endl
		<< "nh= " << nh << endl
		<< "nd= " << nd << endl;
  if ((bc > ec) || (ec >= TeXFontDefinition::max_num_of_chars_in_font)) {
    kdError(4300) << "TeXFont_TFM::TeXFont_TFM( filename=" << tqparent->filename << " ): The font has an invalid bc and ec entries." << endl;

  // Data from the HEADER section of the TFM data.
  stream >> checksum >> design_size_in_TeX_points.value;
#ifdef DEBUG_TFM
  kdDebug(4300) << "checksum    = " << checksum << endl
		<< "design_size = " << design_size_in_TeX_points.toDouble() << " TeX Points" << endl
		<< "            = " << design_size_in_TeX_points.toDouble()*254.0/7227.0 << " cm" << endl;

  // Width table
  fix_word widthTable_in_units_of_design_size[TeXFontDefinition::max_num_of_chars_in_font];
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<TeXFontDefinition::max_num_of_chars_in_font; i++) 
    widthTable_in_units_of_design_size[i].value = 0;

  file.at( 24 + 4*lh + 4*(ec-bc) );
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<nw; i++) {

    stream >> widthTable_in_units_of_design_size[i].value;
    // Some characters, which are used as parts of glyphs, have width
    // 0 --the real width is caculated in a lig_kern program and
    // depends on the preceding character. We cannot calculate the
    // real width here and take 0.4 times the design size as an
    // approximation.
    if (widthTable_in_units_of_design_size[i].value == 0)
  // Height table
  fix_word heightTable_in_units_of_design_size[16];
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<16; i++) 
    heightTable_in_units_of_design_size[i].value = 0;
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<nh; i++) {
    stream >> heightTable_in_units_of_design_size[i].value;
  // Char-Info table
  file.at( 24 + 4*lh );
  for(unsigned int characterCode=bc; characterCode<ec; characterCode++) {
    glyph *g = glyphtable+characterCode;
    TQ_UINT8 byte;
    stream >> byte;
    if (byte >= nw) 
      kdError(4300) << "TeXFont_TFM::TeXFont_TFM( filename=" << tqparent->filename << " ): The font has an invalid Char-Info table." << endl;
    else {
      characterWidth_in_units_of_design_size[characterCode] = widthTable_in_units_of_design_size[byte];
      g->dvi_advance_in_units_of_design_size_by_2e20 = widthTable_in_units_of_design_size[byte].value;
    stream >> byte;
    byte = byte >> 4;
    if (byte >= nh)
      kdError(4300) << "TeXFont_TFM::TeXFont_TFM( filename=" << tqparent->filename << " ): The font has an invalid Char-Info table." << endl;
      characterHeight_in_units_of_design_size[characterCode] = heightTable_in_units_of_design_size[byte];
    stream >> byte;
    stream >> byte;


glyph *TeXFont_TFM::getGlyph(TQ_UINT16 characterCode, bool generateCharacterPixmap, const TQColor& color)
#ifdef DEBUG_TFM
  kdDebug(4300) << "TeXFont_TFM::getGlyph( ch=" << ch << ", generateCharacterPixmap=" << generateCharacterPixmap << " )" << endl;

  // Paranoia checks
  if (characterCode >= TeXFontDefinition::max_num_of_chars_in_font) {
    kdError(4300) << "TeXFont_TFM::getGlyph(): Argument is too big." << endl;
    return glyphtable;
  // This is the address of the glyph that will be returned.
  struct glyph *g = glyphtable+characterCode;
  if ((generateCharacterPixmap == true) && ((g->shrunkenCharacter.isNull()) || (color != g->color)) ) {
    g->color = color;
    TQ_UINT16 pixelWidth = (TQ_UINT16)(tqparent->displayResolution_in_dpi *
				     design_size_in_TeX_points.toDouble() *
				     characterWidth_in_units_of_design_size[characterCode].toDouble() * 100.0/7227.0 + 0.5);
    TQ_UINT16 pixelHeight = (TQ_UINT16)(tqparent->displayResolution_in_dpi *
				      design_size_in_TeX_points.toDouble() *
				      characterHeight_in_units_of_design_size[characterCode].toDouble() * 100.0/7227.0 + 0.5);
    // Just make sure that weired TFM files never lead to giant
    // pixmaps that eat all system memory...
    if (pixelWidth > 50)
      pixelWidth = 50;
    if (pixelHeight > 50)
      pixelHeight = 50;
    g->shrunkenCharacter.resize( pixelWidth, pixelHeight );
    g->x2 = 0;
    g->y2 = pixelHeight;
  return g;