#ifndef _GLYPH_H
#define _GLYPH_H

#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>

struct bitmap {
  TQ_UINT16	w, h;	/* width and height in pixels */
  TQ_UINT16	bytes_wide;	/* scan-line width in bytes */
  char		*bits;		/* pointer to the bits */

class glyph {

  // address of bitmap in font file
  long    addr;

  TQColor color;

  // DVI units to move reference point
  TQ_INT32 dvi_advance_in_units_of_design_size_by_2e20;

  // x and y offset in pixels 
  short   x, y;

  TQPixmap shrunkenCharacter;

  short   x2, y2;	/* x and y offset in pixels (shrunken bitmap) */

#endif //ifndef _GLYPH_H