#include <config.h> #include <kaction.h> #include <kaboutdata.h> #include <kaboutdialog.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <kbugreport.h> #include <kconfigdialog.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kstdaction.h> #include <ktempfile.h> #include <ktip.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <kparts/part.h> #include <kparts/genericfactory.h> #include "kdvi_multipage.h" #include "documentWidget.h" #include "dviFile.h" #include "dviPageCache.h" #include "dviWidget.h" #include "fontpool.h" #include "kprinterwrapper.h" #include "kviewpart.h" #include "marklist.h" #include "optionDialogFontsWidget.h" #include "optionDialogSpecialWidget.h" #include "performanceMeasurement.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "renderedDocumentPagePixmap.h" #include <tqlabel.h> //#define KDVI_MULTIPAGE_DEBUG #ifdef PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENT // These objects are explained in the file "performanceMeasurement.h" TQTime performanceTimer; int performanceFlag = 0; #endif typedef KParts::GenericFactory<KDVIMultiPage> KDVIMultiPageFactory; K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(kdvipart, KDVIMultiPageFactory) KDVIMultiPage::KDVIMultiPage(TQWidget *parentWidget, const char *widgetName, TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args) : KMultiPage(parentWidget, widgetName, parent, name), DVIRenderer(parentWidget) { Q_UNUSED(args); #ifdef PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENT performanceTimer.start(); #endif searchUsed = false; setInstance(KDVIMultiPageFactory::instance()); // Points to the same object as renderer to avoid downcasting. // FIXME: Remove when the API of the Renderer-class is finished. DVIRenderer.setName("DVI renderer"); setRenderer(&DVIRenderer); docInfoAction = new KAction(i18n("Document &Info"), "info", 0, &DVIRenderer, TQT_SLOT(showInfo()), actionCollection(), "info_dvi"); embedPSAction = new KAction(i18n("Embed External PostScript Files..."), 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotEmbedPostScript()), actionCollection(), "embed_postscript"); new KAction(i18n("Enable All Warnings && Messages"), 0, this, TQT_SLOT(doEnableWarnings()), actionCollection(), "enable_msgs"); exportPSAction = new KAction(i18n("PostScript..."), 0, &DVIRenderer, TQT_SLOT(exportPS()), actionCollection(), "export_postscript"); exportPDFAction = new KAction(i18n("PDF..."), 0, &DVIRenderer, TQT_SLOT(exportPDF()), actionCollection(), "export_pdf"); KStdAction::tipOfDay(this, TQT_SLOT(showTip()), actionCollection(), "help_tipofday"); setXMLFile("kdvi_part.rc"); preferencesChanged(); enableActions(false); // Show tip of the day, when the first main window is shown. TQTimer::singleShot(0,this,TQT_SLOT(showTipOnStart())); } KDVIMultiPage::~KDVIMultiPage() { delete docInfoAction; delete embedPSAction; delete exportPSAction; delete exportPDFAction; Prefs::writeConfig(); } KAboutData* KDVIMultiPage::createAboutData() { KAboutData* about = new KAboutData("kdvi", I18N_NOOP("KDVI"), "1.3", I18N_NOOP("A previewer for Device Independent files (DVI files) produced by the TeX typesetting system."), KAboutData::License_GPL, "Markku Hinhala, Stephan Kebekus", I18N_NOOP("This program displays Device Independent (DVI) files which are produced by the TeX typesetting system.\n" "KDVI 1.3 is based on original code from KDVI version 0.43 and xdvik.")); about->addAuthor ("Stefan Kebekus", I18N_NOOP("Current Maintainer."), "kebekus@kde.org", "http://www.mi.uni-koeln.de/~kebekus"); about->addAuthor ("Markku Hinhala", I18N_NOOP("Author of kdvi 0.4.3")); about->addAuthor ("Nicolai Langfeldt", I18N_NOOP("Maintainer of xdvik")); about->addAuthor ("Paul Vojta", I18N_NOOP("Author of xdvi")); about->addCredit ("Philipp Lehmann", I18N_NOOP("Testing and bug reporting.")); about->addCredit ("Wilfried Huss", I18N_NOOP("Re-organisation of source code.")); return about; } void KDVIMultiPage::slotEmbedPostScript() { DVIRenderer.embedPostScript(); emit askingToCheckActions(); } void KDVIMultiPage::setEmbedPostScriptAction() { if ((DVIRenderer.dviFile == 0) || (DVIRenderer.dviFile->numberOfExternalPSFiles == 0)) embedPSAction->setEnabled(false); else embedPSAction->setEnabled(true); } void KDVIMultiPage::slotSave() { // Try to guess the proper ending... TQString formats; TQString ending; int rindex = m_file.findRev("."); if (rindex == -1) { ending = TQString(); formats = TQString(); } else { ending = m_file.mid(rindex); // e.g. ".dvi" formats = fileFormats().grep(ending).join("\n"); } TQString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(TQString(), formats, 0, i18n("Save File As")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; // Add the ending to the filename. I hope the user likes it that // way. if (!ending.isEmpty() && fileName.find(ending) == -1) fileName = fileName+ending; if (TQFile(fileName).exists()) { int r = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel (0, i18n("The file %1\nexists. Do you want to overwrite that file?").tqarg(fileName), i18n("Overwrite File"), i18n("Overwrite")); if (r == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; } // TODO: error handling... if ((DVIRenderer.dviFile != 0) && (DVIRenderer.dviFile->dvi_Data() != 0)) DVIRenderer.dviFile->saveAs(fileName); return; } void KDVIMultiPage::slotSave_defaultFilename() { // TODO: error handling... if (DVIRenderer.dviFile != 0) DVIRenderer.dviFile->saveAs(m_file); return; } void KDVIMultiPage::setFile(bool r) { enableActions(r); } TQStringList KDVIMultiPage::fileFormats() const { TQStringList r; r << i18n("*.dvi *.DVI|TeX Device Independent Files (*.dvi)"); return r; } void KDVIMultiPage::addConfigDialogs(KConfigDialog* configDialog) { static optionDialogFontsWidget* fontConfigWidget = 0; fontConfigWidget = new optionDialogFontsWidget(scrollView()); optionDialogSpecialWidget* specialConfigWidget = new optionDialogSpecialWidget(scrollView()); configDialog->addPage(fontConfigWidget, Prefs::self(), i18n("TeX Fonts"), "fonts"); configDialog->addPage(specialConfigWidget, Prefs::self(), i18n("DVI Specials"), "dvi"); configDialog->setHelp("preferences", "kdvi"); } void KDVIMultiPage::preferencesChanged() { // Call method from parent class KMultiPage::preferencesChanged(); #ifdef KDVI_MULTIPAGE_DEBUG kdDebug(4300) << "preferencesChanged" << endl; #endif bool showPS = Prefs::showPS(); bool useFontHints = Prefs::useFontHints(); DVIRenderer.setPrefs( showPS, Prefs::editorCommand(), useFontHints); } void KDVIMultiPage::print() { // Obtain a fully initialized KPrinter structure, and disable all // entries in the "Page Size & Placement" tab of the printer dialog. KPrinter *printer = getPrinter(false); // Abort with an error message if no KPrinter could be initialized if (printer == 0) { kdError(4300) << "KPrinter not available" << endl; return; } // Show the printer options dialog. Return immediately if the user // aborts. if (!printer->setup(parentWdg, i18n("Print %1").tqarg(m_file.section('/', -1)) )) return; // This funny method call is necessary for the KPrinter to return // proper results in printer->orientation() below. It seems that // KPrinter does some options parsing in that method. ((KDVIPrinterWrapper *)printer)->doPreparePrinting(); if (printer->pageList().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error( scrollView(), i18n("The list of pages you selected was empty.\n" "Maybe you made an error in selecting the pages, " "e.g. by giving an invalid range like '7-2'.") ); return; } // Turn the results of the options requestor into a list arguments // which are used by dvips. TQString dvips_options = TQString(); // Print in reverse order. if ( printer->pageOrder() == KPrinter::LastPageFirst ) dvips_options += "-r "; // Print only odd pages. if ( printer->pageSet() == KPrinter::OddPages ) dvips_options += "-A "; // Print only even pages. if ( printer->pageSet() == KPrinter::EvenPages ) dvips_options += "-B "; // We use the printer->pageSize() method to find the printer page // size, and pass that information on to dvips. Unfortunately, dvips // does not understand all of these; what exactly dvips understands, // depends on its configuration files. Consequence: expect problems // with unusual paper sizes. switch( printer->pageSize() ) { case KPrinter::A4: dvips_options += "-t a4 "; break; case KPrinter::B5: dvips_options += "-t b5 "; break; case KPrinter::Letter: dvips_options += "-t letter "; break; case KPrinter::Legal: dvips_options += "-t legal "; break; case KPrinter::Executive: dvips_options += "-t executive "; break; case KPrinter::A0: dvips_options += "-t a0 "; break; case KPrinter::A1: dvips_options += "-t a1 "; break; case KPrinter::A2: dvips_options += "-t a2 "; break; case KPrinter::A3: dvips_options += "-t a3 "; break; case KPrinter::A5: dvips_options += "-t a5 "; break; case KPrinter::A6: dvips_options += "-t a6 "; break; case KPrinter::A7: dvips_options += "-t a7 "; break; case KPrinter::A8: dvips_options += "-t a8 "; break; case KPrinter::A9: dvips_options += "-t a9 "; break; case KPrinter::B0: dvips_options += "-t b0 "; break; case KPrinter::B1: dvips_options += "-t b1 "; break; case KPrinter::B10: dvips_options += "-t b10 "; break; case KPrinter::B2: dvips_options += "-t b2 "; break; case KPrinter::B3: dvips_options += "-t b3 "; break; case KPrinter::B4: dvips_options += "-t b4 "; break; case KPrinter::B6: dvips_options += "-t b6 "; break; case KPrinter::B7: dvips_options += "-t b7 "; break; case KPrinter::B8: dvips_options += "-t b8 "; break; case KPrinter::B9: dvips_options += "-t b9 "; break; case KPrinter::C5E: dvips_options += "-t c5e "; break; case KPrinter::Comm10E: dvips_options += "-t comm10e "; break; case KPrinter::DLE: dvips_options += "-t dle "; break; case KPrinter::Folio: dvips_options += "-t folio "; break; case KPrinter::Ledger: dvips_options += "-t ledger "; break; case KPrinter::Tabloid: dvips_options += "-t tabloid "; break; default: break; } // Qt::Orientation if ( printer->orientation() == KPrinter::Landscape ) dvips_options += "-t landscape "; // List of pages to print. TQValueList<int> pageList = printer->pageList(); dvips_options += "-pp "; int commaflag = 0; for( TQValueList<int>::ConstIterator it = pageList.begin(); it != pageList.end(); ++it ) { if (commaflag == 1) dvips_options += TQString(","); else commaflag = 1; dvips_options += TQString("%1").tqarg(*it); } // Now print. For that, export the DVI-File to PostScript. Note that // dvips will run concurrently to keep the GUI responsive, keep log // of dvips and allow abort. Giving a non-zero printer argument // means that the dvi-widget will print the file when dvips // terminates, and then delete the output file. KTempFile tf; DVIRenderer.exportPS(tf.name(), dvips_options, printer); // "True" may be a bit euphemistic. However, since dvips runs // concurrently, there is no way of telling the result of the // printing command at this stage. return; } void KDVIMultiPage::enableActions(bool b) { KMultiPage::enableActions(b); docInfoAction->setEnabled(b); exportPSAction->setEnabled(b); exportPDFAction->setEnabled(b); setEmbedPostScriptAction(); } void KDVIMultiPage::doEnableWarnings() { KMessageBox::information (scrollView(), i18n("All messages and warnings will now be shown.")); KMessageBox::enableAllMessages(); KTipDialog::setShowOnStart(true); } void KDVIMultiPage::showTip() { KTipDialog::showTip(scrollView(), "kdvi/tips", true); } void KDVIMultiPage::showTipOnStart() { KTipDialog::showTip(scrollView(), "kdvi/tips"); } DocumentWidget* KDVIMultiPage::createDocumentWidget() { DVIWidget* documentWidget = new DVIWidget(scrollView()->viewport(), scrollView(), pageCache, "singlePageWidget" ); // Lets not forget the connections we make in the KMultiPage connect(documentWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(clearSelection()), this, TQT_SLOT(clearSelection())); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(enableMoveTool(bool)), documentWidget, TQT_SLOT(slotEnableMoveTool(bool))); // Handle source links connect(documentWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(SRCLink(const TQString&, TQMouseEvent*, DocumentWidget*)), getRenderer(), TQT_SLOT(handleSRCLink(const TQString& ,TQMouseEvent*, DocumentWidget*))); return documentWidget; } void KDVIMultiPage::initializePageCache() { pageCache = new DVIPageCache(); } void KDVIMultiPage::showFindTextDialog() { if ((getRenderer().isNull()) || (getRenderer()->supportsTextSearch() == false)) return; if (!searchUsed) { // WARNING: This text appears several times in the code. Change // everywhere, or nowhere! if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( scrollView(), i18n("<qt>This function searches the DVI file for plain text. Unfortunately, this version of " "KDVI treats only plain ASCII characters properly. Symbols, ligatures, mathematical " "formulae, accented characters, and non-English text, such as Russian or Korean, will " "most likely be messed up completely. Continue anyway?</qt>"), i18n("Function May Not Work as Expected"), KStdGuiItem::cont(), "warning_search_text_may_not_work") == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; // Remember that we don't need to show the warning message again. searchUsed = true; } // Now really show the search widget KMultiPage::showFindTextDialog(); } #include "kdvi_multipage.moc"