 * Copyright (C) 2001 the KGhostView authors. See file AUTHORS.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#include "dscparse_adapter.h"

using namespace std;

/*-- KDSCBBOX implementation -----------------------------------------------*/

    _llx( 0 ), _lly( 0 ),
    _urx( 0 ), _ury( 0 )

    _llx( b._llx ), _lly( b._lly ),
    _urx( b._urx ), _ury( b._ury )

KDSCBBOX::KDSCBBOX( int llx, int lly, int urx, int ury ) :
    _llx( llx ), _lly( lly ), 
    _urx( urx ), _ury( ury ) 

    _llx( bbox.llx ), _lly( bbox.lly ), 
    _urx( bbox.urx ), _ury( bbox.ury ) 

KDSCBBOX& KDSCBBOX::operator = ( const KDSCBBOX& b ) 
    _llx = b._llx; _lly = b._lly; _urx = b._urx; _ury = b._ury;
    return *this; 

bool KDSCBBOX::operator == ( const KDSCBBOX& b ) 
    return ( _llx == b._llx && _lly == b._lly 
	  && _urx == b._urx && _ury == b._ury ); 

bool KDSCBBOX::operator != ( const KDSCBBOX& b ) 
    return !( *this == b ); 

int KDSCBBOX::llx() const { return _llx; }
int KDSCBBOX::lly() const { return _lly; }
int KDSCBBOX::urx() const { return _urx; }
int KDSCBBOX::ury() const { return _ury; }

int KDSCBBOX::width()  const { return _urx - _llx; }
int KDSCBBOX::height() const { return _ury - _lly; }

TQSize KDSCBBOX::size() const { return TQSize( width(), height() ); }

ostream& operator << ( ostream& os, const KDSCBBOX& source )
    os << "{ llx: "<< source.llx() << ", lly: " << source.lly()
       <<  " urx: "<< source.urx() << ", ury: " << source.ury() << " }";
    return os;

/*-- KDSCError implementation ----------------------------------------------*/

KDSCError::KDSCError( Type type, Severity severity, const TQCString& line,
	              unsigned int lineNumber ) :
    _type( type ),
    _severity( severity ),
    _line( line ),
    _lineNumber( lineNumber )

KDSCError::Type KDSCError::type() const
    return _type;

KDSCError::Severity KDSCError::severity() const
    return _severity; 

TQCString KDSCError::line() const
    return _line; 

unsigned int KDSCError::lineNumber() const
    return _lineNumber; 

/*-- KDSCOkErrorHandler implementation -------------------------------------*/

KDSCErrorHandler::Response KDSCOkErrorHandler::error( const KDSCError& err ) 
    cout << "KDSC: error in line " << err.lineNumber() << endl;
    cout << err.line().data() << endl;
    return Ok;

/*-- KDSC implementation ---------------------------------------------------*/

    _errorHandler( 0 ),
    _commentHandler( 0 )
    _cdsc = dsc_init( this );
    Q_ASSERT( _cdsc != 0 );
    _scanHandler = new KDSCScanHandler( _cdsc );

    dsc_free( _cdsc );
    delete _scanHandler;

TQString KDSC::dsc_version() const
    return TQString( _cdsc->dsc_version );   

bool KDSC::dsc() const
    return ( _cdsc->dsc == TRUE );

bool KDSC::ctrld() const
    return ( _cdsc->ctrld == TRUE );

bool KDSC::pjl() const
    return ( _cdsc->pjl == TRUE );

bool KDSC::epsf() const
    return ( _cdsc->epsf == TRUE );

bool KDSC::pdf() const
    return ( _cdsc->pdf == TRUE );

unsigned int KDSC::preview() const
    return _cdsc->preview;

unsigned int KDSC::language_level() const
    return _cdsc->language_level;

unsigned int KDSC::document_data() const
    return _cdsc->document_data;

unsigned long KDSC::begincomments() const
    return _cdsc->begincomments;

unsigned long KDSC::endcomments() const
    return _cdsc->endcomments;

unsigned long KDSC::beginpreview() const
    return _cdsc->beginpreview;

unsigned long KDSC::endpreview() const
    return _cdsc->endpreview;

unsigned long KDSC::begindefaults() const
    return _cdsc->begindefaults;

unsigned long KDSC::enddefaults() const
    return _cdsc->enddefaults;

unsigned long KDSC::beginprolog() const
    return _cdsc->beginprolog;

unsigned long KDSC::endprolog() const
    return _cdsc->endprolog;

unsigned long KDSC::beginsetup() const
    return _cdsc->beginsetup;

unsigned long KDSC::endsetup() const
    return _cdsc->endsetup;

unsigned long KDSC::begintrailer() const
    return _cdsc->begintrailer;

unsigned long KDSC::endtrailer() const
    return _cdsc->endtrailer;

CDSCPAGE* KDSC::page() const
    return _cdsc->page;

unsigned int KDSC::page_count() const
    return _cdsc->page_count;

unsigned int KDSC::page_pages() const
    return _cdsc->page_pages;

unsigned int KDSC::page_order() const
    return _cdsc->page_order;

unsigned int KDSC::page_orientation() const
    return _cdsc->page_orientation;

CDSCCTM* KDSC::viewing_orientation() const
    return _cdsc->viewing_orientation;

unsigned int KDSC::media_count() const
    return _cdsc->media_count;

CDSCMEDIA** KDSC::media() const
    return _cdsc->media;

const CDSCMEDIA* KDSC::page_media() const
    return _cdsc->page_media;

auto_ptr<KDSCBBOX> KDSC::bbox() const
    if( _cdsc->bbox == 0 )
	return auto_ptr<KDSCBBOX>( 0 );
	return auto_ptr<KDSCBBOX>( new KDSCBBOX( *_cdsc->bbox ) );

auto_ptr<KDSCBBOX> KDSC::page_bbox() const
    if( _cdsc->page_bbox == 0 )
	return auto_ptr<KDSCBBOX>( 0 );
	return auto_ptr<KDSCBBOX>( new KDSCBBOX( *_cdsc->page_bbox ) );

TQString KDSC::dsc_title() const
    return TQString( _cdsc->dsc_title );

TQString KDSC::dsc_creator() const
    return TQString( _cdsc->dsc_creator );

TQString KDSC::dsc_date() const
    return TQString( _cdsc->dsc_date );

TQString KDSC::dsc_for() const
    return TQString( _cdsc->dsc_for );

bool KDSC::scanData( char* buffer, unsigned int count )
    return _scanHandler->scanData( buffer, count );

int KDSC::fixup()
    return dsc_fixup( _cdsc );

KDSCErrorHandler* KDSC::errorHandler() const
    return _errorHandler;

void KDSC::setErrorHandler( KDSCErrorHandler* errorHandler )
    _errorHandler = errorHandler;
    if( errorHandler == 0 )
	dsc_set_error_function( _cdsc, 0 );
	dsc_set_error_function( _cdsc, &errorFunction );

KDSCCommentHandler* KDSC::commentHandler() const
    return _commentHandler;

void KDSC::setCommentHandler( KDSCCommentHandler* commentHandler )
    if( _commentHandler != 0 && commentHandler == 0 )
	delete _scanHandler;
	_scanHandler = new KDSCScanHandler( _cdsc );
    else if( _commentHandler == 0 && commentHandler != 0 )
	delete _scanHandler;
	_scanHandler = new KDSCScanHandlerByLine( _cdsc, commentHandler );
    _commentHandler = commentHandler;

bool KDSC::isStructured() const 
    return epsf() ? ( page_count() > 1 ) : ( page_count() > 0 );

CDSC* KDSC::cdsc() const
    return _cdsc;

int KDSC::errorFunction( void* caller_data, CDSC* dsc,
	unsigned int explanation, const char* line, unsigned int line_len )
    KDSCError error( 
	    static_cast< KDSCError::Type >( explanation ), 
	    static_cast< KDSCError::Severity >( dsc->severity[explanation] ),
	    TQCString( line, line_len + 1 ),
    KDSC* kdsc = static_cast< KDSC* >( caller_data );
    Q_ASSERT( kdsc );
    return kdsc->errorHandler()->error( error );

bool KDSCScanHandlerByLine::scanData( char* buf, unsigned int count )
    char* lineStart = buf;
    char* it = buf;
    while( it < buf + count )
	if( *it++ == '\n' )
	    int retval = dsc_scan_data( _cdsc, lineStart, it - lineStart );
	    if( retval < 0 ) 
		return false;
	    else if( retval > 0 )
			static_cast<KDSCCommentHandler::Name>( retval ) );
	    lineStart = it;
    if( it != lineStart )
	// Scan the remaining part of the string.
	return ( dsc_scan_data( _cdsc, lineStart, it - lineStart ) < 0 );
	return true;

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