/** * Copyright (C) 2001 the KGhostView authors. See file AUTHORS. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef DSCPARSE_ADAPTER_H #define DSCPARSE_ADAPTER_H #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <qsize.h> #include <qstring.h> #include "dscparse.h" #if defined(__GNUC__) #if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 93) /* * We add a quick 'n' dirty inline implementation of auto_ptr for older * releases of GCC, which don't include an auto_ptr implementation in * <memory>. */ template <class T> class auto_ptr { private: T* _ptr; public: typedef T element_type; explicit auto_ptr(T* p = 0) : _ptr(p) {} auto_ptr(auto_ptr& a) : _ptr(a.release()) {} template <class T1> auto_ptr(auto_ptr<T1>& a) : _ptr(a.release()) {} auto_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr& a) { if (&a != this) { delete _ptr; _ptr = a.release(); } return *this; } template <class T1> auto_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr<T1>& a) { if (a.get() != this->get()) { delete _ptr; _ptr = a.release(); } return *this; } ~auto_ptr() { delete _ptr; } T& operator*() const { return *_ptr; } T* operator->() const { return _ptr; } T* get() const { return _ptr; } T* release() { T* tmp = _ptr; _ptr = 0; return tmp; } void reset(T* p = 0) { delete _ptr; _ptr = p; } }; #endif #endif class KDSCBBOX { public: KDSCBBOX(); KDSCBBOX( const KDSCBBOX& b ); KDSCBBOX( int llx, int lly, int urx, int ury ); KDSCBBOX( const CDSCBBOX& bbox ); KDSCBBOX& operator = ( const KDSCBBOX& b ); bool operator == ( const KDSCBBOX& b ); bool operator != ( const KDSCBBOX& b ); int llx() const; int lly() const; int urx() const; int ury() const; int width() const; int height() const; QSize size() const; private: int _llx, _lly, _urx, _ury; }; std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream&, const KDSCBBOX& ); class KDSCError { public: enum Type { BBox = CDSC_MESSAGE_BBOX, EarlyTrailer = CDSC_MESSAGE_EARLY_TRAILER, EarlyEOF = CDSC_MESSAGE_EARLY_EOF, PageInTrailer = CDSC_MESSAGE_PAGE_IN_TRAILER, PageOrdinal = CDSC_MESSAGE_PAGE_ORDINAL, PagesWrong = CDSC_MESSAGE_PAGES_WRONG, EPSNoBBox = CDSC_MESSAGE_EPS_NO_BBOX, EPSPages = CDSC_MESSAGE_EPS_PAGES, NoMedia = CDSC_MESSAGE_NO_MEDIA, AtEnd = CDSC_MESSAGE_ATEND, DuplicateComment = CDSC_MESSAGE_DUP_COMMENT, DuplicateTrailer = CDSC_MESSAGE_DUP_TRAILER, BeginEnd = CDSC_MESSAGE_BEGIN_END, BadSection = CDSC_MESSAGE_BAD_SECTION, LongLine = CDSC_MESSAGE_LONG_LINE, IncorrectUsage = CDSC_MESSAGE_INCORRECT_USAGE }; enum Severity { Information = CDSC_ERROR_INFORM, Warning = CDSC_ERROR_WARN, Error = CDSC_ERROR_ERROR }; KDSCError( Type, Severity, const QCString& line, unsigned int lineNumber ); Type type() const; Severity severity() const; QCString line() const; unsigned int lineNumber() const; private: Type _type; Severity _severity; QCString _line; unsigned int _lineNumber; }; class KDSCErrorHandler { public: virtual ~KDSCErrorHandler() {} enum Response { Ok = CDSC_RESPONSE_OK, Cancel = CDSC_RESPONSE_CANCEL, IgnoreAll = CDSC_RESPONSE_IGNORE_ALL }; virtual Response error( const KDSCError& ) = 0; }; class KDSCOkErrorHandler : public KDSCErrorHandler { Response error( const KDSCError& ); }; class KDSCCommentHandler { public: virtual ~KDSCCommentHandler() {} enum Name { // Header section PSAdobe = CDSC_PSADOBE, BeginComments = CDSC_BEGINCOMMENTS, EndComments = CDSC_ENDCOMMENTS, Pages = CDSC_PAGES, Creator = CDSC_CREATOR, CreationDate = CDSC_CREATIONDATE, Title = CDSC_TITLE, For = CDSC_FOR, LanguageLevel = CDSC_LANGUAGELEVEL, BoundingBox = CDSC_BOUNDINGBOX, Orientation = CDSC_ORIENTATION, PageOrder = CDSC_PAGEORDER, DocumentMedia = CDSC_DOCUMENTMEDIA, DocumentPaperSizes = CDSC_DOCUMENTPAPERSIZES, DocumentPaperForms = CDSC_DOCUMENTPAPERFORMS, DocumentPaperColors = CDSC_DOCUMENTPAPERCOLORS, DocumentPaperWeights = CDSC_DOCUMENTPAPERWEIGHTS, DocumentData = CDSC_DOCUMENTDATA, Requirements = CDSC_REQUIREMENTS, DocumentNeededFonts = CDSC_DOCUMENTNEEDEDFONTS, DocumentSuppliedFonts = CDSC_DOCUMENTSUPPLIEDFONTS, HiResBoundingBox = CDSC_HIRESBOUNDINGBOX, CropBox = CDSC_CROPBOX, // Preview section BeginPreview = CDSC_BEGINPREVIEW, EndPreview = CDSC_ENDPREVIEW, // Defaults section BeginDefaults = CDSC_BEGINDEFAULTS, EndDefaults = CDSC_ENDDEFAULTS, // also %%PageMedia, %%PageOrientation, %%PageBoundingBox // Prolog section BeginProlog = CDSC_BEGINPROLOG, EndProlog = CDSC_ENDPROLOG, BeginFont = CDSC_BEGINFONT, EndFont = CDSC_ENDFONT, BeginFeature = CDSC_BEGINFEATURE, EndFeature = CDSC_ENDFEATURE, BeginResource = CDSC_BEGINRESOURCE, EndResource = CDSC_ENDRESOURCE, BeginProcset = CDSC_BEGINPROCSET, EndProcset = CDSC_ENDPROCSET, // Setup section BeginSetup = CDSC_BEGINSETUP, EndSetup = CDSC_ENDSETUP, Feature = CDSC_FEATURE, PaperColor = CDSC_PAPERCOLOR, PaperForm = CDSC_PAPERFORM, PaperWeight = CDSC_PAPERWEIGHT, PaperSize = CDSC_PAPERSIZE, // also %%Begin/EndFeature, %%Begin/EndResource // Page section Page = CDSC_PAGE, PageTrailer = CDSC_PAGETRAILER, BeginPageSetup = CDSC_BEGINPAGESETUP, EndPageSetup = CDSC_ENDPAGESETUP, PageMedia = CDSC_PAGEMEDIA, // also %%PaperColor, %%PaperForm, %%PaperWeight, %%PaperSize PageOrientation = CDSC_PAGEORIENTATION, PageBoundingBox = CDSC_PAGEBOUNDINGBOX, // also %%Begin/EndFont, %%Begin/EndFeature // also %%Begin/EndResource, %%Begin/EndProcSet IncludeFont = CDSC_INCLUDEFONT, ViewingOrientation = CDSC_VIEWINGORIENTATION, // Trailer section Trailer = CDSC_TRAILER, // also %%Pages, %%BoundingBox, %%Orientation, %%PageOrder, // %%DocumentMedia // %%Page is recognised as an error // also %%DocumentNeededFonts, %%DocumentSuppliedFonts // End of File */ Eof = CDSC_EOF }; virtual void comment( Name name ) { std::cout << name << std::endl; } }; class KDSCScanHandler; class KDSC { public: KDSC(); ~KDSC(); /*--- Adapter for CDSC ------------------------------------------------*/ QString dsc_version() const; bool dsc() const; bool ctrld() const; bool pjl() const; bool epsf() const; bool pdf() const; unsigned int preview() const; unsigned int language_level() const; unsigned int document_data() const; unsigned long begincomments() const; unsigned long endcomments() const; unsigned long beginpreview() const; unsigned long endpreview() const; unsigned long begindefaults() const; unsigned long enddefaults() const; unsigned long beginprolog() const; unsigned long endprolog() const; unsigned long beginsetup() const; unsigned long endsetup() const; unsigned long begintrailer() const; unsigned long endtrailer() const; CDSCPAGE* page() const; unsigned int page_count() const; unsigned int page_pages() const; unsigned int page_order() const; unsigned int page_orientation() const; CDSCCTM* viewing_orientation() const; unsigned int media_count() const; CDSCMEDIA** media() const; const CDSCMEDIA* page_media() const; #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 93)) auto_ptr<KDSCBBOX> bbox() const; auto_ptr<KDSCBBOX> page_bbox() const; #else std::auto_ptr<KDSCBBOX> bbox() const; std::auto_ptr<KDSCBBOX> page_bbox() const; #endif // CDSCDOSEPS *doseps; QString dsc_title() const; QString dsc_creator() const; QString dsc_date() const; QString dsc_for() const; // unsigned int max_error bool scanData( char*, unsigned int ); /** * Tidy up from incorrect DSC comments. */ int fixup(); KDSCErrorHandler* errorHandler() const; void setErrorHandler( KDSCErrorHandler* ); KDSCCommentHandler* commentHandler() const; void setCommentHandler( KDSCCommentHandler* ); /*--- Extra methods for convenience -----------------------------------*/ bool isStructured() const; /*--- Temporary -------------------------------------------------------*/ CDSC* cdsc() const; protected: static int errorFunction( void* caller_data, CDSC* dsc, unsigned int explanation, const char* line, unsigned int line_len ); private: CDSC* _cdsc; KDSCErrorHandler* _errorHandler; KDSCCommentHandler* _commentHandler; KDSCScanHandler* _scanHandler; }; class KDSCScanHandler { public: virtual ~KDSCScanHandler() {} KDSCScanHandler( CDSC* cdsc ) : _cdsc( cdsc ) {} virtual bool scanData( char* buf, unsigned int count ) { return ( dsc_scan_data( _cdsc, buf, count ) >= 0 ); } protected: CDSC* _cdsc; }; class KDSCScanHandlerByLine : public KDSCScanHandler { public: KDSCScanHandlerByLine( CDSC* cdsc, KDSCCommentHandler* commentHandler ) : KDSCScanHandler( cdsc ), _commentHandler( commentHandler ) {} virtual bool scanData( char* buf, unsigned int count ); protected: KDSCCommentHandler* _commentHandler; }; #endif // vim:sw=4:sts=4:ts=8:noet