 * Copyright (C) 1997-2003 the KGhostView authors. See file AUTHORS.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#include <math.h>

#include <tqlistbox.h>

#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <tdeversion.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>

// KLineEditDlg is depricated as of 3.2. use KInputDialog instead
  #include <kinputdialog.h>
  #include <tqvalidator.h>
  #include <tqwidget.h>
  #include <klineeditdlg.h>

#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "infodialog.h"
#include "marklist.h"
#include "kgvdocument.h"
#include "kgv_view.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "scrollbox.h"

#include "kgv_miniwidget.h"

#include "kpswidget.h"

using namespace KGV;

KGVMiniWidget::KGVMiniWidget( KGVPart* part, const char* name ) : 
    TQObject( part, name ),
    _document( 0 ),
    _part( part ),
    _psWidget( 0 ),
    _usePageLabels( true ),
    _visiblePage( -1 )
    TDELocale locale( "kghostview" );
    _fallBackPageMedia = pageSizeToString( 
              static_cast< TQPrinter::PageSize >( locale.pageSize() ) );
    _thumbnailService = new ThumbnailService( this );

    connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( newPageShown( int ) ), 
             TQT_SLOT( updateStatusBarText( int ) ) );

void KGVMiniWidget::setDocument( KGVDocument* document )
    _document = document;
    if( _document )
	connect( _document, TQT_SIGNAL( completed() ), 
	         TQT_SLOT( slotDocumentOpened() ) );

TQString KGVMiniWidget::pageSizeToString( TQPrinter::PageSize pageSize )
    switch( pageSize )
    case TQPrinter::A3:     return "A3";
    case TQPrinter::A4:     return "A4";
    case TQPrinter::A5:     return "A5";
    case TQPrinter::B4:     return "B4";
    case TQPrinter::Ledger: return "Ledger";
    case TQPrinter::Legal:  return "Legal";
    case TQPrinter::Letter: return "Letter";
    default:               return "Unknown";

void KGVMiniWidget::reset()
    if( _psWidget )

    // return to document defaults
    emit setStatusBarText( "" );

void KGVMiniWidget::setPSWidget( KPSWidget* psWidget )
    _psWidget = psWidget;
    // setMagnification( _magnification );
    connect( _psWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( newPageImage( TQPixmap ) ), 
             this, TQT_SLOT( sendPage() ) );

void KGVMiniWidget::goToPage()
	int num;
	bool ok = false;
	num = KInputDialog::getInteger(i18n("Go to Page"), i18n("Page:"), 1,
		1, dsc()->page_count(), 1, 10, &ok, _part->widget());
	if (ok) goToPage( num-1 );
    TQString num;
    bool b = false;
    num = KLineEditDlg::getText(i18n("Go to Page"), i18n("Page:"), TQString(), &b, _part->widget(), new TQIntValidator(1, dsc()->page_count(), this));
    if (b) goToPage( num.toInt() - 1 );

void KGVMiniWidget::info()
    if( !document()->isOpen() ) 

    InfoDialog* infoDialog = new InfoDialog( _part->widget(), "info", true );
    infoDialog->setup( _part->url().prettyURL(),
                        dsc()->dsc_title(), dsc()->dsc_date() );
    delete infoDialog;

void KGVMiniWidget::goToPage( int page )
    if( _options.page() != page ) {
	_options.setPage( page );
	showPage( _options.page() );

void KGVMiniWidget::zoomIn()
    if ( _options.zoomIn() ) showPage( _options.page() );

void KGVMiniWidget::zoomOut()
    if ( _options.zoomOut() ) showPage( _options.page() );

bool KGVMiniWidget::atMaxZoom() const
    return !_options.canZoomIn();

bool KGVMiniWidget::atMinZoom() const
    return !_options.canZoomOut();

void KGVMiniWidget::fitWidth( unsigned int width )
    if ( (orientation() == CDSC_LANDSCAPE) || (orientation() == CDSC_SEASCAPE) )
        setMagnification( ( (double)width / TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY()) /
                      ( (double)boundingBox().height() / 72) );
    else // default
        setMagnification( ( (double)width / TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiX() ) /
                      ( (double)boundingBox().width() / 72) );

void KGVMiniWidget::fitHeight( unsigned int height )
    if ( (orientation() == CDSC_LANDSCAPE) || (orientation() == CDSC_SEASCAPE) )
        setMagnification( ( (double)height / TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY()) /
                      ( (double)boundingBox().width() / 72) );
    else  //default
        setMagnification( ( (double)height / TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY()) /
                      ( (double)boundingBox().height() / 72) );

void KGVMiniWidget::fitWidthHeight( unsigned int w, unsigned int h )
    double magnification = std::min<double>( 
	    ( ( double )h / TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY() ) /
	    ( ( double )boundingBox().height() / 72.0 ),
	    ( ( double )w / TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiX() ) /
	    ( ( double )boundingBox().width() / 72.0 ) );
    setMagnification( magnification );

void KGVMiniWidget::firstPage()
    goToPage( 0 );

void KGVMiniWidget::lastPage()
    if ( !dsc() ) return;

    goToPage( dsc()->page_count() - 1 );

bool KGVMiniWidget::prevPage()
    if ( !dsc() ) return false;

    int new_page = 0;

    if( dsc()->isStructured() ) {
	new_page = _options.page() - 1;
	if( new_page < 0 )
	    return false;

    goToPage( new_page );
    return true;

bool KGVMiniWidget::nextPage()
    if ( !dsc() ) return false;

    int new_page = 0;

    if( dsc()->isStructured() ) {
	new_page = _options.page() + 1;
	if( (unsigned int)new_page >= dsc()->page_count() )
	    return false;

    goToPage( new_page );
    return true;

void KGVMiniWidget::redisplay ()
    if( !document()->psFile() )

    showPage( _options.page() );

void KGVMiniWidget::restoreOverrideOrientation()
    showPage( _options.page() );

void KGVMiniWidget::setOverrideOrientation( CDSC_ORIENTATION_ENUM orientation )
    _options.setOverrideOrientation( orientation );
    showPage( _options.page() );

CDSC_ORIENTATION_ENUM KGVMiniWidget::orientation() const
    if( _options.overrideOrientation() != CDSC_ORIENT_UNKNOWN )
	return _options.overrideOrientation();
    else if( dsc()->page_orientation() != CDSC_ORIENT_UNKNOWN )
	return static_cast< CDSC_ORIENTATION_ENUM >( dsc()->page_orientation());
    else if( dsc()->bbox().get() != 0 
	  && dsc()->bbox()->width() > dsc()->bbox()->height() )
        return CDSC_LANDSCAPE;

CDSC_ORIENTATION_ENUM KGVMiniWidget::orientation( int pagenumber ) const
    if ( !dsc() ||  unsigned( pagenumber ) >= dsc()->page_count() ) {
	return orientation();
    if( _options.overrideOrientation() != CDSC_ORIENT_UNKNOWN ) { 
	return _options.overrideOrientation();
    if( dsc()->page()[ pagenumber ].orientation != CDSC_ORIENT_UNKNOWN ) { 
	return static_cast< CDSC_ORIENTATION_ENUM >( dsc()->page()[ pagenumber ].orientation );
    if( dsc()->page_orientation() != CDSC_ORIENT_UNKNOWN ) { 
	return static_cast< CDSC_ORIENTATION_ENUM >( dsc()->page_orientation());
    if( !dsc()->epsf() ) {
    if( dsc()->bbox().get() != 0
          && dsc()->bbox()->width() > dsc()->bbox()->height() ) {

void KGVMiniWidget::restoreOverridePageMedia()
	showPage( _options.page() );

void KGVMiniWidget::setOverridePageMedia( const TQString& mediaName )
    _options.setOverridePageMedia( mediaName );
	showPage( _options.page() );

TQString KGVMiniWidget::pageMedia() const
    if( !_options.overridePageMedia().isNull() )
	return _options.overridePageMedia();
    else if( dsc()->page_media() != 0 )
	return TQString( dsc()->page_media()->name );
    else if( dsc()->bbox().get() != 0 )
	return TQString( "BoundingBox" );
	return _fallBackPageMedia;

TQString KGVMiniWidget::pageMedia( int pagenumber ) const
    kdDebug( 4500 ) << "KGVMiniWidget::pageMedia( " <<  pagenumber << " )" << endl;
    if ( !dsc() ) return pageMedia();
    if ( unsigned( pagenumber ) >= dsc()->page_count() ) return pageMedia();
    if( !_options.overridePageMedia().isNull() )
	return _options.overridePageMedia();
    else if( dsc()->page()[ pagenumber ].media != 0 )
	return TQString( dsc()->page()[ pagenumber ].media->name );
    else if( dsc()->page_media() != 0 )
	return TQString( dsc()->page_media()->name );
    else if( dsc()->bbox().get() != 0 )
	return TQString( "BoundingBox" );
	return _fallBackPageMedia;

KDSCBBOX KGVMiniWidget::boundingBox() const
    TQString currentMedia = pageMedia();
    if( currentMedia == "BoundingBox" )
	return KDSCBBOX( *dsc()->bbox().get() );
    else {
	TQSize size = document()->computePageSize( currentMedia );
	return KDSCBBOX( 0, 0, size.width(), size.height() );

KDSCBBOX KGVMiniWidget::boundingBox( int pageNo ) const
    TQString currentMedia = pageMedia( pageNo );
    if( currentMedia == "BoundingBox" )
	return KDSCBBOX( *dsc()->bbox().get() );
    else {
	TQSize size = document()->computePageSize( currentMedia );
	return KDSCBBOX( 0, 0, size.width(), size.height() );

bool KGVMiniWidget::atFirstPage() const
    return ( _options.page() == 0 );

bool KGVMiniWidget::atLastPage() const
    return ( _options.page() == static_cast<int>( dsc()->page_count() ) - 1 );

void KGVMiniWidget::showPage( int pagenumber )
    if( !document()->isOpen() )

    kdDebug(4500) << "KGVMiniWidget::showPage( " << pagenumber << " )" << endl;

    static_cast<TQWidget*>( _psWidget->parent() )->show();

    _psWidget->setFileName(_document->fileName(), dsc()->isStructured() );

    if( dsc()->isStructured() ) 
	// Coerce page number to fall in range
	if( ( unsigned int)pagenumber >= dsc()->page_count() )
	    pagenumber = dsc()->page_count() - 1;
	if( pagenumber < 0 )
	    pagenumber = 0;

	_options.setPage( pagenumber );
        _psWidget->setOrientation( orientation( _options.page() ) );
	_psWidget->setBoundingBox( boundingBox( _options.page() ) );
	_psWidget->setMagnification( _options.magnification() );
	if( !_psWidget->isInterpreterRunning() )
	    // Start interpreter, send preamble and send the current page.
	    if( _psWidget->startInterpreter() )
		_psWidget->sendPS( psFile(), dsc()->beginprolog(),
		                             dsc()->endprolog() );
		_psWidget->sendPS( psFile(), dsc()->beginsetup(),
		                             dsc()->endsetup() );
		_psWidget->sendPS( psFile(), dsc()->page()[ _options.page() ].begin,
		                             dsc()->page()[ _options.page() ].end );
		_visiblePage = _options.page();
	_psWidget->setOrientation( orientation() );
	_psWidget->setBoundingBox( boundingBox() );
	_psWidget->setMagnification( _options.magnification() );
	if( !_psWidget->isInterpreterRunning() ) 
	    // This is not a structured document -- start interpreter
	    if( !dsc() )
	else if( _psWidget->isInterpreterReady() )
	      (i18n("KGhostview cannot load the document, \"%1\".\n"
		    "It appears to be broken.").arg( _fileName ),

	    //TODO: More to do to turn off display?
    // Do this after ajusting pagenumber above
    _thumbnailService->cancelRequests( -1 , _part->scrollBox(), TQT_SLOT( setThumbnail( TQPixmap ) ) );
    _thumbnailService->delayedGetThumbnail( pagenumber, _part->scrollBox(), TQT_SLOT( setThumbnail( TQPixmap ) ), true );

    emit newPageShown( pagenumber );

void KGVMiniWidget::sendPage()
    // Send the page to the interpreter.
    if( !_psWidget->isInterpreterBusy() && _visiblePage != _options.page() )
	// Interpreter ready - Fire off next page
	_psWidget->sendPS( psFile(), dsc()->page()[ _options.page() ].begin,
	                             dsc()->page()[ _options.page() ].end );
	_visiblePage = _options.page();

void KGVMiniWidget::updateStatusBarText( int pageNumber )
    if( !dsc() )

    if( dsc()->isStructured() ) 
	TQString text;
	if( pageNumber == -1 )
	    text = i18n( "Page 1" );
	    if( !_usePageLabels || document()->format() == KGVDocument::PDF )
		text = i18n( "Page %1 of %2" )
		       .arg( pageNumber + 1 )
		       .arg( dsc()->page_count() );
		text = i18n( "Page %1 (%2 of %3)" )
		       .arg( dsc()->page()[ _options.page() ].label )
		       .arg( pageNumber + 1 )
		       .arg( dsc()->page_count() );

	emit setStatusBarText( text );

void KGVMiniWidget::buildTOC()
    if( !dsc() ) 

    // Build table of contents
    // Well, that's what it used to be called !!

    int last_page = 0;

    MarkList*  marklist = _part->markList();

    if( dsc()->isStructured() ) {
	if( _usePageLabels )
	    for( unsigned i = 0; i < dsc()->page_count(); ++i ) {
		unsigned j = i;
		if( dsc()->page_order() == CDSC_DESCEND )
		    j = ( dsc()->page_count() - 1 ) - i;
		last_page = atoi( dsc()->page()[j].label );

	// finally set marked list
	TQString s;
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < dsc()->page_count(); ++i ) {
	    const char * label = dsc()->page()[ i ].label;
	    TQString tip = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( label ? label : "" );

	    if( !_usePageLabels )
		s.setNum( i + 1 );
		s = tip;

	    marklist->insertItem( s, i, tip );
    else {
	marklist->insertItem( TQString::fromLatin1( "1" ), 0 );

void KGVMiniWidget::setMagnification( double magnification )
    if ( magnification != _options.magnification() ) {
	_options.setMagnification( magnification );
	showPage( _options.page() );

void KGVMiniWidget::enablePageLabels( bool b )
    if( _usePageLabels != b ) 
	_usePageLabels = b;
	updateStatusBarText( _options.page() );

void KGVMiniWidget::slotDocumentOpened()
    showPage( _options.page() );

void KGVMiniWidget::setDisplayOptions( const DisplayOptions& newOptions )
    _options = newOptions;

#include "kgv_miniwidget.moc"