/* kiconedit - a small graphics drawing program for creating KDE icons Copyright (C) 1998 Thomas Tanghus (tanghus@kde.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <tqpainter.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include "kcolorgrid.h" void KColorArray::remove(int idx) { int oldsize = size(); if(idx >= (int)size()) { kdWarning() << "KColorArray::remove: Index " << idx << " out of range" << endl; return; } KColorArray tmp(*this); tmp.detach(); resize(size()-1); for(int i = idx; i < oldsize-1; i++) at(i) = tmp[i+1]; //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorArray::remove() " << at(idx) << "\t-\tsize: " << size() << endl; } void KColorArray::append(uint c) { resize(size()+1); at(size()-1) = c; //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorArray::append() " << c << "\t-\tsize: " << size() << endl; } uint KColorArray::closestMatch(uint color) { //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorArray: " << c << endl; uint c = color & ~OPAQUE_MASK, d = 0xffffff, t; //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorArray: " << c << endl; //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorArray: " << c|OPAQUE_MASK << endl; uint cb = c; for(uint i = 0; i < size(); i++) { if (at(i) > cb) t = at(i) - cb; else t = cb - at(i); if( t < d ) { d = t; c = at(i); } } return c|OPAQUE_MASK; } KColorGrid::KColorGrid(TQWidget *parent, const char *name, int space) : TQWidget(parent, name, TQt::WResizeNoErase|TQt::WRepaintNoErase) { //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid - constructor" << endl; s = space; rows = cols = totalwidth = totalheight = 0; setCellSize(10); setGridState(Plain); setGrid(true); numcolors.resize(0); gridcolors.resize(0); //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid - constructor - done" << endl; } /* void KColorGrid::show() { //updateScrollBars(); TQWidget::show(); } */ void KColorGrid::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *e) { //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid::paintEvent" << endl; //updateScrollBars(); //TQWidget::paintEvent(e); const TQRect urect = e->rect(); //kdDebug(4640) << "Update rect = ( " << //urect.left() << ", " << urect.top() << ", " << urect.width() << ", " << urect.height() << " )" << endl; int firstcol = getX(urect.x())-1; int firstrow = getY(urect.y())-1; int lastcol = getX(urect.right())+1; int lastrow = getY(urect.bottom())+1; TQWMatrix matrix; TQPixmap pm(urect.width(),urect.height()); pm.fill(paletteBackgroundColor()); TQPainter p; p.begin( &pm ); firstrow = (firstrow < 0) ? 0 : firstrow; firstcol = (firstcol < 0) ? 0 : firstcol; lastrow = (lastrow >= rows) ? rows : lastrow; lastcol = (lastcol >= cols) ? cols : lastcol; //kdDebug(4640) << urect.x() << " x " << urect.y() << " - row: " << urect.width() << " x " << urect.height() << endl; //kdDebug(4640) << "col: " << firstcol << " -> " << lastcol << " - row: " << firstrow << " -> " << lastrow << endl; /* if(this->isA("KDrawGrid")) kdDebug(4640) << "KDrawGrid\n firstcol: " << firstcol << "\n lastcol: " << lastcol << "\n firstrow: " << firstrow << "\n lastrow: " << lastrow << endl; */ for(int i = firstrow; i < lastrow; i++) { //if(this->isA("KDrawGrid")) // kdDebug(4640) << "Updating row " << i << endl; for(int j = firstcol; j < lastcol; j++) { matrix.translate( (j*cellsize)-urect.x(), (i*cellsize)-urect.y() ); p.setWorldMatrix( matrix ); //p.setClipRect(j*cellsize, i*cellsize, cellsize, cellsize); paintCell(&p, i, j); //p.setClipping(FALSE); matrix.reset(); p.setWorldMatrix( matrix ); } //kapp->processEvents(); } matrix.translate(-urect.x(),-urect.y()); p.setWorldMatrix( matrix ); paintForeground(&p,e); p.end(); bitBlt(this,urect.topLeft(),&pm,TQRect(0,0,pm.width(),pm.height())); } void KColorGrid::paintForeground(TQPainter* , TQPaintEvent* ) { } /* void KColorGrid::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *) { //kdDebug(4640) << "resize: width: " << width() << " - total: " << totalwidth << endl; //kdDebug(4640) << "resize: height: " << height() << " - total: " << totalheight << endl; } */ TQSize KColorGrid::tqsizeHint() const { return TQSize(totalwidth, totalheight); } int KColorGrid::getY( int y ) { if(y > (totalheight-1)) y = totalheight; if(cellsize == 1) return y; return (y/cellsize); } int KColorGrid::getX( int x ) { if( x > totalwidth-1) x = totalwidth; if(cellsize == 1) return x; return (x/cellsize); } const TQRect KColorGrid::viewRect() { //kdDebug(4640) << "viewRect" << endl; const TQRect r(0, 0, width(), height()); //kdDebug(4640) << "viewRect - " << x << " x " << y << " - " << w << " x " << h << endl; return r; } void KColorGrid::setNumRows(int n) { //kdDebug(4640) << "setNumRows" << endl; if(n < 0 || n == rows) return; rows = n; gridcolors.resize(n*numCols()); //TQTableView::setNumRows(n); totalheight = (n * cellsize) + 1; resize(totalwidth, totalheight); //kdDebug(4640) << "setNumRows() - gridcolors: " << gridcolors.size() << " size: " << numCols()*numRows() << endl; } void KColorGrid::setNumCols(int n) { //kdDebug(4640) << "setNumCols" << endl; if(n < 0) return; int on = numCols(); KColorArray gc(gridcolors); gc.detach(); //kdDebug(4640) << "gc size: " << gc.size() << " numrows: " << numRows() << endl; gridcolors.resize(n*numRows()); cols = n; totalwidth = (n * cellsize) + 1; resize(totalwidth, totalheight); //kdDebug(4640) << "numRows: " << numRows() << endl; //kdDebug(4640) << "gridcolor: " << gridcolors.size() << " grid: " << numRows()*numCols() << endl; if(numRows() == 0) return; for(int i = 0; i < numRows(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) { //kdDebug(4640) << "row " << i << " , col " << j << endl; if(j < on ) //If there's something to read here -- i.e. we're within the original grid { //kdDebug(4640) << (i*numCols())+j << " " << (i*on)+j << endl; gridcolors.at((i*numCols())+j) = gc.at((i*on)+j); } else //Initialize to something.. { if (gc.size()) //Have some pixels originally.. gridcolors.at((i*numCols())+j) = gc.at(0); else gridcolors.at((i*numCols())+j) = 0; //Picks something #### Update numcolors? } } } //kdDebug(4640) << "setNumCols() - gridcolors: " << gridcolors.size() << " size: " << numCols()*numRows() << endl; } void KColorGrid::fill( uint color) { gridcolors.fill(color); numcolors.resize(1); numcolors.at(0) = color; emit colorschanged(numcolors.size(), numcolors.data()); } void KColorGrid::setColor( int colNum, uint col, bool update ) { //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid::setColor" << endl; uint oldcolor = gridcolors[colNum]; gridcolors[colNum] = col; if(!update) return; //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid::setColor - before adding" << endl; if(!numcolors.contains(col)) { //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid::setColor() - adding " << // col << " - " << tqRed(col) << " " << tqGreen(col) << " " << tqBlue(col) << endl; numcolors.append(col); //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid::setColor() - adding done " << numcolors.size()-1 << endl; //numcolors++; emit addingcolor(col); } //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid::setColor - before removing" << endl; if(!gridcolors.contains(oldcolor)) { int idx = numcolors.find(oldcolor); if(idx != -1) { //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid::setColor() - removing " << // oldcolor << " - " << tqRed(oldcolor) << " " << tqGreen(oldcolor) << " " << tqBlue(oldcolor) << endl; numcolors.remove(idx); //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid::setColor() - removing done" << endl; emit colorschanged(numcolors.size(), numcolors.data()); } //numcolors--; } //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid::setColor - before updateCell" << endl; tqrepaint((colNum%numCols())*cellsize,(colNum/numCols())*cellsize, cellsize, cellsize); //updateCell( colNum/numCols(), colNum%numCols(), false ); //kdDebug(4640) << "KColorGrid::setColor - after updateCell" << endl; } void KColorGrid::updateCell( int row, int col, bool ) { //kdDebug(4640) << "updateCell - before tqrepaint" << endl; TQWMatrix matrix; TQPainter p; p.begin( this ); matrix.translate( (col*cellsize), (row*cellsize) ); p.setWorldMatrix( matrix ); paintCell(&p, row, col); p.end(); } void KColorGrid::updateColors() { numcolors.resize(0); for(int i = 0; i < (int)gridcolors.size(); i++) { uint col = gridcolors.at(i); if(!numcolors.contains(col)) numcolors.append(col); } emit colorschanged(numcolors.size(), numcolors.data()); } void KColorGrid::setCellSize( int s ) { cellsize = s; totalwidth = (numCols() * s) + 1; totalheight = (numRows() * s) + 1; resize(totalwidth, totalheight); if ( isVisible() ) tqrepaint(viewRect(), false); } #include "kcolorgrid.moc"