/* Copyright (c) 2003,2004,2005 Clarence Dang <dang@kde.org> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define DEBUG_KP_COLOR 0 #include <kpcolor.h> #include <tqdatastream.h> #include <kdebug.h> // public static const int kpColor::Exact = 0; // public static const kpColor kpColor::invalid; // TODO: what's wrong with explicitly specifying () constructor? const kpColor kpColor::transparent (0, 0, 0, true/*isTransparent*/); kpColor::kpColor () : m_rgbaIsValid (false), m_colorCacheIsValid (false) { } kpColor::kpColor (int red, int green, int blue, bool isTransparent) : m_colorCacheIsValid (false) { if (red < 0 || red > 255 || green < 0 || green > 255 || blue < 0 || blue > 255) { kdError () << "kpColor::<ctor>(r=" << red << ",g=" << green << ",b=" << blue << ",t=" << isTransparent << ") passed out of range values" << endl; m_rgbaIsValid = false; return; } m_rgba = tqRgba (red, green, blue, isTransparent ? 0 : 255/*opaque*/); m_rgbaIsValid = true; } kpColor::kpColor (const TQRgb &rgba) : m_colorCacheIsValid (false) { if (tqAlpha (rgba) > 0 && tqAlpha (rgba) < 255) { kdError () << "kpColor::<ctor>(TQRgb) passed translucent alpha " << tqAlpha (rgba) << " - trying to recover" << endl; // Forget the alpha channel - make it opaque m_rgba = tqRgb (tqRed (m_rgba), tqGreen (m_rgba), tqBlue (m_rgba)); m_rgbaIsValid = true; } else { m_rgba = rgba; m_rgbaIsValid = true; } } kpColor::kpColor (const kpColor &rhs) : m_rgbaIsValid (rhs.m_rgbaIsValid), m_rgba (rhs.m_rgba), m_colorCacheIsValid (rhs.m_colorCacheIsValid), m_colorCache (rhs.m_colorCache) { } // friend TQDataStream &operator<< (TQDataStream &stream, const kpColor &color) { stream << int (color.m_rgbaIsValid) << int (color.m_rgba); return stream; } // friend TQDataStream &operator>> (TQDataStream &stream, kpColor &color) { int a, b; stream >> a >> b; color.m_rgbaIsValid = a; color.m_rgba = b; color.m_colorCacheIsValid = false; return stream; } kpColor &kpColor::operator= (const kpColor &rhs) { // (as soon as you add a ptr, you won't be complaining to me that this // method was unnecessary :)) if (this == &rhs) return *this; m_rgbaIsValid = rhs.m_rgbaIsValid; m_rgba = rhs.m_rgba; m_colorCacheIsValid = rhs.m_colorCacheIsValid; m_colorCache = rhs.m_colorCache; return *this; } bool kpColor::operator== (const kpColor &rhs) const { return isSimilarTo (rhs, kpColor::Exact); } bool kpColor::operator!= (const kpColor &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } template <class dtype> inline dtype square (dtype val) { return val * val; } // public static int kpColor::processSimilarity (double colorSimilarity) { // sqrt (dr ^ 2 + dg ^ 2 + db ^ 2) <= colorSimilarity * sqrt (255 ^ 2 * 3) // dr ^ 2 + dg ^ 2 + db ^ 2 <= (colorSimilarity ^ 2) * (255 ^ 2 * 3) return int (square (colorSimilarity) * (square (255) * 3)); } bool kpColor::isSimilarTo (const kpColor &rhs, int processedSimilarity) const { // Are we the same? if (this == &rhs) return true; // Do we dither in terms of validity? if (isValid () != rhs.isValid ()) return false; // Are both of us invalid? if (!isValid ()) return true; // --- both are now valid --- if (isTransparent () != rhs.isTransparent ()) return false; // Are both of us transparent? if (isTransparent ()) return true; // --- both are now valid and opaque --- if (m_rgba == rhs.m_rgba) return true; if (processedSimilarity == kpColor::Exact) return false; else { return (square (tqRed (m_rgba) - tqRed (rhs.m_rgba)) + square (tqGreen (m_rgba) - tqGreen (rhs.m_rgba)) + square (tqBlue (m_rgba) - tqBlue (rhs.m_rgba)) <= processedSimilarity); } } kpColor::~kpColor () { } // public bool kpColor::isValid () const { return m_rgbaIsValid; } // public int kpColor::red () const { if (!m_rgbaIsValid) { kdError () << "kpColor::red() called with invalid kpColor" << endl; return 0; } if (isTransparent ()) { kdError () << "kpColor::red() called with transparent kpColor" << endl; return 0; } return tqRed (m_rgba); } // public int kpColor::green () const { if (!m_rgbaIsValid) { kdError () << "kpColor::green() called with invalid kpColor" << endl; return 0; } if (isTransparent ()) { kdError () << "kpColor::green() called with transparent kpColor" << endl; return 0; } return tqGreen (m_rgba); } // public int kpColor::blue () const { if (!m_rgbaIsValid) { kdError () << "kpColor::blue() called with invalid kpColor" << endl; return 0; } if (isTransparent ()) { kdError () << "kpColor::blue() called with transparent kpColor" << endl; return 0; } return tqBlue (m_rgba); } // public int kpColor::alpha () const { if (!m_rgbaIsValid) { kdError () << "kpColor::alpha() called with invalid kpColor" << endl; return 0; } const int alpha = tqAlpha (m_rgba); if (alpha > 0 && alpha < 255) { kdError () << "kpColor::alpha() called with translucent kpColor alpha=" << alpha << endl; // no translucency return alpha ? 255 : 0; } else { return alpha; } } // public bool kpColor::isTransparent () const { return (alpha () == 0); } // public bool kpColor::isOpaque () const { return (alpha () == 255); } // public TQRgb kpColor::toTQRgb () const { if (!m_rgbaIsValid) { kdError () << "kpColor::toTQRgb() called with invalid kpColor" << endl; return 0; } return m_rgba; } // public const TQColor &kpColor::toTQColor () const { if (!m_rgbaIsValid) { kdError () << "kpColor::toTQColor() called with invalid kpColor" << endl; return TQt::black; } if (m_colorCacheIsValid) return m_colorCache; if (tqAlpha (m_rgba) < 255) { kdError () << "kpColor::toTQColor() called with not fully opaque kpColor alpha=" << tqAlpha (m_rgba) << endl; return TQt::black; } m_colorCache = TQColor (m_rgba); if (!m_colorCache.isValid ()) { kdError () << "kpColor::toTQColor () internal error - could not return valid TQColor" << endl; return TQt::black; } m_colorCacheIsValid = true; return m_colorCache; } // public TQColor kpColor::maskColor () const { return isTransparent () ? TQt::color0 : TQt::color1; }