/* Copyright (c) 2003,2004,2005 Clarence Dang <dang@kde.org> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define DEBUG_KP_TOOL 0 #include <kptool.h> #include <limits.h> #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqclipboard.h> #include <tqcursor.h> #include <tqevent.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqpixmap.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #include <kpcolor.h> #include <kpcolortoolbar.h> #include <kpdefs.h> #include <kpmainwindow.h> #include <kppixmapfx.h> #include <kpsinglekeytriggersaction.h> #include <kptoolaction.h> #include <kptooltoolbar.h> #include <kpview.h> #include <kpviewmanager.h> // // kpTool // struct kpToolPrivate { }; kpTool::kpTool (const TQString &text, const TQString &description, int key, kpMainWindow *mainWindow, const char *name) { init (text, description, key, mainWindow, name); } kpTool::~kpTool () { // before destructing, stop using the tool if (m_began) endInternal (); if (m_action) { if (m_mainWindow && m_mainWindow->actionCollection ()) m_mainWindow->actionCollection ()->remove (m_action); else delete m_action; } delete d; } // private void kpTool::init (const TQString &text, const TQString &description, int key, kpMainWindow *mainWindow, const char *name) { d = new kpToolPrivate (); m_key = key; m_action = 0; m_ignoreColorSignals = 0; m_shiftPressed = false, m_controlPressed = false, m_altPressed = false; // set in beginInternal() m_beganDraw = false; m_text = text, m_description = description, m_name = name; m_mainWindow = mainWindow; m_began = false; m_viewUnderStartPoint = 0; m_userShapeStartPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; m_userShapeEndPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; m_userShapeSize = KP_INVALID_SIZE; createAction (); } // private void kpTool::createAction () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "kpTool(" << name () << "::createAction()" << endl; #endif if (!m_mainWindow) { kdError () << "kpTool::createAction() without mw" << endl; return; } KActionCollection *ac = m_mainWindow->actionCollection (); if (!ac) { kdError () << "kpTool::createAction() without ac" << endl; return; } if (m_action) { // TODO: I don't think this will ever be executed as we are not called // outside of the constructor. #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL kdDebug () << "\tdeleting existing" << endl; #endif ac->remove (m_action); m_action = 0; } m_action = new kpToolAction (text (), iconName (), shortcutForKey (m_key), this, TQT_SLOT (slotActionActivated ()), m_mainWindow->actionCollection (), name ()); m_action->setExclusiveGroup (TQString::tqfromLatin1 ("Tool Box Actions")); m_action->setWhatsThis (description ()); connect (m_action, TQT_SIGNAL (toolTipChanged (const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT (slotActionToolTipChanged (const TQString &))); } // protected slot void kpTool::slotActionToolTipChanged (const TQString &string) { emit actionToolTipChanged (string); } // public TQString kpTool::text () const { return m_text; } // public void kpTool::setText (const TQString &text) { m_text = text; if (m_action) m_action->setText (m_text); else createAction (); } // public static TQString kpTool::toolTipForTextAndShortcut (const TQString &text, const KShortcut &shortcut) { for (int i = 0; i < (int) shortcut.count (); i++) { const KKeySequence seq = shortcut.seq (i); if (seq.count () == 1 && containsSingleKeyTrigger (seq)) { return i18n ("<Tool Name> (<Single Accel Key>)", "%1 (%2)") .arg (text, seq.toString ()); } } return text; } // public static TQString kpTool::toolTip () const { return toolTipForTextAndShortcut (text (), shortcut ()); } // public int kpTool::key () const { return m_key; } // public void kpTool::setKey (int key) { m_key = key; if (m_action) // TODO: this probably not wise since it nukes the user's settings m_action->setShortcut (shortcutForKey (m_key)); else createAction (); } // public static KShortcut kpTool::shortcutForKey (int key) { KShortcut shortcut; if (key) { shortcut.append (KKeySequence (KKey (key))); // (CTRL+<key>, ALT+<key>, CTRL+ALT+<key>, CTRL+SHIFT+<key> // all clash with global KDE shortcuts) shortcut.append (KKeySequence (KKey (TQt::ALT + TQt::SHIFT + key))); } return shortcut; } // public KShortcut kpTool::shortcut () const { return m_action ? m_action->shortcut () : KShortcut (); } // public static bool kpTool::keyIsText (int key) { // TODO: should work like !TQKeyEvent::text().isEmpty() return !(key & (TQt::MODIFIER_MASK ^ TQt::SHIFT)); } // public static bool kpTool::containsSingleKeyTrigger (const KKeySequence &seq) { for (int i = 0; i < (int) seq.count (); i++) { const KKey key = seq.key (i); if (keyIsText (key.keyCodeQt ())) return true; } return false; } // public static bool kpTool::containsSingleKeyTrigger (const KShortcut &shortcut, KShortcut *shortcutWithoutSingleKeyTriggers) { if (shortcutWithoutSingleKeyTriggers) *shortcutWithoutSingleKeyTriggers = shortcut; KShortcut newShortcut; bool needNewShortcut = false; for (int i = 0; i < (int) shortcut.count (); i++) { const KKeySequence seq = shortcut.seq (i); if (containsSingleKeyTrigger (seq)) { needNewShortcut = true; } else { newShortcut.append (seq); } } if (needNewShortcut && shortcutWithoutSingleKeyTriggers) *shortcutWithoutSingleKeyTriggers = newShortcut; return needNewShortcut; } // public bool kpTool::singleKeyTriggersEnabled () const { return (m_action ? m_action->singleKeyTriggersEnabled () : true); } // public void kpTool::enableSingleKeyTriggers (bool enable) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "kpTool(" << name () << ")::enableSingleKeyTriggers(" << enable << ")" << endl; #endif if (!m_action) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\tno action" << endl; #endif return; } m_action->enableSingleKeyTriggers (enable); } // public TQString kpTool::description () const { return m_description; } // public void kpTool::setDescription (const TQString &description) { m_description = description; if (m_action) m_action->setWhatsThis (m_description); else createAction (); } // public const char *kpTool::name () const { return m_name; } // static TQRect kpTool::neededRect (const TQRect &rect, int lineWidth) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; rect.coords (&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); if (lineWidth < 1) lineWidth = 1; return TQRect (TQPoint (x1 - lineWidth + 1, y1 - lineWidth + 1), TQPoint (x2 + lineWidth - 1, y2 + lineWidth - 1)); } // static TQPixmap kpTool::neededPixmap (const TQPixmap &pixmap, const TQRect &boundingRect) { return kpPixmapFX::getPixmapAt (pixmap, boundingRect); } // public bool kpTool::hasCurrentPoint () const { return (viewUnderStartPoint () || viewUnderCursor ()); } // public TQPoint kpTool::currentPoint (bool zoomToDoc) const { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "kpTool::currentPoint(zoomToDoc=" << zoomToDoc << ")" << endl; kdDebug () << "\tviewUnderStartPoint=" << (viewUnderStartPoint () ? viewUnderStartPoint ()->name () : "(none)") << " viewUnderCursor=" << (viewUnderCursor () ? viewUnderCursor ()->name () : "(none)") << endl; #endif kpView *v = viewUnderStartPoint (); if (!v) { v = viewUnderCursor (); if (!v) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\tno view - returning sentinel" << endl; #endif return KP_INVALID_POINT; } } const TQPoint globalPos = TQCursor::pos (); const TQPoint viewPos = v->mapFromGlobal (globalPos); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\tglobalPos=" << globalPos << " viewPos=" << viewPos << endl; #endif if (!zoomToDoc) return viewPos; const TQPoint docPos = v->transformViewToDoc (viewPos); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\tdocPos=" << docPos << endl; #endif return docPos; } // public slot void kpTool::somethingBelowTheCursorChanged () { somethingBelowTheCursorChanged (currentPoint (), currentPoint (false/*view point*/)); } // private // TODO: don't dup code from mouseMoveEvent() void kpTool::somethingBelowTheCursorChanged (const TQPoint ¤tPoint_, const TQPoint ¤tViewPoint_) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "kpTool::somethingBelowTheCursorChanged(docPoint=" << currentPoint_ << " viewPoint=" << currentViewPoint_ << ")" << endl; kdDebug () << "\tviewUnderStartPoint=" << (viewUnderStartPoint () ? viewUnderStartPoint ()->name () : "(none)") << " viewUnderCursor=" << (viewUnderCursor () ? viewUnderCursor ()->name () : "(none)") << endl; kdDebug () << "\tbegan draw=" << m_beganDraw << endl; #endif m_currentPoint = currentPoint_; m_currentViewPoint = currentViewPoint_; if (m_beganDraw) { if (m_currentPoint != KP_INVALID_POINT) { draw (m_currentPoint, m_lastPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); m_lastPoint = m_currentPoint; } } else { hover (m_currentPoint); } } void kpTool::beginInternal () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL kdDebug () << "kpTool::beginInternal()" << endl; #endif if (!m_began) { // clear leftover statusbar messages setUserMessage (); m_currentPoint = currentPoint (); m_currentViewPoint = currentPoint (false/*view point*/); setUserShapePoints (m_currentPoint); // TODO: Audit all the code in this file - states like "m_began" & // "m_beganDraw" should be set before calling user func. // Also, m_currentPoint should be more frequently initialised. // call user virtual func begin (); // we've starting using the tool... m_began = true; // but we haven't started drawing with it m_beganDraw = false; uint keyState = KApplication::keyboardModifiers (); m_shiftPressed = (keyState & KApplication::ShiftModifier); m_controlPressed = (keyState & KApplication::ControlModifier); // TODO: Can't do much about ALT - unless it's always KApplication::Modifier1? // Ditto for everywhere else where I set SHIFT & CTRL but not alt. m_altPressed = false; } } void kpTool::endInternal () { if (m_began) { // before we can stop using the tool, we must stop the current drawing operation (if any) if (hasBegunShape ()) endShapeInternal (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); // call user virtual func end (); // clear leftover statusbar messages setUserMessage (); setUserShapePoints (currentPoint ()); // we've stopped using the tool... m_began = false; // and so we can't be drawing with it m_beganDraw = false; if (m_mainWindow) { kpToolToolBar *tb = m_mainWindow->toolToolBar (); if (tb) { tb->hideAllToolWidgets (); } } } } // virtual void kpTool::begin () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL kdDebug () << "kpTool::begin() base implementation" << endl; #endif } // virtual void kpTool::end () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL kdDebug () << "kpTool::end() base implementation" << endl; #endif } void kpTool::beginDrawInternal () { if (!m_beganDraw) { beginDraw (); m_beganDraw = true; emit beganDraw (m_currentPoint); } } // virtual void kpTool::beginDraw () { } // virtual void kpTool::hover (const TQPoint &point) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL kdDebug () << "kpTool::hover" << point << " base implementation" << endl; #endif setUserShapePoints (point); } // virtual void kpTool::globalDraw () { } // virtual void kpTool::reselect () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL kdDebug () << "kpTool::reselect() base implementation" << endl; #endif } // public TQIconSet kpTool::iconSet (int forceSize) const { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "kpTool(" << name () << ")::iconSet(forceSize=" << forceSize << ")" << endl; #endif // (robust in case BarIcon() default arg changes) if (forceSize > 0) return BarIconSet (name (), forceSize); else return BarIconSet (name ()); } // public TQString kpTool::iconName () const { return name (); } // public kpToolAction *kpTool::action () { if (!m_action) createAction (); return m_action; } // protected slots void kpTool::slotActionActivated () { emit actionActivated (); } // virtual void kpTool::draw (const TQPoint &, const TQPoint &, const TQRect &) { } // also called by kpView void kpTool::cancelShapeInternal () { if (hasBegunShape ()) { m_beganDraw = false; cancelShape (); m_viewUnderStartPoint = 0; emit cancelledShape (viewUnderCursor () ? m_currentPoint : KP_INVALID_POINT); if (viewUnderCursor ()) hover (m_currentPoint); else { m_currentPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; m_currentViewPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; hover (m_currentPoint); } if (returnToPreviousToolAfterEndDraw ()) { kpToolToolBar *tb = mainWindow ()->toolToolBar (); // (don't end up with no tool selected) if (tb->previousTool ()) { // endInternal() will be called by kpMainWindow (thanks to this line) // so we won't have the view anymore tb->selectPreviousTool (); } } } } // virtual void kpTool::cancelShape () { kdWarning () << "Tool cannot cancel operation!" << endl; } void kpTool::releasedAllButtons () { } void kpTool::endDrawInternal (const TQPoint &thisPoint, const TQRect &normalizedRect, bool wantEndShape) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "kpTool::endDrawInternal() wantEndShape=" << wantEndShape << endl; #endif if (wantEndShape && !hasBegunShape ()) return; else if (!wantEndShape && !hasBegunDraw ()) return; m_beganDraw = false; if (wantEndShape) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\tcalling endShape()" << endl; #endif endShape (thisPoint, normalizedRect); } else { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\tcalling endDraw()" << endl; #endif endDraw (thisPoint, normalizedRect); } m_viewUnderStartPoint = 0; emit endedDraw (m_currentPoint); if (viewUnderCursor ()) hover (m_currentPoint); else { m_currentPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; m_currentViewPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; hover (m_currentPoint); } if (returnToPreviousToolAfterEndDraw ()) { kpToolToolBar *tb = mainWindow ()->toolToolBar (); // (don't end up with no tool selected) if (tb->previousTool ()) { // endInternal() will be called by kpMainWindow (thanks to this line) // so we won't have the view anymore tb->selectPreviousTool (); } } } // private void kpTool::endShapeInternal (const TQPoint &thisPoint, const TQRect &normalizedRect) { endDrawInternal (thisPoint, normalizedRect, true/*end tqshape*/); } // virtual void kpTool::endDraw (const TQPoint &, const TQRect &) { } kpMainWindow *kpTool::mainWindow () const { return m_mainWindow; } kpDocument *kpTool::document () const { return m_mainWindow ? m_mainWindow->document () : 0; } kpView *kpTool::viewUnderCursor () const { kpViewManager *vm = viewManager (); return vm ? vm->viewUnderCursor () : 0; } kpViewManager *kpTool::viewManager () const { return m_mainWindow ? m_mainWindow->viewManager () : 0; } kpToolToolBar *kpTool::toolToolBar () const { return m_mainWindow ? m_mainWindow->toolToolBar () : 0; } kpColor kpTool::color (int which) const { if (m_mainWindow) return m_mainWindow->colorToolBar ()->color (which); else { kdError () << "kpTool::color () without mainWindow" << endl; return kpColor::invalid; } } kpColor kpTool::foregroundColor () const { return color (0); } kpColor kpTool::backgroundColor () const { return color (1); } double kpTool::colorSimilarity () const { if (m_mainWindow) return m_mainWindow->colorToolBar ()->colorSimilarity (); else { kdError () << "kpTool::colorSimilarity() without mainWindow" << endl; return 0; } } int kpTool::processedColorSimilarity () const { if (m_mainWindow) return m_mainWindow->colorToolBar ()->processedColorSimilarity (); else { kdError () << "kpTool::processedColorSimilarity() without mainWindow" << endl; return kpColor::Exact; } } kpColor kpTool::oldForegroundColor () const { if (m_mainWindow) return m_mainWindow->colorToolBar ()->oldForegroundColor (); else { kdError () << "kpTool::oldForegroundColor() without mainWindow" << endl; return kpColor::invalid; } } kpColor kpTool::oldBackgroundColor () const { if (m_mainWindow) return m_mainWindow->colorToolBar ()->oldBackgroundColor (); else { kdError () << "kpTool::oldBackgroundColor() without mainWindow" << endl; return kpColor::invalid; } } double kpTool::oldColorSimilarity () const { if (m_mainWindow) return m_mainWindow->colorToolBar ()->oldColorSimilarity (); else { kdError () << "kpTool::oldColorSimilarity() without mainWindow" << endl; return 0; } } void kpTool::slotColorsSwappedInternal (const kpColor &newForegroundColor, const kpColor &newBackgroundColor) { if (careAboutColorsSwapped ()) { slotColorsSwapped (newForegroundColor, newBackgroundColor); m_ignoreColorSignals = 2; } else m_ignoreColorSignals = 0; } void kpTool::slotForegroundColorChangedInternal (const kpColor &color) { if (m_ignoreColorSignals > 0) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "kpTool::slotForegroundColorChangedInternal() ignoreColorSignals=" << m_ignoreColorSignals << endl; #endif m_ignoreColorSignals--; return; } slotForegroundColorChanged (color); } void kpTool::slotBackgroundColorChangedInternal (const kpColor &color) { if (m_ignoreColorSignals > 0) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "kpTool::slotBackgroundColorChangedInternal() ignoreColorSignals=" << m_ignoreColorSignals << endl; #endif m_ignoreColorSignals--; return; } slotBackgroundColorChanged (color); } void kpTool::slotColorSimilarityChangedInternal (double similarity, int processedSimilarity) { slotColorSimilarityChanged (similarity, processedSimilarity); } bool kpTool::currentPointNextToLast () const { if (m_lastPoint == TQPoint (-1, -1)) return true; int dx = kAbs (m_currentPoint.x () - m_lastPoint.x ()); int dy = kAbs (m_currentPoint.y () - m_lastPoint.y ()); return (dx <= 1 && dy <= 1); } bool kpTool::currentPointCardinallyNextToLast () const { if (m_lastPoint == TQPoint (-1, -1)) return true; int dx = kAbs (m_currentPoint.x () - m_lastPoint.x ()); int dy = kAbs (m_currentPoint.y () - m_lastPoint.y ()); return (dx + dy <= 1); } kpCommandHistory *kpTool::commandHistory () const { return m_mainWindow ? m_mainWindow->commandHistory () : 0; } void kpTool::mousePressEvent (TQMouseEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "kpTool::mousePressEvent pos=" << e->pos () << " btnStateBefore=" << (int) e->state () << " btnStateAfter=" << (int) e->stateAfter () << " button=" << (int) e->button () << " beganDraw=" << m_beganDraw << endl; #endif // state of all the buttons - not just the one that triggered the event (button()) TQt::ButtonState buttonState = e->stateAfter (); if (m_mainWindow && e->button () == Qt::MidButton) { const TQString text = TQApplication::tqclipboard ()->text (TQClipboard::Selection); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "\tMMB pasteText='" << text << "'" << endl; #endif if (!text.isEmpty ()) { if (hasBegunShape ()) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "\t\thasBegunShape - end" << endl; #endif endShapeInternal (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); } if (viewUnderCursor ()) { m_mainWindow->pasteTextAt (text, viewUnderCursor ()->transformViewToDoc (e->pos ()), true/*adjust topLeft so that cursor isn't on top of resize handle*/); } return; } } int mb = mouseButton (buttonState); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "\tmb=" << mb << " m_beganDraw=" << m_beganDraw << endl; #endif if (mb == -1 && !m_beganDraw) return; // ignore if (m_beganDraw) { if (mb == -1 || mb != m_mouseButton) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "\tCancelling operation as " << mb << " == -1 or != " << m_mouseButton << endl; #endif kpView *view = viewUnderStartPoint (); if (!view) { kdError () << "kpTool::mousePressEvent() cancel without a view under the start point!" << endl; } // if we get a mousePressEvent when we're drawing, then the other // mouse button must have been pressed m_currentPoint = view ? view->transformViewToDoc (e->pos ()) : TQPoint (-1, -1); m_currentViewPoint = view ? e->pos () : TQPoint (-1, -1); cancelShapeInternal (); } return; } kpView *view = viewUnderCursor (); if (!view) { kdError () << "kpTool::mousePressEvent() without a view under the cursor!" << endl; } #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 if (view) kdDebug () << "\tview=" << view->name () << endl; #endif // let user know what mouse button is being used for entire draw m_mouseButton = mouseButton (buttonState); m_shiftPressed = (buttonState & TQt::ShiftButton); m_controlPressed = (buttonState & TQt::ControlButton); m_altPressed = (buttonState & TQt::AltButton); m_startPoint = m_currentPoint = view ? view->transformViewToDoc (e->pos ()) : TQPoint (-1, -1); m_currentViewPoint = view ? e->pos () : TQPoint (-1, -1); m_viewUnderStartPoint = view; m_lastPoint = TQPoint (-1, -1); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "\tBeginning draw @ " << m_currentPoint << endl; #endif beginDrawInternal (); draw (m_currentPoint, m_lastPoint, TQRect (m_currentPoint, m_currentPoint)); m_lastPoint = m_currentPoint; } void kpTool::mouseMoveEvent (TQMouseEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "kpTool::mouseMoveEvent pos=" << e->pos () << " btnStateAfter=" << (int) e->stateAfter () << endl; kpView *v0 = viewUnderCursor (), *v1 = viewManager ()->viewUnderCursor (true/*use TQt*/), *v2 = viewUnderStartPoint (); kdDebug () << "\tviewUnderCursor=" << (v0 ? v0->name () : "(none)") << " viewUnderCursorTQt=" << (v1 ? v1->name () : "(none)") << " viewUnderStartPoint=" << (v2 ? v2->name () : "(none)") << endl; kdDebug () << "\ttqfocusWidget=" << kapp->tqfocusWidget () << endl; #endif TQt::ButtonState buttonState = e->stateAfter (); m_shiftPressed = (buttonState & TQt::ShiftButton); m_controlPressed = (buttonState & TQt::ControlButton); m_altPressed = (buttonState & TQt::AltButton); if (m_beganDraw) { kpView *view = viewUnderStartPoint (); if (!view) { kdError () << "kpTool::mouseMoveEvent() without a view under the start point!" << endl; return; } m_currentPoint = view->transformViewToDoc (e->pos ()); m_currentViewPoint = e->pos (); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\tDraw!" << endl; #endif bool dragScrolled = false; movedAndAboutToDraw (m_currentPoint, m_lastPoint, view->zoomLevelX (), &dragScrolled); if (dragScrolled) { m_currentPoint = currentPoint (); m_currentViewPoint = currentPoint (false/*view point*/); // Scrollview has scrolled contents and has scheduled an update // for the newly exposed region. If draw() schedules an update // as well (instead of immediately updating), the scrollview's // update will be executed first and it'll only update part of // the screen resulting in ugly tearing of the viewManager's // tempPixmap. viewManager ()->setFastUpdates (); } draw (m_currentPoint, m_lastPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); if (dragScrolled) viewManager ()->restoreFastUpdates (); m_lastPoint = m_currentPoint; } else { kpView *view = viewUnderCursor (); if (!view) // possible if cancelShape()'ed but still holding down initial mousebtn { m_currentPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; m_currentViewPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; return; } m_currentPoint = view->transformViewToDoc (e->pos ()); m_currentViewPoint = e->pos (); hover (m_currentPoint); } } void kpTool::mouseReleaseEvent (TQMouseEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "kpTool::mouseReleaseEvent pos=" << e->pos () << " btnStateBefore=" << (int) e->state () << " btnStateAfter=" << (int) e->stateAfter () << " button=" << (int) e->button () << endl; #endif if (m_beganDraw) // didn't cancelShape() { kpView *view = viewUnderStartPoint (); if (!view) { kdError () << "kpTool::mouseReleaseEvent() without a view under the start point!" << endl; return; } m_currentPoint = view ? view->transformViewToDoc (e->pos ()) : TQPoint (-1, -1); m_currentViewPoint = view ? e->pos () : TQPoint (-1, -1); endDrawInternal (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); } if ((e->stateAfter () & Qt::MouseButtonMask) == 0) { releasedAllButtons (); } } void kpTool::wheelEvent (TQWheelEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL kdDebug () << "kpTool::wheelEvent() state=" << e->state () << " hasBegunDraw=" << hasBegunDraw () << " delta=" << e->delta () << endl; #endif e->ignore (); // If CTRL not pressed, bye. if ((e->state () & TQt::ControlButton) == 0) return; // If drawing, bye; don't care if a tqshape in progress though. if (hasBegunDraw ()) return; // Zoom in/out depending on wheel direction. // Moved wheel away from user? if (e->delta () > 0) { m_mainWindow->zoomIn (true/*center under cursor*/); e->accept (); } // Moved wheel towards user? else if (e->delta () < 0) { #if 1 m_mainWindow->zoomOut (true/*center under cursor - make zoom in/out stay under same doc pos*/); #else m_mainWindow->zoomOut (false/*don't center under cursor - as is confusing behaviour when zooming out*/); #endif e->accept (); } } void kpTool::keyPressEvent (TQKeyEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "kpTool::keyPressEvent() e->key=" << e->key () << endl; #endif int dx = 0, dy = 0; e->ignore (); switch (e->key ()) { case 0: case TQt::Key_unknown: #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "kpTool::keyPressEvent() picked up unknown key!" << endl; #endif // --- fall thru and update all modifiers --- case TQt::Key_Alt: case TQt::Key_Shift: case TQt::Key_Control: keyUpdateModifierState (e); e->accept (); break; case TQt::Key_Delete: m_mainWindow->slotDelete (); break; /* * TQCursor::setPos conveniently causes mouseMoveEvents :) */ case TQt::Key_Home: dx = -1, dy = -1; break; case TQt::Key_Up: dy = -1; break; case TQt::Key_PageUp: dx = +1, dy = -1; break; case TQt::Key_Left: dx = -1; break; case TQt::Key_Right: dx = +1; break; case TQt::Key_End: dx = -1, dy = +1; break; case TQt::Key_Down: dy = +1; break; case TQt::Key_PageDown: dx = +1, dy = +1; break; case TQt::Key_Enter: case TQt::Key_Return: case TQt::Key_Insert: case TQt::Key_Clear/*Numpad 5 Key*/: { kpView *view = viewUnderCursor (); // TODO: wrong for dragging lines outside of view (for e.g.) if (view) { // TODO: what about the modifiers TQMouseEvent me (TQEvent::MouseButtonPress, view->mapFromGlobal (TQCursor::pos ()), Qt::LeftButton, 0); mousePressEvent (&me); e->accept (); } break; }} kpView *view = viewUnderCursor (); if (view && (dx || dy)) { TQPoint oldPoint = view->mapFromGlobal (TQCursor::pos ()); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\toldPoint=" << oldPoint << " dx=" << dx << " dy=" << dy << endl; #endif const int viewIncX = (dx ? TQMAX (1, view->zoomLevelX () / 100) * dx : 0); const int viewIncY = (dy ? TQMAX (1, view->zoomLevelY () / 100) * dy : 0); int newViewX = oldPoint.x () + viewIncX; int newViewY = oldPoint.y () + viewIncY; #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\tnewPoint=" << TQPoint (newViewX, newViewY) << endl; #endif if (view->transformViewToDoc (TQPoint (newViewX, newViewY)) == view->transformViewToDoc (oldPoint)) { newViewX += viewIncX, newViewY += viewIncY; #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\tneed adjust for doc - newPoint=" << TQPoint (newViewX, newViewY) << endl; #endif } // TODO: visible width/height (e.g. with scrollbars) int x = TQMIN (TQMAX (newViewX, 0), view->width () - 1); int y = TQMIN (TQMAX (newViewY, 0), view->height () - 1); TQCursor::setPos (view->mapToGlobal (TQPoint (x, y))); e->accept (); } } void kpTool::keyReleaseEvent (TQKeyEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "kpTool::keyReleaseEvent() e->key=" << e->key () << endl; #endif e->ignore (); switch (e->key ()) { case 0: case TQt::Key_unknown: #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL kdDebug () << "kpTool::keyReleaseEvent() picked up unknown key!" << endl; #endif // HACK: around TQt bug: if you hold a modifier before you start the // program and then release it over the view, // TQt reports it as the release of an unknown key // --- fall thru and update all modifiers --- case TQt::Key_Alt: case TQt::Key_Shift: case TQt::Key_Control: keyUpdateModifierState (e); e->accept (); break; case TQt::Key_Escape: if (hasBegunDraw ()) { cancelShapeInternal (); e->accept (); } break; case TQt::Key_Enter: case TQt::Key_Return: case TQt::Key_Insert: case TQt::Key_Clear/*Numpad 5 Key*/: { kpView *view = viewUnderCursor (); if (view) { TQMouseEvent me (TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease, view->mapFromGlobal (TQCursor::pos ()), Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton); mouseReleaseEvent (&me); e->accept (); } break; }} } // private void kpTool::keyUpdateModifierState (TQKeyEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "kpTool::updateModifierState() e->key=" << e->key () << endl; kdDebug () << "\tshift=" << (e->stateAfter () & TQt::ShiftButton) << " control=" << (e->stateAfter () & TQt::ControlButton) << " alt=" << (e->stateAfter () & TQt::AltButton) << endl; #endif if (e->key () & (TQt::Key_Alt | TQt::Key_Shift | TQt::Key_Control)) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\t\tmodifier changed - use e's claims" << endl; #endif setShiftPressed (e->stateAfter () & TQt::ShiftButton); setControlPressed (e->stateAfter () & TQt::ControlButton); setAltPressed (e->stateAfter () & TQt::AltButton); } else { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "\t\tmodifiers not changed - figure out the truth" << endl; #endif uint keyState = KApplication::keyboardModifiers (); setShiftPressed (keyState & KApplication::ShiftModifier); setControlPressed (keyState & KApplication::ControlModifier); // TODO: Can't do much about ALT - unless it's always KApplication::Modifier1? // Ditto for everywhere else where I set SHIFT & CTRL but not alt. setAltPressed (e->stateAfter () & TQt::AltButton); } } void kpTool::notifyModifierStateChanged () { if (careAboutModifierState ()) { if (m_beganDraw) draw (m_currentPoint, m_lastPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); else { m_currentPoint = currentPoint (); m_currentViewPoint = currentPoint (false/*view point*/); hover (m_currentPoint); } } } void kpTool::setShiftPressed (bool pressed) { if (pressed == m_shiftPressed) return; m_shiftPressed = pressed; notifyModifierStateChanged (); } void kpTool::setControlPressed (bool pressed) { if (pressed == m_controlPressed) return; m_controlPressed = pressed; notifyModifierStateChanged (); } void kpTool::setAltPressed (bool pressed) { if (pressed = m_altPressed) return; m_altPressed = pressed; notifyModifierStateChanged (); } void kpTool::focusInEvent (TQFocusEvent *) { } void kpTool::focusOutEvent (TQFocusEvent *) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 0 kdDebug () << "kpTool::focusOutEvent() beganDraw=" << m_beganDraw << endl; #endif if (m_beganDraw) endDrawInternal (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); } void kpTool::enterEvent (TQEvent *) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "kpTool::enterEvent() beganDraw=" << m_beganDraw << endl; #endif } void kpTool::leaveEvent (TQEvent *) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL && 1 kdDebug () << "kpTool::leaveEvent() beganDraw=" << m_beganDraw << endl; #endif // if we haven't started drawing (e.g. dragging a rectangle)... if (!m_beganDraw) { m_currentPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; m_currentViewPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; hover (m_currentPoint); } } // static int kpTool::mouseButton (const TQt::ButtonState &buttonState) { // we have nothing to do with mid-buttons if (buttonState & Qt::MidButton) return -1; // both left & right together is quite meaningless... TQt::ButtonState bothButtons = (TQt::ButtonState) (Qt::LeftButton | Qt::RightButton); if ((buttonState & bothButtons) == bothButtons) return -1; if (buttonState & Qt::LeftButton) return 0; else if (buttonState & Qt::RightButton) return 1; else return -1; } /* * User Notifications */ // public static TQString kpTool::cancelUserMessage (int mouseButton) { if (mouseButton == 0) return i18n ("Right click to cancel."); else return i18n ("Left click to cancel."); } // public TQString kpTool::cancelUserMessage () const { return cancelUserMessage (m_mouseButton); } // public TQString kpTool::userMessage () const { return m_userMessage; } // public void kpTool::setUserMessage (const TQString &userMessage) { m_userMessage = userMessage; if (m_userMessage.isEmpty ()) m_userMessage = text (); else m_userMessage.prepend (i18n ("%1: ").arg (text ())); emit userMessageChanged (m_userMessage); } // public TQPoint kpTool::userShapeStartPoint () const { return m_userShapeStartPoint; } // public TQPoint kpTool::userShapeEndPoint () const { return m_userShapeEndPoint; } // public static int kpTool::calculateLength (int start, int end) { if (start <= end) { return end - start + 1; } else { return end - start - 1; } } // public void kpTool::setUserShapePoints (const TQPoint &startPoint, const TQPoint &endPoint, bool setSize) { m_userShapeStartPoint = startPoint; m_userShapeEndPoint = endPoint; emit userShapePointsChanged (m_userShapeStartPoint, m_userShapeEndPoint); if (setSize) { if (startPoint != KP_INVALID_POINT && endPoint != KP_INVALID_POINT) { setUserShapeSize (calculateLength (startPoint.x (), endPoint.x ()), calculateLength (startPoint.y (), endPoint.y ())); } else { setUserShapeSize (); } } } // public TQSize kpTool::userShapeSize () const { return m_userShapeSize; } // public int kpTool::userShapeWidth () const { return m_userShapeSize.width (); } // public int kpTool::userShapeHeight () const { return m_userShapeSize.height (); } // public void kpTool::setUserShapeSize (const TQSize &size) { m_userShapeSize = size; emit userShapeSizeChanged (m_userShapeSize); emit userShapeSizeChanged (m_userShapeSize.width (), m_userShapeSize.height ()); } // public void kpTool::setUserShapeSize (int width, int height) { setUserShapeSize (TQSize (width, height)); } // public static bool kpTool::warnIfBigImageSize (int oldWidth, int oldHeight, int newWidth, int newHeight, const TQString &text, const TQString &caption, const TQString &continueButtonText, TQWidget *parent) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL kdDebug () << "kpTool::warnIfBigImageSize()" << " old: w=" << oldWidth << " h=" << oldWidth << " new: w=" << newWidth << " h=" << newHeight << " pixmapSize=" << kpPixmapFX::pixmapSize (newWidth, newHeight, TQPixmap::defaultDepth ()) << " vs BigImageSize=" << KP_BIG_IMAGE_SIZE << endl; #endif // Only got smaller or unchanged - don't complain if (!(newWidth > oldWidth || newHeight > oldHeight)) { return true; } // Was already large - user was warned before, don't annoy him/her again if (kpPixmapFX::pixmapSize (oldWidth, oldHeight, TQPixmap::defaultDepth ()) >= KP_BIG_IMAGE_SIZE) { return true; } if (kpPixmapFX::pixmapSize (newWidth, newHeight, TQPixmap::defaultDepth ()) >= KP_BIG_IMAGE_SIZE) { int accept = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel (parent, text, caption, continueButtonText, TQString::tqfromLatin1 ("BigImageDontAskAgain")); return (accept == KMessageBox::Continue); } else { return true; } } #include <kptool.moc>